Dragon Monarch System

As Aditya and Nerida stood in line, the bustling crowd around them drew curious glances towards the human amidst the sea creatures. The guards, the fellow queuing individuals, and even the VIPs passing by couldn't help but steal glimpses at the unique sight before them.

Amidst the diverse assembly of over a thousand beings, Aditya's human form easily stood out. His appearance, unlike the others, marked him as an outsider. Yet, he remained unperturbed by the attention, focusing on the task at hand. Patience was required as they waited their turn, observing the varied races that comprised the queue. Among them, Aditya noticed a handful of Sea Elves, their presence a testament to the rarity of their kind within the underwater realm.

The passage of time seemed almost sluggish as they patiently waited for nearly 40 minutes. Finally, their turn arrived, and they stepped forward to face the stern-eyed merman guards.

"State your name," the guards demanded in a firm tone.

"Nerida, a citizen of Atlantisia," she replied, presenting a small green bead secured around her wrist. These beads were worn by all the city's inhabitants, signifying their citizenship. Nerida, having obtained her rightful place among the city's residents, proudly displayed the token.

The guards nodded, acknowledging the significance of the green bead adorned with intricate runes. Though unassuming at first glance, the bead bore markings that only those familiar with their meaning could discern. Possession of these beads granted entry to the city without any fee.

"And is he with you?" one of the mermen guards inquired, his gaze shifting towards Aditya.

"Yes, his name is William. He is a merchant who has come to engage in trade," Nerida answered, emphasizing their acquaintance.

"Do you personally know him?" the guard pressed further, seeking assurance of their relationship.

"He is a friend who once aided me," Nerida affirmed, her words carrying a note of trust.

The guard nodded, satisfied with Nerida's response. However, he reminded her of the requirement to pay a fee of 100 gold coins to bring Aditya into the city. Underwater currencies differed from those on land, and the gold coin Nerida produced displayed distinct characteristics. Its edges were rough, lacking the smooth polish and shine associated with land-dwelling currency. This coin, instead, possessed a unique quality—its color, a delicate shade of white, further setting it apart.

The white gold coin glistened softly, its surface adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to shimmer beneath the ambient light. Its texture, while not as refined as its land-bound counterparts, exuded a certain raw beauty. A symbol of the underwater realm's economic system, this currency held value and represented the intricate networks of trade and commerce that thrived within the oceanic depths.

With the fee understood, Nerida handed over the white gold coin, completing the necessary transaction to bring Aditya into the city's embrace. As the exchange took place, Aditya marveled at the peculiar beauty of the currency, recognizing its significance in the underwater world's bustling economic ecosystem.

Beneath the glistening waves, the city of Atlantisia unfolded its mesmerizing beauty to all who ventured within its realm. Aditya, accompanied by Nerida, immersed himself in the splendor that surrounded them. The underwater metropolis stood as a testament to the architectural prowess and artistic ingenuity of the sea-dwelling races.

As they swam through the city's bustling streets, Aditya marveled at the harmonious coexistence of various aquatic beings. Merfolks gracefully glided through the water, their shimmering tails propelling them effortlessly. Sea Elves, with their ethereal presence, moved with elegance and grace, their intricate tattoos and vibrant attire adding a touch of enchantment to their appearance. Nereids, the beautiful water nymphs, danced beneath the gentle currents, their melodious voices carrying through the underwater expanse. Half-human Krakens, with their formidable presence, coexisted peacefully, their strength and wisdom valued by the community. And Selkies, the enchanting seal-human hybrids, frolicked playfully in their dual existence, embodying both the beauty of the sea and the land.

The city itself was a marvel of architectural wonder. Structures crafted from coral, translucent shells, and luminescent crystals adorned the underwater landscape. The buildings seemed to defy gravity, deftly shaped into stunning domes, spires, and arches. Coral gardens bloomed alongside the thoroughfares, their vibrant hues painting the cityscape with a kaleidoscope of colors. Intricate mosaics, crafted from crushed seashells and pearls, adorned the walls, depicting tales of mythical creatures and legends of the deep.

Light played an essential role in Atlantisia's aesthetics. Bioluminescent plants and creatures cast an otherworldly glow, illuminating the city's every corner. Soft, iridescent hues bathed the surroundings, shifting from blues to greens, purples to pinks, as if an ever-changing celestial dance unfolded before their eyes. The ethereal radiance highlighted the intricate details of the city's architecture and the delicate patterns etched into the surfaces, evoking a sense of wonder and awe.

Beneath the city, intricate networks of passageways and tunnels connected the diverse districts. These pathways, meticulously carved from living coral, formed a labyrinthine maze, leading to the residences, markets, and communal spaces that pulsated with vibrant activity. The harmony between nature and architecture was evident at every turn, as delicate sea ferns swayed with the currents, their gentle touch guiding residents and visitors alike.

The heart of Atlantisia was the Great Pearl Plaza, a central gathering space where citizens and visitors converged. Here, the grandeur of the city's beauty reached its zenith. Towering statues sculpted from seashells and adorned with pearls stood as symbols of unity and prosperity. The plaza was alive with music, laughter, and the vibrant exchange of goods from every corner of the underwater realm. The intoxicating scent of exotic sea flowers wafted through the air, enchanting all who entered.

As Aditya and Nerida swam through the ethereal streets of Atlantisia, the city's enchanting beauty seeped into their souls, leaving an indelible impression. It was a place where artistry, culture, and nature melded seamlessly, where the denizens of the deep thrived in harmony. Atlantisia stood as a testament to the boundless creativity and resilience of the underwater world, an underwater utopia where dreams and reality intertwined in a breathtaking tapestry of life beneath the waves.

As Aditya and Nerida swam through the bustling streets of Atlantisia, their conversation continued to flow effortlessly. The city teemed with life, each corner offering a new discovery for Aditya's curious eyes.

"The Competition will be held in the Capital of Deep Sea Palace Empire. You will have to use the teleportation array of this city to reach the Capital," Nerida explained, guiding Aditya through the winding paths. "Reaching the Capital by swimming alone would take too much time, and you might risk missing the entire competition."

Aditya nodded in understanding, realizing the practicality of utilizing the teleportation array to save time. "Since I have more than 48 hours before the tournament begins, I would like to explore this city," he expressed his desire, a sense of wonder gleaming in his eyes. He longed to immerse himself in the beauty and uniqueness of the underwater world.

Nerida's expression turned apologetic as she responded, "I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you. Here, I live as a low-class, poor Sea Elf, and if I am late for my job, I will be in trouble." She bowed her head, feeling a sense of guilt for leaving the King alone in an unfamiliar city.

Aditya, however, dismissed her apology with a gentle wave of his hand. "Raise your head, Nerida. There is no need to apologize," he reassured her. "Go to your work. For now, I will explore the city and enjoy its beauty."

Nerida's gratitude shone through her eyes as she thanked him. "Thank you," she said sincerely, appreciating his understanding and kindness.

Curiosity got the better of Aditya, and he couldn't resist asking about Nerida's profession. "By the way, what is your job?" he inquired, genuinely interested in learning more about her life in Atlantisia.

A warm smile graced Nerida's lips as she replied, "I work as a chef." She took a moment to explain the challenges of her profession, highlighting the meager wages and the expenses that often left her with little at the end of each month. Despite this, her passion for cooking and serving others remained unwavering.

Aditya understood the importance of work and the responsibilities it entailed. "Alright, I will see you near the northern entrance," he agreed, assuring Nerida that he would meet her there when he was ready to depart.

With a nod of farewell, Nerida bid Aditya good luck on his explorations and gracefully swam away to fulfill her duties as a chef. Aditya, now on his own, embraced the excitement that tingled in his veins as he embarked on a personal journey to uncover the secrets and wonders of the magnificent city of Atlantisia.

Scene change______

Immersed in the mesmerizing underwater realm of Atlantisia, Emperor Aditya found himself wandering towards the vibrant marketplace after several hours of exploration. The market, pulsating with life and activity, drew him in with its eclectic offerings and bustling energy.

"Let's discover what these bustling stalls have to offer," he mused, blending into the crowd. Being the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, he preferred to explore anonymously, but his human appearance drew many curious glances from the predominantly aquatic inhabitants.

Navigating through the ever-thickening throng, Aditya quickly realized the marketplace's popularity amongst the locals. The crowd density increased exponentially as he delved deeper, turning from a comfortable bustle into a crush of bodies. At some point, he found himself in a predicament. The crowd was pushing against him, and he started to regret his decision to explore this congested part of the city. Escape seemed impossible with the frenetic traffic of marine creatures zipping above him, their rapid movement barring any attempt to swim to the surface.

Maintaining his proximity to the marketplace's floor, he kept close to the vibrant shopfronts that stretched along the ground. Out of desperation, Aditya tried to gently nudge a burly merman to create an escape route, but his efforts were met with annoyance and a retaliatory shove that sent him spiraling backward into the crowd. Losing his balance, he collided with someone behind him, resulting in both of them toppling over onto the marketplace's ocean floor.

Feeling an unexpected softness cushion his fall, Aditya's curiosity piqued. Upon opening his eyes, he was met with the sight of a human-like girl beneath him, and the aura she exuded was strangely familiar. 'Why is she here?' he thought, his heartbeat quickening, as a wave of nervousness washed over him. He hastily distanced himself from her.

In contrast, the woman was frozen in place, her wide-eyed expression revealing her shock and disbelief. For the first time in her life, she was touched by a man, and yet, she experienced no adverse effects. Her life was dictated by a peculiar disease that caused her body to feel as though she was being burned from inside. This inexplicable condition made her existence a constant challenge, causing her to live in perpetual fear. But this human male, the one who just accidentally collided with her, seemed to be an exception to her curse.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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