Dragon Monarch System

Seeing how easily 3 Beast Kings were killed within a second, all the troops of the Beast Kings were paralyzed with fear. Drops of sweat started rolling down their cheeks. Right now, no one had the courage to take a step forward. 'Just who is he?'

'He was able to end the lives of three Beast Kings in an instant.'

'This guy is even more powerful than the Beast Kings.....!!'

'How we are supposed to fight against someone like him.'

'Even Lord Eldric looks nervous and scared.' 'What kind of monster is he?' Almost all of the soldiers of the Beast Kings were having similar thoughts in their heads. They were very afraid of this monster. Without even moving an inch, this young man was able to end the lives of the three beast Kings. He did not just kill the Beast Kings, he made their bodies explode. Hiss...!!!

John felt his blood running cold seeing how the three Beast Kings died within a second. 'He did not even move from his place. Just what kind of power is he?' "You were saying something before right? Do you mind repeating your words again?" Harrison asked John with a gentle smile. But John felt that this was the smile of Satan. "I was wrong.....!!! Please forgive me.....!!!" John was about to kneel and beg for his life but an invisible power held him from bending his knees. "Now come on.....!! Even if you're a Fake King, you still hold the title of a King. And A King should never bend his knees before anyone. Not even to me." Harrison might not be a saint but that did not mean that he was a man without principles.

Harrison has always followed his principles. And one of his principles and his belief was that a King should never bend his knees to anyone. "I was wrong.....please forgive me....!!!" John still tried to ask for Harrison's forgiveness.

At this moment, John did not have the Pride and arrogance of a Beast King. At this moment, he was a man who was desperate to save his own life and nothing else mattered to him. As long as he could live there was always a chance for him to rise again. This is John's thoughts. "Forgive you...?" Harrison's eyes fell on Jacob who was standing just a few meters behind. Jacob also looked very scared. "Is that your secretary?" Harrison knew very much about every single Beast King. In the last 9 centuries, he has been preparing for this very moment.

He has very carefully studied everything about all other beast kings. He did this not because he felt threat by the beast Kings, he did this because he wanted to know more about his enemies even though he was strong enough to end their lives within a few seconds and be done with it. Being cautious was one of his core principles and beliefs. Harrison believed that as long as he was cautious in his life there was no way that he could ever get stabbed in the back. It was his cautious nature that allowed him to survive this long despite being cursed 9 centuries ago. Harrison was able to recover his former power a long time ago but he never acted because he was conscious about everything and he carefully planned his every single step till this very moment. The very purpose of his wanting the Dragon grass is to lift the curse that has been placed on his Mana Heart so that he can finally cultivate to a higher order and become the true king of this world. This curse has been preventing him from breaking into Higher orders. For a cultivator, there was nothing more frustrating than not being able to cultivate for nine long centuries. Harrison has been enduring for 9 long centuries. The anger, the pain, and the frustration in his heart were as deep as an abyss. "Yes...!!!" John hurriedly nodded his head. "Alright, I will forgive you if you let me kill your secretary in your place." Not even a second had passed before John appeared behind Jacob grabbed him by the neck and threw him in front of Harrison. "Please...!!!" There was no trace of hesitation or any remorse or any sadness for his secretary who has been with his side for nearly a century now. When it came to saving his life John valued his life more than the life of his secretary. Jacob looked at John in deep shock. 'I served my Lord with my everything for this long. Not even once did I ever think of betraying my Lord yet the very same man to whom I have devoted my life and served with my everything, decides to throw away my life like a trash bag.' 'Lord John, was this my worth in our eyes?' Jacob thought in his eyes. Jacob would have happily sacrificed his own life for the sake of his Lord. Jacob was truly disappointed to see that not only his master did not hesitate for a second, but he even grabbed him by the neck and threw him in front of Harrison to get killed. This hurt more than anything. "Hahaha.....!!! You did not even think twice before sending your secretary to be sacrificed in your place. Just what kind of Man are you.....!!! And yet you call yourself a King.....!!!" Harrison laughed at John. He openly mocked John but John could only grit his teeth and endure the shame so that he could live. "This is the very reason why I called you all Fake Kings." This time Eldric and John felt truly ashamed. "I have seen enough. I think I am going to end this right here and right now. A man like you is deserving of the title of King." Harrison waved his hand. The next second, Jacob died of a heart attack in front of Harrison. He made Jacob's death as painless as possible. Even though they were on different sides, Harrison appreciated a man like Jacob. He was a man worthy of respect.

However, John's death wasn't so painful. Harrison's eyes dangerously glowed in red. John suddenly clenched his heart as he felt his heart burning from inside. Cough....!!!

John coughed out a large mouthful of blood before falling to his knees. He wasn't just coughing blood, he was also bleeding from his eyes and his nose. Ahh...!!!

John rolled on the ground in agony. Harrison had used his powers to boil John's blood from inside. At this moment, John's own blood was boiling him from the inside. His inner organs, such as Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and intestines, everything was boiling from inside. Just hearing his painful screams, the soldiers and even Eldric had goosebumps all over their bodies. The scene was so cruel dad no one found the strength to keep watching. Around one minute later, John was unable to take it anymore and he died as a result. His death was slow and very painful. This was one of the worst ways that anyone could ever die. Till the very end, he was rolling on the ground while holding his stomach. "Hmph.....!!!" Harrison snorted before turning his focus on the troops of the Beast Kings. "I'll end your lives later but right now I will need to save my Mana to fight him." Although Harrison said this in a low tone, Eldric and troops with high cultivation were able to clearly hear what Harrison had said about them. Hearing what Harrison was planning to do with their lives they all felt scared and thought of running away from this monster.

As for Eldric, he already had accepted the fact that his fate was sealed. There is no way that he could escape and live his life. Even if he ran away he knew that this monster was going to keep hunting for him and he wouldn't be able to run too far from his hands. After nine long centuries this monster had returned to the world and knowing his personality he was sure that this time he came completely prepared to end all of his enemies. 'Instead of wasting nine long centuries, I should have prepared myself and my army to face the vampire king. If I had done this then maybe today the whole situation would have been different.' Eldric stopped taking Harrison as a threat ever since the continental war. In his eyes, the vampire king was a man who would perish sooner or later and there was no need to worry about him making a comeback. In the end, it was his ignorance his arrogance, and his pride that led to his downfall. Harrison stopped talking as he sensed 'He' was returning. Feeling his presence, a small smile appeared on his face. Aditya's existence had completely ruined the plans that he made for such a long time. Because of the Dragon Monarch, he was forced to change his plan and make adjustments so that this time everything could go in his favor. When he thought that he would get that Dragon grass before anyone or even if the Dragon grass was taken by anyone he could just easily get it back with his powers but things went completely different. Aditya and the Hydra's presence had forced him to change his plans.

Harrison was still ready to fight the Hydra. But his main concern was that once Aditya left with the Dragon grass, it would be nearly impossible for him to get the Dragon grass back. This is why instead of directly fighting the Hydra he chose to reveal his presence to Aditya so that he would take the bait and come to face him. And he was here at least.

Harrison knew a lot about Aditya. Being a cautious man, he did not just limit his knowledge about the other Rulers in the Beast Continent, he also continued to gather information about other powerful Rulers in other Continents. And also given the sudden rise of the Istarin Empire, Harrison wasn't the only king who had kept an eye on the Dragon Monarch and his activities. Harrison knew the consequences of fighting with the Dragon Monarch. He knew everything very knew. He knew that making an enemy of the Dragon Monarch would mean becoming enemies of the Celestial Terrain and the Ethereal Empire in the Westnia and other powerful Empires in the Dying Isle Continent. But despite knowing all this he was still willing to take the risk and fight the Dragon Monarch just for the Dragon grass. Harrison has been planning for this moment for centuries now. He did not wish to wait another century. Not after planning for this long. He had run out of patience. Besides, with his power, there was no reason for him to be afraid of anyone. -

Meanwhile, by now Aditya had returned to the main battlefield. Without Riya, Sasha, and Lilith, Aditya was able to move faster and return to the heart of The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert very quickly. Though it still took almost 20 minutes. When he returned, he found that of the 300 million cultivators that had gathered in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert, by now had already left. He understood that since the Dragon grass was taken away by him, staying in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert was completely useless now. 'But still, there are a lot of cultivators left.' If the Magic Animals were also included, then the number would easily reach close to 40 million. The remaining cultivators were busy fighting the Magic Animals. 'I wonder where the Hydra is.' Aditya could not sense its presence anywhere. Aditya saw a horde of Magic animals coming out of the over 2000-meter crater that was made by the Hydra. Seeing this, Aditya stopped flying. 'Let's end their lives first.....!!!' Aditya began by condensing a one-meter-big Crimson flame arrow. He began pouring his Mana into the flame arrow. While the flame arrow grew larger as he added more Mana, he tried his best to compress the flame as much as possible. Once he felt that he had added enough Mana to it, he fired the flame arrow. The flame arrow moved super fast. It only took a few before the flame arrow hit the center of the crater.


As Aditya's powerful crimson flame arrow collided with the heart of the crater, a cataclysmic explosion erupted. From his vantage point in the sky, Aditya witnessed the birth of a colossal firestorm. A giant cloud that was tinted with the deep and blood-red hue of his flame, mushroomed upwards, painting the sky with its fiery brilliance. The intensity of the explosion was akin to that of a nuclear detonation, unleashing an overwhelming force that shook the very air around it.

The ground beneath the crater convulsed violently. As the explosion roared through it, the sheer power of the blast forced the crater's boundaries to expand exponentially. What was once a 2000-meter-wide depression in the earth now stretched outwards, reaching an astonishing 25 kilometers in diameter. The crater's depth plunged even further. It created an abyss so profound and dark that its bottom was swallowed by an impenetrable shadow, transforming it into a seemingly bottomless abyss.

The landscape around the crater was altered beyond recognition. The ground fractured and split, creating new fissures that spider-webbed across the terrain. Rocks and debris were engulfed and obliterated by the blast, leaving nothing but scorched earth in its path. The air itself seemed to quiver with the heat and energy released, carrying the echoes of the explosion far and wide. In the aftermath, a deafening silence fell. The once chaotic sounds of the magic animals were no more. It was replaced by the eerie stillness of a landscape forever changed.

Meanwhile, Aditya began getting countless notifications from the system. 『Ding!! You have killed a Peak 5th-order Magic Animal. You have gained experience points.』

『Ding!!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged by 1%.』

『Ding!! You have killed a Peak 4th-order Magic Animal. You have gained experience points.』

『Ding!!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged by 1%.』

『Ding!! You have killed a Peak 3rd-order Magic Animal. You have gained experience points.』

『Ding!!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged by 1%.』

『Ding!! You have killed a Beginner 5th-order Magic Animal. You have gained experience points.』

『Ding!!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged by 1%.』

『Ding!! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Magic Animal. You have gained experience points.』

『Ding!!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged by 1%.』

『Ding!! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Magic Animal...』

『Ding!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has charged up to 100%.』

『Ding!! Your Passive Skill Soul Inferno Ascension has been activated.』

『Ding!! All of your stats have been increased by...』

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