Heroes of Marvel Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Heroes of Marvel novel. A total of 922 chapters have
been translated and the release date of the last chapter is "Chapter 1172: Attacking Earth"
Latest Release:
Chapter 1172: Attacking Earth
- 301Chapter 415: MISSING MIRAGE KNIGH
- 302Chapter 416: ESCAPING
- 303Chapter 417: MISSING DAY 1
- 304Chapter 418: MISSING DAY 2
- 306Chapter 420: TRANSMISSION
- 307Chapter 421: RUSHES
- 308Chapter 422: VIOLENT DEMOLITION
- 310Chapter 424: DESTROY
- 311Chapter 425: EXHAUSTED
- 312Chapter 426: CAN YOU PICK ME UP?
- 313Chapter 427: COME BACK
- 314Chapter 428: ALL PARTIES REAC
- 315Chapter 429: I HAVE A BOLD IDEA
- 316Chapter 430: RETURN
- 317Chapter 431: THE INVESTIGATION
- 318Chapter 432: ROGERS ACTION
- 319Chapter 433: GUESTS
- 320Chapter 434: RETURN
- 321Chapter 435: ARRIVES
- 322Chapter 436: THE FIRST MEETING
- 323Chapter 437: THE FIRST MEETING 2
- 324Chapter 438: HOW OLD?
- 325Chapter 439
- 326Chapter 440: CHANGE
- 327Chapter 441: EVOLUTION
- 328Chapter 442: EXPERIMEN
- 329Chapter 443: TEX
- 330Chapter 444: HI
- 331Chapter 445: MAJOR DISCOVERY
- 332Chapter 446: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTES
- 333Chapter 447: QUITE CRISP
- 334Chapter 448: DONT WORRY
- 335Chapter 449: IDEA
- 336Chapter 450: CONTROL
- 337Chapter 451: THE CLOAK
- 338Chapter 452: NICKS REMOVAL
- 339Chapter 453: REQUES
- 340Chapter 454: COMPLETES
- 341Chapter 455: STRENGTH PROMOTION
- 342Chapter 456: HIDING PLACE
- 343Chapter 457: TRANSFORMATION
- 344Chapter 458: RUNNING AWAY
- 345Chapter 459: SECRET MISSION
- 346Chapter 460: THE WORLD NEEDS YOU
- 347Chapter 461: GAMMA RAY
- 348Chapter 462: WAKE UP
- 349Chapter 463: REMEMBER
- 350Chapter 464: RELAXED DAY
- 351Chapter 465: DISCOVERY
- 352Chapter 466: *HIDDEN*
- 354Chapter 468: *HIDDEN*
- 355Chapter 469
- 356Chapter 470: SUPPER
- 357Chapter 471: TAKE ACTION
- 358Chapter 472: BITTER EXPERIENCE
- 359Chapter 473: ANGER
- 360Chapter 474: DISCOVERY
- 361Chapter 475: DECISION
- 362Chapter 476: DECLARES
- 363Chapter 477: *HIDDEN*
- 364Chapter 478: THE ATTACK ARRIVES
- 365Chapter 479: APPEARANCE
- 366Chapter 480: RESCUE
- 367Chapter 481: CRUSH
- 368Chapter 482: ILLUSTRATE
- 369Chapter 483: PLAYING JOKES
- 370Chapter 484: SOLUTION
- 371Chapter 485: NEWS EXPLOSION
- 372Chapter 486: SURPRISE
- 374Chapter 488: BUSY
- 375Chapter 489: PRESSURE
- 376Chapter 490: POWERFUL
- 377Chapter 491: MAGNETO
- 378Chapter 492: DECISION
- 379Chapter 493: HELP
- 380Chapter 494: LUNATIC
- 381Chapter 495: OPTIMIZE
- 382Chapter 496: CHANGE
- 383Chapter 497: FAILURE
- 384Chapter 498: SEIZES POWER
- 385Chapter 499: FINAL
- 386Chapter 500: COMING
- 387Chapter 501: DANGER
- 388Chapter 502: ARRIVES
- 389Chapter 503: INVALID
- 390Chapter 504: ON STAGE
- 391Chapter 505: SUPPOR
- 392Chapter 506: OPPOSE
- 393Chapter 507: COUNTER ATTACK
- 394Chapter 508: DISAPPEARANCE
- 395Chapter 509: STRANGE
- 396Chapter 510: SPACE
- 397Chapter 511: NERVE
- 398Chapter 512: ESCAPE
- 399Chapter 513: DISCOVERY
- 400Chapter 514: IRON PATRIO