
The second-day tournaments approached, and tension in the air grew as the next two battles would determine who would break into the top 100—a prestigious achievement—and who would be forced to fight another day for a chance to rank among the top 50 acolytes.

Damo's third battle was a critical one, pitting him against a first-year genius who, like him, specialized in support spells. This acolyte, a rising star among the silver insignia group, presented a unique challenge, as both fighters excelled in similar disciplines. The system seemed to have deliberately paired them, offering Damo a chance to prove himself as the superior support spellcaster.

The fight was a grueling contest of strategy and mental fortitude. Both acolytes employed their spells with precision, countering and defending with equal skill. However, it was Damo's indomitable will that set him apart. Despite the intense pressure and the formidable abilities of his opponent, Damo refused to back down. His relentless determination allowed him to outlast his rival, securing a hard-fought victory.

His next match, however, was against a seasoned acolyte ranked 89th. This battle proved to be an insurmountable challenge for Damo. The higher-ranked acolyte's experience and power were evident, and despite Damo's best efforts, he was defeated. The loss, though disheartening, did not diminish his accomplishments.

With two victories and two losses, Damo achieved his primary objective. His performance earned him the coveted gold insignia, marking him as one of the elite acolytes in the academy. His final ranking, 97th, was a significant milestone, placing him among the top 100 acolytes and securing his place in the academy's prestigious ranks.

Emery, Klea, and especially Ashaka who were watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Damo had faced overwhelming odds and emerged victorious through sheer determination and skill.

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