In the sky above the Blood Fortress, a mind-blowing battle was occurring.

A ten-meter tall man with red skin and massive horns fought against a woman with bone spikes and a giant fire snake.

Hundreds of massive buildings became debris due to the fight. If it weren't for the space fortification, the fortress would have collapsed, and maybe even the entire dimension.

Both the woman and the fire snake were extraordinarily fast and agile. Their bodies' movement carried a momentum that could compare with the might of a Rank 6 life form.

The Runic Spirits were both crazy, and everything in their sight was an enemy they had to kill. The only reason they worked together was that, at an instinct level, they recognized the Blood Duke as an absolute threat.

Despite being two against one, the Blood Duke was utterly dominating the battle. The Runic Spirits' attacks could not pierce his skin, and other than some bruises, he had no injuries at all.

The condition of the spiked female and the fire snake was not so good. The woman already lost her left arm and leg, along with a piece of her head.

The situation of the fire snake was even worse. The lower half of the Runic Spirit's body was missing, and the rest was full of serious injuries. His blood was like lava, and it burned everything it touched as it fell to the ground.

"ROAR!" The Blood Duke roared with fury as his blood energy exploded, and he flashed to the woman.

The Runic Spirit attempted to run away, but the Rank 6 Devil Lord was too fast. He grabbed her by the shoulder before sending a blow to what remained of her head.

The Blood Duke's fist seemed to contain a world made of blood. Once it landed, it pulverized the Runic Spirit's head along with her soul.

He had just annihilated one Runic Spirit when the other took the chance and charged against him with his maws open, trying to devour him.

The Blood Duke managed to grab the fire snake's maws before this one could close them down. The duo crashed against dozens of buildings as they shot through the sky.

The Rank 6 Devil Lord's blood energy soared again. The blood world appeared on his back this time, and with a sky-breaking strength, he pushed each jaw in an opposite direction.

He split the fire snake in two and released a blast of blood energy that destroyed the Runic Spirit's soul dimension.

There was frenzy and excitement in the Blood Duke's face after killing the Runic Spirits and having appeased the chaotic voices in his mind. His breathing was rough, and his face was a little pale, but other than that, he was in perfect conditions.

Now that there were no more targets in his sight, his insatiable thirst for slaughter began to calm down.

The Blood Duke's soul was beginning to fight against the evil spirits that had invaded it and attempted to regain his sanity when all of a sudden, he detected something in the distance.

The Rank 6 Devil Lord had just focused his sight in his broken castle when a red flash attacked him from the back.

The Blood Duke threw a punch in the direction of the attacker. Due to the surprise and the fact the enemy was incredibly nimble, he failed.

Blood Child managed to grab the Blood Duke's neck and chest and raise him above his head.

The next instant, from the darkness, eighteen Devil Lords appeared. They all have already fused with their Law Avatars and activated their trump card before sending their most powerful attack to the Blood Duke.

Giant hands made of green fire, mountains of steel, rivers of poison, and several other apocalyptic phenomena rained from the sky.

An explosion that made the entire dimension tremble occurred when the attack collided point-blank with the Blood Duke.

The explosion threw the Blood Duke and Blood Child away. They destroyed everything in the path of their immeasurably heavy bodies.

The power in the attacks did not strike Blood Child directly, so he regained control of his body mid-flight and regrouped with the Devil Marquises in the sky.

On the other hand, the Blood Duke's body did not stop until reaching the ground, forming a massive crater.

The combined might of those spells would have triggered a cataclysmic event in a Low World, but none of the Devil Lord relaxed. They knew that attack could not have possibly killed the Blood Duke.

Blood Child and the Devil Marquises were all in a battle formation, with the Runic Spirit taking the lead.

Severian and the rest of Devil Counts vanished in the darkness.

A powerful aura exploded in the crater where the Blood Duke had landed. The Rank 6 Devil Lord became visible, and his eyes were burning with killing intent as he looked at Blood Child and the others.

The spells left deep wounds on his body, but none of them affected his battle power in any way.

The Blood Duke shot to the sky. The blood world formed around him, granting him the momentum and might of a meteorite.

The Devil Marquises once again launched their most potent attacks, diminishing the force of the Blood Duke's drive, before Blood Child flew to intercept him.

Blood Child fired a fist that contained an ocean of blood energy, but the Blood Duke's fist carried the blood world. The winner was easy to deduce.

The Blood Duke's fist sent Blood Child flying away and almost destroyed his arm.

The Devil Marquises once again attacked the Blood Duke before immediately rushing to Blood Child's side.

Blood Child was able to regain control of his body fast, and with the Devil Marquises, began to fly in the direction of the portals that led out of this dimension.

The Blood Duke pursued them immediately. His speed was higher than Blood Child and that of the Marquises, so he was about to catch up with them after a few seconds.

Unfortunately for the Rank 6 Devil Lord, the Devil Counts emerged from the darkness, launching beams of energy against him while also creating all sorts of illusion in his path. Once they finished with their barrage of spells, they vanished.

The Blood Duke was able to neutralize the Devil Counts' attacks with ease and shatter the illusions put in his path, but the short delay gave the Marquises the time to charge their spells.

He again was assaulted by raging energy and destructive laws, but this time, he pierced through them, completely ignoring his defense. His wounds grew lager, but that recklessness allowed him to get near one of the Devil Marquises.

The Rank 6 Devil Lord sent a fist carrying the blood world to the Devil Marquess that resembled a humanoid made of green fire.

The attack was too fast, and the Devil Marquess was not able to dodge it. The Blood Duke's fist blasted the fire humanoid's body apart.

Although the Devil Marquess reformed himself a few hundreds of meters away, the green flames' density and power were lesser. It was evident that he received severe damage.

The was fear in the fire humanoid's face as he noticed how the Blood Duke was about to rush in his direction. Another attack like the last one could annihilate his body and shatter his soul.

Luckily, Blood Child took advantage of the Blood Duke's opening and delivered a kick that sent him to the ground.

Blood Child and the Devil Marquises soared through the sky, and they were all exercising their full speed. They had just advanced a couple of kilometers when they heard an explosion behind them.

The Blood Duke produced several sonic booms as he flew through the sky. He was about to reach the Devil Marquises when the Devil Counts made their appearance and released a myriad of spells.

However, this time things were different. The Blood Duke was able to stop his body, despite his impulse. He turned around and sent a palm print to the Devil Counts.

Severian was shocked by the Blood Duke's agility, speed, and power. The Shadow Frog immediately covered the Devil Counts with his darkness and attempted to vanish, but he was not fast enough to save everyone.

The palm print struck two Devil Counts, destroying their bodies and souls instantly.

All the Devil Lords were shocked, and dread filled their hearts. The battle had just started, and they already lost two people.

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