As the people got closer, Olivia was finally able to see them clearly.

"From their attire, it seems they aren't from the Lumen Empire either."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel didn't know much about people's attire since he hadn't seen much of the world yet. If anything, he had only been to two major cities: Abadon and Lumen.

"The clothes they are wearing, they aren't from the Lumen Empire. These people... If I'm not wrong, they are from the Yan Empire. Their position inside our neighboring Empire shouldn't be weak either. They might even be nobles from Yan as well."

"Nobles from Yan? What would they be doing inside the Lumen Empire?" Gabriel was slightly surprised to hear that these people were from the neighboring Empire.

He had just told Olivia to use the name of Yan when the Church asked where he went. But the people of Yan were already here? Was this just a coincidence?

The horses got closer to the town, only stopping when they were a few meters away from the entrance of the town.

At such proximity, Gabriel could sense their strength even better. He understood that he was quite close in his guesses. All of these people were Mid Tier Mages. They weren't a threat... At least for now.

All six youngsters stepped down from the horse.

"Take us to your Town Head," the blue haired lady in the lead commanded Gabriel, not even glancing at Olivia.

Looking at Gabriel's attire, she believed that he was most probably the son of the town head. How else could he afford such decent clothes?

Fortunately for them, Gabriel didn't take her words seriously.

"He isn't in Town. He went to the neighboring City," he answered. "May I know for what purpose you're all here? When he returns, I'll inform him."

"No need. We'll talk to him ourselves when he returns," the red haired man scoffed. "Our words are precious and we prefer to not waste them on you."

He placed one of his hands on Gabriel's shoulder and the other on Olivia's shoulder before pushing them both aside to clear their path.

"Take us to the best accommodation you have, since we'll be staying here for a little while," he arrogantly stated, without even putting Gabriel in his eyes.

Thanks to the ring Gabriel received from the Spectre, let alone these people, even the strongest of beings would've had a hard time seeing his aura. For these people, Gabriel and Olivia were both commoners, none of whom had any magical strength.

"Yeah, I'm really tired as well," the Second Man also commented as he entered the city.

One after another, the other youngsters also entered the city with the Blue Haired girl being the last. Surprisingly enough, their horses also followed them inside without having to be guided. It was as if they were already trained enough to follow their masters.

Gabriel watched all the arrogant youngsters enter the town. However, he had already gone through a battle with Izen. For them, these people were kids and his tolerance level was higher, for now.

Olivia stared at Gabriel, wondering what his instructions were now. The city was under Gabriel's control. It was for him to decide what to do.

"What are you doing standing there like statues?" The red haired man, known as Rong, still hadn't given up on scolding Gabriel and Olivia. He was the most impatient out of everyone in the group.

"Didn't I tell you to lead us to the best place for us to stay? Do you know how precious our each second is? Even if we take your lives, it won't be worth a second of ours that we'll have to waste! So you two better behave! And if you don't, I'll have no choice but to create an example of you!"

'These kids... They don't know the difference between heaven and earth, do they?' Olivia was amazed at how stupid these people were being.

She believed that Gabriel was a friend of the Infernal King. These two fought the Church of Light and were most probably dark mages. Could these youngsters really afford to be that arrogant? She couldn't help but worry about the future as she glanced at Gabriel, wondering if he was getting angry.

Even Gabriel was slightly surprised at the arrogance level of this guy. Just because they thought he was an ordinary human, he was threatening to kill him?

Olivia held Gabriel's hands, just as he was starting to feel a bit angry.

Having his hands grabbed by the girl, he couldn't help but look at her. His mind was immediately distracted.

"Young Guests, the Town Head might not be back for a week. He went on an important trip. But if you still want to wait for him, we do have some accomodation available. Let us lead you."

Olivia took the lead. She had already watched the entire Church of Light branch being destroyed. She didn't want these to youngsters to be killed just because they were too stupid.

Moreover, if they were killed, the Yan Empire could even potentially start a war. Their town was not too far from the Yan Empire. If there was a war, she believed that her town was going to suffer the effects as well. So she had to save them.

"I must say, the girl is smarter than that stupid guy." Rong rolled his eyes. "Whatever. It doesn't matter who takes us. Just get us a place. We are already tired after a long journey."

"Right away." Olivia still hadn't released Gabriel's hands as she also took him with her in the lead.

She just needed to keep them alive until Gabriel left the town. That was a hard task, but she believed she was the only one who had an opportunity.

She just had to keep these people in a house for a week. At best, Gabriel was going to leave by tonight now that he was healed. It was quite possible to protect these people!

Unlike the other youngsters, the blue haired girl was more focused on Gabriel who was walking in the lead with Olivia. She didn't understand why, but she felt as if there was something strange about that man. She just couldn't put a finger on it. She wondered if it was just her misconception.

"Are you all nobles from the Yan Empire?" Olivia asked, after some time, just to confirm her theory.

"That's right." Rong proudly stated, "My father is a Duke in the Empire!"

"Well, as a matter of fact, all our Fathers are Dukes of the Empire," the second man of the group chimed in.

"All except for Xin," he added, glancing at the blue haired girl in the lead. "She is the Second Princess of the Empire. Her father is not the Duke but the Emperor himself!"

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