HP: The Arcane Thief

A.N.: Sigh... Stuff happened. I'd elaborate but it's really not anyone could help me with. I'm sorry for the delay. Here is a double release. I think I'll be able to post regularly now.


Axel zoomed in at the abominations that were gathered behind the butcher, and even with his relatively apathetic outlook towards most things in life, he was disgusted.

Most of the army consisted of humanoid creatures, but none of them actually were. Some had more metallic limbs, some of them had different body parts of different creatures. Some were gigantified, having an abnormal body symmetry.

Axel recalled the bizarre creatures and fighting force in the war scenario of the trial and now understood where that came from.

"This guy… is sick." If Axel is calling someone that, they're really messed up in the head.

Estris nodded. "He is. He likes to call himself an artist, and likes to view his sick creations as art. We call them biomatons. Each one of these is dangerous in a different way, each having unique features.

He is also the main contributor to the fighting force of Kraken. Every living being who ends up in Kraken's captivity is sent to his lab, where he molds them to tools and killing machines for the Organisation's use. That is why, eliminating him is really important," said Estris, cocking her rifle and taking aim.

'Can she even handle the recoil of that thing?' Thought Axel. He really didn't think this petite teenage looking girl could do much.

"Are you sure you don't need me to help?" He asked.


"What… is going on..?"

Sylthia Eryndor was questioning reality right now. One moment, she was about to die, and in the next, she was seeing Kyrin Tenebrous emerge out of her shadow to defend her.

"It's you…" The playfulness had vanished from the face of Dr. Butcher, even as a shield manifested to combat her darkness.

"Long time no see, Karlock," said Kyrin, calling her the Butcher by his actual name. "Sorry to interrupt your fun time, but I have a deluxe death service pending for you." she said, her feet rising off the ground as she gathered her darkness.

Karlock, aka, Dr. Butcher unconsciously had his dinosaur-like mount retreat a few steps. Encountering Kyrin is not something most of the members would find welcoming.

But then, he regained his composure, regarding Kyrin with the same leer that was directed towards Sylthia. "You should have never come back, Tenebrous. Things have changed now." he said with a sneer, no longer afraid. "You haven't interrupted my hunt. You've joined it."

Kyrin really had to laugh at that. "You think? I know thirteen year brats who can wipe the floor with you."

"Underestimating me will be your last mistake, Kyrin of the Darkness. Unlike organic lifeforms such as yourself, I can upgrade myself endlessly."

"Well, don't disappoint me then." The darkness had filled up the skies by now, all of it centered around Kyrin. As she raised her hand, sharp projectiles of darkness rained.

Kyrin looked back at the stupified Sylthia. "What are you still doing here?"

"Retreat. You will find Estris not far behind. Leave this fatglob to me."

"Y-Yes Commander!"

Sylthia gathered her remaining energy and made to flee.

"Not on my watch!" The number 6 of Kraken wasn't going to let his prey escape. Metallic whirring noise was heard as Blasters emerged from different segments of the artificial monsters.

This time, the attack was serious, and Sylthia was in no condition to avoid it. But before the attacks hit her, shields were erected in front of her, blocking the attacks.

Wilis had flown over in the time Kyrin was talking to Karlock.

"Of course, you would be here too," said Karlock in frustration as Sylthia escaped further.

This time, flying biomatons all rushed at Sylthia, their speeds multiplied by propellers at their backs.




Suddenly, all of the flying biomatons rushing towards her turned into bloodmist and junk, and Sylthia instantly recognized the familiar scene. Up ahead, she saw a small head peeking out of the darkness shroud, beckoning her.

A smile surfaced on Sylthia's face. "Estris."

With all senior members of the Black ops protecting her, Sylthia made it to the shroud.

Upon seeing her friend, Sylthia instantly hugged her, tears of relief flooding her eyes. "I thought I was going to die."

Only now that she had some semblance of safety did Sylthia allow herself some reprieve. She had almost died, or worse, gotten captured. This was the first time she found herself alone in this place, let alone in a deadly situation like this. Sylthia was really scared.

Thankfully, she was saved.

Estris's face was still blank, but she patted Sylthia on the back soothingly. "You're safe now."

"Fuck Estris, what kind of shooting was that?" Muttered Axel at this moment, coming out of his shock. He couldn't even SEE the bullets. That's how fast they were. There is nothing special with Estris's rifle, then that can only mean that it was her ability that made the bullet shoot off like that.


It was only now that Sylthia realized that they had company. "YOU??!!"

What the hell is this outsider doing here?! Shouldn't he still be in the academy?!

Sylthia and her team had entered the trench soon after the trial. She had no idea what happened after.

Axel blinked. "Uh, Hi?"

"You two know each other? This is our newest member, Four star officer Axe—Chris Martin."

Sylthia blankly looked at Axel, then at the four-star authority badge on his shoulder.

4 stars? Is this a joke?

"How… How many years has it been outside?"

How can this noob reach four stars?



Princess Antilla's breath hitched as soon as she saw the multitude of pictures of Axel. Almost all of them seemed to tell a completely different story compared to what she was expecting.

"These pictures have been spread all over the network of the outside world, along with all the information related to him," explained the general while the princess looked at the pictures in shock.

"Why… how…?"

The princess couldn't understand how this was possible. How could someone treat a child like that? Are orphanages in the outside world all like this? In Atlantis, they make sure that every single person is at least provided for and not abused, let alone the children, who are the foundations of the future of the kingdom.

Then why… why does it seem that he didn't even get the basic necessities that every human should get?

"Princess, do you still want to find out?" Asked the General.

The princess blinked her eyes rapidly, using mind arts to control her emotions. "Yes. I need to know everything."

"As you wish." The general arranged the pictures based on age. "In 1981, he was left in a Native Orphanage," he said, as the project showed a 3d image of a baby with bright Amber eyes.

"What? It was a Native Orphanage?!"

The word Native referred to the original people of this world, meaning those without Magic. From what she had read, these people didn't welcome people with Aetherical abilities.

"Why? Why would she leave him there?" Wondered Antilla. This was the main question. It wasn't like they couldn't take care of him here. No matter what differences her sister had with the royal father, Antilla would have made sure that the prince was well taken care of until her sister returned.

"I am similarly stumped on the question. Maybe they thought they were confident they would come back safely. There is also the fact that the crown princess wouldn't have been allowed to leave if she did come to the Royal Castle for help. But you were to ask me, a major factor could be her pride."

Yes, how could she forget? Her sister and her headstrong and reckless nature. Her sister never liked the bindings that came with her being the crown princess of Atlantis. She wasn't allowed to do much on her own and her future had already been decided for her. It's one of the reasons why she left in the first place.

"So, my Nephew...?" It was bad enough that he didn't grow up having the Royal Privileges. But did he also go through further trouble on top of that?"

"Indeed. His life in the orphanage wasn't good," said the general, confirming her fears. "In the beginning he was treated the same as the rest of the children there. But as he aged, his Aetherical powers began to manifest, resulting in a change of treatment."

"It included bullying and shunning from the children and reduction in meals and such from the managers," said the general, as the images changed to the ones feature a malnourished kid Axel with several bruises on his face.

The Princess's heart broke upon seeing Axel in such a state. Ever since she had met him, she had already felt an affinity with him. And after finding out that he was actually her sister's son, she had already begun regarding him as family. The only one that she had left.

Antillia's eyes glowed. "They dare..."

The general continued. "In response, the prince… he fought back the bullies and stole their food in order to fulfill his appetite."

"That doesn't make it better. My sister's son… having to steal food in order to survive…?" The princess was beyond enraged. "Tell me it gets better?" she asked imploringly.

"I'm afraid not… if anything, it gets way worse. The prince was kicked out of the Orphanage at the age of 8."

"What?! How could they?!"

"Actually, full story is this: one of bullies at his primitive academy made a rude remark about the prince's parents leaving him. When the prince retaliated, the bully's parents, who were relatively affluent in the area, had him kicked out of both the academy and the orphanage."

The princess had to try really hard not to blow things up. "What happened next? How did he survive?"

"About that…"

"He had to live on the streets searching for jobs while stealing to survive."


The general showed various images and videos of a homeless kid being beaten, stealing, running, and sleeping on the streets.

"No… No… Nononono!"

The princess slowly scrolled through the pictures. In each picture, Axel's face became more and more gaunt, and the childishness and nativity seemed to vanish from his eyes, making him look like an adult.

Orphanage, then an abusive orphanage. But now, streets?

Antilla looked at the images in horror. The most important person in the world, the person who should have been sleeping on the softest of beds, eating the best and most nutritious delicacies of Atlantis, prepared by royal chefs….

That person is sleeping on those dirty streets, eating stale food, suffering from starvation and abuse.

"And… in case you were still wondering about his scars…" said the General, as he played a particular video.

"You fucking streetrat! You should have known your place and obediently worked under me!"

It showed Axel being beaten up by a group of gangsters as a man with a disfigured face taunted him while standing back.

"No…." Antilla stood up. "He's just a child…" she whispered.

"Hold him down for me…" said a man with the disfigured face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Let me go!" Protested a nine-year-old Axel.

But, instead of freedom, he got a punch to his face that broke his tooth from one of the men holding him down.

"Stop struggling you little fucker! My balls are still aching from the kick you gave me earlier!"

"You had it coming! What did I ever do to you?!" Replied Axel hotly.

The princess clutched her heart, which was aching. The video was making it much more vivid and real just how much her sister's son had suffered.

"You've been stealing in our area without paying us protection money! Now take your punishment!" Said one of men in the video.

"Bullshit!" Said Little Axel.

The scar faced man chuckled as he casually squatted down as he looked at the struggling Axel.

"It is indeed bullshit, little rat. The real reason is that arrogance of yours that has made you reject coming under me multiple times," he said, taking out his knife.

Axel looked at the knife in horror.

"Why do you keep bothering me?! There are so many willing people in the world!"

The man shook his head in disappointment,

"You don't get it, kid. You don't get it!" He said, twirling the knife and pointing it at Axel.

"I saw potential in you, kid. No one else saw it, but I did! And I could have taken you to great heights if you had come under my wing. But now that you've rejected me, I have to show you exactly what you are without me," he said, bringing the knife closer to his face.

"No! At least give me a fair fight, you bastard!"

Axel struggled with all his might as the knife slowly descend.

The man just chuckled as he slowly ran the flat of the blade along his cheek.

"Get this in your little head: The world is unfair, you cheeky fucker. You are nothing but a rat right now and I'm the hunter. I'm the one with the power so I can do whatever I want. You want fairness? Bullshit," he spat, before turning the blade in his hand.

And Axel's screams began.

The princess removed the video, no longer able to watch further. She was crying. "How… could they do this?"

Calling her Nephew nothing. Calling him a… a street rat! Cursing him, Beating him, torturing him!

"It seems… there is no need for the outside world to be independent after all," said the Princess, wiping her eyes.

The sweet boy whom she met just a few days ago… he had to go through THIS. What kind of place is the outside world?

"Treating Royalty like that… we should have shown them their place long ago," she said, magical waves roiling off her.

If the outside world is like that, it is no wonder that her Nephew came here asking for citizenship.

"What happened next? How did my Nephew escape this hell?"

"That…" The General wondered how to explain what happened next without bringing destruction to the whole outside world.

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