Gate of Revelation

Chapter 455 Team Wipe

“Do you hear?”

Lun Tai suddenly halted his steps. He raised his right fist before glancing at Roddy, who was beside him.

There were grim expressions on both Roddy and Qiao Qiao.

“From behind!”

Buzzing sounds like that of a swarm of bees came from the rear part of the underground tunnel.

Lun Tai rushed toward the rear end of the team and pulled down a night vision device strapped on his head to check out what was at the back. Then, he shouted, “Enemy attack!”

After saying that, he got into a kneeling shooting position. Muzzle flash poured out from the muzzle of his firearm.

Tat tat tat!

The bullets flew out.

Roddy arrived beside Lun Tai. He positioned himself beside the wall, clenched his teeth and raised his rifle to open fire.

A figure charged forward within the underground tunnel.

This figure’s body was covered with a unique exoskeleton war armour, resembling Iron Man. Nearly 90 per cent of his body surface was covered by the armour. He was riding a fast moving metal wheel. The buzzing sounds had originated from the metal wheel.

Lun Tai’s reaction was quite fast. Seeing the appearance of the approaching figure, he fired at him. Muzzle flash lit up the underground tunnel and bullets struck the incoming figure’s body. However, the exoskeleton armour on the figure possessed a very strong defensive property. The bullets striking its surface were all deflected.

The speed of the metal wheel that the figure was riding on was very fast. In but a blink of an eye, he was before them.

The figure came to a halt with a jerk. Then, he jumped up into the air. As he was vaulting through the air, the metal wheel quickly transformed into a rotating saw.

The figure arced over Lun Tai. Next, he viciously swung the saw in his hand, aiming at Lun Tai’s neck.

Lun Tai was quick to react. He quickly raised the rifle in his hand to block the incoming attack. At the same time, he jerked his head to the side before throwing himself sideways.

A sawing sound could be heard as Lun Tai’s rifle was cut into two.

His opponent landed on the ground and the metal saw made contact with the ground. Sparks flew up as the track on the ground was cut by it.

As he was not proficient in melee battles, Roddy quickly retreated while continuing to shoot. Qiao Qiao rushed forward.

Qiao Qiao’s eyes suddenly turned black and she stretched her hand out. She directed her palm at the figure in exoskeleton armour. A black coloured mist shot out from her palm…

Suddenly, another figure emerged from the rear end of the underground tunnel.

This figure was shooting through the air. He was also wearing a metallic, exoskeleton armour. However, instead of a metal wheel, he was equipped with a propelling turbine.

Despite the narrow size of the underground tunnel, this fellow’s movements were fast and dextrous. He flew forward and opened up both his palms, causing an electrical net to shoot out.

Qiao Qiao was caught by the electrical net and the momentum tossed her backward. In the end, she was pinned to the wall by the net. The electrical current flowing through the net caused Qiao Qiao to convulse as she struggled against it.

“Unnie!” Soo Soo screamed out and rushed toward Qiao Qiao. At the same time, she waved her hand, casting a fireball at the figure equipped with propelling turbine. After the fireball struck him, the fellow moved 10 metres back and floated in the air.

At that moment, their third opponent appeared.

Before Soo Soo could make it to Qiao Qiao’s side, she suddenly lowered her head and noticed tens of spider-like metal insects crawl up her legs. The metal insects brandished their sharp claws and stabbed them into Soo Soo. Powerful electrical currents surged into Soo Soo’s body, eliciting a sharp cry from her before knocking her back.

Qiao Qiao’s face, clothes and body were charred by the powerful electrical current. She calmed down and a faint black coloured smoke seeped out from her eyes. She reached out with both hands and tore off the electrical net binding her. After she did that, the charred areas on her body quickly healed up.

She rushed toward Soo Soo. However, the opponent with the propelling turbine charged her. Qiao Qiao de-materialized her body, allowing the fellow to fly past her. At the last moment, she shot her hand out to catch the fellow’s leg. With a roar, Qiao Qiao threw him aside with a loud bang.

Sparks flew off from the tracks.

Next, Qiao Qiao moved forward, but suddenly felt a sensation of pain coming from her legs. She saw that several metal insects had crawled up her legs and they stabbed her mercilessly.


Qiao Qiao screamed in pain. The electrical shock made her fall on her knees for a moment.

Up front, Lun Tai had already utilized his Muscle Fruit skill and his stature had expanded until he was beyond two metres tall. After his muscles burst out with power, he pulled out a war hammer and smashed the one with the metal saw.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The metal saw and the war hammer collided several times and sparks flew. With the Muscle Fruit skill, Lun Tai’s strength shot up. However, perhaps it was due to the armour, his opponent did not suffer from any disadvantage when facing him.

The two of them clashed against one another. Every time the war hammer and the circular metal saw smashed each other, Lun Tai would roar out.

When Lun Tai was finally able to knock his opponent’s saw to the side, he took advantage of the opening to punch out with his left fist. However, before his fist could make contact, his opponent blocked it with his bare hand.

Lun Tai’s body jolted and cracking sounds came from his entire body, even his bones. As for his opponent, the joints of his armour appeared to be trembling.

Even in a contest of strength, Lun Tai was unable to gain any advantage.

The metal saw abruptly took a different angle, avoiding the war hammer. It suddenly cut down from the side, forcing Lun Tai to pull his fist back. Then, seeing that the metal saw was about to cut off his war hammer’s handle, he suddenly bellowed out and sent a knee out at his opponent’s waist.

The exoskeleton armour shook and the metal saw fell to the ground. Taking advantage of the opening, Lun Tai pounced, pressing his opponent onto the wall and the two of them became tangled together.

Qiao Qiao had stood up. Black smoke swirled around her and the metal insects fell to the ground in dread before dispersing.

However, Qiao Qiao did not attack the fellow that she had tossed to the ground earlier. Instead, her head snapped in a certain direction and her hand shot out to grasp at the air…

Up on the ceiling of the tunnel, a figure suddenly fell down.

This fellow was also wearing exoskeleton armour.

After the fellow fell on the ground, both his hands shot up as he struggled to cover his neck. As he was struggling, Qiao Qiao flew toward him.

Qiao Qiao pressed her palm down on the fellow’s body. Next, the fellow’s body twitched and the armour on his body began crumbling to dust. Pulverized!

As Qiao Qiao was about to continue, she suddenly let out a cry. She looked down to see the blade of a sword protruding out from her chest.

She turned around and saw the enemy she tossed to the ground earlier. Unknowingly, this fellow had gotten up and now, he brandished a 1-metre plus military blade in his hand.

Qiao Qiao took a deep breath. She watched as blood flowed out from her body. She quickly de-materialized her body and transformed into a shadow. The blood and wound lost its physical aspect.

Soo Soo struggled to climb up. Leaning against the wall, she saw that Qiao Qiao was stabbed and she screamed, “DIE!”

In an instant, a deathly atmosphere submerged her eyes.

A wall of flames instantly swallowed up the fellow with the military blade. The sudden flames pushed him away.

Soo Soo howled furiously and a huge firebird appeared within the flames. After the armoured man was slammed onto the wall, the flames continued blasting him, plastering him onto the wall. At the same time, the firebird struck the surface of the exoskeleton armour again and again.

“Boss! Boss! My fire-proof coating cannot hold! What skill does this little girl have? Bloody Hell! Only 20 per cent of my coating is left!”

The voice belonged to the electronics specialist youngster.

At the same time, the one who was engaged in a melee with Lun Tai, One-eye, quickly replied, “Think of a way to disengage and distance yourself! Hurry! Bugs! What are you doing?”

Unfortunately for Bugs, Qiao Qiao’s hand was choking his throat. A portion of his armour at the neck area had turned to dust, swept into nothingness.

Qiao Qiao’s fingers were almost upon his skin.

Hearing One-eye’s voice, Bugs forced himself to shout, “This woman is crazy strong! Save me!”

One-eye grunted. He managed to land a punch on Lun Tai’s chest, forcing him back. Then, he quickly dashed over.

He slammed right into Bugs’ body. The momentum brought Bugs together with him and they flew toward the wall. Next, they fell to the ground and rolled away. After that, he raised his hand, revealing a gun.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Muzzle flash sprayed out but Qiao Qiao had already de-materialized her body. The bullets shot past her. Then, it turned around, moving along her body and shooting toward One-eye.

One-eye was greatly shocked. He quickly ran and shouted, “Tongueless! Tongueless!”

At that instant, Qiao Qiao, who was walking forward, suddenly felt her leg stumbling.

She looked down to see a hand reaching out from beneath the ground. This hand was gripping onto her ankle.

Qiao Qiao knitted her eyebrows.

Her body was presently in the intangible dark shadow state. Yet this opponent was able to grab her leg… … in other words, this fellow also possessed the same type of skill.

The hand grabbed Qiao Qiao’s leg, but did not emerge. Instead, it pulled her down. Qiao Qiao’s body gave a shudder before moving underground. In but a blink of an eye, her calf had been submerged underground.

Seeing that, Soo Soo ran over and attempted to grab Qiao Qiao’s hand. However, her hand caught only thin air. As she was distracted, the youngster who was being pinned by the wall of flames and the firebird was able to free himself. Seeing that the wall of flames and firebird had disappeared, he quickly rushed forward. He rushed toward the members of Meteor Rock Guild at the back.

Roddy fired continuously at the incoming figure. Then, he turned around to face Qimu Xi. He shouted, “Run! Protect Will!”

Qimu Xi grabbed Will tightly, turned around and ran.

The youngster charged forward. However, his movements suggested that he was going to give up fighting against Roddy and go after Qimu Xi instead.

Roddy spread both hands and pounced forward.

“Floater! Protect me!”

Ka ka ka ka…

Silvery light quickly shone out from Roddy’s body. Metal fragments appeared on his body, forming a propeller turbine. The turbine blasted, pushing Roddy forward, allowing him to grab hold of the youngster’s shoulder. Next, the two of them rolled into the corner.

After he was pulled down, the electronics specialist youngster threw a punch at Roddy. At the same time, a powerful electric current flowed through the surface of his body.

Roddy jerked his head to the side and the fist struck the wall, causing dirt to fly. As for the electrical current, Roddy’s hand was covered with the Floating Angel’s armour.

With the Floating Angel armour covering his right hand, he was able to create an electromagnetic shield, blocking the electrical current from harming him.

The two of them rolled around. Then, a burst of light shone.


An explosion erupted and the shockwave caused the two of them to break apart.

Roddy fell back first on the ground and the resulting pain caused him to hiss. He lowered his head to check the Floating Angel armour of his right hand…

“Damn it!”

Roddy swore loudly.

Back in the punishment instance dungeon, Roddy had used the Floating Angel armour to fight against the Feral Tiger Angel. The amount of damage taken was severe. After the instance dungeon was over, Roddy had attempted to repair the armour back when he was in the base.

However, the Floating Angel armour was a top-grade equipment and the cost required to repair it was huge as well – most importantly, Roddy could sense that the Floater, which was a living object, was not under his control. It had resisted his attempts to channel power into it when he was trying to repair it.

This caused the repair rate of the Floater to become slow. At present, the Floater had yet to return to the state it was in before the punishment instance dungeon.

The current Floater could no longer transform into its complete state. It was barely able to appear and transform into a mechanical gauntlet.

This factor greatly reduced the capability of the Floater.

Qiao Qiao had been dragged into the ground. Amid Soo Soo’s cries, her body disappeared underground.

Soo Soo was flabbergasted. She threw herself on the ground and both her hands dug frantically. At the same time, Bugs took advantage of her distracted state and moved over. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up. Numerous metal insects crawled up his hand before moving onto Soo Soo’s body.

The sharp claws of the metal insects stabbed Soo Soo’s body and she jerked in response.

“Be obedient and fall!” Bugs laughed.

These metal insects were equipped with certain drugs. With so many insects pumping the drugs into Soo Soo’s body, she could only fall limply to the ground.

Bugs turned around and saw that One-eye was fighting against Lun Tai again. Several parts of One-eye’s armour had been broken off by Lun Tai’s attacks. The shoulder part had been torn off and his helmet was deformed.

Blood trickled down Lun Tai’s mouth but both his hands grabbed One-eye’s shoulder and he continuously slammed One-eye against the wall.

“The Hell are you looking at! Hurry up and help!” One-eye roared furiously through the guild channel.

Bugs chuckled. He dared not be tardy; he quickly controlled his metal insects to swarm forward.

It was only after several metal insects had made it up his calf did Lun Tai notice them. The electronic current broke out and he roared aloud. The pain forced him to release his grip on One-eye, who sent a kick out at him, kicking him down. One-eye then took a few steps back.

One-eye spat out blood into his helmet. “Several of my bones were broken by him! Damn it! I have not encountered such a strong Body Technique Division opponent in a long time.”

Lun Tai knelt on the ground. The electrical current flowed through his body and he roared out in pain.


A loud explosion rang out!

Bugs, who was standing nearby, staggered. An explosion had erupted on his head.

Roddy was behind him, a grenade launcher in his hand and smoke curling out from its muzzle.

After his shot connected, Roddy threw away the grenade launcher and charged forward.

Bugs was wearing helmet and armour. Thus, the grenade failed to harm him. He was merely stunned momentarily, allowing Roddy to pounce him.

“Ha ha! You are courting death!” Bugs shouted. A swarm of metal insects crawled out from his armour and onto Roddy’s arm.

“Bugs, don’t do it! His skill can counter you!”

Far away, the electronics specialist youngster, who was on the ground, shouted.

But it was too late!

The electronics specialist youngster was on the ground, his exoskeleton armour seemingly out of power. Without the help of his armour, the youngster could only remain on the spot and watch as Roddy hugged Bugs.

Over 20 metal insects crawled up Roddy’s arm. However, before they could brandish their claws to stab him, they all curled up and fell to the ground.

Bugs, who was being hugged by Roddy, was shocked. “What is going on?”

Roddy grabbed his shoulder and gave a harrumph. “Mechanical pets? I love these things the most!”

Right after Roddy harrumphed, the metal insects on the ground bounced up once more. Next, they furiously swarmed up Bugs’ body.

Bugs was shocked. He struggled with all his might. However, the moment Roddy was thrown off him, the metal insects released the electrical currents.

Even more metal insects crawled out from his body – but those were all not under his control.

It was as though the metal insects Roddy commandeered had the ability to infect the others. The new metal insects fell to the ground while the metal insects around his body initiated self-destruct sequences. The powerful electrical currents resulting from that fried the instruments installed onto the exoskeleton armour.

Seeing that two of his teammates had fallen, One-eye shouted in rage. “Fool! If he can control machines, don’t let him get close to you!”

He struck Lun Tai’s forehead with his knee, knocking Lun Tai down.

After that, he turned around and inhaled quickly.

He raised his hand and an electromagnetic beam shot out from his palm.

Roddy quickly raised his hand in response. The Floating Angel gauntlet came before him and a silvery, translucent shield blocked off the electromagnetic beam. However, Roddy was thrown away by the attack.

“Damn it!” Roddy fell to the ground and he could feel blood spraying out from his mouth.

The underground tunnel was too narrow for him to summon the Mech…

Roddy slammed his fist on the ground.

One-eye strode toward Roddy and he continued shooting electromagnetic beams at Roddy.

Facing the barrage of electromagnetic beams, Roddy could only crouch down on the ground. He pushed the Floating Angel gauntlet up, using its energy shield to protect himself.

One-eye shot out at least 10 beams and Roddy felt as though he was submerged by the attacks.

In the end, One-eye sneered. He raised his hand toward the ceiling… … several muzzles appeared from his arm…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a series of attacks, a huge portion of the ceiling collapsed down, entombing Roddy beneath them. Roddy only had time to shift this Floating Angel gauntlet up before the rubble covered him.

Soo Soo, unconscious, Lun Tai knocked out, Roddy entombed, Qiao Qiao dragged into the ground.

Meteor Rock Guild’s four strongest combat powers were all defeated!

In the distance, Qimu Xi was hugging Will tightly. Xia Xiaolei held onto a rifle and fired at One-eye fruitlessly.

One-eye ignored them. He turned to face the electronics specialist youngster and Bugs. “Fools! Take off the armour and get up!”

Next, he turned around and pulled Lun Tai up from the ground. His left hand held Lun Tai’s neck and his right hand grasped the air.

The metal saw that was on the ground immediately flew into his hand and began rotating once more.

“500 points! Ha! I like it!”

As the metal saw was about to cut Lun Tai’s neck…

The rumbling sound of a motorcycle suddenly broke the silence of the underground tunnel.


One-eye raised his head and saw a large object flying over.

He only had time to identify…

That… looks like… a… motorcycle?


The motorcycle slammed into him, sending him flying.

Next, a figure charged out.

The blade of a sword arced down.


One-eye’s right arm, the one that was holding the metal saw, was cut from the elbow down.

The tough exoskeleton armour failed to provide him any protection.

One-eye screamed miserably on the ground. While he was struggling to get up, a sword stabbed into his chest from the back.

The sword pierced right through his armour and his body, pinning him to the ground.

A foot stamped down on One-eye’s back and the sword was quickly pulled out.

One-eye had died.

[System prompt: You have killed a member of the Light Faction. System reward: 1,500 points.]

Chen Xiaolian grunted. His eyes were fixed on Bugs, who was on the ground, his armour completely ruined.

Bugs was very unlucky. Just now, hearing One-eye’s orders, he was going to take off his armour. So, he pulled off his helmet. Thus, his head was now very vulnerable.

When Chen Xiaolian’s gaze fell upon him, Bugs screamed. He jumped up and ran.

Chen Xiaolian did not give chase. He strode toward the electronics specialist youngster. As he moved, he pulled out a gun and opened fire at Bugs.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The first few shots did not hit his head. They struck Bugs body that was protected by the armour. Thus, only sparks flew harmlessly when the bullets truck. However, the last bullet was a headshot.

[System prompt: You have killed a member of the Light Faction. System reward: 1,500 points.]

By the time Bugs was downed by the headshot, Chen Xiaolian was already standing before the electronics specialist youngster.

He cast a cold pair of eyes at the youngster.

The youngster huddled and screamed out abruptly, “Don’t kill me! Your companion had been pulled down by my companion! If you don’t want her to die…”

Before he could finish his words…


A figure bounced up from the ground.

The figure lay before the electronics specialist youngster.

Seeing the figure, the youngster became so terrified he could not find the words to say anything.

The figure was none other than his companion, the one who can turn his body intangible, Tongueless.

Tongueless was clearly dead. His neck had begun to crumble to dust… akin to a withered rock turning into sand.

Qiao Qiao slowly floated up from the ground. She spat a mouthful of black coloured blood on the ground. When she saw Chen Xiaolian, her eyes lit up. However, they quickly dimmed back down.

Chen Xiaolian furrowed his brows and walked forward to embrace Qiao Qiao only to discover that Qiao Qiao’s eyes were black. Then, she closed her eyes and fainted.

The electronics specialist youngster was truly stunned.

Chen Xiaolian looked at him. Then, he raised the Sword in the Stone and swung down…

Ka ka ka ka ka…

Following the sounds, the youngster screamed out sharply. However, he discovered that he was not wounded at all. Only, a great portion of the highly durable armour had been cut off and those parts now fell to the ground.

“Later, I will be slowly interrogating you. If you want to lie to me, then you should take advantage of this time to make up a story!”

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