God's Eyes (Web Novel) Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the God's Eyes (Web Novel) novel. A total of 1114 chapters have
been translated and the release date of the last chapter is "Chapter 1113: Primordial Dimensions"
Latest Release:
Chapter 1113: Primordial Dimensions
- 201Chapter 200: First encounter
- 202Chapter 201: Teamwork vs Bashing
- 203Chapter 202: Outskirts
- 204Chapter 203: Treasure
- 205Chapter 204: Naivety
- 206Chapter 205: Betrayal
- 207Chapter 206: Charade
- 208Chapter 207: Death's door
- 209Chapter 208: Greetings....mother Wolf!?
- 210Chapter 209: Escaped
- 211Chapter 210: Cave
- 212Chapter 211: Elemental crystal cave
- 213Chapter 212: Calming pain
- 214Chapter 213: Breathtaking speed
- 215Chapter 214: Limitations
- 216Chapter 215: Everything is MINE!
- 217Chapter 216: Hidden dangers
- 218Chapter 217: Jinx
- 219Chapter 218: Death
- 220Chapter 219: Undead awakening
- 221Chapter 220: Terror!
- 222Chapter 221: Sinister plan
- 223Chapter 222: Valley-Safari
- 224Chapter 223: Shocking news!
- 225Chapter 224: Fortress
- 226Chapter 225: Imminent threat
- 227Chapter 226: Canir, a breeding ground?
- 228Chapter 227: Tension
- 229Chapter 228: Envoys
- 230Chapter 229: Destructive battle
- 231Chapter 230: Taking the secret to death
- 232Chapter 231: Owning a favor
- 233Chapter 232: Celestia-halfling?!
- 234Chapter 233: Don't go!!
- 235Chapter 234: Leaving
- 236Chapter 235: Decision
- 237Chapter 236: Completing the unfinished
- 238Chapter 237: Soaring strength
- 239Chapter 238: Jason's wealth
- 240Chapter 239: Drake family patriarch
- 241Chapter 240: They can't see me!
- 242Chapter 241: Sacrifice to become stronger
- 243Chapter 242: Reminiscence-Ceremony
- 244Chapter 243: Meeting
- 245Chapter 244: Useless trash
- 246Chapter 245: Scheming
- 247Chapter 246: Revamped Cultivation-system
- 248Chapter 247: Netherworld's fort
- 249Chapter 248: Initial-phase
- 250Chapter 249: Alchemy to go
- 251Chapter 250: Satisfaction
- 252Chapter 251: Customized Soul world
- 253Chapter 252: New Year
- 254Chapter 253: Ingredients!
- 255Chapter 254: Bloodline unsealing potion
- 256Chapter 255: Unsealed Bloodline!
- 257Chapter 256: Last Chance!
- 258Chapter 257: Earth Dragon?!
- 259Chapter 258: Test of strength!
- 260Chapter 259: Do whatever you want!
- 261Chapter 260: Retorting his master
- 262Chapter 261: Observance
- 263Chapter 262: First round
- 264Chapter 263: Interesting fellow
- 265Chapter 264: Tactics
- 266Chapter 265: Recalculation
- 267Chapter 266: Fighting spirit
- 268Chapter 267: Useless pride
- 269Chapter 268: Last week
- 270Chapter 269: Seduction
- 271Chapter 270: Top 100
- 272Chapter 271: Blade tempest
- 273Chapter 272: Forceful advancement
- 274Chapter 273: Impatience
- 275Chapter 274: One-punch man
- 276Chapter 275: Pity
- 277Chapter 276: If he's here, what about...
- 278Chapter 277: Threatened
- 279Chapter 278: Despair
- 280Chapter 279: All-out
- 281Chapter 280: Silence
- 282Chapter 281: Proposal
- 283Chapter 282: Price for your betrayal
- 284Chapter 283: Two choices
- 285Chapter 284: Rest in peace!
- 286Chapter 285: Mana vein
- 287Chapter 286: Slumber
- 288Chapter 287: Ferocious
- 289Chapter 288: Transmission
- 290Chapter 289: Choice
- 291Chapter 290: Compatibility
- 292Chapter 291: Disposing trash
- 293Chapter 292: Vanishing
- 294Chapter 293: To the Cerus family!
- 295Chapter 294: Blood sect
- 296Chapter 295: Ravaging
- 297Chapter 296: A Mother's love
- 298Chapter 297: Aftermath
- 299Chapter 298: Terebrean
- 300Chapter 299: Evolution requirements