Chapter 229 – Tank Fight Ensued as Tourists Whose RVs Were Destroyed by Florida Man's Tank Brought Panzer Tank for Revenge. Floridians Gathered to See the WWII's Tanks in Combat.


The sky rippled while the Qi in the air trembled. Leo, Esen, and the former undead flinched as they sensed the changes in the environment.

Leo looked up and narrowed his eyes. As his sight was enhanced, he could see beyond the star system. He quickly found the three motherships and ten thousand jets and spaceships.

"God damn. Darth Vader would have been shocked if he saw this."

Leo rubbed his fists and was about to fly toward the incoming jets and battleships.

'Master, let us handle this. You should protect the people around you.'

The voice of Meowmeow echoed in Leo's mind. The latter paused and uttered in response.

"Can you take all of them alone?"

'No. But your domain's safety should be the priority. If your shopping mall is destroyed, your system will consider you as a loser, and the domain system will be erased.'


'The PVP and war features are active. Some of the players are also present, so your buildings are very vulnerable right now.'

Leo remembered this. He lowered his arms and stopped the thought of going to space.

"How far can my shopping mall take on the attack of the outsiders? Is there HP that I have to be wary about?"

'The shopping mall is sturdy. At level 15, it can withstand three 5-star deity's attacks. Further than that, some parts may be damaged or destroyed. Also, if the building collapses, it's over.'

Leo nodded. He looked back at the shopping mall, which was the heart of his domain.

"No choice, huh?"



A loud siren sounded everywhere in the Florida Domain. Leo's voice also mixed in with the ringing noise, warning the workers and the local population.

"We're under attack! I repeat, we are under attack! For the sake of safety, please take shelter in the shopping mall. For combatants and employees of Florida Domain, gather on the rooftop and bring out your arms! Prepare for battle!"

While talking to a microphone, Leo directed his employees to the staff elevator and fire exit, sending them to the deepest underground floor of his shopping mall. It would serve as a protective bunker for the non-combatants.

Gao Yan, Jin Yong, Tang Xuan, Hua Jiashan, and the elders gathered as Leo had requested. Even Han Hao, Han Meng, and the people who entered the time chamber yesterday also joined them.

Taxi, Ricardo, and Sierra assembled on the flying island as they would act independently. As for Esen and her team, they gathered on the top floor of the parking lot, forming the second immortal unit.

The commoners from the west slum seemed confused as they couldn't see the battle in space. Still, they obediently followed Leo's instructions and entered the shopping mall.

This was their first time entering the mall's restricted area. They walked down the stairs and gathered at the B5 floor.

The underground parking lot area was dimly illuminated by the ceiling LED lights. The air was slightly warm as the air ventilation was the worst here. Fortunately, Leo activated a portal, which connected to an empty warehouse. After that, the air circulation improved, and people could breathe.

Sheltering over 10,000 people in a short period wasn't an easy task. Women, children, and elderly people mixed in the crowd, which slowed the progress.

While Leo was busy managing the crowd, the sky brightened. Countless shooting stars descended from space, beelining toward Leo's domain.

Leo pulled out his pistol and was about to shoot at the falling stars.




Taxi's team made their moves first. They transformed into humans and armed themselves with Leo's newest weapon – The M16. They unleashed bullet hell upon the descending fighter jets from space.

Black lasers and beams flashed. Most of them missed the targets. But when they hit, the target exploded.

However, they failed to shoot down all spaceships and jets. Within 10 seconds, the jets broke the formations and circled around Leo's domain. They also retaliated with their charged Qi bullets.

One of the bullets came from Taxi. The pony in Johnny Sin's appearance smirked and activated a defensive domain.


The bullet hit the domain barrier and shattered it instantly!

"SMASH?!" (WHAT?! HOW?!)

The bullet grazed Taxi's shoulder. He also reverted to his thunder unicorn appearance as he suddenly couldn't use his Qi.

Leo saw everything happening with his eyes. Upon noticing that Taxi got pushed back by just one of the alien jets, he took things seriously. He pulled out the Floridian Staff. Then, he ejected the purple bones of deceased Molg Tribesmen.

"Ancestors, protectors, and warriors of the past, your children and descendants are being bullied by immortals, deities, and unknown creatures from outer space. If you still love them, answer my call! COME!"

For the first time in the real world, Leo activated the necromancy power that he had learned from Esen's shadow.

A purple aura formed around the bones. Every piece of bone floated in the air and regenerated the lost parts. Out of the 10,000 bones that Leo had collected, 3,000 managed to form a skeleton body. As for the rest, they didn't change.

3,000 skeleton soldiers answered Leo's call!

Leo pursed his lips and glanced at the 7,000 purple bones. He believed that their souls might have already been reincarnated as he didn't sense any connection with them.

'I guess I can only use them in alchemy. As for these guys…'

Leo waved his hands and used another art of necromancy on them.

'Blessing of darkness.'

All skeleton soldiers changed color from purple to black. They also grew one meter bigger and larger. Moreover, their aura exuded the air of true immortals!

"Go! Take down those annoying flies!"

The skeletons clattered their jaws and leaped to the sky. Without a weapon, they threw punches and kicks at the fighter jets that they managed to catch.

All captured jets exploded in one hit. Instantly, 500 jets were crushed.

However, the enemy wasn't planning to sit around and let Leo's minions kill them all. The unmanned jets also fired physical bullets and beams at the flying skeleton soldiers.

Black explosions erupted and shattered a thousand skeleton soldiers in the sky!

Leo squinted his eyebrows and raised his staff. He recalled one of Esen's skills that could be applied in this situation.

"Mandate of Death Legion. You are not allowed to die the second time!"


An invisible domain expanded with Leo at the center. The dome covered everything in Florida Domain.

The destroyed skeleton soldiers froze in mid-air. They reattached and regenerated their lost parts and self-resurrected. Upon coming back to life, they howled and manifested dark armor, swords, and shields. Rainbow flame eyes were ignited within their eye sockets.

The skeleton soldiers evolved into death knights!

The newly emerged death knights returned to battle. Each fighter activated the unique domain abilities that they once had.

Thousands of domain energy domes overlapped. The next moment, jets exploded one after another.

The surviving skeleton soldiers also evolved into death knights. They paused to check the situation for a moment. Then, they started chasing after a larger battleship in the sky.

Above the flying island, a flat spaceship with a thousand eyeballs underneath descended from the atmosphere. All eyes glared at Taxi, Ricardo, and Sierra.

Suddenly, their eyes moved around and fixated on the approaching death knights. Each eye acted as a magic cannon, generating an elemental essence bullet.

A thousand balls of energy bullets were ejected from the eyeballs and rushed toward the death knights.



The energy balls shattered the death knights and broke their bones to pieces.

Leo hopped on the flying island to oversee the combat. Upon seeing how his creation was destroyed, he tried to resurrect them again.


A bullet from a jet directly hit Leo's forehead! His head tilted backward.




A hundred bullets rained upon Leo as the previous jet focused its gun on him. Many bullets hit his chest, legs, arms, and head.

Leo clicked his tongue. He pointed his staff at the annoying fly and pressed on the trigger.


The staff of Floridian Singularity unleashed its power. A thousand rainbow bullets shot out from the tip and followed the spaceships in the sky like homing missiles and caught them.

A thousand explosions of fireworks ensued. Two of which also hit the newly arrived battleship with a thousand eyes.

After the explosion, the battleship looked like something had eaten its hull. The ship was engulfed in flame from the inside and slowly descended to the ground.

Leo pursed his lips and glanced at the shot-down battleship. He sensed a thousand life signatures in there, and he doubted that they would die in a crash.

He came up with an idea.


"Smash?" Taxi popped a healing pill into his mouth. He then yawned as the side effect kicked in.

"… You take a break. Ricardo, lead your people to clean up the fallen battleship. Be wary of their weapons since they also use guns like us."

"Smash!" Ricardo saluted. He then gestured for his people to follow him.

"Sierra!" Leo wasn't done yet. "You will be in charge of a field infirmary. Take this idiot to the shopping mall's B3 or B4 floor and let him rest there. When you're done, come up and secure injured fighters of our domain. Bring them to the same floor and repeat. Got it?"

Sierra nodded, but her next question gave Leo a headache.

"Understood. By the way, do you need a break and drink my breast milk, master?"


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