Near the portal connecting the Magi World and Gods' Tomb, millions of life forms with True Souls have gathered. They all adopted solemn expressions as they stared toward the sky, waiting for someone.

Other than a few thousand warriors left in the great organizations' strongholds to ensure their safety, the entire Magi Divine Slayer Force was present.

Among the triumvirate of races present, there was one that brought every single member here. The thousands of Neo-Demons had pious light filling their eyes as they focused on the portal.

For the most talented race of the universe, those who would cross that portal were sacred existences that stand above everything. They were the maximum example of what absolute talent and endless willpower could achieve.

Gods Slayers were high in the sky, waiting a few hundred meters away from the portal. Even these individuals that were the most powerful members of the Magi Divine Slayer Force could not relax in a moment like this.

Roku's mental state was no different than the rest of the Gods Slayer, but the reason for the Astral Fiend's tension was different than the others.

Unlike the rest of the Gods Slayers that just were tense by receiving the most talented duo in the Magi World's history, there was a piece of information that did not leave the Astral Fiend's mind.

"Although I am not that well informed, I have a shallow understanding of the Astral Chaos Pagoda and know that the longer the time you remain in it, the more benefits you obtain, but the dangers also grow exponentially."

The Astral Fiend turned to the side and saw the Crown Prince speaking to him. Dean had already crossed into the Primary Sun Domain Stage, and his battle power reached the point where he needed to be careful when he went all out due to Gods' Tomb's power restriction.

Roku did not look surprised regarding the Crown Prince being aware of Zatiel and Ezequiel using the Astral Chaos Pagoda. The duo did not hide their presence when they entered Icarus and headed into the city's underground ruins.

He stared at the Crown Prince for a moment before looking back toward the portal and beging to speak.

"Astral Chaos is the primal force that gave birth to all matter in the universe. While its most basic endowment is related to the physical body, if your comprehension ability is powerful enough, you can obtain tremendous benefits for your soul and energy."

Roku did not hide his voice, so all the Gods Slayer could hear him, immediately becoming the center of attention. The rest of the Magi Divine Slayer Force did not dare to emit a sound and quietly listened to the Astral Fiend.

"The first 90 days are the Immortality Trial. An ocean of Astral Qi would flood the entire Astral Chaos Pagoda, immersing anyone in it. The red liquid would flow inside you, blending with your blood and reforging your body from the inside out. To surpass this trial, you require a flawless constitution and an extremely solid foundation."

Although the Astral Fiend made it sound simple, everybody knew that surpassing the Immortality Trial would be incredibly difficult. By the name, they could guess that those able to transcend it would have the destiny of a Void Creator!

"From the 91st day to the 360th came the Eternity Trial. The Astral Qi's density inside the pagoda would reach its peak and evolve into Astral Chaos Force. A red mist would permeate every corner of the Astral Chaos Pagoda and begin to infiltrate the cells of those inside it. At this point, just having a powerful physique was not enough. If you do not understand and guide the primal force invading your body, the only outcome that awaits you is death."

Roku's explanation made clear for everybody that the Eternity Trial's difficulty was exponentially greater than that of the Immortality Trial.

"From the 361st day to the 720th came the Infinity Trial. The Astral Chaos Force would evolve until subatomic particles of true primeval Astral Chaos emerged. In them, you could perceive the universe's evolutionary matrix!"

Those present found it hard to imagine how unique the mysteries contained in those Astral Chaos' subatomic particles would be. Although many desired to study them, they knew that the comprehension ability required to obtain anything of those particles would be beyond extraordinary.

"During the Infinity Trial, there are two paths you can take. The safest one would be to study the Astral Chaos' subatomic particles, which would grant immense benefit to your comprehension of the laws, and correct any flaw you might have committed during your cultivation path."

A solemn and almost deadly expression appeared in the Astral Fiend as he explained the other path.

"The second path you can take involves developing a certain level of understading of thse Astral Chaos' subatomic particles, before engraving them into your Sacred Body of Laws and fusing them with your Inner Law Dimension. Each of those particles carried laws and forces that defy logic, and even a supreme genius could have their soul and body crumble under their pressure."

Roku made a slight pause so everybody could understand the danger those Astral Chaos' subatomic particles carried.

"Death was not just a possibility for those taking this path. It was almost a certainty!" Once he reached this point, Roku's eyes began to glow with monstrous willpower. "However, words could not describe the benefit of having Astral Chaos' subatomic particles fuse into your existence. It would be like carrying inside you the Prima Universe's physical blueprint!"

Trying to picture the Prima Universe's physical blueprint was impossible, and just the mere concept was unfathomable for anyone present.

"Remaining inside the Astral Chaos Pagoda beyond 721st day without having fused Astral Chaos' subatomic particles into your existence would be impossible. Past this point, there would not be a qualitative change in the Astral Chaos Force, but the red fog's presure would become stronger, eventually forcing those inside the Astral Chaos Pagoda out."

The Astral Chaos Pagoda and the Astral Chaos Omega Law were connected, and due to Ivar the Flawless current Rank, it could only test a life form talent until the limit of the Beyond the Shackles Rank.

"Due to the Astral Chaos Force's nature, trying to use your energy to resist it would be useless, and you can only depend on your body. The pressure beyond the 750th day could crush a Peak Rank 6 Demon until nothing was left."

"How many days did Lord Daybreak and Invictus endure?" The Crown Prince spoke with a voice full of curiosity.

He knew that as the Emperor, Roku had knowledge of what happened inside the Astral Chaos Dimension. That is why the Astral Fiend summoned them here since he knew that the arrival of Zatiel and Ezequiel would be very soon.

"Lord Daybreak endured 778 days."

When they heard that number, the Gods Slayers were shocked. Zatiel Daybreak's battle style focused on the soul, and his domain over the spiritual aspect of existence was beyond superb.

However, it seemed that his body talent also reached the highest levels of the universe.

"As for Invictus. He stood inside the Astral Chaos Pagoda for 901 days!"

If before they were shocked, now the Gods Slayers were in complete awe. They knew Ezequiel trained the Astral Chaos Omega Law and his main center of power was the body. Still, resisting 901 days was something that truly amazed them.

Roku shared the feeling of the Gods Slayes as Ezequiel's body talent was something that startled him.

Suddenly, the Astral Fiend's eyes narrowed as he turned toward the portal.

"They are coming."

Roku had been monitoring the situation inside the Astral Chaos Dimension this entire time.

The Astral Fiend did not know what happened exactly, but soon after leaving the pagoda, Zatiel's aura obtained a qualitative improvement. While Zatiel's True Soul remained at Peak Rank 5, Roku was sure the man became a Rank 6 life form.

Ezequiel went through the same qualitative improvement, but unlike Zatiel, who only required a couple of months to solidify his cultivation, Invictus seemed to have endured severe wounds.

Zatiel used his power to assist Ezequiel's recovery. Finally, after six months, Invictus fully healed, and the duo left the Astral Chaos Dimension before flashing toward the portal near Icarus.

Everybody's eyes converged into the portal as two entities emerged from it. What appeared in front of their eyes were not people but majestic heavenly bodies that eclipsed everything else in the sky.

One heavenly body was a flaming golden stat that resembled a sun, and its fire contained limitless life and vitality. From it emerged force waves capable of creating superb structures by channeling the energy that permeated the universe.

The other heavenly body was even more impressive. Its size surpassed any moon or star they have ever seen, and the energy it contained was so high that it went beyond the limits of Rank 6.

This magnificent heavenly body was utterly white and in a constant state of vibration, capable of twisting the space-time around it.

After a few seconds, the amazing stars vanished, and two humanoids replaced them.

One of them had eight glorius wings, and there seemed to be seven bright cores inside his body, with the mightiest in the third eye present in his forehead overflowing with golden flames.

The other had an impressive body whose mere presence affected the natural forces. This man also had seven bright cores inside him, with the mighties in his left hand.

Zatiel Daybreak and Ezequiel Invictus entered Gods' Tomb!

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