Dragon Monarch System

Hydra had once again returned back to its full health. This time, there was a trace of fear in its eyes as it looked towards Aditya. The Hydra now appeared to look more cautious because of what happened earlier. The first time might have been a coincidence but being forced to use forbidden sacrifice for the second time by the same opponent is not a coincidence. Rather, it was evidence of strong power.

And the Hydra was intelligent enough to understand that. 'The Hydra now was 7 heads. This is going to be tough....!!!' Aditya took out his Adamantite Doomblade from his storage ring. When Aditya transformed into his Dragon form, the artifacts and the storage rings that he was wearing also changed their size to fit him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use any of his artifacts or storage rings while using Dragon Transformation. This time the Hydra did not blindly attack the Dragon in front of him. Aditya saw the Hydra looking down; staring at the Azure City and other small and big villages that were built around the Azure City. The Hydra also stared at the Dragon Palace. Seeing all this, Aditya had a feeling in his heart. The next second, the Hydra looked at Aditya. Although the Hydra's expression did not change, but for some reason, Aditya felt as if the Hydra had just smirked at him. The next second, the mighty Hydra fired out a dark purple beam. These beams are deep purple and scary, looking like something from another world. They move towards each other and join up, making one huge, super-strong beam.

This huge beam was fired right at Azure City.

Given the power behind that attack, Aditya knew that once that attack hit Azure City, then no one was going to survive. Not even the Peak 5th-order cultivators would be able to survive this powerful attack. -

Scene Change______

While Aditya was fighting with the Hydra, others weren't simply standing there and watching the fight. Instead, all the teleportation arrays in the Capital were opened to the public. A mass evacuation was being carried out. The imperial army was helping all the citizens of the Azure City leave the city as soon as possible using teleportation arrays. The Capital of the Istarin Empire had one super Teleportation Arrays. Other than that, there were at least 10 small teleportation arrays. The teleportation array of the Old Palace was also opened up for the people to use to leave the city. The millions of population of the Azure City was being evacuated to various nearby cities. Vrane City was one of the nearby cities that was governed by Duke Marvin Sarlus. Duke Marvin Sarlus was one of the most trustable nobles in the whole Istarin Empire. Duke Marvin Sarlus already had been informed about the emergency situation. He already had taken the necessary measures to accommodate a large number of citizens from the Azure City temporarily.

Of course, it was going to be impossible for one city to suddenly accommodate more than 1 million population. Just sending over 1 million population to one city was going to overcomplicate everything. Instead, the huge population of the most densely populated city in the Dying Isle Continent was going to be evacuated to various cities. More than 20 nearby cities were selected. The imperial troops were going to move all the people from the Azure City to 20 different cities, sharing them out so each city gets the same number of people.

Meanwhile, All the 5th-order cultivators had focused on creating a massive Mana shield covering the entire Azure City. By now almost 1/10th of the entire Azure City's population had been successfully evacuated to other Cities. All the teleportation arrays were working at full power. Another group of Imperial troops was bringing in the survivors from each nearby village to the Azure City so that these villagers could also be evacuated along with the citizens of the Azure City. It was an inevitable fact that people were going to die today. "Once this whole thing is over, I am definitely eating freshly baked bread with chicken stew," Sylvie said as she kept pouring her Mana to strengthen the massive Mana shield that was built around the whole city to keep everyone in the city protected. "You're always obsessed with bread, aren't you?" Alicia shook her head with a small smile. Even in such a situation, her best friend was still in the mood to make jokes. "Mom, Dad, and Grandma, you all should use the teleportation array and go back." Alicia turned to her parents and said. Even if she died, she did not want her parents and her best friend to die along with her. However, Sylvie was very stubborn. No matter how much Alicia tried to send her back, she did not listen and instead, she came forward to lend a helping hand in defending the whole city. While speaking to her parents, she finally noticed that her big brother and his wife were gone. "We won't return home. There is no way we are going to leave you here." Ronny said in a serious tone. Hearing this, Alicia became slightly emotional. "I have sent Noah and his wife home. If something happens to us, at least, he will still live." "I also have told him to send a few 5th-order cultivators as backup. We are going to need all the help that we could get in this situation. Because one attack from that monster would be enough to wipe all of us out." Ronny said while looking up. They could see the Hydra was struggling with something. But they couldn't see Aditya's body. It was possible that his body was hidden somewhere behind that giant over 2000 overs body of that Hydra. "We are not going to die today. I already have sent letters to all of our allies about the situation. Reinforcement should be on the way." Spencer informed everyone. The more powerful 5th-order cultivators helped to defend the city, the better their chances were of staying safe.

"Reinforcement from the Celestial Terrain also should be on the way," Amelia added at the end. However, the next second, their eyes widened in shock as they saw a super-strong beam heading towards the Azure City.

The super beam was massive, almost like a giant mouth ready to swallow up Azure City whole. When people saw it, they all went white with fear. For a moment, the world seemed to go dark as the super beam came down. It blotted out everything else, like a huge purple curtain over the sky. From below, it looked like a thick column of light, stretching from the sky to the ground. Everyone felt a deep, cold dread as if this was the end of everything.

"Everyone, use your everything otherwise we are going to die." No one dared to hold back, knowing that holding back even 1% would mean death. They were not sure even with their combined powers if it would be enough to defend against such a massive and powerful attack. However, just before the attack could hit the Azure City, Aditya teleported right above the Azure City. Aditya created another layer of Mana shield above him to protect everyone from the Azure City. Boooooom.....!!!!!

Just as the beam attack hit the Mana shield, the Mana shield almost instantly shattered. Large cracks had appeared all over the shield. However, before the mana shield could completely break, Aditya began pouring his [1000+] units of his Mana into the Mana shield so that the shield would be able to withstand the full power of the attack. At that time, every cultivator in Azure City stopped what they were doing and used every single bit of their Mana to strengthen the Mana shield that everyone else had build. However, seeing this, the Hydra also did not hold back. It also used its everything. The Hydra used all units of its Mana in that attack, which increased the power of the dark purple beam. Aditya wasn't prepared for the sudden increase in the power of the dark purple beam. As a result, the mana shield shattered like glass in a few seconds and hit Aditya. Boooooooooom....!!!!

Along with Aditya, the whole dark purple beam attack hit the Mana shield that everyone else had created over the Mana defensive Barrier. The Mana defensive Barrier wasn't strong enough to withstand any attack from 5th-order cultivators much less withstand attack from this powerful Hydra. Aditya's body also crashed onto the Mana shield. Although with everyone's Mana, the Mana shield was able to withstand the full power of the Dark Purple beam and was protecting everyone in the Azure City but Aditya was taking the full force of that attack. "Aditya....!!!" "Hubby....!!" All the girls cried out seeing Aditya pinned against the Mana shield and taking full force of the dark purple attack. Around a few seconds later, the Hydra ran out of Mana. The beam attack also stopped. The Hydra looked happy as it felt that its opponent's Aura had become a lot weaker than before. Which indicated that its opponent was on the verge of death. ----------------

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