Dragon Monarch System

『Breath of Hell - Flame Dance!』

Seven flame rays were fired at the duplicate in a straight line. While approaching it, the rays swirled around each other and combined into one giant flame ray.

This was the strongest attack that Kevin could use. If this attack were to fail, then there was simply no way for him to defeat this Duplicate version. But as the attack was about to hit the Duplicate, suddenly, a thick giant wall of sand rose. The sand wall easily stopped the attack and protected the Duplicate. "Dammit....!!!" Kevin totally forgot that he had a skill that allowed him to temporarily control the sand of the surrounding area. After stopping the attack, the Duplicate walked out of the black smoke without a hint of emotion on his face. His eyes were totally blank. It was the eyes of a dead fish. It was as if a dead person was walking towards Kevin. It was more like Kevin was staring at a dead version of himself. It was like staring at a zombie, but he was much more different and stronger than a zombie. Huff.....!! Huff.....!!!

'This is bad. I am beginning to run out of Mana.' Till now, it was mostly Kevin who was on the offense while the Duplicate remained on defense. While staying on defense, the Duplicate barely spent any Mana. This meant that this Duplicate could keep fighting. "We cannot defeat them. Let's try to hold them back until reinforcement comes." Kevin shouted to his men, who were also busy fighting their duplicate. While Kevin and his men were busy fighting their duplicates, more of these black beings started coming from the distance. "Captain, more of these things are coming. At this rate, the opponent side will only get stronger as their number increases." "Captain, what should we do about this matter?"

"Captain...!!!" Everyone was looking at Captain Kevin and was hoping for a solution. "Well, it's clearly too late for us to back down at this point. Even if we tried to retreat, then many of us would fall here, not to mention there would be a higher risk of the city's defenses falling from their attacks." "Without us, everyone in the city will probably die. If you want your friends and families back in the city to die, then you guys can start retreating. But I am not leaving this place."

"I am not betraying the trust that City Lord Nick put in me."

"I am not going to betray my friends and families."

"I am not going to sacrifice my family just to live."

"If I am going to die while fighting, then so be it." Hearing this Kevin's passionate speech amidst the ongoing battle, everyone felt greatly motivated. Kevin's speech greatly improved the morals of the Dragonians.

"Since these Dragonians match our strength, let's change our opponents instead of fighting our own duplicates." Hearing Kevin's suggestion, everyone easily agreed. "Also, let's share each other weaknesses with each other. Since they have copied our everything, it might be highly possible that these duplicates of ours also have inherited our weaknesses." Just within one minute, these two changes showed great results. The tide of the battle changed. Before, it was the Dragonians who were being pushed back, but now they were actually pushing groups of duplicates. Within just a few minutes, many of the duplicates were killed. Everyone regularly information with each other and helped each other out when in time. However, this advantage only remained for less than 5 minutes. Since more of these strange black beings appeared on the battlefield. As the enemy's number grew, even with proper coordination and battle tactics, it increasingly became harder to have the upper hand. Without even realizing it, more of these black beings turned into their Duplicates. At some point, one Dragonian was under the attack of almost 10 Duplicates. Ah...!!!!

Kevin hurriedly looked to his right, only to see that his best friend, Sam, had been stabbed in the heart by one of his duplicates. "Sam.....!!" Kevin tried to go to Sam to help him. Maybe if he fed Sam a Peak 4-star Healing pill, then the pill might be able to heal Sam's wound in time and save his life.

But when Kevin lost his focus, one of his Duplicates punched him in the stomach. The stomach was so powerful that it threw him back like a rocket.


Kevin flew back and crashed against the city wall. Cough...!!!

Kevin violently coughed out a large mouthful of blood. His eyes rolled back. Kevin felt his sight becoming blurry. But he still could see a massive number of these duplicates, along with an army of strange black beings running towards the city wall. "The City is in danger....!!!" The next second, Kevin passed out. Kevin's duplicates came to him to finish the job. With the death of the final Dragonian, the whole city's defense had fallen. But before one of the Duplicate's attacks could fall on Kevin, suddenly, the space before Kevin started distorting. The next second, a figure teleported right in front of Kevin. Aditya calmly stopped the Duplicate's punch. "You're weak." "Let me show you what a real punch feels like." As he said that, crimson lightning violently began gathering in his left arm.

As he closed his fist, all the lightning gathered in his fist. The Duplicate tried to dodge but since Aditya was holding his hand, he wasn't able to dodge the attack. Bang...!!!!

The Duplicate fell to the ground with a large football-sized hole in his stomach. Behind Aditya, a thousand Imperial troops began saving the fallen Dragonians, including Kevin. They began feeding him healing pills. "You're all are next." Aditya leaped into the air, easily jumping more than 10 meters high. Meanwhile, dark clouds containing Crimson Lightning turned the sunny blue sky above the Bluemist dark.


As soon as he snapped his fingers, the sky turned into a deep crimson hue, and thousands of lightning bolts of the same color began to rain down from the sky. The bolts were so powerful that they could easily reduce anything they struck to ashes. The bolts hit their targets with amazing precision, and none of them missed their mark.

The sound of thunder and lightning filled the entire area. It created a deafening roar that shook the battlefield to its core. It was impossible to tell where one bolt ended and another began, as they struck so quickly and continuously that they seemed to merge into one constant stream of electricity. The constant lightning strikes made the battlefield tremble, and the ground shook with each impact.

Even the people in the Bluemist city were frightened by the continuous and unending sound of lightning striking. They closed their windows and doors and huddled together, praying for the lightning to stop. Aditya coldly watched as all the black strange beings fell under his attack. One thing he noticed was that as soon as these strange black beings died, Aditya received no experience points. This made him wonder if these black beings were truly dead. But he could sense that these things were dead. 'What is going on?' Aditya was confused. As he looked around, Aditya saw that the black beings that had fallen on the ground were slowly transforming into black mist. He watched in wonder as their solid bodies turned into a hazy, indistinct mist that gradually dissipated into the air. It was as if they were being absorbed into the very atmosphere itself, leaving no trace of their existence behind.

One by one, this strange transformation occurred to all the black beings that had fallen to the ground. Aditya couldn't help but be fascinated by this mysterious phenomenon.

After observing this for some time, Aditya came to the realization that these black beings would automatically transform into black mist and completely disappear without leaving any residue behind. He noted that this would happen precisely one minute after their death as if there was some sort of unbreakable timer counting down to their disappearance.

Overall, it was a curious and somewhat unsettling experience for Aditya, who couldn't help but wonder what sort of beings these were and where they came from.

After a while, all of the black beings had completely disappeared from the battlefield. Everything was cleared. Outside of the Bluemist City, there were countless large and small crates that had formed because of the Aditya's crimson lightning attacks. Aditya landed in front of one Imperial Soldier. "How are they doing?" The imperial soldier was first started but she very quickly recovered and responded. "Your Majesty, 13 Dragonians have been killed. As for the rest, although their lives aren't in immediate danger they are still severely injured. It would at least take them one month to recover." Aditya just nodded his head. "Alright, you guys stay here and handle the situation. If these black beings come again, then ask for backup immediately."

"Do not waste any second." Aditya was very serious. The imperial troop nodded her head.

The next second, Aditya disappeared. Other cities of the Istarin Empire were also attacked by these black beings. This is the reason why, Aditya had to come here even though he is supposed to be attending Spencer's wedding. ----------------

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