Dragon Monarch System

"What is it that you want, Ma'am?" Aditya wished for nothing more than to extract himself from the increasingly intricate web that was Sasha. His intent to remain as anonymous as possible was paramount, especially given his present incognito state. He was here under a cloak of deception, his real persona carefully tucked away beneath layers of fabricated stories and artificially constructed truths. He had no intentions of letting his real identity be unveiled, not to anyone.

However, his curiosity was sparked, almost unwillingly. This was Sasha, the world's most dangerous assassin. Her reputation for deadly precision and ruthless efficiency was legendary. What on earth could have possibly drawn her to this remote outpost, far away from the prying eyes of the world? Was she here on an assignment, poised to strike down another unsuspecting victim?

This question bounced back and forth in his mind as he watched her from the corner of his eye. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts, her ethereal beauty radiating an intense aura that was hard to ignore, even for someone as guarded as Aditya.

"I want you," she spoke suddenly, her voice clear and precise. "Be mine."

Aditya felt a sharp jolt of surprise, like a sudden strike of lightning in a clear sky. His eyes widened, and he found himself momentarily speechless. He was thousands of meters below the ocean surface, and yet he felt the surge of the storm above. Sasha's statement resonated within him, stirring a whirlwind of emotions that he struggled to comprehend. 'What on earth is this woman suggesting?' he questioned himself, unsure of what he had just heard. He was thrown into a turmoil of confusion and disbelief.

"Sorry...What?" He managed to stutter out the words, clinging to the slender hope that he had perhaps misheard her. The sentence seemed too outlandish, too improbable to be real. He wanted to believe that he was mistaken, even though the gut feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach contradicted his vain attempts to dismiss Sasha's words as a figment of his imagination. Yet, the reality of what he had heard hung heavy in the air between them, a sharp reminder of the unexpected turn of events that had just unfolded.

"I want you, Aditya. I want you to be mine," Sasha reiterated, her tone unyielding and determined. The icy aloofness that usually inhabited her gaze seemed to dissolve, replaced with a warmth that caught Aditya off guard. Her eyes softened, casting an affectionate look in his direction. The intensity of her gaze was almost tangible, causing a sudden stirring in his heart that he swiftly tried to suppress.

A cacophony of disbelieving exclamations echoed in his mind. 'What? This can't be happening, can it?' Aditya was caught in a vortex of disbelief and shock. His thoughts raced, grappling with the surreal nature of the situation. His world tilted on its axis and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. He was paralyzed, anchored in a sea of surprise, unable to comprehend Sasha's unexpected confession.

The silence stretched between them, an elastic band of tension threatening to snap any moment. After what felt like an eternity, Aditya found his voice again. The word was just a whisper, a single syllable encapsulating the whirlwind of emotions churning within him. "Why?"

Sasha's stoic demeanor softened, giving way to an unexpected tenderness. For the first time since their paths had crossed, a small, sincere smile played at the corners of her lips. Her hand, which was clasped around his own, tightened slightly, as though she feared he would vanish the moment she let go.

"Because," she began, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. Her smile widened, lighting up her face in a radiant display that held Aditya spellbound. The force of her admission momentarily arrested his heart. "You are the Fated One. My Fated One. You are a celestial gift, sent from the heavens, especially for me."

Her words hung in the air, a silent testament to the profound feelings that she had just revealed, shifting the very dynamics of their relationship in ways Aditya had never imagined possible.

'Huh...? What is she talking about? How can I be a celestial gift?' Aditya questioned himself, his thoughts swirling with confusion. His logical mind found it difficult to process Sasha's profound claim. It was as if she was speaking in riddles, weaving an enigmatic narrative that his rational mind struggled to make sense of.

Sasha seemed unperturbed by Aditya's evident confusion. Her eyes met his with an unflinching gaze, before she posed her next question. "What is your name?" Her voice was calm, laced with an unusual gentleness.

Although his mind was still entrenched in a maelly of doubt and disarray, he managed to respond. "It's William," he said, adopting the fabricated persona he had carefully constructed for this clandestine mission.

"William..." Sasha echoed his alias softly, closing her eyes as if trying to commit the sound to memory. She repeated the name in a hushed whisper, as though attempting to align the foreign name with the man standing in front of her. The aloof, icy Sasha that was infamous among the underworld had vanished, replaced by a warm and vulnerable woman who bore little resemblance to her notorious counterpart. It was a transformation so complete, it was as if she had shed an old skin to reveal a completely different persona.

Without warning, she dropped her next revelation. "William, I want you to marry me." Her words landed with the impact of an explosion, shattering the thin veneer of calm that Aditya had managed to maintain.

'Has she completely lost her mind?' Aditya questioned inwardly. His mind reeled with disbelief, trying to make sense of the surreal situation that was unfolding in front of him. The words Sasha had spoken were so unexpected, they pushed his threshold of incredulity to its breaking point.

"Enough," Aditya's voice was firm, brooking no room for further discussion. "Why would I marry you? I don't even know who you are. I've heard enough of this nonsense and I'm leaving." With a swift pivot, he attempted to extricate himself from her grip and from the surreal vortex of her revelations.

But her grasp on his arm hardened like a vice, her gaze turning icy and penetrating. A chill seemed to radiate from her, freezing him in place. Despite Aditya's best efforts to wrest himself free, she held on, her resolve as unyielding as steel.

"Why are you holding me?" Aditya demanded, his brows furrowing in irritation. He had grown weary of this farce. All he desired was to depart from this place and resume his intended path. He was currently operating at the strength level of a peak 3rd-order cultivator, well within his means to match her peak 5th-order strength. Yet, he refrained from doing so, acutely aware that any display of such power would raise suspicions about his true identity – a secret he was determined to protect.

Despite his discomfort, Aditya tempered his strength, suppressing his true capabilities. He did not want to risk exposure, not when he was so close to achieving his mission. However, the iron grip of the woman before him was quickly pushing him into a corner. How he'd navigate his way out of this tricky situation remained to be seen.

"I can't let you go. As I've already told you, you're the only one for me in this world. Regardless of the circumstances, I won't let you slip away." Sasha's voice rang out coldly, reverberating with an unwavering determination. Even though Aditya didn't fully comprehend her sentiments, he knew with absolute certainty that this obstinate woman wouldn't relinquish her hold until she received a response. And she was not the sort to easily accept a negative answer. However, this in no way implied that Aditya would capitulate and agree to marry her.

He was already engaged to four women, and he couldn't have been happier or more content with them. It was a jarring contradiction that merely a few days ago, Sasha had vehemently expressed her lack of interest in him, categorically stating that marriage was out of the question. She had even insisted that he stop seeking her out. Yet, here she was, seeking him out, albeit unknowingly. Her lack of recognition was due to his skillful disguise and the usage of an artifact to mask his Aura.

"Alright, then. What do you want from me?" Aditya asked, his frustration seeping into his words. He was caught in an impossible situation. He couldn't depart without resorting to force, but doing so would reveal his true strength. His options were dwindling, and the path ahead seemed increasingly complicated. How he would manage to extricate himself from this predicament without compromising his mission was a question that loomed ominously over his head.

"Marry me," Sasha proposed once again, her voice as cold and unyielding as the Arctic wind.

"No. I'm not interested," Aditya refused outright, his reply crisp and decisive.

"100 million royal gold coins," she persisted, her words echoing in the heavy silence that enveloped them.

"Pardon?" he questioned, taken aback by the unexpected offer.

"I'll give you 100 million royal gold coins if you agree to marry me," she clarified, her tone matter-of-fact. Despite her cold demeanor and dangerous reputation, Sasha was incredibly wealthy. Her covert operations as a global assassin had earned her billions, which were now stored securely in her possession.

"No, I'm not interested," he reiterated, refusing her generous offer without a moment's hesitation.

"200 million royal gold coi-," she tried to negotiate, only to be interrupted by Aditya's swift refusal.

"Nope," he cut her off before she could complete her proposition.

"300 million -," she started, but was promptly cut short.

"No," he dismissed her offer without a second thought.

"1 billion royal gold coins." Her offer escalated exponentially, an astronomical amount of wealth that would make even the most disciplined individual pause. The conversion of 1 billion royal gold coins to 100 billion standard gold coins was a staggering amount of wealth. The sheer magnitude of her offer hung heavily in the air, a testament to her desperation to secure his agreement.

"I've already told you, I'm not interested," Aditya repeated firmly, his patience wearing thin. Money held no sway over him, and he was growing increasingly annoyed with Sasha's misguided belief that everything could be obtained with wealth alone.

Sasha's voice, now tinged with frustration, cut through the tense air. "Then tell me, what do you want? How much money do you need?"

"It's not about money," Aditya responded, his voice laced with exasperation. He had no desire for wealth or the extravagant promises she was making.

"Then what is it that you desire?" Sasha pressed, her desperation becoming more apparent with each passing moment. The woman who believed she could acquire anything through monetary means was facing a perplexing challenge she couldn't easily overcome.

"I don't care about your money, your riches, or having a harem," Aditya declared firmly, his tone unwavering. He had no interest in succumbing to the allure of material possessions that Sasha was so fervently offering. His blunt rejection only fueled Sasha's growing frustration. Throughout her life, she had successfully obtained everything she desired using money. It had become ingrained in her belief system that wealth could procure anything she desired.

In her experience, husbands abandoned their families for a mere million royal gold coins, revealing the shocking realization that they valued their own kin at such a low price. Sons were willing to commit fratricide to inherit their father's wealth. Sasha had witnessed such betrayals firsthand, solidifying her conviction that money could indeed buy anything.

But Aditya was different. He remained steadfast in his refusal, unyielding in his rejection of her offers. His words struck at the core of her beliefs, challenging the foundation upon which she had built her life.

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