Dragon Monarch System

Amelia and her troops already had reached the beast Continent. And now they were on their way towards the battlefield.

"Lady Amelia...!" Watson greeted Amelia upon seeing her. Behind Watson, Prime Minister Spencer, Leo, and the 7 generals of the Istarin Empire slightly bowed their heads to greet the Empress of the Celestial Terrain. "You're.....?" Amelia did not recognize who Watson was. As this was their first time meeting each other. "My apologies for the late introduction. My name is Watson. I am the personal butler of His Majesty." "So you're a Watson!!! I have heard a lot about you." Riya has often praised Watson's capabilities. While they were talking, they saw another giant army marching in their direction. Seeing the flag of the Ethereal Empire, the troops of the Istarin let their guards down. It was a well-known fact that the Istarin Empire and the Ethereal Empire were allies. "Greetings.....!!!" It was Ronnie who was followed by Noah. The previous and as well as the current Emperors of the Ethereal Empire were here along with half of their troops. "Let's skip the greetings.....!!! We don't have much time...!!!" Amelia and Spencer nodded their heads. So the armies of the Celestial Terrain Empire, the Istarin Empire, and the Ethereal Empire together marched forward. As they continued charging, suddenly the space around Watson distorted. Seeing this Amelia, Ronnie, Amber, Noah, and others felt confused. But the Dragonians who had experienced how Dragon Transfer worked knew what was going to happen now. The next second, Watson had disappeared from everyone's view. In place of Watson, Aditya had appeared. Seeing Aditya everyone was stunned. Seeing familiar faces, Aditya finally let his guard down. The next second, his eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness. As he was about to fall to the ground, someone appeared in front of him. The last thing that Aditya felt before losing consciousness was the feeling of his face being buried in soft and squishy mountains. It was Amelia who had buried his face in her bosom and stopped him from falling to the ground. "You did well......!!!!" Amelia said while gently stroking the back of his head. Amelia had seen a glimpse of the cataclysmic attack that he launched against that Vampire. If he was here, then it meant the enemy had been defeated. Knowing this Amelia felt really relieved. Now everything was finally over. Everyone was staring at Aditya and Amelia at this moment. All of them were heading towards the battlefield because of this man. "What should we do now?" Amber could not help but ask. There was no doubt that Amber felt conflicted seeing Amelia hugging Aditya so intimately. She did not even realize that she was feeling jealous of Amelia. She felt uncomfortable watching this scene. At the same time, she was very relieved that he was alright and everything had ended now. -

Scene change_____


Riya gathered all the mana that she had consumed from her enemies into a giant green ball before firing that green ball of mana toward the enemy troops. This resulted in a big explosion that took out 1/4th of the entire army. At this moment, the trio was surrounded by almost half a million cultivators. These were the rogue cultivators that had joined hands to take the Dragon Grass away from them. These rogue cultivators have been secretly watching everything that was happening in the heart of the desert. They had seen that the young man had handed the Dragon grass to these girls. Since the young man was no longer there to protect the three girls, the rogue cultivators felt that they finally had a chance to get the Dragon Grass from their hands. Only if they knew the real identity of that young man and the three women that they were attacking. The trio was working together. They perfectly coordinated their attacks. Lilith had used her charm to brainwash more than ten thousand of the cultivators and make these cultivators attack other rogue cultivators. Riya was using long-range attacks and was also taking out enemies. As for Sasha, she was dealing with all the rogue cultivators that were within their 50-meter radius. She was moving like a lightning bolt. She perfectly hid her Aura and kept killing Rogue Cultivators without making any noises. Even the victims of her daggers did not make any noise. "Something is coming...!!!!" Riya used all of her Mana to make a Mana barrier around them. Sasha and Lilith stopped and looked up. They saw hundreds of golden beams of light piercing the dark clouds and killing all of the rogue cultivators within an instant. Booooom...!!!!

"That's.....!!!" From the dark clouds, they saw a familiar giant flying ship slowly descending towards the ground. On the deck of the flying ship, they saw Alicia and Julia. "Need any help?" Alicia asked with a smile.

"Where is Aditya?" Lilith worriedly asked them. Both of them could see everything from the flying ship using the All-seeing Mirror artifact. "Aditya is fine. He has managed to defeat Harrison. We have come here to help you three." They had turned the flying ship in this direction around 8 minutes ago. "Who is Harrison again?" They looked confused. "I will tell you later."

Scene change_____

With unconscious Aditya, the groups of the three Empire decided to keep marching forward. Because they had seen that Lilith, Sasha, and Riya were in trouble. However, that was no longer necessary. "Hey.....!!! What is that?"

Hearing this everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky only to see a mysterious massive desert ship flying in their direction. The ship was flying really fast. Seeing this everyone was stunned. "I did not know desert ships could fly." One of the native cultivators of the Beast Continent said seeing the flying ship heading in their direction. "This must be some kind of magic." "I don't know what kind of magic is capable of lifting such a massive ship off the ground and making it fly." Watson was really calm about this situation. He already had seen flying ships. But he still hadn't expected to see such a massive Flying ship. The first generation of the flying ship was really small compared to this one. "They are here...!!!" Amelia felt relieved seeing her daughter along with other familiar as well as unfamiliar faces on the deck of the ship. The girls also noticed an unconscious Aditya in Amelia's arms. Seeing this they all became worried. While the ship slowly started descending, Lilith, Riya, and Sasha all jumped from the deck of the ship and flew in front of Amelia. Seeing Amelia, Lilith's eyes became cold for a second but that did not last for more than a second as she looked at Aditya worriedly. Amelia and others failed to notice this as everyone's eyes were currently on Aditya. "Mother, how is he?" Riya worriedly asked before holding his wrist. "I don't know. He suddenly teleported in front of us and then fainted the next second." Riya put her mana in his body and checked his condition. Seeing that he hadn't received any injuries, she sighed in relief. Meanwhile, the flying ship had descended. The ship was still levitating 5 meters above the ground. Alicia and Julia also came down to check on Aditya. "How is he?" Julia asked. "Don't worry!!! He should wake up after a few hours." This was nothing but the side effect of using the 'Dragon Monarch's Domain' skill. And so like that the race for the Dragon Grass came to an end. Compared to other times, when millions of cultivators fought for the Dragon Grass, this time things had reached a new level because of the user of the World Treasure, Harrison, and because of the Dragon Monarch, Aditya. No one will be able to forget what happened today in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert. The scars of today's battle will remain in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert for the next few thousand years or maybe even more than that. In Aditya's place, Spencer took the time to thank Amelia and Ronnie for sending reinforcements even though it was not needed at all. Since Aditya and his women were perfectly able to take care of everything. Aditya didn't even lose a single drop of his blood in this battle. The only thing that kept Spencer concerned was the 9 headed Hydra. The 9-headed Hydra was never killed and the Hydra had left the desert. If the Hydra hadn't left, then things would have been more chaotic and more difficult for the Dragon Monarch. "Aunty, do you remember me?" Sasha asked Amelia. "Who are you?" Amelia did not recognize Sasha since Sasha and Lilith were in disguise. Knowing that many eyes were on the battlefield, they purposely changed their appearances. Since they did not want the world to know what they looked like. "I am Sasha." "Oh.....!! I remember..!! You're the girl whom I saved a long time back...!!!" Amelia nodded her head with a smile. "How have you been doing?" Amelia asked with a gentle smile. "I have been doing well. Once again, thank you for saving my life. By the way, this is my mother." As soon as Sasha introduced Lilith to Amelia, the smile on Amelia's face instantly disappeared. Her eyes became sharp like daggers. The gentle Aura around her also had disappeared. ----------------

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