A complicated expression appeared on Zatiel's face as he saw the Venganza leaving along Final Dawn. He did not know how to feel about the Depravita of Revenge that transcended the concept of his race and reached an incredible evolutive level.

"Should we just let him roam the universe? He is extremely dangerous and unpredictable."

Ezequiel's voice carried a solemn tone, and it was clear he was wary of the Depravita of Revenge and the path this one would take.

Zatiel looked at Ezequiel with an amusing smile. "If you think you can stop him, go ahead and do it. I know I can't."

Ezequiel's eyes widened as he heard that. Zatiel declared that Venganza's strength and control over the universe's forces were superior to his.

"Although our True Will Path of Power allows us to touch Concepts and harness their power, Venganza was born of an idea. The level of mastery and talent he has over Concepts is something you and I could never equal. The only way we could fight him would be after evolving our Omega Laws, granting them the power to challenge the all-encompassing Concepts."

Zatiel was serious as he analyzed Venganza's power. The Depravita of Revenge was a wild card that could help or shatter all his plans. Still, his mood soon lifted, and he smiled.

"There is still a connection between us. Although I don't know Venganza's final goal, he will disdain to kill weaklings, so as long as people don't provoke him, the Prima Universe will be fine."

Zatiel was the Godking of Justice, and it was in his nature to care about the life forms of the universe.

Of course, to those that get in Venganza's way, Zatiel would only offer a small prayer, and that is it. If people wanted to commit suicide, it was not his job to stop them.

After hearing all that, Ezequiel sighed and said nothing else. Even if he were at his peak, he would not be able to face Venganza, much less now that he was severely injured.

Issac and Salomon should be more powerful than the Depravita of Revenge, but Ezequiel doubted they could stop him from escaping.

Only Fourth Evolution Extreme Rank 9 life forms like En or the Champion of Justice and Order had the power to lock Venganza's path, but the duo was still recovering.

All that meant that no one in the Prima Universe had the power to stop Venganza at this moment.

Suddenly, Zatiel's body trembled, and he puked a mouthful of blood. His face was pale, and he was in urgent need of healing.

He took a deep breath, and the full power of the Destiny Karmic Reincarnation Omega Law emerged, covering Dis. Soon, the Omega Law began to steal the plane's vitality wantonly, using every bit to fix Zatiel's body.

Ezequiel saw what Zatiel did to Dis, and he also unleashed his Omega Law. While Equilibrium of Man and World focused on achieving harmony with the universe, that did not mean it could not be used in an overbearing way, stealing the vitality of everything in its range.

All of Dis began to dry up as the Omega Laws drained its vitality, and they did not end there. Those cosmic forces reached the plane's origin and began to consume it.

The True Souls inside Dis' origin saw with horror as the Omega Laws devoured everything. However, neither Zatiel nor Ezequiel cared about the Archdevils.

Zatiel's face regained color after a few minutes, and he began analyzing the Equilibrium of Man and World Omega Law. Its power and principles were something that surpassed the boundaries of a super universe.

"So, what happened inside the Sacred Trial?"

That question involved some of the greatest secrets of Ezequiel, but there was not even a wisp of hesitation on his mind as he answered Zatiel's question.

It was due to the duo's absolute trust in each other that Zatiel could make that question in such a calm tone. There were no secrets between them.

Ezequiel's consciousness reached Zatiel's mind, sharing all the memories of the hundreds of years he spent in the Sacred Trial.

In those memories, there were things that shocked Zatiel. The existence of the Lord of Emptiness, Pan Gu's multi-Epoch scheme, and the fact he was considered something called Singularity, the Prima Universe's protagonist.

"From what you show me, there is no way Pan Gu could leave his abode and assist us, right?"

It would be a lie if Ezequiel said that question did not surprise him. He knew that Zatiel did not have a problem forming alliances with other life forms, but that was always with him at the lead.

Pan Gu was a Rank 10 life form that had lived for over nine Epochs. Although he showed care for Ezequiel, that was only because this one had become a Lord of Emptiness. For someone like him, even if the entire Prima Universe exploded into nothingness, it would not affect him.

There was no way someone with a mentality like that would submit to a life form at the Law Realm, not that it mattered.

"Elder Brother can not enter the Prima Universe, as the Universe Will would force him into the Emptiness. Even if he wanted to help us, he could not."

Zatiel released a small sigh and nodded. He did not have much hope that Pan Gu could assist them, so he was not really disappointed.

The danger that came was something bigger than anything he had faced before, but there was no fear or doubt in his soul. The Neo-Demon was ready to fight with everything he had.

"Just how powerful is the enemy we will face?" Ezequiel's instincts were incredibly powerful, so he knew that something was approaching and that would involve the entire Prima Universe.

Zatiel's eyes narrowed when he heard that question, and he focused on the direction where the portal that led to the Alpha Universe could be found.

"I can not say for sure, but if my guess is correct, he should be as powerful as Endless Darkness when this one reached the Prima Universe during the Eight Epoch. Who knows, he might even be stronger."

"Even stronger than Endless Darkness!" Ezequiel could not help but shout those words. Pan Gu's stories made it clear to him just how terrifying life forms that reached Rank 10 on their own were.

They were even rarer than Lord of Emptiness, and a super universe could require more than nine Epochs to give birth to one.

"What about his wisdom?" Ezequiel attempted to keep calm as he asked that question. As long as the difference in battle power was not too immense, they could win if they outsmart the enemy.

When Zatiel heard that question, a curious smile appeared on his face.

"I can just say that his backup plans truly surprised me."

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