Chapter 43.2 – Bloody Ferrara (15)

◎ The Big Star and the Little Bodyguard ◎

A few seconds later, the blood mist gradually dissipated. None of the awakeners present were harmed physically, but they all had disgusted expressions on their faces.

Song Ke turned back and glanced in the direction where Lin Youyou was. She shook her head slightly, indicating that they hadn’t managed to grab it.

Then she looked at Su Cha beside her, who was empty-handed and had a disappointed expression.

Su Cha hadn’t managed to get it either?

So, the crystal was in someone else’s hands… Song Ke focused her attention on the group of awakeners.

Three groups of people, and you could tell a lot from their positions.

One group was a full team of five, all males. Their bodies showed signs of mechanical modifications—mechanical arms, mechanical legs, and one even had a mechanical head! His facial features were still natural, but it looked like he had a layer of mechanical skin on the outside. When he turned his neck, it made a creaking sound. It was both eerie and horrifying.

Song Ke recalled the lessons Zhuang Qingyan had given her. A team with such a distinctive style could only be one of the top contenders: Team 88, the “Anna Knights.”

The second team consisted of four women, all with slightly darker skin. They were dressed in provocative and sexy outfits, all of them tall with long legs. They had new-generation hot weapons strapped to their legs and arms. Unfortunately, Song Ke wasn’t familiar with these weapons. If Zhuang Qingyan were here, he could quickly identify them: the Super Red Eagle, the Gaboon Viper pistol, and the Barrett M82A1 large-caliber sniper rifle. These weapons were all devastatingly powerful.

The tall woman leading this team was even more exaggerated. Short boots, hot pants, tanned skin, and she was carrying a particle Gatling cannon on her shoulder. If she didn’t like someone, she could send them to the heavens.

This team was also in Zhuang Qingyan’s information: Team 105, the “Guns and Roses.”

As for the third team, they looked the most normal based on appearance. The members included both men and women, and they all had thick, smoky eye makeup. However, when compared to the first two teams, they seemed less impressive. Furthermore, their faces were unfamiliar to Song Ke, and she was sure they weren’t part of Zhuang Qingyan’s “be on high alert” list.

Now the question was, which team had taken advantage of the chaos to grab the crystal?

As Song Ke contemplated, the system announcement appeared once again.

“Flag coordinates refresh.”

“Here are the remaining flag coordinates: (195, 773, 218), (195, 773, 218)…”

Song Ke was puzzled. The coordinates provided by the tracker were sorted based on the nearest recipient, so how could they be repeated?

Did the announcement have an error? No, she immediately realized that the announcement was not wrong. There had originally been one flag here, and with the recent killing of the second superpower zombie, there were now two crystals and two flags!

“Hey! Who took the crystals? Dare to admit it?” Other people had evidently received the same announcement. From the third team, a sweet-faced girl with a melodic voice stepped forward.

Song Ke was puzzled. Who is this person?

A barely audible enchanting voice wormed its way into her ear: “Her name is Feng Duona, from Team 114, ‘Ferrara Star.'”

Song Ke jumped in surprise, her hand instinctively reaching for her ear. No one else seemed to have noticed, making it seem like only she could hear the voice.

Song Ke discreetly glanced at Lin Youyou, and indeed, the other woman blinked at her.

“Do you know each other?” Song Ke mumbled to herself, unsure of how to communicate with Lin Youyou, speaking softly into the air.

Lin Youyou, seemingly able to hear her, continued to speak in a hushed voice near her ear. “Feng Duona is just a nobody; no need to know her. As for Irene, it’s just a nodding acquaintance.”

“Oh,” Song Kei replied, still unable to fathom the social circle of a top celebrity and nodded in innocence.

On the other side, Feng Duona, realizing no one was paying attention to her, swiftly changed her strategy and prepared to dismantle them one by one.

She first looked at the “Anna Knights”, pointing at the first dead zombie on the ground. “If I’m not mistaken, you’ve already taken the crystal from this zombie, haven’t you?”

When they arrived earlier, this barbaric group of mechanical people had just killed the first zombie. Subsequently, the system issued an announcement. Feng Duona was one hundred percent certain that they had the loot.

“Why are you still fighting over it? With one crystal, you can advance!” Feng Duona scolded, displeased.

On the side of the “Anna Knights,” the most menacing one, Mechanical Head, sneered, “Who do you think you are? You’re teaching me how to do things?”

“You!” Feng Duona was taken aback.

The attitude of another one, Mechanical Leg, wasn’t much better. He looked down on her and said, “You already know we have a crystal, and you’re still asking? We didn’t snatch the one earlier, but we won’t give up this one. If you want to fight, then fight, stop whining.”

Feng Duona stared at them for a few seconds and turned to the “Guns and Roses.”

“Not in our possession.” Feng Duona heard the reply from Irene before she could speak.

All eyes shifted to Song Ke and the others.

Song Ke: “?” What do they mean? We don’t have it either!

Feng Duona shouted sternly, “Hand over the crystal!”

“Who, who, who do you think y-” Song Ke wanted to mimic the arrogant tone of Mechanical Head, but before she could finish saying “you,” Feng Duona’s next sentence came: “If you don’t hand over the crystal don’t even think about leaving!”

Song Kei: Ugh! Hateful! She won’t even let me finish my tough talk.

A pair of soft jade hands rested on Song Ke’s shoulders, and Lin Youyou leaned over her, facing the rude and overbearing Feng Duona.

She deliberately adjusted her vocal position, disguising her voice as mature and authoritative, saying, “It’s a pity that your gun is pointed at the wrong person, we didn’t steal the crystal either.”

Now things were getting interesting. At the scene, with four teams present, three of them claimed they didn’t steal anything. The remaining team, represented by Feng Duona, was everywhere, pressuring others. Unfortunately, the flag coordinates were right near them. Even the children could tell someone was lying.

Feng Duona seemed to have narrowed down her suspicions and no longer paid attention to the group of robots. Her gaze shifted back and forth between two women, Irene and Lin Youyou, saying, “I advise you to be honest, or don’t blame me for taking action.”

Irene chuckled, pointing the Gatling gun at Feng Duona, showing no concern for her threat.

Lin Youyou burst into laughter and said, “Are you mentally ill? What’s with all this female rivalry? You believe the men who said they didn’t steal it? Why are you so naive?”

“Besides, whoever steals the crystal gets to keep it, why should we give it to you?”

“Yeah, this beautiful lady is right,” chimed in Mechanical Leg sarcastically. “Even if we did steal it, just because you say so, we have to obediently hand it over? Miss Feng, are you overestimating yourself? Do you think the whole world revolves around you?”

Mechanical Head made a creaking sound as it turned its neck, its nostrils pointed skyward, and it exaggeratedly said, “An unknown little internet celebrity who thinks she’s a star just because she sings a few lines? Do you think you’re Lin Youyou? If you were Lin Youyou, I might consider it.”

Song Ke and Xu Xing took a sharp breath, their eyes shifting towards the masked woman.

This Mechanical Head was actually a fan of Lin Youyou. It was too… terrifying.

Lin Youyou gave them a glare, and the two of them quickly turned away.

“Since none of you stole the crystal, then shut up!” Feng Duona became furious, nearly exploding in anger.

‘Lin Youyou, it was Lin Youyou again. This woman’s name was her nightmare! Both of them debuted with a sweet and lovely image. Why was it that Lin Youyou could become one of the top ten rising stars, while she was only fit to be an obscure internet celebrity?’

‘That damned Mechanical Head dared to bring up Lin Youyou.’ Feng Duona’s anger flared, and since that was the case, she wouldn’t hesitate to be ruthless.

“Kill them all!”

Her four teammates immediately took action, removing the long cases from their backs and revealing musical instruments. It turned out to be an awakeners band!

The electric guitar started with a soaring sound, followed by the bass’s low and angry roar, the electric piano’s rapid and furious notes, and the jazz drum’s lively beats. With each instrument playing, people’s heads felt like they were exploding. When Feng Duona spoke again, the live performance was practically a sonic assault, and Irene and the others couldn’t take it anymore, resorting to particle cannon fire!

“Bam bam—”

“Clang clang—”

Noise and gunfire filled the air, and the scene descended into chaos once again.

Song Ke wished she could cover her ears. Oh my God, Feng Duona’s ability was no longer just mental; it was a physical attack. Everyone who heard it suffered excruciating headaches, feeling like they had been run over by a car.

In the official live broadcast room, Ah K was commentating on the battle.

“Ahh!” he suddenly exclaimed, his expression filled with indescribable emotions. Few artificial intelligences exhibited emotions as rich as his. “I strongly recommend, folks in front of your terminals, you might want to temporarily mute the volume. Listening to this kind of singing too much can damage your brain.”

The barrage of comments immediately flooded with laughter and remarks like, “Hahaha,” “Thanks, already muted,” and “As long as Nana doesn’t sing, everything’s fine…”

“Qinghe, what do you think? I’m really curious. Do you also agree with what Player Seo said, that Feng Duona can’t compare to Lin Youyou?” Amidst his busy commentary, Ah K didn’t forget to cue in Luo Qinghe.

Luo Qinghe’s long eyelashes fluttered like butterflies, and his every movement remained as graceful as a young nobleman. However, his words showed no mercy.

“There’s no comparison.”

“Hahaha, I’m dying! Why is Luo Qinghe so straightforward?”

“I feel bad; it seems Feng Duona is still his fan, right?”

“Light a candle for Nana.”

“But Lin Youyou is genuinely naturally sweet, not pretending at all. Feng Duona, this kind of imitation can never match!”

Inside the Mirror Lake Arena:

“You’re the spring breeze~ blowing away the haze in my heart~”

A refreshing voice rang in the ears of Song Ke, Su Cha, and Xu Xing, instantly dispelling the auditory disaster brought by Feng Duona and her band.

Song Ke was deeply moved.

Zhuang Qingyan had guessed it right again. Lin Youyou’s ability could indeed affect her allies!

Whispers in her ears resurfaced, “Ke’er, go and check Irene. See if she has the crystal.”

Song Ke wanted to argue with Lin Youyou for giving her a nickname, but now was not the time to quibble. She nodded and leaped into the battlefield like a swallow, heading straight for Irene. She swung her sword, striking Irene’s Gatling gun, and demanded, “Crystal, hand it, over!”

Irene suddenly found herself in trouble, struggling to block with her gun. “No!”

But Song Ke’s strength was too great. Even though she blocked a part of it, she still experienced a tremendous recoil, sliding back over ten meters with her heavy gun before barely stopping.

At the same time, on the other side, Mechanical Head punched the guitarist of the “Ferrara Star,” the creator of the noise. He grunted and flew backward, his electric guitar escaping his grip and soaring into the sky. Then, it spun and descended straight towards Irene.

Irene had just stabilized her stance and couldn’t intercept it with her gun.

Seeing her about to meet her demise, Lin Youyou suddenly spoke, shouting to Song Ke, “Ke’er, save her!”

Song Ke stepped on a tree trunk, using it to propel himself into the air. His lower leg struck the electric guitar with force.

The massive electric guitar instantly changed direction, wobbling as it descended towards the “Anna Knights.” Upon impact with the ground, it exploded with a deafening roar, filling the air with smoke.

“Cough, cough!”

After the choking gun smoke dissipated, the crowd was surprised to find that the “Anna Knights” had disappeared!

Shortly after, the coordinates of both flags began moving rapidly, quickly getting several kilometers away from them.

A haughty laughter echoed in the air from Mechanical Head, “Goodbye, folks. I won’t serve you. I just love taking two crystals to complete a mission! One to keep and one to throw away. Ah, it’s all for fun!”

Feng Duona clenched her teeth in anger. “Chase!”

The “Ferrara Star” closely followed the “Anna Knights” and left the area.

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