Kurt and several of his strongest warriors were in the Grand Castle's control room. They could watch the entire Saint City from this location and keep a channel with the strongholds in the other continents under the Divinity Faith Army's control.

Even though he did his best to keep a straight face, the Gods' Hero failed to hide his frustration. The situation for the Divinity Faith Army was dire, with them losing warriors, resources, and terrain on a daily basis.

'It has been a week since I sent that man to Limbo. Soon Zelit and the others will arrive for the assembly, and I will learn whether or not I can use him.' Just as that thought crossed Kurt's mind, he saw how the control room shone with red light.

A picture appeared in front of the Gods' Hero, and he saw how two men appeared less than one hundred meters away from the gray force field.

White lightning bathed one man's body while the other unleashed a demonic red aura. The one thing they had in common was that the monstrous physical power they released reached a level capable of twisting space-time around them.

The Gods' Hero's eyes widened, and panic appeared in them. He immediately recognized two of the three individuals that the Divine Faith Army classified as threats of Omega Level.

Their impact on the battlefield was higher than all the Gods' Slayers combined.

Due to energy shortage, Saint City's offensive capabilities were not what they used to be, with their precision and potency weakened. The Grand Castle would not be able to defeat the duo on its own without help, and if they broke the force field, the killing would be unprecedented.

Kurt was ready to channel his energy and soul force into the Grand Castle and lead the attack on Ezequiel and Roku when a new alarm was triggered.

A second holographic picture appeared in front of the Gods' Hero. He saw with shock how the portal to Limbo began to shine, and thirty-three giant monsters emerged from it.

Along with the shock, there was confusion on Kurt's face. He was sure that never before had he seen these creatures and could not understand how they came from Limbo.

They were all one thousand meters tall, with a purple aura coating their bodies and glowing runes covering every piece of their skin.

For a moment, fear appeared in Kurt's face as he saw these thirty-three prisoners.

Their ferocious and grotesque forms could not affect the heart of a seasoned warrior like Kurt, but the fact that every one of them had an aura that could equal a Gods' Hero did the trick.

After the initial shock, Kurt regained control over his emotions, and he noticed how the life force of these creatures was burning at an astonishing rate.

While their life span measured in the hundreds of thousands of years, at this rate, they would not survive more than thirty minutes.

Two mighty forces attacked Saint City simultaneously, one from outside and the other from inside. Even a fool would realize that they were connected.

Kurt knew time was of the essence and was about to send a message to his fellow Gods' Heroes while taking control of the offensive weaponry of Saint City when he felt a spike of energy inside the room.

The Gods' Hero barely managed to turn around to see how two of his men began to glow with purple light before blowing themselves up.


An immense explosion occurred inside the Grand Castle's control room, blowing up part of the walls, allowing an exit to the waves of purple fire.

Kurt exited the Grand Castle through the broken wall, and there were burn injuries all over his body.


Unfortunately for the Gods' Hero, he did not have time to catch his breath as cracks appeared in the force field due to the fists crashing against it.

Fireball and other spells appeared outside the force field and shot against the duo, but without a Peak Rank 6 life form managing it, both Ezequiel and Roku were too fast for them.


More explosions distracted the Gods' Hero, and he saw how the monsters that escaped from Limbo were wreaking havoc inside Saint City, killing and destroying everything in their sight.

The Grand Castle attempted to suppress them, but the runes on their bodies allowed their souls to link together, fighting off that sealing force.

It took less than a second for the situation to go out of control completely.

'I need to return to the Grand...' Kurt could not finish that thought as an invisible force struck his Inner Law Dimension with so much strength that he lost perception of his surroundings.

The Gods' Hero's instincts screamed like crazy, and he did all he could to push his magic defenses to the peak at that moment. His soul force was immense, so he managed to regain sight in an instant.

Kurt felt no pain at all, so he assumed he had saved himself, but then he noticed the small holes in his head and chest. Black electromagnetic energy flooded both of them, destroying his heart and soul.

As a Peak Rank 6 life form, even a meteorite would fail to harm his magic defenses, but an attack carrying Antimatter was too much for him.

The Legends inside Saint City saw how their leader and strongest warrior fell from the sky lifeless.

Without leadership and having to face thirty-three unstoppable monsters while two calamities were attempting to enter and kill them all, there was no need to say that absolute mayhem flooded the streets of Saint City.

Among the chaos full of death and destruction, a figure entered the Grand Castle, passing through the purple flames that burned hotter than the sun as if they were nothing.

The Neo-Demon Ancestor knew that just like the King in Yellow would have found it impossible to sneak into Atlas' core without him noticing it, he would also fail to infiltrate Saint City's Grand Castle undetected.

Since a subtle approach would not work, he went in the opposite direction, creating so much chaos that it would project a veil over his movements.

'Up until now, everything went according to the plan. It is time to find out what the King in Yellow is plotting.'

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