The light the nine purple suns released as they compressed blinded everybody, but even if they could not see the explosion, the life forms on both sides were aware when the blast began due to the terrible sense of danger that assaulted them.

That feeling was particularly clear for the Soul Forging and Law Engraving life forms, as they all felt their instincts screaming, telling them that there was no way any of them could survive what would happen next!

The Nine x Nine Supernova Blast would cover the entire End Corridor and expand to the neighborhood continents, annihilating everything in its path.

Just as the millions of Rank 4 and Rank 5 life forms on both sides prepared to face their imminent death, the light that blinded everybody vanished.

The Legends, Magi, Eye Holders, and Neo-Demons turned to the explosion that should have erased 99% of them, and what they saw was a gargantuan humanoid whose skin resembled bone armor.

There was a demonic red aura overflowing the humanoid's body, and his eyes glowed with blue light that carried immense wisdom.




Everybody recognized the Astral Fiend, and the explosions drew their attention toward his arms. He pressed his hands together, forming a sort of cocoon where he concentrated massive amounts of red aura.

Roku's face contorted as he used every iota of strength in him to keep the phenomenon in his hands from consuming the entire continent.

More and more explosions carried on, generating shock waves that formed huge cracks in space-time, and the Astral Fiend's arms trembled as he kept pouring his demonic aura into the cocoon.

The Magi of the Aeternum Empire stared at their Emperor with immense pride and admiration. Roku held a force capable of eliminating millions of Rank 5 life forms in a blink of an eye in his hands.

That power level went beyond Rank 6 and did not just position itself Rank 7. It already showed the might of at least the Late Void Stage!

In any other circumstances, Gods' Tomb's World Consciousness would have expelled the Astral Fiend as his power went beyond the limit established by the laws.

However, while the Transitional Plane's World Consciousness was new and lacked proper sentience, it had enough wisdom to perform decisions based on logic.

The World Consciousness allowed the Astral Fiend to momentarily ignore the restrictions since it would protect it from catastrophic damage.

Zatiel watched everything from the sky, and he watched the red cocoon with coldness. His eyes were bleeding profusely, and his life force was weakening, but his resolution did not waver at all.

Suddenly a torrent of white lightning appeared behind Zatiel and instantly morphed into Ezequiel.

The Supreme Neo-Demon was in perfect shape as if the horrible wounds he received from the King in Yellow never happened.

Of course, if one focused on the Supreme Neo-Demon, they would perceive that his aura was but a ninth of the one he showed before.

Zatiel knew very well that the one that appeared was not Ezequiel, at least not him fully. The newcomer that could transform into lightning at will was the Energy Essence Avatar.

Ezequiel's body and soul were full of injuries, but his energy pool was intact for the most part. Using the unique power of the Immortal Avatar True Doomsday Body and the nature of the Energy Essence Avatars, he managed to create one without damage.

The Energy Essence Avatar closed his eyes and drew the power of the universe into himself, transforming it all into Primordial Entropy Lightning.

Zatiel felt two hands on his back before white lightning entered his bloodstream and revitalized him.

The Neo-Demon Ancestor did not wait for even a second as he once again began to burn his life force, overdrawn his energy, boosted his bloodline force, and made his soul force explode.

All of it with the sole goal of ensuring the phenomenon crushing the King in Yellow's existence carried on at full force!


An explosion that seemed like the end of the world echoed throughout End Corridor, and a beam of light managed to pierce out of the red demonic cocoon.

The beam was too fast, and it hit an unfortunate Divine Legend. At first, panic appeared in the woman's face, but she calmed down after feeling how there was nothing but life in this light.

"I'm fine, it..." The Divine Legend did not say more than three words before her soul and body transformed into dust particles.

Horror appeared in the face of everybody, regardless of their side. That woman was a Rank 6 life form, and she perished without even knowing how it happened.

"AHHHHHH!" Roku poured even more red aura into the cocoon, fixing the crack and strengthening it. His entire body trembled, and blood leaked from the corner of his mouth due to the immense pressure he faced.

He did not care about the Divine Legend's death, but the phenomenon inside the cocoon did not distinguish between friend and foe and would kill everybody that lacked the strength to run away.

Zatiel only kept pouring more and more of his force into the phenomenon, completely disregarding his safety and that of everybody else.

The coldness in the Neo-Demon Ancestor's eyes grew stronger and stronger. He would kill the enemy no matter what.

Inside the red cocoon, a unique and marvelous phenomenon occurred. The forces of life, death, creation, destruction, gravity, and the mighty emptiness were present.

Several shining golden halos occupied the periphery of this phenomenon. In them, the power of life and creation reached the extreme, and they carried a monstrous swallowing force.

Dark waves with pure and absolute destructive and death power emerged from the halos. They drive toward the center of the phenomenon, and the farther they were from the halos, the purer their nature became.

If that annihilator nature was not enough, those waves also carry another force, the almighty and encompassing gravity. It reached such a monstrous level that anything beneath Peak Rank 6 would not endure more than a second under its pressure.

At the core of this phenomenon, bearing the life swallowing force of the golden halos, fighting the annihilator waves, and enduring the absolute gravitational force, there was a dark Inner Law Dimension.

Inside the crystal sphere that was the Inner Law Dimension, a monstrous soul took the form of a mass of shadowy tentacles with hundreds of eyes.

As for the King in Yellow's body, the moment the nine suns went supernova, the explosion obliterated his flesh and blood in a second.

The creature used everything he had to reinforce the walls of his Inner Law Dimension as he searched for a way out. As long as a fragment of him managed to leave, he would survive and, with time, fully heal.

Unfortunately, nothing he did worked. The gravity reached such a level that it practically solidified space in every direction, making moving through it incredibly challenging.

The dark waves eradicated almost all the soul fragments he attempted to send out, and the golden halos devoured those that escaped the phenomenon's core.

The phenomenon kept growing more and more powerful, and the only thing the soul fragments achieved was making it stronger.


Finally, the first crack appeared in the Inner Law Dimension, and the King in Yellow immediately sent one of his tentacles to cover it.

Sadly for him, that was just the beginning as more and more cracks appeared.

Ten seconds after the first crack appeared, the Inner Law Dimension's walls shattered into thousands of pieces that the annihilator waves instantly erased.

Without the Inner Law Dimension's protection, the soul faced the full power of the gravitational force and the annihilator waves.

In two seconds, the gravity compressed him to the size of an atom before the annihilator waves erased his existence.

Zatiel detected how the phenomenon completely erased any life form inside it and manipulated the spell to shut down, but his eyes widened as he felt it was not working.

The phenomenon already surpassed the limitation of a simple spell and no longer needed him to work.

The Neo-Demon knew how dangerous that would be, so despite the damage and pain, he again made every form of power burst before trying to take back control of the phenomenon.

Blood leaked from every orifice in Zatiel's face as his entire body trembled, but after pushing himself beyond his limit, he managed to deactivate the spell.

Once he finished the job, the Neo-Demon immediately fell into unconsciousness.

The Essence Energy Avatar sent Zatiel into his Inner Law Dimension before flashing away from the battlefield and toward Atlas.

Roku noticed the duo exiting the battlefield, but his focus did not leave the red cocoon. Although he felt the phenomenon disappear, he still waited a few seconds before retracting his demonic aura and opening his palm.

In front of him, there was a sphere of nothingness. There was no energy, no matter, no soul force, not even time and space!

The sphere extended for five hundred meters, and when the Astral Fiend saw the broken multicolored lines in the periphery, utter shock filled his eyes.

Those multicolored lines were the Transitional Plane's matrix!

The phenomenon those nine supernovas generated did not just consume matter, energy, and soul. It also devoured the laws to make itself stronger!

'The Transitional Plane's matrix is still in development, and there is no way that spell would have caused this level of damage in the void or a fully grown High World, but if he used it in a Low World..."

Roku's eyes narrowed as he understood the might of that phenomenon. If it were to appear in a Low World, there was a high chance that it would devour the entire law matrix and leave nothing but dust in its path!

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