Hitman with a Badass System

Saber was surprised that the War God had noticed him. As a vampire, he was great at trailing people in the dark. But the War God found him somehow. Saber did not panic. The Dark Lord always said that in the moment of crisis, panic does nothing. Saber recalled those words. He stopped flying as the War God's party slowly turned around. The leader of this group was the War God of Gondolin. No one knew how many War Gods the empress had, but the people thought there were seven. The one Saber followed was one of them. When Michael attended the auction a year ago, he met another War God. Despite their numbers, each of them was extremely powerful. They did not choose to call themselves War Gods. Instead, the people called them that, and with time, the name kinda stuck with them.

"Who you are does not matter to me. Leave, and you may live," said the War God. His flaming red hair fluttered in the wind. Those eyes of his burned so bright with vigor and power that Saber almost thought someone lit a flame inside them. However, he wore rather ordinary-looking robes like lesser nobles. One would expect the War God to wear some fancy armor and carry a powerful weapon with them. On the contrary, this War God had an aura of simplicity around him. Saber noticed their pointy ears twitching for some reason.

Unlike the War God, the other elves burned with rage. They gritted their teeth as they were on the verge of attacking Saber for following them. The elves did not like being followed, especially by a human. The War God however, gave Saber an option to leave. Not that the War God could be defined as merciful, but he felt it was beneath him to attack a Body Strengthening cultivator.

Only if Sabers showed his true cultivation level and form, they wouldn't think twice before attacking him. Hearing the War God's warning, Saber remained calm. The forest he planned to initiate his attack was just a mile away from them. Once he had entered the forest, he could take down the elves one by one. Considering the Dark Queen ordered him to try to knock them out instead of killing them, Saber had to strategize a bit. Killing them was easy, maybe except for the War God, but the other elves would stand no chance against Saber. The Dark Lord's potions not only took away a vampire's weakness to sunlight but also enhanced their abilities such as speed, momentum, and power of their attacks. Especially the potion he and Adelia took was several times more potent than the rest. With Saber's battle experience and enhanced abilities, he could match the War God's Fusion stage level 9 cultivation. But first, Saber needed to get into the forest.

"I will if you hand over your space rings. This is a robbery, my friends,"

The War God looked amused, while the other elves looked a bit confused. They thought Saber was crazy. The elves weren't wrong to think so. Anyone who dared to rob the Gondolin elves was nothing but crazy. Even if this party did not belong to the War God and a commoner was in the War God's place, the empress's wrath would be the same. Trying to rob a Gondolian was a crime punishable by a long and painful death in Gondolin. Saber knew that, yet he couldn't care less. The Dark Queen scared him more than the empress ever could. In fact, the Dark Queen scared almost everyone in the army more than the Dark Lord himself. Sometimes, he would understand and be merciful if one of his subordinates fucked up something. Mercy would go out the window if the matter was handled by the Dark Queen. Seven months ago, Saber noticed the Dark Queen literally axed someone to death because he dared to speak about the Order in public for fame. She didn't even allow anyone to bury the pieces. It took the crows a week to clean the flesh off his bones. After that display of cruelty, no one dared to speak about the Order ever again. He doubted the empress could ever be some close to the Dark Queen in terrifying people. Saber had no idea how wrong he was. There was a dark side to the empress that no one had ever seen or lived to tell tales about. Killing the War God would be a good way to see this dark side. Luckily, it was not Saber's intention to kill them, at least he would try not to.

"How do you plan to accomplish that feat with your cultivation level?" asked the War God. If Michael was here, he would recognize the thick British accent and be surprised by it. In fact, all the elves in Gondolin talked in an accent that resembled a British accent.

"Ask nicely, perhaps," Saber chuckled.

"Let's kill him,"

"Yeah, why are we wasting time on this weasel?"

"Human scum,"

The elves began to raise their voices. They might not be as racist as the elves of Nelnathyr, but still, they were racist enough to flay Saber alive for looking them in the eyes. Almost all the elves had a superiority complex. They treated every other race with scorn and distance, even their racial cousins, the dark elves. They had no idea Saber neither cared nor that he was a human.

"Cultivation is not the only way to gauge someone's power," said Saber. These were not his words but the Dark Lord's.

"So you won't back off?" The War God slightly tilted his head. A golden radiant appeared around the War God. His eyes glimmered with killing intent. Just this aura was enough to kill a typical Body Strengthening stage cultivator. The War God knew this. Hence he was a bit surprised that Saber remained alive instead of puking blood and falling down. Saer calmly stood atop his flying sword and stared at the elves.

"Am I supposed to be scared? Now you know I am not a run-of-the-mill thief," Saber calmly said. His voice oozed with arrogance and pride of being the Dark Lord's subordinate. At first, Saber felt forced and embarrassed to serve someone else other than himself. But after a year, he felt nothing but pride. The Dark Lord was the most feared and powerful man in the world. He was lucky to serve him and support the Dark Lord in his path to eradicate the Great Eight Clans as well as the Skyhall.

"You're just stupid with a little trick up his sleeve," the War God said. He was nonchalant. Unless this thief was a Half Immortal, the War God had no problem killing him.

"End him," said the War God.

He didn't bother to attack Saber himself. Instead, he let one of his minions deal with Saber. The elf cracked his knuckles before hovering toward Saber. Since he was at the Soul Refining stage, he thought he could take on Saber. Saber remained calm as still water. When the elf approached, he grabbed Saber by his neck. Saber slowly squirmed, turning his back toward the forest. The elf clenched his fist. Almost everyone in the world knew about the elves and their arrogance. They liked to toy with their foes before killing them, especially the weak ones. Since Saber pretended to be a Body Strengthening stage, the elf smiled with amusement. He balled his fist and punched Saber in the chest. Upon the elf's fist hitting Saber's chest, a booming sound resonated. Saber was sent flying. The elf watched Saber flying toward the forest. Saber took advantage of the situation by intentionally flying into the forest. He crashed through the canopy, breaking several branches.

The War God's gaze turned cold.

"Finish what you've started," The War God said with a murderous tone. Just his voice alone was enough to make the elves tremble.

"I will return with his head," said the elf who punched Saber. The elf immediately flew into the forest, following Saber's trail. After the elf disappeared into the foliage, the War God turned his gaze toward the other elves.

"Go on. Help him. Come with his head or don't come at all," The War God grinned like a devil. The elves dared not to linger any second longer. Compared to the other War Gods, Belanor was the kindest. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given the thief an option to escape. Any other War Gods would have torn him to pieces the moment they found out he was following them. But even Belanor had his limits. After sending the elves to hunt down Saber, Belanor hovered above the forest. For some reason, Belanor felt something amiss. The thief did not seem like an ordinary thief. Something was definitely strange about him. An ordinary thief wouldn't have dared to mess with a War God.

The forest the elves entered was oak-brown and primitive. The grasses they stepped on were crackly beneath their ur feet because of the recent dry spell. One would be in awe of the size and majesty of the trees but not these elves. They were not here to enjoy the beauty but to kill a human. The trees' knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as one's head could lift. They were hoary fortresses and stood proudly. The orchestra of birdsong suddenly stopped as the elves entered. A pair of jays were screeching high up in the canopy of the trees. These scavengers of the bird world sensed the murderous aura around the elves. Their eyes gleamed with delight as they hoped they could eat fresh meat soon.

"Spread out. He must be here somewhere. One of you stay in the air and make sure he doesn't fly away," An elf barked orders at the others.

"When did you become the boss of us?" asked another elf scornfully.

"Why don't we go to Belanor and ask him?"

"Fuck you," the elves scattered through the forest quickly after hearing Belanor's name instead of bitching. The elves spread their focus around them to find Saber. Little did they know Saber was watching them and waiting for them to spread out. The elves thought they were hunting Saber, but it was the other way around. With darkness and forest to his advantage, Saber had the battle in hand.

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