Chapter 438: No money then you're in a tough spot

He thought it would be a city built with bones or directly as a bone object, but it was not.

The main body of the city is conventionally built of stone. The main material is a large bluestone that looked very hard.

Because it is a two-story structure with four castles connected, the lower layer is dark except for the square. Most of the groundwater sources are rich, and some corners are covered with moss.

He doesn’t seem to understand the social stature of the upper level, but the Horn-people and the Hornless people on the level seem to be similar, and the Hornless people seem to be more better living.

Obviously, the Horn-people status is higher than the Hornless people, which can be seen by how most of the Horn-people are striding with their heads held high, and the Hornless people can be seen even more, so the two sides are on the same floor. But walking on the streets it is seen still very clear.

People like Hou Shi have become more cautious after entering the city, and even pay attention to avoiding the Horn-people and avoid touching them.

“Da-Ren, there are two herb shops on the first floor of the city, in the east and west respectively. Which side do you want to go to?” Hou Nu asked.

Yan Mo regained his gaze from the various bone objects worn by the Horn-people and turned his head. "What is the difference between the two sides?"

Hou Nu seemed like he was waiting for him to ask questions. He immediately replied: "The herbs store in eastern side is relatively well stocked. The horned nobles living on the second floor occasionally send people to their stores to collect herbs. The first shop is filled with most of the horned aristocrats and the Bone-Sculptor like to go to their stores. However, there are many groceries in the western herbs shop, and it is said that they often get some cherished herbs that others can't get."

Yan Mo instantly decided: "Go first to the herbal shop in the eastern side."

"Yes, Da-Ren, we will go here." Hou Nu walked in the side and led the way, Hou Shi walked in the back.

Yan Mo, "Do you know who is behind these two stores?"

Hou Nu snorted and shook his head. In his capacity, it is not enough for him understand these things.

Yan silently, continued to ask: "Is the shop opened by the Horn-people or by the Hornless people?"

Hou Nu laughed, he could answer this question: "Of course the Horn-people opened them, all the people in the city who can open the store are the Horn-people, and we, the Hornless people, are not qualified to open stores in the city."

This social status is low! Yan Mo couldn't think of them all the way, and the Horn-people who passed by wouldn't give them a second look. It’s true that people rely on clothes. When they change clothes, he and Yuan Zhan are no different from most of the Hornless people.

In order to avoid attention, he and Yuan Zhan deliberately suppressed their own momentum and walked as low as possible.

"Then we, the Hornless people, go to the Horn-people store to buy herbs, will they be willing to sell?"

"Da-Ren doesn't have to worry about this. The horned aristocrats often send the Hornless people slaves to do things, buy goods, etc. Those shops are used to trading with our Hornless people, as long as there are enough bone coins anyone is free to buy what they want." HouNu didn't think there was any problem with the bone coin in Yan Mo hand. He thought that since it is a god, how much does the coin need that a god sent messenger can’t have?

But this problem is one of the important problems that Yan Mo needs to solve.

All the way through the streets, Hou Nu took them on a road that looked like a path, they even crossed a place that looked like a slum. But as Hou Nu once said, the security management of the Wuqian City was quite good. They didn't bump into thievery along the way, and they didn't even get robbed on the way.

However, they are still attracting some attention from people who are outsiders, not the Horn-people, but the Hornless people.

HouShi suddenly whispered in the back: "Let's walk faster!"

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo didn't ask much. On from the corner of the eye saw a few hornless youths at the intersection of the slums that they had just passed.

One of the young and strong looked at their backs and spit on the floor, oh: "Mother’s egg, they are fast!"

Then he told other people around him, "Go, follow them and see if these are to be found in our east market."

The person who was told smirked and immediately followed the Yan Mo team.

Yan Mo turned back and asked Hou Shi: "Do you know the man just now?"

HouShi was a little nervous. "The man is the city officer of the Wuqian City Hornless people, and the Hornless people are afraid of him."

"City officer?"

HouShi hates: "The man is responsible for the sale of the Hornless people slaves and war slaves in the eastern side city and the western side city. The foreigners who come to the east city to live must get his consent, and they have to give him half of their income every day. Otherwise, no one can get out alive. If you hide things from him and don’t pay him the bones, you will not only be defamed, but you will even be killed or put in a cell.

"He is in charge of the eastern side market, what about the western side market?"

HouShi looked at Yuan Zhan, he did not understand, and looked at Yan Mo, Yan Mo gave him a translation, he did not dare to neglect, he answered: "The western side of the city also has a city officer, but he does not have that kind of greed, I used to go to the western side to find a job. The city officer made people tell me to bring people from my village to the eastern side to live. I didn't go, he probably hated me."

Yan Mo took the question, "Is the city officer the seal of the Wuqian City Horn-people?"

HouShi nodded.

"Then the benefits they receive are also handed over to the above part?"

"I don't know about this. I know that Gou Ya of the East City has received a turkey from others."

The names of the two city officers made Yan Mo speechless, but the name of the turkey still made him very interested. Maybe there is a turkey creature here?

Yuan Zhan held his palm on Yan Mo's shoulder. "There is someone trailing us behind."

Yan Mo didn't care: "Go with them."

Yuan Zhan saw that Yan Mo didn't care, and he was even lazier to pay attention to the followers.

There was no delay along the way, and they soon came to the east side market.

The scale of the East City is not as big as The Jiu Yuan's market, but when you look at their stores, you can feel the sense of years of history. Not to mention the shops themselves, only the buildings of those shops have been around for a long time.

The shops in the East City are divided into two sides. The road is not wide. It can only accommodate four horses walking side by side. There is a patio above the road, and there is a little light.

The market is still lively, and some of the Hornless people are bowing at some shops to sell some wild vegetables, dried meat, bones, etc., and those in the shops have not driven them.

There is even an open-air stall surrounded by many people. The lively people include the Hornless people and the Horn-people. There are rumors and screams in the encirclement, and occasionally loud curses.

HouShi said: "There must be bones discerning over there."

“Discerning of bones? Identifying bones? What a surprise?” It feels like vegetable picking. Yan Mo has discovered that it is the land of the Bone Sculpting people. The bone-making industry is particularly developed. They have only seen one-third of the streets and have seen no more than two objects. Each of them also has guests. Nowadays, there are open-air stalls. The bones of a gambling-like nature are all brought out.

Hou Shi, "That will make someone happy or unlucky. Often people, especially some travelers from afar will bring some strange bones over, open a price that is not high or low, if you know the goods, you buy it yourself, and they will sell it to you. The bone objects store can make a lot of money, but it is still rare to pick good goods, most of them will be worthless coins."

Yan Mo is so happy when he thinks about it, and the explanation from HouShi is probably about the same as mercenaries and mercenaries.

Yuan Zhan heard Yan Mo's curiosity and proposed: "Would you like to go over?"

"Let's talk about it later, let's go to the herb shop first to see if there are any herbs I need."

The facade of this eastern side herbal shop is quite large, and the name of the store is engraved on the door with the Bone Sculpting people language text.

Yan Mo learned language through the bones, and naturally the words and language of the Bone Sculpting people can be understood by him, but after thousands of years of change, the current Bone Sculpting people text he saw made him feel dizzy, out of the four words he recognized one word "white".

Stepping into the store, the store attendant only looked up slightly and looked at them. They didn't pay attention to them at a glance. They didn't look down on people, but they already had a lot of guests in the store. They were too busy to say hello, and they said that Yan Mo is dressed normally. His identity as the Hornless people is also not worthy of the store attendant ignoring other guests to greet them.

Yan Mo can't be so ignoring. He is very curious about the herb shop he saw in this world for the first time. He is thinking about watching it.

Interestingly, perhaps because there are too many herbs stored, this herb store is like a Chinese medicine room. Four rows of medicine cabinets are placed in the space of about 200 square meters behind the counter.

There are two large shelves on the front side of the store. The shelves are divided into five floors. Each floor has some open baskets, and the baskets contain fresh or processed herbs.

Yan Mo first went to these baskets.

Yuan Zhan made up his mind to follow Yan Mo, like a guardian, he followed silently for a while.

It's the first time that Hou Nu and Hou Shi have entered this herb store, they are a little bit embarrassed.

Yan Mo wants to formulate the Chinese Patchouli powder, a traditional Chinese medicine that not only treats cold and four seasons’ fevers, but also has good effects in treating malaria, cholera and diarrhea. If it is prepared well, it can be used as a standing medicine.

However, there is a problem here. The name of the herb he once knew is definitely different from the name of the herbs here, and some herbs may not be there, but other herbs with the same medicinal properties can be substituted.

Even if he drew pictures, according to the previous experience and letting Yuan Zhan look for the herbs, it may not be effective. Sometimes it is the kind of herb, but the shape can be changed according to the climate here, not to mention that some herbs look very similar, in fact, the herb discerning is fundamental.

If it weren't for him that he had studied the Bone Sculpting people's findings about a variety of herbs in his bones, he might have to pay a lot of money when he came to the store today, and it may not be necessarily rewarding.

Most of Yan Mo's herbs which are not known were the baskets. But it doesn't matter, he has The Guide.

After The Guide introduced the medicinal properties of those herbs, Yan Mo wanted to collect at least two strains. If it is fresh and has the best seeds, he can buy some back and let Yuan Zhan help him grow more and germinate and make more.

"You want to buy herbs? Which kinds to buy? How much?" A shop assistant sent the guests, he was talking to away, and came over and asked.

“How much do you sell these two herbs?” Yan Mo first asked about the herbs needed for his current treatment for cholera.

The store attendant signaled Yuan Zhan to move and let him pass, and Yuan Zhan took a step back.

"These two, one 20-bone coin, two 40-bone coin."

Hou Shi and Hou Nu heard the price quotation and their eyes nearly popped out of their socket. Yan Mo only nodded and asked about the price of several herbs.

The shop assistant answered the question twice and was impatient. "Which kind of game do you want to buy?"

Yan Mo calculated the price and felt that the bone coin brought by the village witch Hou Nu was not enough. He had to retreat to the next step: "Do you have an herb for treating diarrhea or vomiting?"

The shop assistant rolled his eyes. "How do I know which herbs can cure the disease? I am not a drug refiner!"

Well, his expectation were too high. It’s just an herb shop, and there are no healer here, and the main customers of the herb shop here are probably the Bone-Sculptors.

"Do you have Laman grass here?" Laman grass is the saying of Bone Sculpting Tribesmen, the same medicinal herb, is called a patchouli plant.

"You want Laman grass? There is some, how much do you want?"

Yan Mo listened to the main herb and had a heart. "Is there fresh Laman grass?"

“How can Laman grass be fresh?” The shop assistant looked at Yan Mo with contempt. “That is the only exotic herb that can be cultivated by the Luolan City Temple. It has been refined by the time it gets to the outside herb shops.”

It seems that the wide patchouli plant was not an original plant on this continent, and the existing Bone Sculpting people have probably also cultivated it from the eastern continent. Yan Mo did not give up, "What about seeds?"

“The seeds are even less likely to be there! I said, it is an exotic herb that is only found in the Luolan City Temple.”

Yan Mo looked at Yuan Zhan, there are no fresh grass, can he still grow it?

Yuan Zhan saw what he was asking and shook his head with a funny smile.

Yan Mo was disappointed and had to count on the shopkeeper: "How many Laman grass do you have, I will take all that you have."

"All? Laman grass is the exotic grass herb cultivated by the temple, and it comes from the distant... Luolan City. One plant must cost one hundred bone coins. Is your master sure of what you are doing?" the shop assistant asked suspiciously.

"I'm pretty sure. How many Laman grass do you have? Yes, can you show me? If it's not good, it won't be necessary to buy all of them."

The shop assistant seemed a bit surprised by the boldness of this Hornless man, and while he was wondering who the master refiner behind him might be, he frowned and asked: "You wait."

After a while, the shop assistant took a Laman grass from the medicine cabinet and put it on the counter, showing it to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo wanted to pick up the herb and was even slapped by the shop assistant, although it was not touched.

Yuan Zhan's finger moved, and Yan Mo quickly grasped his hand and smiled at the store attendant: "Why won't you even let me look at it?"

"Do you know the herb? You just pick it up and look at it. If it breaks, can you afford it?" The shop assistant is even more upset.

Yan Mo listened to another servant and the Horn-people guest, and even had a bit of a good conversation. Then look at the attendant in front of him and once again feel the Hornless people and the Horn-people status had an obvious huge difference.

However, the patchouli plant that the servant took out seems to be not bad, and the medicinal properties are not lost, but it should be used fast. It's just that they have different treatments and Chinese medicine has different needs. The leaves and rhizomes are not separately processed and mixed, but the whole plant is dried.

"What happened?" Seeing that the atmosphere is not right here, the shop manager who seem to be in charge have appeared.

The shop attendance immediately whispered something to the manager, and Yan Mo heard it clearly. The other party was complaining and he said hateful things about him.

The matter looked up and down his eyes, focusing on Yuan Zhan, and asked directly: "Who is your master? Why does he need to buy so many Laman grass?"

Yan Mo: "...My master is myself." He also thought about posing as a slave to the Horn-people, but he thought that he might use the substitute of the coin apparently by reasoning a slave is not likely to have, and he could only give up. Can't he have a master, there is no bone money to pay for the herb?

"Do you want to buy it yourself? Do you have enough bone coin?" The Horn-people's shop assistant laughed and asked more rudely.

That matter, he asked again: "You are not a person from near here? Why do you want to buy so many Laman grass?"

Yan Mo said faintly: "Treatment."

Governing things: "What disease is it?"

Yan Mo didn't mind telling him to reduce more scum points: "Laman grass is just one of the herbs I need to treat diarrhea, vomiting, heatstroke and other symptoms."

"You are the witch of the Hornless people?"


Looking around, he turned a circle from the bone object necklace on his chest and the dagger inserted in his waist. He nodded. "I don't care who you are. As long as you have enough bone coins, I will sell the herbs to you. I have a total of 102 Laman grass here. If you want it all, you only need 10,000 bone coins, you can take it all."

Ten thousand bone coins! Hou Nu and HouShi heard the price and nearly fainted. They don’t even have more than two hundred bone coins in their deposits. Where are the 10,000 bone coins gonna come from?

But... the God sent messenger have so many bone coins, right?

The God sent messenger really has no bone coins. He used to receive some bone coins when he was in The Black Earth City, but the bone coins used in The Nine Great Cities are completely different from those here.

"Do you only accept the bones here? Are other valuable things acceptable for payment?"

"Do you have anything of value? Can you replace the bone coin? Let me see it first." The finger was knocked on the counter, and the man immediately took the Laman grass.

Yan Mo considered again and again, and pulled out a 5th rank yuan-crystal coins.

Take care of yuan-crystal coins, the eyes flashed a glimmer of color, "This is the yuan-crystal that controls the bone objects?"


"You wait." The manager did not leave with the yuan-crystal coins. If this was a fake, then he couldn’t tell, and he took a dagger from his belt in front of Yan Mo and put the dagger. The inlaid element crystal on it, and then it was put in his Yuan-crystal coin.

The yuan-crystal groove does not need match for the size of the crystal. As long as the crystal size is close to it, it will be adsorbed automatically unless it is removed by special techniques.

The 5th rank yuan-crystal coin smoothly absorbed the concave groove, and the face of the tube showed some satisfactory reaction. How can the bone coin compare with yuan-crystals? If there is yuan-crystal, he is of course more willing to accept yuan-crystal.

The final step is to verify that the manager used the spiritual strength to motivate the crystal, and wants to make this dagger bring out its special effect – become the fire blade.

The first time, there was no response.

The manager thought that he had made a mistake and spurred it again. The bones still did not react at all.

The expression on the face of the manager changed, and he spurred for the third time in order to confirm the bones.

"Hey!" The management quickly took down the yuan-crystal coin and slapped on the counter, angering: "You are very bold! You even used the fake yuan-crystal to lie to me! Da Zhua, go, find the city guard, put these hornless liars who tried to swindle me in prison!"

"Okay, I will go right away!" The shop assistant had long watched Yan Mo and found him not to be pleasing to the eye. When he heard that he was a liar, he immediately showed a floating smile.

"Wait! I didn't lie to you, I can use it for you if I don't believe it." Yan Mo was stunned, how can the original yuan-crystals be fake here?

Yan Mo wanted to put this yuan-crystal coin on his dagger. When he pulled out the dagger, he remembered that this is just a 3rd rank bone object. He was not prepared it with the groove for the crystal.

"Use this." Yuan Zhan pulled the Ink-Murder and handed it to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo just lifted The Ink-Murder, and he thought he was going to attack. He grabbed his dagger and quickly replaced it with his own yuan-crystal. The fire blade came out and he aimed at Yan Mo.

Yuan Zhan, who was aimed at with the fire blade, and he was not fazed by this at all.

"This is a misunderstanding." Yan Mo had to use the soul ability when he spoke, to appease them on the matter: "Please believe me, maybe the yuan-crystals we use are slightly different, but my bone objects can use this yuan-crystal. Push, you see, it’s true, and I don’t lie to you.”

Yan Mo grabbed the 5th rank yuan-crystal coins on the counter and placed it in the ingot groove of The Ink-Murder. Yuan Zhan usually used The Ink-Murder without the use of the crystal, but now he added yuan-crystal, the top of the Ink-Murder blade changed and had a long, bloody red shadow.

The Ink-Murder is a green sword blade with a blood red blade sharp shadow, there is a kind of strange beauty that can't be said when you look at it.

At this time, the guests and the buddies in the store all stopped the ongoing transaction on hand, and looked at Yan Mo and the manager.

Looking at Yan Mo's use of that yuan-crystal had actually spurred the bone object, and the shop manager hesitated his own judgment.

Yan Mo saw that the manager was a little shaken, and he increase the soul ability chanelled through the voice and said: "If I am a liar, I will never make a trick that is so easy to see through. You saw yourself right?"

The shop manager: Yes. True and false yuan-crystals can be known with a pair of yuan-crystals.

"Maybe the yuan-crystals we use are a little different from the yuan-crystals on your side. If it wasn't for my bone coins that were used up on the way here, I wouldn't use this yuan-crystal coin to make a deal." Yan Mo felt that the pit was dead, he would It is thought that the elements of the atmosphere here are different from those of the Eastern continent. How can the yuan-crystals of the condensate here be the same as the yuan-crystals composition of the Eastern continent?

There was still a lot of anger on the face of the shop manager. "I don't care if you say it is true or not. In short, I will not receive your yuan-crystals. If you want to buy our Laman grass, you can use the coin or use something more valuable to exchange!"

As a businessman who opened the store, he did not want to cause more trouble, and immediately called the guy back. Although he looked down on the Hornless people, he was still a bit angry at the witches in the Hornless people, knowing that the Horn-people had a lot of legends about the Hornless people killing the Horn-people.

A guest suddenly said at this moment: "Hornless man, you show me the bone knife in your hand, if it is good, I am willing to buy it."

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo looked at the Horn-man together. The two thought: This person has a good eye, but they have no intention of selling The Ink-Murder.

Yuan Zhan took the Ink-Murder directly into the scabbard and reinserted it back into his waist.

It was a pity that the horned guests were exposed, but he did not force him to sell it. Yan Mo looked at his horn and found out that he was the White-Horn Clan Tribesmen.

To put it bluntly, if you want to buy an herb, you still need to earn the bone coin first. Yan Mo thought that he had yuan-crystal coins in his hand to skip this step, but the fact told him that he didn’t get to take the easy way out!

He can also exchange bone objects and pills for exchange, but maybe there is an easier way?

As a result, there were four more hornless poor people who wanted to pick up the leak among the onlookers of the bone discerning stall they had seen before.

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