Chapter 235 – Florida Man Attacked and Killed Home Intruder Using Giant Octopus.


The impact that hit Mao Miaomiao's face was light, but it pushed him a thousand kilometers away. A crack also appeared on his face as the shockwave slightly disintegrated his cells.

The doctor looked back at the assailant, who was still chilling on the planet.

'That damn brat!'

Enraged and humiliated, Mao Miaomiao charged toward the planet while he created a hundred star-destroying swords. He waved his hands and ordered the colossus swords to cut the planet!


The sight of multiple gigantic swords bigger than the moons and the sun astonished the crowd. They emerged from a distance, but they rapidly got closer and swung toward their planet.


Gao Yan and Jin Yong panicked. They flew to space and unleashed everything.

They slashed, hacked, and shot the swords with their firearms.



Their bullets and swords weren't enough to deflect or stop the momentum of the swords. They got bounced back because of the repelling forces.


The swords went past them and came down toward the world.

Meanwhile, Leo pursed his lips and deeply sighed. He muttered to himself.

"I guess I made it on time. What was the keyword? Oh, right… ZA WARUDO!"

Leo suddenly bellowed and unleashed a domain. A grey dome expanded, enveloping the entire world and the entire star system!

The grey dome reached Mao Miaomiao and also pulled him inside.

Meowmeow, Lucky, Mu-Nyang, Gao Yan, Hua Taixu, Jin Yong, Esen, Beatrice, Taxi, Ricardo, and others didn't sense anything as the time flow in the domain was frozen.

On the other hand, Mao Miaomiao could still sense his surroundings, but he couldn't move. His entire body got stuck by an unknown force, and he could only move his eyeballs.

While everybody was frozen in the time and space domain, Leo calmly jumped toward the energy swords. He lightly punched one of them, and they shattered into smoke.

Leo took his time. He awkwardly swam the void toward the other colossus sword and punched it. Then, he moved to the next.


Mao Miaomiao witnessed everything. He stared at Leo and counted in his mind.

'12, 13, 14, 15 seconds… how long can you maintain it? I doubt you can even last a minute!'

Leo couldn't hear Mao Miaomiao's internal thoughts. He swam the void and destroyed the third sword. Using the momentum, he floated toward the next energy blade.

One minute passed. Leo managed to destroy the fourth one.


Mao Miaomiao inwardly sneered in his mind. When he was in his prime condition, ten minutes was the longest time that he could sustain this domain. As for the time rewind ability, Mao Miaomiao could only regress one minute to the past as it consumed too much of his life force.

Three minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed, but Leo still took his time to break another sword. So far, he managed to crack 15.

Mao Miaomiao was patient. He gathered his strength, waiting for the domain to disperse. However, what he had been waiting for never happened.

11 minutes passed. Everything was still frozen in time!

'11 minutes?! What is this?! How come that brat managed to break my record?! If I remember correctly, I discarded his soul and sent it to the Karma River. Did Jocelyn and Aslan recover his soul and put it in a new vessel?! No. That's impossible. Jocelyn and Aslan were merely deities. They don't have enough authority and power to interfere with the rivers of karma.'

Mao Miaomiao was confused. He thought of Leo and Simba's parents, who were his colleagues 50,000 years ago. Those couples were in charge of nurturing the test subjects and brainwashing them, making them think that they were their real parents.

In reality, Simba and Leo were never their children. They were the creations, which mankind from Earth and the divine elves had created.

Abyssal Phoenixes, divine elves, Cathulhus, Fenrir Werewolves, and other creatures from different races in the universe had been abducted and had their blood extracted. They also managed to get their hands on the rare DNA of top overlords of this universe.

Mao Miaomiao observed Leo and calculated in his mind.

'The power of time and space comes from the Kishin's Oni… I'm sure either Jocelyn or Aslan must have implanted the OL-ME DNA into another chimera and had that brat reincarnate into it. But that alone can't enable him to endure the backlash this long. He must have the OL-AP and OL-AS DNA with him. The infinite revival ability and supreme vitality come from the abyssal phoenix. The power of regeneration and quick healing come from the Cathulhu. But I also have those DNAs. Why can't I last more than 10 minutes!? Something isn't right!'

While Mao Miaomiao calculated, Leo destroyed the 50th sword and wiped his sweat. The guy leisurely dove back into the planet's atmosphere to take a breather. Then, he flew back toward the other swords and continued his work.


Mao Miaomiao was speechless by Leo's calmness. He wondered if this guy was stupid. Had he been in Leo's shoes, he would have come after the caster and ended it.

'Luckily, that brat is stupid. He could have killed me and removed all swords altogether. Why is he taking a roundabout way to negate my attacks?'

He smirked and gradually accumulated his Qi in his veins. He managed to move his fingers a bit.

It wouldn't take long before Mao Miaomiao could break free from the time domain's restraints.



While Mao Miaomiao fantasized about breaking free of Leo's domain, the rest of his swords suddenly shattered at once.


Mao Miaomiao shifted his attention to Leo. However, the guy was still at the same place holding his unique staff.

Leo turned around. He looked at Mao Miaomiao and their eyes met.


Leo mumbled to himself as he was tired of destroying swords one by one. He got creative and used the death magic on the energy blades.

Black smoke from Leo's hands moved through the void and touched several swords at once. They instantly evaporated the colossus blades.

Leo let out a sigh of relief.

"I should have done this earlier."

Leo proceeded to remove all threats. When the swords were gone, he turned around and stared at the culprit of all the messes. He hadn't forgotten the guy.

"Now, you. Doctor Mao Miaomiao, I don't know you, but I hate you. I don't know why, though."

Leo circulated his Qi into his feet and propelled himself forward. Instantly, he arrived in front of the black-winged angel.


Mao Miaomiao sensed danger. He burst out his strength and broke from Leo's domain.


Leo couldn't hear Mao Miaomiao's scream in space, but his muscle memory remembered what he needed to do to defeat the doctor. After all, Leo had already defeated him a thousand times during the long process of meditation earlier.

He reached out and grasped Mao Miaomiao's neck with his left hand. His right hand returned the staff of singularity to his storage ring and clenched into a fist.


Leo's right fist directly hit Mao Miaomiao's face. The latter's head directly exploded and splattered tissues everywhere.

Leo didn't stop there. He spread miasma of death to capture every piece of Mao Miaomiao's flesh to find his true soul.

Leo had done this a thousand times already. It wasn't hard to find the guy's soul.


"There you are."

The soul of Doctor Mao Miaomiao emerged from one of his brain tissues. The black miasma tied his soul's arms and legs while it seeped into his transparent body.

Mao Miaomiao's soul screamed in pain and slowly dissipated. However, the guy utilized his life-saving skills again.


As soon as Mao Miaomiao uttered the word, Leo deeply frowned. The shadows in the simulation mode only used this technique for the sake of combat, not fleeing. However, Mao Miaomiao attempted to use it to save his skin and flee with all his might.

Time was rewinded, and Mao Miaomiao's soul and body slowly restored themselves. As for Leo, he was rooted in the same place because of the time law.

Leo forcefully shattered the restraint effects. He then threw a punch at Mao Miaomiao's face to kill him again.


Mao Miaomiao pulled out his secret weapon from his storage ring. But instead of swinging it toward Leo, he turned around and targeted an invisible string that only he could see.

The sword was known as the Katana of Karmic Severance. It was his precious artifact that he got from Divine Elf Matriarch Eleanor.


Mao Miaomiao cut a transparent karmic string, which connected him and Essen!


As soon as it was cut, Leo flinched and his punch was halted. He only felt a slight discomfort, but his body trembled as if he had lost something important.

Using this opportunity, Mao Miaomiao bellowed and used his teleportation technique. He vanished and reappeared 200 lightyears away from Leo.

Mao Miaomiao turned around and burst into laughter.

"Ha…Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAA!! BRAT! THAT WAS GOOD! YOU WERE GOOD! You must have worked hard for such power! Too bad for you, you're still naïve and inexperienced! You can't possibly beat me, the consort of Divine Elf Matriarch! I HAVE HER PROTECTION!"

He believed that he had escaped from Leo's grasp. He also learned that Leo might have already surpassed him in time and space law's mastery. Still, Mao Miaomiao believed that he had a superior cultivation base and physique as Leo flinched from the previous attack.

Severing karma was one of many killing moves of a karmic sovereign. As he could see and govern karma, he could decide the fates of mortals, immortals, deities, and even sages. Mao Miaomiao could even dictate anybody's luck and create low-grade fate crystals!

As Leo failed to react to Mao Miaomiao's karmic severing cut earlier, Mao Miaomiao was confident that Leo's true strength might be in the entity realm at best.

"Next time, I'll come prepared, brat! I won't be playing around anymore. I'll search for your karma strings and severe it! I'll find your karma of existence and destroy it! Then, you will disappear from this universe forever! HAHAHAHAHA-PU!"

While Mao Miaomiao was in a good mood, a fishing hook appeared out of nowhere and entered his mouth. The fishing hook pierced through Mao Miaomiao's upper gum while the fishing line was pulled.


Mao Miaomiao turned around. Then, he found a statue of an elderly fisherman, holding a fishing rod. Floating behind him were Mu-Nyang, Lucky, and Meowmeow.

The guardian statue "Kitten" returned from the Orlando Mystic Realm to help.

Mao Miaomiao widened his eyes and gawked at the fisherman. He recognized the old man's face.


The guardian statue lightly snorted.

"What? You stole the original's blood and made it yours. Don't you think that Leonardo can't do the same?"


"I might not have his soul, but I know how to infuse my soul into somebody else's body. You were the one who taught me, Doctor Mao."

"…You… ASLAN?!"

The statue of the elderly fisherman transformed into a middle-aged human scientist in a lab coat. His face shapeshifted into the male parent in Simba's photo.

"Surprised motherfucker. YOU AIN'T GETTING AWAY!"





Mu-Nyang pierced through Mao Miaomiao's chest using his tentacle. Meowmeow beheaded the doctor with his katana. As for Lucky, he glared at Mao Miaomiao and burnt his internal organs with his flame domain.

Aslan, aka Kitten, pulled his fishing rod and dragged out Mao Miaomiao's soul from his body. His fishing hook and line bound the doctor's soul and dragged him along.

After the soul was captured, Mu-Nyang opened his mouth and ate the remaining flesh and blood of Mao Miaomiao, stopping him from coming back to life.

Mao Miaomiao struggled to break free. He tried to use his favorite skill again.


But this time, it couldn't be activated.

Aslan scoffed at Mao Miaomiao.

"Who do you think I am? I'm using the clone of Overlord Xiaomao as a vessel. What cultivation base do you think he has, idiot?"


"Silence, bitch!"

Aslan slapped Mao Miaomiao's soul face. A portion of the spirit disappeared.

Meowmeow glared at the doctor's soul. He turned to Aslan and made a request.

"Let's kill him. He deserves a thousand deaths for what he did to us."

Aslan smirked. "Relax, boy. I know you hold a grudge, but we still need the guy."

"Why?" Meowmeow wasn't happy with Aslan's decision.

Aslan snickered and shifted his gaze toward Mu-Nyang. The latter pouted and spat several crystal balls out.

"I have a total of 17 earth fate crystals and 4 sky fate crystals, munya."

Aslan tilted his head, gesturing that Mu-Nyang still had more.

Mu-Nyang pouted and spat another one. However, this one forced Mu-Nyang to puke a moon-sized crystal out of his large head.

"And one entity fate crystal, munya."

Aslan snickered and collected everything.

"Good job. Now, take this bastard's crystal as well."

"Okay, munya!"

Mu-Nyang widely grinned. He opened his massive mouth, revealing a million sharp fangs under him. His tentacles wrapped around Mao Miaomiao and pulled him into his mouth. At the same time, Aslan removed the hook and the fishing lines for Mu-Nyang to eat the soul.


Mu-Nyang's fangs and teeth turned into a grinder. He crushed the doctor's soul to pieces and digested him.

Aslan nodded in approval.

"Mu-Nyang. Don't destroy everything. Let that bastard's soul reincarnate as one of your dantian universe's population and torture him until he's traumatized. Trap him in there and let him suffer an ill fate for at least a decillion years! Make him suffer! Oh, don't forget to extract his fate crystals in his soul. Leonardo will need those."

"Okie, munya!" Mu-Nyang laughed. He loved playing with his victim's souls.

Inside Mu-Nyang's universe housed 100,000 souls of Fenrir werewolves. He planned to degrade these guys into something nastier and stupider than their previous race – The gnolls.

"Let's go home and help our master."

The business was over. The four guardian statues reverted to their casual appearance and flew back home.



Meanwhile, a disaster struck at home.

Esen, who had been commanding her undead troops and standing on the parking lot's top floor, collapsed. She then stopped breathing, and her heart ceased functioning.

A transparent karma string, which had linked her with Leo, fell next to her body.

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