"WAIT! Lady Brisingra, where are you going?!"

Brisingra ran away from the group of people evacuating, as several soldiers started chasing her down. She quickly started jumping over the buildings with great agility and strength, easily making her pursuers lose sight of her.

"Father, if you think I will simply escape and leave my Kingdom to its destruction, you're completely mistaken!" The young half elf and half dwarf princess utilized her Magic spells to easily reach the castle once more.

She ran into the treasury room, but only found rusty and old equipment, all the magic items and weapons were already taken away by her father and the elite soldiers.

"Curses! Am I too late?" She wondered, glancing around, her eyes opening in surprise as she found Richard still in the castle. "Richard?!"

He was hiding behind a pile of gold coins in the treasury room, holding the other half of the Sword of Gram while looking around rather nervously.

"Ah! Lady Brisingra! I'm sorry, I just couldn't escape like the others, I am still waiting for Lady Planta and her friend's return! This sword must be completed at all costs!" Richard cried.

"You're still hoping for their return? It is obvious they had already left, or were defeated by the Great Dragons!" Brisingra sighed. "Leave that old rusty sword alone and escape to safety!"

"No! I cannot… I must defy you if I must, princess!" Richard said, his eyes filled with conviction.

"R-Richard…" The princess was left shocked, she never thought that Richard was such a type of man. However, she had to admit she had grown rather attached to his slight charisma in these days. "If you're hoping for such a thing, I won't stop your conviction. Hold into that sword and stay in the safety of the castle. I will go with father to defend the territory. If they are to come, then we'll buy time for Planta and her friends…"

For a slight second, she felt like she wanted to trust their return, that she wanted to have hope other than their eventual death by the hands of the vengeful and evil Fafnir.

"But Princess, you're only partially good at magic!" Richard tried to stop her.

"I know, but all of this magic power I inherited from mother can't go to waste!" Brisingra said with a faint smile. "And there's also this…"

She quickly kicked the glass protecting a beautiful, crystal made purple and pink colored magic sword, and also a small, green ring emanating a large quantity of mana.


"Mother's Ring that father so zealously protects…" She quickly grabbed the ring, equipping it. "I always knew she left it for me, but father never trusted my magic was strong enough to hold into its power… But now, it is now or never."


The ring started overflowing with spiritual and magical energies, encompassing Brisingra's entire body. Richard was left flabbergasted, as he fell to his knees in surprise, a shockwave of pure magic power surged from the princess of dwarves.

The green and golden aura suddenly shaped as the figure of a tall elven woman, lovingly glancing at her daughter, before disappearing into particles of light, melding with her body.

"This power…" Brisingra quickly realize the true strength of the Ring left behind. "I need to go there, quickly!"

Brisingra was about to leave, but then glanced at the sword that belonged to Titania…

"I might as well…"

She quickly grabbed it, jumping out of the castle with wind gusts produced through magic.

Richard perhaps was the only one that saw that figure, feeling surprised.

"I can't stay here though… If they come back, Fafnir will most likely block their path…" Richard sighed, quickly storing the broken Gram sword inside a spatial bag and then dragging out some bombs and potions, running to the frontlines. "Even if I can only support, I'll help as well."

Meanwhile, in the frontlines, the King of Dwarves, Dainn, led his troop of over fifty Elite Knights to battle. At the same time, another thirty dwarves were controlling huge golems from the inside, fighting the dragons together.

"Fight! Do not give up hope!" The King roared bravely, swinging a huge golden axe and beheading a lesser blue dragon on the spot!



The rest of his soldiers roared with the mighty strength of the dwarves, attacking and beating down the dragons. Their magic weapons and armor helping them hurt the dragon's hard scales and even resist their mighty attacks and breaths.

Red Dragons stayed behind firing fireballs, but such attacks were shielded by the golems, which generated magic barriers of small size, working as the tanks of the group.



A group of six Viper Drakes reached the King and his closest knights, opening their jaws and preparing a foul breath to poison them!

However, King Dainn swiftly imbued his body with mighty Mana, as he activated his powerful Battle Axe Arts Skill, as his golden magic axe overflowed with great quantities of Mana!

"[Battle Axe Arts]: [Mountain Splitting Ax]!"


A powerful vertical swing of his axe was all it took for the six dragons to be sliced into two halves in a single second! Their tremendous bodies falling into the floor and covering the ground with their dark blood.

The dragons kept coming from the large hole, but King Dainn and his troops were fighting them on equal terms, if not slightly holding an advantage!

"Heheheh… How amusing." Laughed Fafnir, a creepy smile surging on his face. "Your effort and strength are surely commendable, sons of Sigurd! However… My children are stronger. [Netherworld's Aura]! [Draconic Fury]!"

Fafnir roared while laughing maliciously, a black aura of darkness and death encompassed the rest of the dragons, as their powers suddenly started rising frenetically!


Their attacks became much faster and stronger, and even the huge golems were being pushed away constantly!

"Ungh…! They have become stronger?!" Dainn thought, intercepting the attacks of three Cave Drakes at once with his huge axe. "BEGONE!"


A powerful slash quickly cut them down into halves, however, more and more lesser dragons kept rushing towards him, attacking him from all sides.




However, before King Dainn were to be completely overwhelmed, the voice of his daughter echoed from behind!


And a ray of light pierced the dragons' bodies!

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