The way Heinz was looking at Zatiel right now, was the same way you would see a madman.

"Are you suicidal!?, if we try to attack the Heavenly Creator World, we will be erased from existence before we even touched the surface. Even the entire military might of the Magi World would not be enough to invade it. That is a world that can equal the Abyss and Baator in regards to power."

All High Worlds were not equal and despite the Magi World being a top power in the universe, it was too young and the amount of Being of Laws that has produced could not compare to the other worlds and planes that have existed for hundreds of billions of years.

When someone becomes a Being of Laws, they are extremely difficult to kill, to the point that they are considered eternal and share their life with the laws, so even though maybe less that one person in one hundred billion is able to become one, with enough time their number could reach the hundreds easily in a High World.

In the mind of the Heavenly race, the rest of the life forms in the universe must kneel down and worship them, so if they were not so ridiculously powerful, then they would have been exterminated a long time ago

"Hahahaha, of course not. Even those at Rank 4 are considered cannon fodder in direct battles among High World and Planes. What I am talking about is invading a satellite world dominate by the Heavenly race."

Most individuals and organizations in High Worlds have the tendency to invade and dominate other worlds, those that end up conquered are referred to as satellite world and are usually terraformed to be better suited to the invader race.

The aboriginal people are usually either exterminated or enslaved and in the best cases when they invaders are merciful, those in power are replaced and the masses remain oblivious to the fact that they serve an alien force.

"You should have said that first, for a moment I thought you went crazy." Heinz's expression relaxed immediately after hearing Zatiel words.

He may have an immense battle spirit, but that doesn't mean he will enter a fight he knew he will lose just to for the sake of wealth.

Heinz did not bother asking Zatiel how did he knew of this world or obtained the coordinates, and just took it as another display of the ever growing list of knowledge he displayed.

"How powerful is this world?."

The power of the world was fundamental when planning an invasion since it determined the maximum power that the individuals inside the world could display, with normal High Worlds having their limit at Rank 6 and Low and Middle World at Rank 4.

If it was a Low World, then Heinz was sure he could invade it with his forces alone since in those worlds are not fit for those at Rank 4 to train due to the shortage in energy and at most the amount of Soul Forging existence inside it will be less than five.

But if it was a Middle World, everything changes since those worlds are able to accommodate dozen or maybe hundred of Rank 4 life forms without a problem.

"It is a Middle World, and although I don't know how many Rank 4 existences are inside it, I can tell you it was already altered by the members of the Heavenly race, to increase their numbers."

After hearing Zatiel words, Heinz tried to figure out the best approach for this invasion.

"We will need help, normally in cases with Middle Worlds at least another ten Rank 4 will be needed to establish a powerful enough stronghold from where we will start expanding. But since our opponent will be the Heavenly race then things are different."

Heinz's experience in world wars was evident, and although Zatiel had already figure out a plan, he wanted to know the ideas that the cultivator have.

"The Heavenly race has very strong bloodlines, and although due to my comprehension over the laws I can display a power equal to Rank 5 for some time, if one of those with a Law bloodline were to appear I could at most equal him in battle, so the amount of Rank 4 that we will need participating in this invasion, is around twenty to thirty."

Zatiel was satisfied with the way Heinz analysis of this invasion and the forces he thinks he needed. Most people on his situation would rather have less Rank 4 members involved, even if that means a higher risk and the possibility that the entire forces under them command die.

But even so, Zatiel experience was way greater than the cultivator when it comes to invasion, and his plan was different from the one of Heinz.

"The amount of Soul Forging existences participating in this invasion will only be ten, including you."

Although Heinz was surprised by Zatiel words, he knew that his brother was not foolish so he just waited for him to continue speaking.

"With regards to the Law bloodline of the Heavenly race, you don't have to worry too much, since it normally takes millions of years for one of them to be born and the possibility that they will meddle in the invasion of a Middle World is extremely low." When he says this, there was a little disappointment in Zatiel face, giving the aura of a hunter that could not find his prey.

"I will enter with the first batch into the world, and I will do something that will submerge the entire planet in complete chaos. By then, even if they know that we are invading, there will be impossible for them to use the entire power of the world against us, so with ten Rank 4 will be enough to protect the stronghold and advance our conquest." In Zatiel eyes confidence born from his soul could be seen, he was sure that even with his current power the effect that his actions could produce in a world war will be apocalyptic.

Although those at Rank 1 and 2 are merely scouts in the invasions of Middle World, Heinz was sure that his brother's actions will have a bigger effect than all the other Rank 4 individuals together.

"Can you explain to me your plan, maybe I can apport something," Heinz knew that the possibility of him improving Zatiel plan was small, but this was an opportunity to learn so the cultivator feels no problem in asking.

"Of course, I was going to explain it to you anyway."

Zateil started to explain what he will do and the more Heinz discovers, the greater his surprise was.

To accomplish his plan, the only thing Zatiel needed was the use of his knowledge and some "resources" that could be found on any planet.

In the end, it was not Heinz that helped Zatiel with his plan, but Dante.

The boy gave some advice from now and then, altering certain detail, and although the changes were very small in the end the help they provided was significant and the probability of success increases greatly.

"If we follow your plan, then ten Rank 4 existence will be more than enough." Heinz very was confident in the plan that the two of then created.

"Be careful with who you pick, also just reveal a little about the plan so they understand what we are going to do and tell them that it was your idea. I don't have the time or the desire to convince them to follow my instructions."

Zateil knows that most Rank 4 existences are so arrogant that even if they know that his plan is the best path to follow, they will dismiss it just because of his power.

Of course, if he were able to convince them to follow his plan and then he was to achieve it perfectly, he will gain the admiration of those Rank 4 existence.

But wy will he bother to impress some people that not long in the future will only be able to look up to him.


A couple of hours later in Zatiel room, both Sophia and Ezequiel were looking attentively at Dante.

When the boy first shows up, the duo was beyond shocked, after all, Zatiel was away for less than a day and he came back with a ten year old son.

It was only when Zatiel explained the circumstances behind his birth that the duo calms down.

Sophia's eyes were sparkling as she played with the boy's face and despite Ezequiel displaying his quiet personality, there was warmth and fondness in his eyes as he looks at Dante.

Dante was happy at first when he meets his father's trusted people, but he was becoming frustrated as the woman that identifies herself as his father's "first wife" did not stop playing with his face.

The love that they were showing, made him feel extremely happy but as someone with great intellect, the boy didn't like to be treated like a baby, unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to stop Sophia and when he looked at Zatiel for help, he only pretended he was not seeing.

As Sophia played with Dante, she looked at Zatiel direction and her eyes expressed an immense longing and desire.

Zatiel understood immediately the feelings of the woman and what she was trying to express.

"Eventually it will happen." Zatiel smiled as he spoke those words.

The strongest the parents were, the harder for the primordial essence of their souls to fuse and create a life, so although they were both at Rank 1, their bloodlines were incredibly powerful, especially in Zatiel case and that made it difficult to conceive a child.

But Zatiel knows that as his True Names advance so will his reproductive abilities, and he was sure that his offspring will not be small.

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