Dragon Monarch System

Wearing a devilish grin, Sylvie shot back, "Oh, this isn't just any ordinary booze, Aditya. This is 'Elven Elixir', a special brew from my home village. It's a product of years of dark elven wisdom and craft."

Intrigued by the sound of it, Alicia leaned in closer, eager to learn more about this mysterious drink. "Elven Elixir? That sounds quite interesting. What's so special about it?"

Sylvie picked up the cue, her eyes sparkling with an endearing mix of pride and nostalgia. "Well, Elven Elixir is not your everyday alcohol. It's an intricate blend of rare, potent herbs, magical fruits, and crystal-clear water from the sacred springs in our village. It takes months to brew and mature into its final glorious form. It smells slightly of herbs, not too overpowering but just enough to tease your senses."

"And the taste?" Amber interjected, her curiosity piqued.

Sylvie's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "Ah, the taste! It's unlike anything you've ever experienced. It's smooth, and it warms your insides as it slides down. It's sweet, but not cloyingly so, with just a hint of bitterness that gives it an intriguing edge. The aftertaste leaves a lingering sweetness in your mouth, making you crave for more."

"That sounds delightful," Julia murmured, mesmerized by Sylvie's vivid description. "But, is it just a treat for the taste buds?"

Sylvie shook her head, her grin widening. "Oh, it's much more than that. Elven Elixir has powerful medicinal properties. It's known to purify the veins that channel mana through your body, thus increasing your cultivation speed temporarily. It also has the magical ability to get even the most powerful cultivators drunk, yet it never leaves you with a nasty hangover. It's like a mystical potion that grants you pleasure without any of the usual repercussions."

As she concluded her explanation, there was an appreciative silence. Even Aditya had to admit that the 'Elven Elixir' sounded fascinating, a marvelous concoction of taste, intoxication, and cultivation benefits all wrapped in one.

"Can you believe just one barrel of this Elven Elixir costs a million royal gold coins?" Sylvie winked, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "So basically, when you're sipping this, you're literally drinking gold coins. But I assure you, the taste is a thousand times better than gold. Pure liquid luxury!" She added with a wide, cheeky grin.

Aditya, still had a shadow of uncertainty crossing his face. Spotting this, Sylvie nudged him playfully. "Oh, come on Aditya. Let your hair down just for tonight. The sky's clear, the stars are bright, and we have the finest drink in all of creation. It's the perfect time to loosen up and have some fun!"

His hesitation waned under the infectious enthusiasm of his companions. With a sigh of surrender and a hint of a smile, he nodded. "Alright, just for tonight."

Sylvie responded with a victory cheer, and reached into her bag. She pulled out several carved wooden mugs, their designs ornate and intricate, another testament to the craftsmanship of her people. Filling each one to the brim with the prized Elven Elixir, she distributed the mugs among her friends. The golden liquid swirled around in the mugs, casting a warm, inviting glow under the moonlight.

"Remember, guys," she chimed, lifting her own mug in a toast. "This isn't just for us grown-ups. Even our young Lara here can have a taste. There are no age restrictions when it comes to enjoying the finest things in life in our world. Though, children usually refrain from consuming alcohol until they're 16, tonight's a special occasion. So, here's to a memorable night under the stars!"

Their laughter echoed through the meadow as they clinked their mugs together, the anticipation of the upcoming taste of luxury heightening the festive mood.

With an exclamation of pure delight, Riya tilted her mug back, draining the majority of her drink in a single gulp. "This is... amazing! Probably one of the finest things I've ever tasted," she exclaimed, holding out her mug for more. Sylvie just chuckled at her friend's reaction, pouring her another serving of the golden liquid.

On the other side, Amber reached for a skewer of grilled chicken, the savory aroma making her mouth water. The first bite sent her taste buds into a frenzy, the meat succulent and full of flavor. Meanwhile, Sylvie had found her own unique way of enjoying the meal. She dunked pieces of her beloved bread into her drink, savoring each bite with an expression of sheer bliss plastered across her face.

Witnessing this, Alicia couldn't hold back her laughter. "Really, Sylvie? Dipping bread in the Elven Elixir? That's a new level of bread obsession!" she teased, earning herself a good-natured glare from her best friend.

Wanting to ensure their safety and privacy, Aditya took out a golden paper talisman, covered with complex magical runes. "I'll set up a 4th-order invisible barrier around us," he announced. "No one from outside will be able to see us. And no wild creatures below the 5th order will even be able to sense us."

As he laid the talisman on the ground and channeled a bit of his mana into it, a cubic-shaped barrier materialized around their little party. The barrier, although invisible, created a safe and private space for them. It didn't block the wind or the surrounding nature, leaving the ambiance untouched. It was as if nothing had happened, but they all knew they were now inside a protective shield, secure and secluded under the starlit sky.

In the warm and inviting atmosphere, Julia played the role of a caring elder sister. With a gentle smile, she handed a juicy, grilled chicken leg to Lara. "Here, try this, Lara. It's absolutely delicious," she suggested, her voice warm and friendly. In their merry group, everyone had a soft spot for Lara. She was the youngest, the most reserved, and often preferred to listen rather than speak.

Accepting the food with a shy "Thank you, big sister...", Lara took a tentative bite. The flavor of the perfectly grilled chicken, complemented by the delicate taste of the Elven Elixir, was an absolute delight. A twinkle of excitement lit up in her eyes as she relished the scrumptious combination.

Aditya, seated beside Julia on the edge of the large mat, was taking his time, savoring the Elven Elixir at his own leisurely pace. His eyes drifted over his friends, a smile gracing his face as he took in their animated expressions, their laughter, and their joy. This, to him, was the epitome of happiness and peace. The sight of their merry faces, their unguarded smiles and their shared laughter filled his heart with a profound sense of contentment and joy.

"Aditya, why so slow? You're drinking like a snail!" Sylvie teased, reaching for his mug with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Here, let me pour you another one." With that, she cheerfully topped up his mug, raising the level of the golden liquid almost to the brim.

Bursting into giggles, Riya challenged Alicia in a teasing tone, "How about we have a little friendly competition, eh, Golden Glutton?" The playful nickname that Riya had given Alicia was a playful jab at her notorious love for gold and wealth. Alicia, though slightly miffed at being called Golden Glutton, responded without missing a beat, her eye twitching in mock annoyance.

"What's your game, Leafy Highness?" Alicia retorted, her tone laced with mischief. Sylvie, their constant audience, found the scene highly amusing. Her eyes sparkled with glee, and she drank another gulp of her wine, clearly entertained by the playful banter.

"Well," Riya continued, her eyes twinkling with a competitive spirit, "We'll have a drinking contest. The one who can outdrink the other gets to give Aditya a French kiss!" This declaration seemed to set Alicia ablaze, the fire of competition ignited in her eyes.

Aditya, on the other hand, was taken aback. He could feel a cold sweat trickling down his forehead as he wondered how the peaceful night had spiraled into a competition. He cast a helpless glance towards Sylvie, hoping she might intervene.

But Sylvie seemed to be thriving on the playful chaos. "Ladies, place your bets now! I, for one, am backing my bestie, Alicia!" Sylvie declared, her eyes shining with anticipation. Alicia flashed a triumphant grin at Riya, confident in her victory.

The girls, each picking sides, were engrossed in this impromptu game. Aditya, feeling slightly out of place amidst the excitement, decided to join in on the fun. "Well, it's a wonder you aren't betting on who can eat more bread, Sylvie!" he remarked, shooting a teasing glance at Sylvie's half-eaten piece of bread soaked in wine.

This unexpected comment from Aditya triggered a round of giggles among the girls, lightening the competitive atmosphere. Though the contest was still on, the mood was kept friendly and jovial, everyone's hearts filled with laughter and joy.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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