Darius Supreme

Darius removed his finger as he finished sending over the relevant information he needed to the clone. He waited patiently as she digested the information slowly, and decided to name her Genevieve.

After all, the real her had died when Darius had selfishly used Andrato to complete his Journeyman Quest, in the upheaval that had followed after. He knew of this because Jorge kept track of his acquaintances during his first five-year break.

Clone Genevieve took three hours to process everything, and when she opened her eyes once more, there was still no light in them. However, some form of sapience and intelligence had appeared, and she rose from the table.

She gingerly tried to stand, but wobbled and required the help of the table to stand. Darius simply watched her with interest, not offering her any help.

Like a crippled person learning to walk again, she began trying her steps slowly until she could move somewhat stably then walked to stand before Darius.

"Greetings, Creator. What is my purpose?" She asked in a strange lull, her voice cracking due to her never having used it before.

It was extremely high-pitched, but evened out at a point. Darius rubbed his chin and inspected her slowly.

The body was naked, at a height of 5'10. She was beautiful for sure, with lovely golden hair reaching her shoulder, dull blue eyes, a button nose, small red lips, and a pale, yet flushed skin tone. Her body was svelte, averagely endowed at best.

Darius then spoke. "Your name henceforth shall be Genevieve. Your purpose is to repeatedly procreate with a variety of partners I will choose for you in order to expand your race."

Genevieve bowed. "I acknowledge my name and purpose, thank you."

Darius snapped his finger and a garment made for women appeared before the duo. He promoted Genevieve to wear it before returning to his work table.

There, he brought another humanoid-shaped stone, and with his expertise from his first attempts, created another entity much in the same way as the first.

This time, it was Jonathan Silverwater, the Adept mage who had been Genevieve's husband before their collective death.

Clone Genevieve watched the process with a dull look, not inputting or making any reactions to seeing another being like her created from mere stone.

Darius placed a hand on Clone Jonathan's head much in the same way he did to Clone Genevieve and filled it with information which he the created being also took a while to process.

Once Clone Jonathan stood up, he also trained himself to walk before greeting Darius and asking his purpose. When he heard he was to be the main male specimen to breed with a variety of females, he acknowledged this, before wearing the clothes Darius gave him.

"Now, the two of you can move into my manor and find a room for yourselves. Get to work procreating while I continue to work. I expect her to be pregnant in under a week." Darius instructed with a clap.

The two bowed in acknowledgment and left. Darius then brought another stone slab and created this time, a dog. He had the anatomy of all beings in Faust in his head with God Krona's library.

After all, he had cleaned the basic section AND the restricted section, and this was basic knowledge. He even had detailed profiles of how they functioned, what they ate, etc.

After creating the dog, that simply lay there breathing, he infused what knowledge was relevant to dogs into it. The dog then jumped down from the table and looked around with slightly dull eyes.

It woofed as its tail began to wag, sitting itself beside Darius. However, this was only it doing what it had just learned. 'Dogs wag their tail when happy, and are to be happy in the presence of their masters/humans/humanoids.'

It didn't mean that the dog itself was happy, just that it felt it should be and reacted accordingly based on what it was shown to be correct behaviors.

It was no different from a robot who acted based in a certain way after set conditions have been met.

Darius didn't mind and created a female dog of the same species and did the same. He then teleported both dogs into the forests outside the settlement to let them do what came 'naturally'.

For the next 156 days, Darius got to work crazily replicating almost all animals known on Faust and tossing them out into the wilds after passing information related to their species' typical and correct behavior.

He had to do this as these animals did not have any instincts or genetic memory. Nature normally guided them on their path, with a mix of instincts covering for what should be done.

Darius had to replace that.

He also created many sub-species within one type, and many breeds with variations as well. He also created 100x more prey animals than there were predators, and set it that hunting could not begin for another 15 days.

In this time, all beings were to reproduce crazily, giving birth to as many offspring before nature 'launched' and all of them acted as well as reacted based on the 'instincts' Darius had inputted.

When done, Darius returned to his first two creations, Genevieve and Jonathan. He saw that the two were seated in the living room idly, staring into the wall.

It was already obvious that Genvieve had gotten pregnant. Pleased, Darius returned to his lab after informing the duo on the intricacies of parturition and what needed to be done to ensure a perfect birth cycle by spending almost 3 days non-stop feeding information to their brains slowly.

He then re-entered his lab and spent the next 9 or so months crazily expanding his creations like he was on drugs. Humans were spat out of his lab like a factory every day, their population growing more and more by the day.

By the time Darius came out, fatigued but with a light of power in his eyes, the first natural birth had occurred.

He entered the room where Genevieve lay on a high-quality bed with Jonathan standing by the side. In Genevieve's arms was a tiny little offspring, crying its lungs out as it entered the world.

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