Dragon Monarch System

Standing above the Fallen Dragon Island, his eyes were dangerously glowing in red as he stared at the oval-shaped island that he was soon going to destroy. Crimson lightning flickered around his body.

As if the magic animals and nature were able to sense the incoming danger, all the wild Magic animals living on the Fallen dragon Island and near the oval shaped Island began to run here and there as if trying to find a place to escape from his calamity. The people in Maragus Brook city were able to sense the tense atmosphere.

The people who were already familiar with the Crimson lightning already began to run out of the city before Aditya started destroying everything.

"Let's get out of this city before the Dragon Emperor attacks." At the same time, all the shopkeepers started shutting down their shops in fear.

"What should we do?" Asked one of the guards to another fellow guard.

"I don't know man. Our best action would be to leave this island as soon as possible. I don't want to be burned alive." The guards have heard how a single attack from the dragon Emperor can wipe out an army of millions of troops.

"No one is going anywhere. This is the Fallen Dragon Island. Everyone will stay here and fight the Dragon Emperor." A loud voice was heard throughout the entire Fallen Dragon Island. It was the voice of the Supreme Elder, Quincy Harris.

On hearing the words of the Supreme Elders, the merchants stopped running and looked at each other. Some merchants decided to trust the Supreme Elder and not run. While others did not stop. They continued to run; trying their best to get out of this island as soon as possible.

"Curse the Dragon Slayer guild bastards. Why can't they allow us to use their teleportation array? We could have gotten out of this hell within a few seconds." One of the merchants loudly cursed the Dragon slayer guild as he ran towards the beach where his ship was docked.

Throughout the entire island, all the merchants who were fleeing for their lives were also doing the same. They openly cursed the Dragon Slayer guild. In this emergency situation, none of the Dragon Slayer guild members had the time to punish these merchants. Normally disrespecting even the lowest-ranking member of the Dragon Slayer could get one in big trouble. But now the Dragon Slayer guild wasn't in the position to punish anyone.

All the guild members can do is grit their teeth and endure. Facing the Dragon Emperor, there was no certainty if they are going to even survive. If it was just a normal Peak 5th-order then the elders could have defeated him. But it was the Dragon Emperor they were going to face.

Meanwhile, Nathan who was hiding in the forest saw the crimson lightning in the sky. A big smile appeared on his face.

While others ran in fear, Nathan opened his arms and embraced the Crimson lightning as his protector.

While everyone's bodies trembled like a bug, Nathan felt his confidence and his courage growing to the height of Heaven with each passing second.

『My King, you're finally here. I have been waiting for this moment for over a month. Let's end the Dragon Slayer guild.』

Nathan who has been hiding his Aura now released his Aura, thus attracting the attention of several Dragon Slayer guild members.

Nathan stepped out of the Forest as a Dark Crimson Aura enveloped his body. His eyes glowed in killing intent. He held two black curved daggers which were coated with poison.

『I am the dagger of My Monarch. I am the Shadow of My King. I am the guardian of my Emperor's Empire. Oh, members of the Dragon Slayer guild. Come out! This servant of the Dragon Monarch is here to take your life.』

With Nathan's roar, he unleashed all of his killing intent. In the presence of his Monarch, Nathan had nothing to fear.

『You small bugs are not worthy of my Monarch's attention. As his shadow, I will eliminate you all.』

At that time, A group of 2nd-order guards came in front of Nathan. Under the black mask, Nathan dangerously smiled before vanishing into the Darkness.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know. I just saw him disappear within the darkness."

Unknown to all the guards, using the Shadows of all the trees, Nathan appeared behind the guards. He stepped out of the shadow and started killing the guards. His first target was the last guard standing at the very back and looking slightly afraid of Nathan.

Nathan totally suppressed his Aura. None of the guards were able to sense his presence. Like a ghost, Nathan took down the first guard before going back into the Shadow. He killed the first guard so smoothly that no sound was made in the process.

He then appeared behind another guard.

One by one, all of the guards soon fell to the ground. All of their throats had been cut off by Nathan. His curved daggers were bathing in red blood.

Nathan did not stop there. His plan was to eliminate all the small bugs so that his Monarch can focus on the big bugs.

Meanwhile, before Nathan started dealing with the small bugs, Aditya was deciding on something else. Right before he started attacking, he had a sudden idea in his mind.

"System, upgrade my cultivation to Peak limit of 3rd-order." It has been months since Aditya had reached Mid-3rd-order. It is time for him to reach Peak 3rd order.

『Ding! Using the saved Experience points to upgrade the host's cultivation to Peak 3rd-order.』

『Ding! The host's level has increased from 201 to 300.』

『Ding! All of the Host's stats have been increased by [99+] points. You have gained [198+] free stats points.』

'Now I am only one level away from reaching 4th order. I can feel my body has gotten a lot stronger. Not only my bones and my organs have gotten stronger, but my brain also become much sharper.' This feeling was very refreshing to Aditya. The feeling of getting powerful was really addictive.

'Now what should I do with my [198+] free stats points?' Aditya wondered.

'I will think about that later.' Aditya coldly looked at the 6 supreme elders along with thousand of 4th-order Dragons slayers flying in his direction. There were 1 thousand 2 hundred and nine 4th-order cultivators following the Supreme Elders. All of them 4th-order cultivators were riding a 2nd-order magic mount.

The magic mounts that they were riding were Roc. A type of Magic bird that looks similar to an Eagle but bigger.

'The Roc is a raptor of immense size and predominantly white in color. With a wingspan of 48 feet and feathers the size of palm leaves, the Roc could carry away adult elephants with ease. I certainly wasn't expecting the Dragon Slayer guild to possess almost a thousand of Roc.' A Roc is said to be as powerful as a Wyvern. It's no wonder why the Dragon Slayer guild has so many Rocs.

'This is also good. After destroying the Dragon Slayer guild, I will be sure to add Roc to the Istarin Empire's military.' Aditya dangerously smiled. He hadn't seen a Roc before. This will be a good opportunity to test these Rocs powers and capabilities.

Aditya just stood there standing with his arms folded on his chest. He coldly stared at the 6 elders who were cautiously flying in his direction.

Quincy Harris, the supreme elder of the Dragon Slayer looked at Aditya in a mix of surprise and shock. 'Did he manage to reach Peak 3rd-order while he was gone for 34 days?' Harris wondered. This might be possible.

The news was also very bad for his Dragon Slayer guild. Previously, Harris had a little bit of hope of defeating Aditya since at the end of the he was just a Mid 3rd-order. But now that Aditya has managed to reach Peak 3rd-order, even the little bit of chance that he had of defeating Aditya was also over.

'This is really bad. This whole month I have been preparing the Dragon Slayer guild to face Aditya and the Istarin Empire. I thought with all the preparation, we can somehow take down Mid-3rd-order Aditya. But now all of my plans have been spoiled.' At this moment, although Supreme Elder Harris felt very sad and angry to admit it it is true that his Dragon Slayer guild cannot take on the Dragon Emperor.

'Since he still hasn't attacked us yet, I guess there is a chance that I can negotiate things.' Supreme Elder Harris was willing to pay billions to Aditya to compensate him for everything.

'The whole situation wouldn't have happened if I hadn't become too greedy at that time and had accepted that man's request.' Supreme Elder Harris was regretting his choice of messing with the Istarin Empire. Unfortunately, it was already too late and there was no medicine for regret in this world.

'As long as the Dragon Slayer guild survives, we can always return strong and get our revenge in the future. But now the survival of the Dragon Slayer is the most important thing.' That's what Supreme Elder Harris thought. As the Supreme Leader, he wanted to avoid this clash with Aditya. For that, he was willing to give Aditya billions of royal gold coins if necessary. As long as they survived, even billions of royal gold coins can be earned back.

While Supreme Elder Harris was deeply thinking about what he should say in front of Aditya, one of the arrogant elders couldn't control his mouth.

"Aditya, you got some nerves coming to the Fallen Dragon Island thinking you were invincible. Since you came here, we will send your dead body back to the Istarin Empire so they can dispose of it." Hearing the arrogant elder named Ellis's words, the Supreme Elder felt like ending this idiotic man's life.

'What the hell are you even doing? I am here trying to find a way to avoid clashes with Aditya, and here you're provoking the calamity.' Harris almost lost his calm. But he remained cool as getting angry would cloud his judgment and he would end up making decisions that he will forever regret.

Aditya narrowed his eyes hearing Ellis's words. The Crimson Lightning around Aditya became even more strong as he stared at Ellis.

"Shut up! Your Majesty, please don't listen to this fool's words. I know that our Dragon Slayer guild has messed up. We're willing to show our sincerity. Please give us a chance."

From these words, Aditya was able to understand what kind of man the Supreme Elder was. 'It's just like Alicia said. This man is a snake. Very cunning. Once I let my guard down, he will surely bite me.' Aditya has met people like Harris a lot in his past life.

But Aditya decided to play along. "Ohh.....! Exactly how you're going to compensate me?"

Hearing Aditya's words, Harris' eyes lit up. This meant there was a chance that he can avoid clashing with Aditya. He might be able to restore their relationship with the Istarin Empire.

Meanwhile, Ellis understood what the Supreme Elder wanted to do. But he was still dissatisfied. He was disrespected by the Supreme Elder in front of everyone just to please their enemy. 'It's all his fault.' Ellis hatefully glared at Aditya.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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