Dragon Monarch System

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Sakura began, her voice dripping with a sultry allure, "We are both delighted and honored that you have chosen to spend your precious time with us today at the Mystical Treasure Auction. Every face I see here adds to the splendor of our event, and it's truly our privilege to host such esteemed guests."

Allowing a pause for effect, she then gracefully continued, "For those unfamiliar with me, my name is Sakura." With a subtle, yet tantalizing flip of her long hair, she gave the audience a wink that made hearts race. As she smiled, her lips glimmered under the lights, and her eyes seemed to hold a secret promise. There was an unmistakable energy around her, one that had men at the edge of their seats. Her charm was undeniable, and as a Succubus, she wielded it effortlessly. The very essence of her was an intoxicating blend of elegance and seduction.

"Today, I will be your guide through a world of treasures and temptations. And I must say, the pleasure is all mine," she teased, her voice low and inviting. The temperature in the room seemed to rise a few degrees as she held the audience captive with her tantalizing presence.

As the auction began, the stage was illuminated, revealing Sakura, an embodiment of allure and desire. Her long, raven-black hair cascaded down her back, shimmering under the spotlight, framing a face that could tempt even the most stoic of souls. A Succubus by nature, her tail playfully danced behind her, matching the rhythm of her swaying hips.

With every step she took, her voluptuous chest, unrestrained by fabric, moved in tandem, drawing eyes and leaving the audience mesmerized. The curve of her hips contrasted beautifully with her slender waist, accentuating the seductive swing of her round and inviting derrière. Every movement she made was poetry in motion, each more tantalizing than the last.

Draping her figure was a white Chinese dress, tailored to perfection. It hugged her like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination, showcasing her perfectly sculpted silhouette. The high slit of the dress flaunted her long, toned legs and hinted at the smoothness of her thighs, promising secrets untold. The absence of undergarments made the dress even more tantalizing, as it adhered to her body in all the right places.

Her beauty was not just skin deep. Beyond her seductive physique was a face that radiated charm and mischief. Standing at a height of around 5 feet 5 inches, her deep blue eyes sparkled with mischief and allure, drawing in anyone who dared to meet her gaze. The room's temperature seemed to rise with each step she took, her presence igniting a fire of anticipation and desire in everyone present.

Sakura elegantly swayed onto the stage, every step echoing grace and allure. The lighting of the room seemed to shimmer in her presence, casting a soft glow that highlighted her bewitching curves. Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back like a midnight waterfall, while her deep blue eyes glinted mischievously.

"Esteemed guests," she began, her voice sultry and dripping with honeyed charm, "I hope you're ready for an evening that promises treasures beyond your wildest imaginations." She tilted her head slightly, locking eyes with a few of the attendees. Several men shifted uncomfortably in their seats, ensnared by her captivating gaze.

"Let's not delay the excitement any further." With a teasing smirk, Sakura delicately slid her slender fingers into her storage ring. The room's energy grew palpable, anticipation thick in the air. She retrieved an item and placed it on the table, its presence encased within a pristine glass box.

"Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on our opening marvel— the Sunfire Talisman." Sakura leaned forward, allowing her figure to be more pronounced, and her dress clung to her in all the right places. She rested a hand on the glass box, fingers tracing its edges provocatively.

Aditya squinted slightly, trying to focus on the talisman amidst the distracting display. With a cursory glance, he could tell that the runes on the talisman were not ordinary— they were the handiwork of a master.

"This isn't just any trinket," Sakura purred, capturing the room's attention once again. "Engraved by a 5-star runemaster, this talisman has been infused with the very essence of the sun. It's not just a pretty ornament; it's a weapon and a protector." She winked, "It can turn your enemies to ashes and shield you from the iciest of perils. If rumors are to be believed, the Sunfire Talisman can even bring down a novice rank 5th-order cultivator and gravely harm those at mid 5th-order."

The room erupted in whispers and gasps. Many attendees shifted in their seats, both from the allure of the talisman and the spell Sakura seemed to weave.

Aditya reclined in his seat, deep in thought. 'This auction isn't just a mere spectacle of extravagance,' he pondered. 'I anticipated some pretty rare treasures, but this? The first item already surpassing expectations? Remarkable.'

The Sunfire Talisman shimmered on the table, an emblem of power and prestige. Aditya's mind raced, weighing the value of the item. 'It's undeniably a gem,' he mused. 'It'd be a perfect gift for Leo and the rest. But given that I'm a 4-star runemaster, splurging on it might be a bit... unnecessary. With my Crimson flames, I'm sure I can craft something even mightier in time.'

As Aditya concluded his internal debate, deciding to pass on the bidding, the atmosphere in the room grew thick with anticipation. The other emperors and high-ranking nobles perched on the edge of their seats on the second and third floors. They weren't about to let such a prize slip through their fingers. For them, the allure wasn't just its rarity; it was the promise of protection. A 5-star talisman like this was a beacon of hope in perilous times, potentially the difference between life and death. The room buzzed with their collective realization: this wasn't just an item; it was an insurance policy of the highest caliber. They eyed it hungrily, each calculating how much they'd be willing to part with for such invaluable security.

Sakura's sultry voice filled the room, laced with an alluring charm that only she could muster. "The coveted Sunfire Talisman shall open at a bid of 100,000 royal gold coins. My esteemed guests, your increments must be no less than 10,000 royal gold coins." Drawing her voice to a teasing whisper, she added, "Let's see who's willing to play for such a treasure." Finishing her sentence, she cast a slow, seductive wink across the room, her eyes promising a world of enchantment.

But the aristocrats on the second and third floors were too engrossed in the escalating stakes to be distracted. Their eyes were glued to the Sunfire Talisman, captivated by its promise of power.

"500,000 royal gold coins," declared a voice, ringing clear and assertive.

Before the echo could die down, another chimed in, "800,000!"

A pause, then, "1,000,000 royal gold coins."

The room was charged with tension, with every new bid, the heat, and excitement amplified. "2,000,000 royal gold coins!" The fervor in the room was palpable.

Sakura's lips curled in a sly smile, her form accentuated by the tight dress she wore, revealing just enough to inflame the imagination. Her voice dripped with honey as she egged them on, "Higher, my brave hearts. Who can resist such temptation?"

And then it came, a voice booming from the third floor, dripping in authority, "5,000,000 royal gold coins." The statement caused a hush to descend. Many nobles, feeling the weight of such an exorbitant sum, resignedly withdrew from the contest.

Yet, in the secluded alcoves of the third floor, where the most powerful Emperors reclined in luxury, the game was far from over. One of them, clearly undeterred, confidently declared, "5,500,000 royal gold coins." The night was still young, and the bidding war raged on.

"7,100,000 royal gold coins..." A voice, rich and dripping in authority, resonated from the room adjacent to Aditya's. The vast sum, once converted, meant the bid now stood at a staggering 70 million gold coins. To Aditya, the price seemed exorbitant, bordering on the ridiculous. But perhaps to others, the talisman held an immeasurable allure. After all, value is often in the eye of the beholder, fluctuating based on individual needs and desires.

As the figure touched the monumental 7 million mark, a hush descended upon the room. The price had risen to dizzying heights, and one by one, potential buyers began to back down, realizing that they were out of their league.

Sakura's voice, thick with seduction, cut through the murmurs, "It appears we have our victor. Congratulations to the illustrious His Royal Highness of the Terra Regency Empire." Her words were accompanied by a deliberate, lingering glance, one that swept across the audience, leaving a trail of heated faces in its wake. The contours of her dress hugged her frame, leaving little to the imagination, and every movement was a tantalizing dance of allure.

Whispers spread like wildfire among the spectators. Many looked awestruck, others filled with envy. "Truly fitting of His Royal Highness," murmured one guest, clearly impressed.

"With wealth and charm like that," sighed another, "it's no wonder he remains undefeated in these bidding wars." The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with admiration, envy, and raw desire.

Aditya and the surrounding emperors exchanged knowing glances, a shared sentiment evident in their eyes. To them, the exorbitant price paid by the young Crown Prince seemed more like a display of his opulence rather than a wise investment.

Aditya couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, thinking, 'Such wasteful extravagance.' It was evident to him that the prince had splurged on the talisman more for the prestige it would bring him than its intrinsic value.

As the murmurs of the past auction died down, Sakura sashayed to the center of the stage, the fabric of her gown accentuating every curve. With a sultry smirk, she teased the audience, "And now, dear guests, for our next divine treasure..." With deliberate slowness, she unveiled a shimmering silver grass, ensconced in a glass box that seemed to magnify its ethereal glow. "Behold, the Moonshade Herb."

She leaned forward, her voice dripping with allure, "A rare gem that flourishes under the caress of the moon's silvery light. Not only does it cleanse one's mind and amplify mental prowess, but those on the cusp of breaking through from the Peak 4th-order to the Beginner 5th-order will find its properties especially beneficial." She paused, letting her words sink in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "For those blessed with moon-related affinities, its magic is unparalleled."

A chorus of awed whispers erupted across the hall. Though the emperors on the 3rd floor seemed nonchalant, a handful of nobles on the 2nd floor appeared keenly interested, likely seeing it as a potential boon for their trusted aides. Down on the 1st floor, the fervor was palpable. Eyes gleamed with barely concealed greed, and whispers of bids and alliances filled the air.

Sakura gracefully swept her gaze across the crowd, the light reflecting off her eyes making them seem as though they were bathed in moonlight. Her voice, smooth as silk, purred out, "Ladies and gentlemen, the bidding for this exquisite Moonshade Herb will commence at 100,000 royal gold coins. To cherish this herb's grace, I request that each esteemed bid not fall short of 10,000 royal gold coins." Her tone had an alluring invitation, her words tempting the guests to dive into the bidding war.

As the bids rolled in, it was evident that the excitement was concentrated mainly among the audience on the 1st floor. The esteemed guests and emperors on the 3rd floor, usually so fervent in their bids, were conspicuously silent.

Aditya, observing the frenzied reactions, leaned towards Julia, a quizzical look in his eyes. "Julia," he began, his voice soft and inquiring, "is this herb truly as rare as they're making it out to be?"

Julia, with her vast knowledge on alchemy and herbs, thoughtfully replied, "The Moonshade Herb is indeed unique and has its own merit. However, its effects aren't unparalleled. A skilled alchemist, given the right blend of ingredients, can reproduce a concoction with similar benefits." Her words held a hint of amusement as she continued, "Its rarity might appeal to many, but its true worth is recognized by those with deeper insight."

Aditya chuckled lightly, shaking his head. 'So, all this hullabaloo for something that's essentially replaceable. No wonder the emperors aren't keen on it,' he mused. The dynamics of the auction, the desires of the many against the wisdom of the few, amused him greatly.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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