Darius Supreme

Hercules laughed despite himself. The entire thing was funny to the Demi-God because he had just blurted out something that he had kept inside his heart for nearly his entire life, yet he was surprised just how much better he felt now that it was off his chest.

Darius' eyes gleamed as he heard Hercules murmur. He was naturally surprised that the Greatest Hero himself would make a similar reaction to Theseus, but then again, it made sense.

Achilles was a bad example of a Demi-God - or rather, a good one - because as a mortal, he had been born to a human king and a non-human mother. That same mother had broken many rules to bathe him in Styx water, which forever barred anyone else from doing so later.

She had been captured and penalized heavily, but young Achilles was unaware of all of that. He had grown up with his king father, groomed to become the warrior he was today, using his invincibility to win battle after battle.

Eventually, Ares had taken note of him and had gifted him a Divine Spark, paving his path to become a Demi-God, even training the fellow personally.

Achilles was not only the classic Demi-God, but also the classic Elysium citizen. They were made to see and hear only the good things the Gods did, fostering their image of infallible existences that were supreme.

That was why when he had been presented with the truth, he had reacted as he had. To Achilles, the Gods were everything, and no manner of information would make him think otherwise, short of direct evidence.

Even then, it would require a full mental breakdown even more severe than what Theseus had suffered to get over it.

Hercules and Theseus though, were the Demi-Gods of legend due to their birth. Any child born of the Big Three would tell you that they often wished they had just been born normal, because one probably couldn't get shittier parents.

Theseus' upbringing had still been fine, as Poseidon was known to be relatively chill in this regard. He had a full 'hands-off' approach to raising his spawns, allowing them to make a name for themselves without his interference.

As such, Theseus had never really had a problem with the Gods until he became a Demi-God and began taking mission for them, back in the era before the True Lords had shown themselves, at a time the Fake Lords had been rampant and merciless.

He had done many things without questioning them at the time. It was only when Theseus had gone down to hell with Pirithous and got punished by being frozen atop that rock, that things changed.

I mean really, he sat there for more than three millennia till Hercules came to rescue him. It wasn't a question of what he had thought about, but what he HADN'T thought about.

He had dissected every single second of his life up to then, pondering, commenting as well as correcting them in his mind until he eventually got bored to the point he had slowed down his thoughts.

It had been natural for him to see his flaws, but his thoughts had also been limited by his knowledge. When he got confirmation from an outside source that answered so many of his own doubts, everything had clicked which was why he had been ready to betray the Gods and assist Darius as long as the other's success was guaranteed.

Hercules here was no different. From the moment he had been born, he had been made into a tool for Zeus and Hera to use in their marital dispute.

Seriously, if Zeus was infidel, why not just beat him up? Why take it out on the child who had never even asked to be born?

Alas, that vile Goddess Hera knew that she would be unable to deal with Zeus, and so she had chosen to target the one she could bully without repercussion; Hercules.

From his birth, he had been hounded by her at every step until he became a Demi-God. Only then had Zeus suddenly become a caring father and Hera had reconciled with him using some excuses as well as gifts.

Hercules had been moved and had accepted this because he had never gotten a chance to enjoy it, but he also had never truly fallen under its spell even though he had become arrogant over the years. The scars Hera had given him during his mortal life would always accompany him.

Hercules was likely even aware that the only reason had been made a Demi-God was because at one point Zeus and Hera had grown to fear his power.

In time, with enough Faith Energy, he was being fed by all the peoples of Elysium, Hercules could have lit a Divine Spark on his own and become the first mortal to become a God without external help!

This had been a frightening possibility for the Gods, as it would set a dangerous precedent. They had reasoned that his power might surpass them who had been born with their abilities.

As such, it had been decided it would be for the best to make his power something they could control, hence he was hastily given a Divine Spark and whatnot.Â

However, their worst nightmare had occurred today. Hercules, the strongest Demi-God, was no longer on their side!

Hercules passed a hand through his hair and paced about the cell slowly. He then faced Darius sideways as he began speaking softly and almost liltingly.

"Let me tell you an interesting tale. Around 10,000 years ago, Olympus received a distress call from Persephone that something terrible had happened to Hades. According to the Goddess, her husband had been called away by one of his own Demi-God children to check on something occurring within Armadon."

Hercules sighed. "It was naturally a trap. Hades got captured and was brought to the center of Armadon where the Demons and Devils had tortured him day and night. However, this was the folly of the Demons, as they had been unaware that Hades and Persephone had a tight bond."

"Sensing her husband's pain and distress, she had informed the Gods. At this time, the Giants struck, attacking Tartarus with all their might. The place soon fell without Hades at command, and the Titans were released."

Hercules cupped his mouth with his right hand, sweat forming on his brow as if remembering alone was weighty.

"That was when the Gods struck back. A huge war ensued with the Gods fighting on two fronts, one against the Giants who were slightly weaker than the Titans but were directly made horrifically resilient by Gaia, and another in Armadon to rescue hades, for without him, the battle would be tough."

"A two-pronged war, and we were not gaining ground on either side. The Gods realized that the longer the fighting went on, the more time the Titans would have to regain their footing and unleash havoc. They had barely been sealed previously by the joint effort of the Gods AND the Demons, so it was a mystery as to why they would help them escape."

Hercules growled with frustration. "However, nothing the Demons or Devils do ever makes sense. It's like they do whatever they feel is interesting at the time, and it often has layers and layers of implications and hidden meanings!"

Hercules paused there with a startled expression and turned to observe Darius who had been silent all this while. He sized Darius up from head to toe with a suspicious look.

"Come to think of it, the way you speak and act kinda gives me the feeling of the Demonkin. After all, why else would anyone want to take over this blasted continent and probably help the goddamn insects?"

Darius rubbed his chin with interest. "That does sound somewhat logical, but unfortunately its false in this case. I have yet to truly interact with the Demons yet, but I get where you're coming from."

Darius folded his hands behind his back and gazed at Hercules calmly. "For now, don't worry about such things. Finish your story and we'll come to terms with the truth of our various existences and purposes."Â

Hercules still seemed slightly unsettled, but could only sigh once more before resuming what he was illustrating.

"It was at this time that the Gods realized they had to make use of their trump cards to gain an advantage. Of course, a say trump cards, but the truth you just showed me changes it to expendable tools." Hercules laughed self-mockingly.

"Me, Bacchus, Hanuman, Cu Chulainn, and Diarmuid formed a team that were to sneak into Tartarus and reactive the seal put on the Titans and force them into it somehow."

"The other team was composed of Vali, Gilgamesh, Orion, Jason, and Romulus. Their task was to sneak into Armadon and find a way to free Hades, or at least, weaken the defenses around his seals enough for the God of Death to escape himself."

Hercules suddenly laughed loudly, his thunderous voice shaking the walls.

"Can you imagine how ridiculous it was? A battle that even Gods could not win, how could we Demigod enter the heart of it and succeed? Even if so, you should choose the stealthiest of us, not the most notable."

Hercules pointed to his own nose with an amused gaze. "Do you fancy me someone who can sneak into anywhere and achieve something without being spotted?"

Darius nodded in agreement at Hercules's question. There was simply no way for the Greatest Hero to do anything with that hulking frame and steps that shook the earth.

Darius pictured Gunner trying to do a stealth mission and could help but chuckle lightly at how badly that would go.

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