With renewed determination, Gabriel turned his gaze towards the vast expanse of the Abyss. He knew that his training had just begun, and that he had much to learn and overcome. But he was ready to face the challenges ahead, armed with the teachings of Ezekiel and the unwavering resolve burning within his heart.

After Ezekiel taught Gabriel the basics of the Abyss, imparting his own understanding to the young man, two days passed in the Abyss.

It was only after he finished teaching the basics, he decided to go deeper in the Abyss. This was just the start.

Together, Ezekiel and Gabriel ventured deeper into the Abyss, their steps echoing through the darkness. They were on a path of self-discovery, a journey that would unravel the mysteries of destiny and lead them to confront their own inner demons.

Little did they know that their actions would send ripples throughout the realms, and that their destinies were intricately entwined with the fate of not just their world but the entire cosmos.

The stage was set, and Gabriel, guided by his mentor's knowledge and his own indomitable spirit, was prepared to embrace his extraordinary destiny and shape the future that awaited him.

As Gabriel and Ezekiel delved further into the Abyss, the challenges they faced grew more treacherous. The very fabric of the realm seemed to conspire against them, twisting and warping with every step they took.

Malevolent creatures lurked in the shadows, drawn to the presence of two beings so intrinsically tied to both light and darkness.

Ezekiel guided Gabriel with unwavering determination, imparting knowledge and honing his skills. They practiced intricate combat techniques, blending the fluidity of divine grace with the raw power of the Abyss.

Gabriel learned to harness the energies within him, unleashing devastating attacks that shook the foundations of the realm.

Yet, it was not only physical trials that tested Gabriel's mettle. The Abyss had a way of probing his mind, exposing his deepest fears and insecurities.

In moments of solitude, Gabriel faced manifestations of his own doubts and regrets, struggling to overcome the weight of his past mistakes.

Fortunately, Ezekiel was there, a beacon of guidance, reminding him that true strength lay in controlling their fears, not allowing them to define him.

As their journey progressed, Gabriel's understanding of the Abyss grew deeper. He began to discern patterns within its chaotic nature, recognizing the ebb and flow of its energies.

He discovered that the realm was not simply a place of darkness but a realm of unbridled potential, where one could forge their own destiny.

One fateful night, as they stood on the precipice of a looming chasm, Ezekiel turned to Gabriel, his eyes shining with wisdom.

"Gabriel," he said, his voice carrying a weight of significance, "your first year lies ahead. We stand on the threshold of the Heart of the Abyss' Outer Zone, the epicenter of its power. It is a place of immense danger. You might not return alive. Are you prepared to face what lies within?"

Gabriel nodded, his resolve unshakable. "I am prepared. I won't let fears define me..."

With a solemn smile, Ezekiel placed a hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "Remember, the journey within can be as treacherous as the path without. The Abyss reflects our own inner struggles, and conquering them is the true key to unlocking our potential. Trust in yourself, and trust in the lessons you've learned. You have come far, but the true test begins now."

"If you fail, then I will stop your training right here, and take you back... But after that, I will never train you again."

Taking a deep breath, Gabriel stepped forward, his feet carrying him into the inky darkness of the chasm. "I have no intention of failing."

As he descended deeper into the Heart of the Abyss, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly power. Whispers echoed through the void, reverberating with secrets and ancient knowledge.

Within the depths of the chasm, Gabriel encountered trials that pushed him to his limits. He confronted his deepest fears, confronted the darkest corners of his soul. With each challenge he faced, Gabriel grew stronger, his spirit tempered like steel.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Gabriel delved further into the Heart of the Abyss.

Finally, at the culmination of his arduous journey, he reached a chamber bathed in an ethereal glow. In its center, a pulsating crystal suspended in mid-air emanated a harmonious blend of divine and chaotic energies. It was a strange yet unfamiliar crystal, quite similar to what Janus had found.

Approaching the crystal with a mixture of curiosity, Gabriel extended his hand, feeling a surge of power resonate within him.

As his fingertips brushed against the crystal's surface, visions flashed before his eyes—visions of something unfamiliar. He couldn't see clearly. It was as if some completely unrelated scenes flashed through his eyes.

It felt like a hallucination, or an illusion, more than a vision.

In that moment, Gabriel grew even more taken aback. The scenes he saw were quite incomprehensible and far from reality. They all flashed so fast that his mind didn't even have time to register all of them.

There was only one image that he was barely able to see. In those scenes, he saw him raising his sword against Karyk. It was a scene that briefly flashed before his eyes, and he could barely even see it.

Gabriel frowned, looking at the crystal in his hand in confusion. Just what was this thing? Was this another trick of the abyss like all those illusions he faced along the way in this trial? He was unclear. He just kept the crystal safely to ask Ezekiel about it.

After completing his task and gaining a newfound understanding about the Abyssal Energy, Gabriel emerged from the Heart of the Abyss, his presence radiating a newfound aura of power.

The trials he had faced had transformed him, sculpting him into a formidable force, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. However, he was still far away from his goal.

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