The Magi and Neo-Demons heard the explosions coming closer and closer. Soon they saw a silhouette appear in the distance. Its appearance was still undistinguishable but had a humanoid form and dozens of thousands of meters of height.

What provoked those explosions were the creature's footsteps. Its immense momentum and power broke apart the ground beneath its feet.

Samuel's expression grew severe when he saw the immense speed the creature achieved and how even entire mountain ranges shattered due to its march's power.


Under the young Royal's command, the Magi Tower in the center of the stronghold began to glow as it prepared to discharge an immense amount of energy.

"Order it go into overdrive," Numir spoke to Samuel, but her eyes did not leave the creature.

Samuel frowned when he heard that. If the Magic Tower's weapon system went into overdrive, the amount of energy it could unleash would be much higher, but it would also mean it could only fire once due to the damage it would receive later.

Although he hesitated for a second, soon decisiveness appeared in the young Royal's eyes. He gave a command through his space ring, and the Magi Tower began to tremble due to the immense amount of energy gathered.

A ball of multicolored energy soon formed above the Magic Tower, and the power in it only kept growing.

The Neo-Demons already formed the Lightning Spiritual Totems and Fire Spiritual Totems. Thousands of white armored warriors flanked those giant runic formations.

The Magi displayed their battle formations, with their energy pool working in tandem, and they were ready to fire combined spells that would potency each other.

In less than a minute, the humanoid had come close enough for the Magi and Neo-Demons to see its actual appearance with their own eyes.

It was a creature with dark petrous skin whose upper body seemed to amalgamate dozens of faces and arms. Besides shattering everything under its feet, it incinerated all in its path, leaving a trail of fire and death.

Numir, who already took the Lightning Spiritual Totem's heart position, felt something was wrong with the creature. Her eyes began to glow with a special light as she focused on it.

When the creature entered the Magic Tower's attack range, Samuel prepared to fire, but the Neo-Demon woman stopped him at the last second.

"Wait! Not yet."

The young Royal stared at Numir and saw the resolution in her eyes. He had seen that look many times before when they took on hard decisions during a battle, and she had never made a mistake, so Samuel chose to trust her again.

Tremors that cracked the ground beneath them manifested due to the creature's march. Magi and Neo-Demons failed to understand how such a powerful being could deceive Gods' Tomb's laws.

It was a single existence and not something formed by the combination of hundreds of energy pools. Not to mention the power they felt was already beyond what an ordinary Rank 4 life form should be able to generate.

Every second of the wait was torture, and even the most courageous warriors were having a hard time controlling their emotions. Many would have broken down if they were the same people who entered Gods' Tomb, but the fire of war tempered their spirits.

The creature was still dozens of kilometers away from the stronghold, but its shadow already covered every Neo-Demon and Magi.

Samuel stared at Numir, but the Neo-Demon women still did not command to fire the Magic Tower.

Numir's eyes were bleeding as she pushed their power to the limits, and the level of focus on her face was extraordinary.

All of a sudden, her eyes widened, and she roared to the young Royal.


Samuel acted instantly and gave the command to the Magic Tower to fire all its power. Several explosions occurred in the structure as it fired a beam of immense power at the creature.

Just when Numir's gave the order, the creature's power skyrocketed as an incredibly high kinetic force emerged from the place its heart should be and gathered in its arms.

Luckily, before the creature could strike the ground with its hundred arms and unleash a tremendous level of destruction, the Magic Tower's beam clashed in its chest, pushing it back.

The creature flew through the air, and due to its failure in unleashing that kinetic force, an explosive backlash occurred.


A blast of devastating energy emerged from the creature's body and destroyed everything around it.

The destructive wave reached the stronghold, but luckily for the Neo-Demons and Magi, the Magic Tower's force field held on.

Everybody's eyes centered on Numir, and there was a great sense of respect in them. That attack landed in the perfect instant, protecting them from the blast's center and harming the enemy.

Relief appeared for a second in the people's hearts as they were sure that level of damage should have incapacitated the creature.

However, to their horror, once the energy waves vanished, they saw how the creature flashed through the air with nothing more than a bleeding injury in its chest.

Things only grew worse as the creature regained control over its body mid-air.

It displayed a level of nimbleness and dexterity you would not expect from such a monstrous being and landed on the ground before using all the power of its legs to jump forward.

"ATTACK!" Samuel roared as an immense amount of power gathered in its sword, and he fired dozens of sword light arcs.

The Magi did the same, combining elemental power to unleash spells of immense destructive power.

The Fire Spiritual Totems and Lightning Spiritual Totems unleashed giant fireballs and bolts of white lightning as the Neo-Demons burned every bit of Abyss Aura inside their energy pools.

Such a powerful barrage of spells could deeply injure a Rank 4 Demon but did nothing more than produce superficial wounds and hinder its march's momentum.

Once again, kinetic force emerged from the creature's heart and gathered in its one hundred arms. This time it was less than before, but its power was still tremendous.

"STRONGER!" Numir roared to everybody as she began to burn her life force to increase the power in the Lightning Spiritual Totem's attacks.

All the Neo-Demon followed her order and burned their life force as well. As for the Magi, some hesitated, but when they saw how Samuel channeled his vitality into his attacks, they poured everything they had in their spells as well.

The enhanced destructive power of the attacks forced the creature to unleash its kinetic blast outside of the stronghold's force field.


The force field that should have been powerful enough to resist Rank 4 spells broke after a few moments, allowing the blast power to strike the stronghold and all those inside it.

Buildings disintegrated, opposing no more resistance than a piece of paper. All the Magi activated their life-saving cards, but the blast still killed more than eighty percent of them.

As for the Neo-Demons. They used the white armored warriors as a shield, but even then, many of the Soul Origin Runic Formation did not resist the explosion and broke, forcing the Neo-Demons to use their bodies to face the kinetic blast.

Hundreds of Neo-Demons perished instantly, and many more ended up severely wounded.

Numir's Lightning Spiritual Totem was more potent than the other and managed to resist the brunt of the explosion but broke soon after, throwing all those inside to the ground.

The Neo-Demon women had a hard time standing up and could barely move. The explosion severely harmed many of her inner organs, and she could not stop coughing blood.

Before she could fall into unconsciousness, a heavy sound brought her back to reality. Numir used all her strength to look forward and saw how the creature stood barely a few meters away from her.

Most of the creature's fifty faces were empty of any emotion, but there was one in the center of the chest that, once it focused on Numir, displayed a cruel light in its eyes.

As she saw the one hundred arms preparing to unleash an attack that would end her life, the only thing in Numir's eyes was courage and resolution.

Numir did not close her eyes or look away. She stared right back at the creature, and the last image in her mind as she saw the fists falling was that of a man bathed in white lightning.

"CRACK!" The sound of a bracelet shattering reverberated through the broken city.

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