Dragon Monarch System

The Deep Sea Palace, while a marvel of nature and a hub of aquatic diversity, was plagued by a dark undercurrent of prejudice and bigotry. The inhabitants of this underwater world—Merfolks, Sea Elves, Selkies, Nereids (Sea nymphs), and Krakens—shared the same vast ocean, yet their society was starkly divided along the lines of race and species. The merfolks, with their shimmering scales and powerful tails, held a hegemonic power in the palace, relegating the other races to lower rungs in the societal hierarchy.

The merfolks, sitting comfortably on their high seats, reveled in their superior status. They had paid merely 5 white gold coins for their entry and seating into the tournament stadium, a privilege not extended to the other races. Sea Elves, Selkies, Nereids, and Krakens were forced to stand and watch, their pockets lighter by far more than 5 coins. The disparity was stark, a glaring symbol of the systemic discrimination that pervaded the aquatic society.

The injustice was deeply rooted, reaching far beyond the tournament. Day in, day out, the residents of the Deep Sea Palace were subjected to varying degrees of racism, discrimination, and unfair treatment. The Sea Elves bore the brunt of this bias, treated as little more than slaves and denied even the most basic rights. Their plight was a sobering reminder of the societal imbalance.

The Selkies, Nereids, and Krakens fared a tad better but were far from equal citizens. Their lives were a struggle against systemic prejudice and constant derision. The social structure was built on layers of racial superiority and inferiority, and this disparity was not lost on Laura.

Laura, a beacon of hope amidst the sea of bigotry, yearned for a sea change. She was tired of the prejudice, discrimination, and exploitation that were as ubiquitous as the oceanic flora and fauna. She believed in the inherent goodness of individuals, regardless of their race or species. It wasn't unheard of - there was a small group of inhabitants who never allowed their race or power to mar their dealings with others. They stood out, like colorful corals in a sea of monotony. It was such an inclusive, harmonious society that Laura aimed to create—a society where everyone was viewed and treated as equals. The journey was long and arduous, but Laura was determined to challenge the status quo.

On the surface world, racial boundaries had been blurred to the point of non-existence. A myriad of diverse races coexisted, intermingled, and even tied the knot without a second thought. Inter-racial marriages were commonplace, and they were celebrated, not scorned. A human male could fall in love with and marry a cat-woman, or a powerful dragon could take a succubus as his bride. There were no boundaries or barriers to love; it transcended all racial lines. The surface world was a melting pot of cultures and races, where everyone enjoyed the same rights and freedoms.

Contrastingly, the Deep Sea Palace stood as a stark symbol of racial segregation and discrimination. The difference between the two worlds was like night and day. In the underwater realm, one's race determined their status, their opportunities, their treatment, and even their worth. The concept of inter-racial relationships was frowned upon, if not outrightly forbidden.

Aditya, standing amidst the sea creatures and soaking in the differences between the land and the sea, felt a pang of sadness. He looked on at the bustling arena, his gaze lingering on the segregated spectators. A sense of unease seeped into him, as he came to grips with the glaring racial divide in this part of the world.

His mind buzzed with thoughts, as he silently observed the scene unfolding in front of him. "So, this is how things operate here..." He mused to himself, a tinge of melancholy coloring his thoughts. His eyes moved back to the arena, a silent observer amidst the roaring crowd, pondering the complex tapestry of society and its disparities.

"I guess it's about time for me to take my leave," Aditya finally decided, shaking off the thoughts that had been consuming his mind. He wasn't too concerned about Laura's performance in the tournament. He had witnessed her combat prowess firsthand and had no doubt that she could sail smoothly into the elimination rounds. The raw power and skill she demonstrated in battle were unmatched by most, and it was unlikely that anyone could pose a significant challenge to her at this stage of the competition.

But he had responsibilities and obligations of his own, work that needed his immediate attention. Lingering around to watch more of the tournament was a luxury he could ill afford at this juncture. As interesting as it was to observe the competition and the deep-seated racial dynamics that ran rampant in the Deep Sea Palace, Aditya knew he had tasks that were far more pressing.

With a deep sigh, he pulled himself out of his contemplative state. His eyes took one last sweeping glance at the ongoing spectacle in the arena, and then he subtly began to weave his way out of the crowd. He moved with ease, barely causing a ripple in the sea of spectators that had gathered to watch the event. The sea creatures were too engrossed in the unfolding battles to notice one man leaving the spectacle before the climax.

And so, with a final look at the bustling arena that was quickly fading into the background, Aditya quietly exited, leaving the noise, the excitement, and the racial prejudices behind him as he moved on to his next assignment. The tournament, for now, had served its purpose for him. He'd gained an invaluable glimpse into the societal structures of the Deep Sea Palace. Now, it was time to turn his attention elsewhere.

Scene change_____

The venerable old Dukes didn't make an appearance at the tournament venue. Instead, they opted to watch the spectacle unfold from the comfort of their own opulent mansions in the capital. Each noble within the Empire was gifted with a mansion situated within the bustling heart of the city. The size and grandeur of these homes corresponded directly with their standing and rank in the social hierarchy.

The Dukes, as the loftiest nobles with the longest lineage in the Empire, were afforded the most extravagant residences. Their estates were sprawling, resplendent in their architecture, rivaling even the grandeur of the palace itself. These lavish homes were the envy of all, complete with their own courtyards, lavish gardens teeming with exotic sea flora, and interiors furnished with priceless artifacts and ornate decorations.

The magic artifacts that they were using to watch the tournament were nothing short of magnificent. Crafted by skilled artisans and enchanted by master sorcerers, these artifacts could project the ongoing battles in the tournament arena, giving them a real-time, comprehensive view. It was as if they were physically present at the venue itself.

They would recline leisurely in their plush thrones, sipping on exotic beverages while watching the tournament. The large, magic screens would flicker and glow, casting shimmering lights throughout their grand reception halls, illuminating the intricate wall carvings and lavish tapestries.

Despite not being at the arena themselves, they had the best seats in the house, enjoying the thrill and excitement of the tournament without the inconvenience of the bustling crowd and the discomfort of the open arena. This was the privilege they enjoyed, a testament to their elevated status and the respect they commanded within the Empire.

"Your grace, you would like to have anything?" Duke Avaron, who is one of the old dukes was sitting on the couch and was focused on watching the tournament.

The one who spoke now was his butler.

Duke Avaron, the embodiment of greed, is a sight to behold. Like all mermen, his body is split between human and fish, but he is far from ordinary.

At first glance, Avaron carries an air of opulence and extravagance that's hard to miss. Standing tall at over seven feet, his upper body resembles that of a well-built man, complete with a strong, broad-shouldered physique. His skin is an unusual shade of gold, shimmering under the sea's lights, as if to signify the wealth he has amassed over centuries. His face is chiseled, with sharp, aristocratic features, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline, which are usually hidden behind a well-groomed golden beard.

His eyes, as blue as the deepest part of the ocean, are striking and hold a constant gleam of desire for more. His golden hair cut short and slicked back, adds to his overall majestic appearance. He is usually adorned in the finest sea-silk robes, threaded with golden lines that match his skin, showcasing his high status.

The lower part of his body, the fish half, is where the spectacle truly begins. His tail is enormous, easily twice his body's length, and covered in glittering golden scales that seem to be lit from within. The tail fins are wide and elegant, their golden glow casting a warm hue around him.

Duke Avaron's appearance alone speaks volumes about his immense wealth and the lengths he is willing to go to keep it.

In the realm of the Deep Sea Palace, no man was more ensnared by the clutches of greed than Duke Avaron. His insatiable desire for wealth and affluence was a legend in itself, far surpassing his fellow dukes and any other inhabitant of the undersea realm. The whispers of his opulence trickled down every corner of the Empire, stirring a mixture of awe and resentment amongst the populace.

His riches were so vast, so immeasurable, that murmurs began to circulate, suggesting that his wealth might even surpass that of the Palace's Ruler himself. These tales grew taller with each retelling, further cementing Avaron's image as a paragon of wealth.

The location of his immense treasure, however, was a mystery that even the most cunning and crafty could not unravel. Some gossiped that his wealth was hidden somewhere on the dry lands above, securely stashed away from prying eyes. Others claimed that he had cleverly hidden it in a different Empire altogether, a secret only he was privy to.

But as the saying goes, every coin has two sides. Despite being the wealthiest noble under the sea, Duke Avaron was notoriously tightfisted. He was known to be extremely frugal, hoarding his wealth rather than spending it, making his golden reserves grow even larger. He was a miser in every sense of the word, holding onto every piece of his fortune with a tight grip, further fueling the tales of his unquenchable greed.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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