With Avanss leaving for Alfia, it was crucial to establish a new power structure in the Empire and restore order swiftly. The remaining Imperial Knights and Army soldiers were forced to undergo a mental assessment by Kimino and Hozin. If they were to pass, they would receive their pay.

Should they be revealed as loyalists, they were to be promptly executed and their bodies incinerated, leaving no trace behind. He had to ensure the safety of the freed Dwarves as well. Sylvester couldn't simply stand idly by, hoping that things would progress smoothly at their own pace. The hunt for loyalists had to persist until the entire Empire was clensed.

However, the empire no longer existed. The four Kings were formally acknowledged by Saint Cardinal Aurora, while Sylvester bestowed his blessings upon them in front of the people. The commoners were perplexed about how things would proceed from there, but Sylvester assured them that their money and economy were in capable hands.

Sylvester already had a plan, and he proceeded to discuss it with the four newly crowned Kings and the leader of a prominent merchant group, who was also a loyalist to Sylvester.

Sylvester presented them with documents with new maps and borders. Keilib became King of Norland in the North, Okaris became King of the Masan Kingdom, and Archbishop Hathem governed the Kingdom of Marcia. Each had specific territories and resources.

Upon hearing this, a few eyebrows were raised—not out of anger or greed, but concern. Therefore, Okaris rightfully sought clarification. "Your Grace, should I not receive the Marashia region?"

Sylvester swiftly dealt with their worries. "I understand what you are all thinking. Marashia region is the economic carriage of the previous Empire. Fear not, I have a plan for it. Okaris, Masan Kingdom is rich in goldmines, so you won't find too much trouble. Moving on, Archbishop Hathem, you have a lot of coal mines and veins of magic crystals.

"And lastly, Elmond, you shall rule the Kingdom of Sorland, bordering the Warsong Kingdom. Your Kingdom occupies a perfect location for trade with Warsong—"

"Your Grace, I have no agricultural land or natural resources. The region has been destroyed from hundreds of years of war." Elmond interjected abruptly. "Moreover, there is the menace of Pirate's Bliss. The island is strewn with caves that make it impossible to hunt them down. The entire West Coast of Sorland is and shall remain in ruins forever."

Sylvester agreed with him. "I know. That is why I shall personally venture to Pirate's Bliss and kill them all. Afterward, I shall proceed to broker peace with Warsong. Once that is accomplished, Sorland will have the foremost right among all kingdoms to send their traders there.

"But, let me tell you the part that shall enrich all of you. Marashia region shall not fall under any of your dominions and shall serve as a Combined Economic Zone. This entails that it shall be governed by a council of seven members, with each Kingdom sending two.

"You shall establish trade regulations and court systems to ensure that the region remains a prosperous source of wealth for years to come. In the event of a tie, the Saint Cardinal shall possess one vote as well—remember, gentlemen, I selected you as Kings not due to your lineage, but for your loyalty and integrity—do not disappoint me."

Sylvester concluded his speech and handed everyone papers documenting the basic structure of the Economic Zone and how trade will happen among them all. There were provisions to aid each Kingdom in the event of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, or earthquakes. The Holy Land would also serve as an overseer against corruption—and should greed overpower common sense, the example of Emperor Zenith would be repeated.

Finally, Sylvester rose from his seat, his eyes glaring ominously at everyone. "I presume you all comprehend the events unfolding in the East. I anticipate unwavering support in every conceivable manner because if we fail, an unjust church administration, more fanatical, more corrupt, and more power-hungry, shall prevail."

All the newly appointed Kings shifted uncomfortably in their seats. But they knew it was Sylvester's hand on their heads that was going to keep their Kinghood secured.

"We accept no other Pope but you, Your Grace." Archbishop Hathem declared. "Those heathens in the East have gone too far."

"Aye—We stand with you, Your Grace," Keilib exclaimed, the most excited of the lot. After all, he was a Slave beside Sylvester not long ago.

Sylvester nodded and decided to withdraw. "In that case, I will proceed to Warsong. Meanwhile, I require the four of you to formalize a trade treaty."

"May the Holy Light Enlighten us!" The four Kings saluted Sylvester instead of the other way around. Already, he was the Pope in their minds.

Sylvester took a long sigh after he left the meeting. He was truly tired, but there was no time to waste. At best, he could spend one month in the West and then proceed with attacking the Holy Land and take it over. But before that, he had to find out who he was going to fight. Just the first Guardian, or the Sanctum Council as well?

"Are you ready?" Aurora approached him just as Sylvester emerged from the castle. "You look like an undead…The dark circles don't suit the blessed bard, my little brother."

Sylvester wearily placed his hands on Aurora's shoulder and rested his chin on her head before closing his eyes. He had grown significantly since they had last met. "I was unaware that another female Dwarf resided in the city."



"Hey!" She punched his chest, but it did nothing to Sylvester, much to her annoyance. "Ugh... You're growing too rapidly. Not even a minor dent."

Sylvester smirked and strolled past her. "Let's go. We have a few pirates to kill and then meet a fake queen."

Both of them had already finished their work and exited the city. They traversed the Southern City and arrived at the nearby forest to head west towards the Pirate's Bliss.

"Follow my steps fast. I will use Light Tiles to walk in the air. I don't have time to waste on the Pirates. We will end them en route to Warsong." Sylvester ordered.

Aurora silently trailed behind him. Before she even realized it, she found herself walking on invisible tiles crafted from light magic. They were sprinting at their maximum speed, and even then, Sylvester effortlessly kept pace with the magic.

'He's changed so much…The church robbed him of his true smile.' She sensed his state of mind and felt disappointed with herself for being incapable of doing anything. Having witnessed his growth from childhood, he was indeed her younger brother, even if he became the Pope.

An hour later, they finally arrived in the sky above the island known as Pirate's Bliss. It was an exceedingly rocky region with no trees or grass in sight. Multiple three-mast pirate ships were docked near the shores, and some activity was clearly visible.

"On your mark," Aurora unsheathed her sword.

Sylvester shook his head. "No need; I will slay them all from this very spot. Just watch."

Sylvester raised his palm towards the island beneath him. "I need not employ my main attack against them. A mere spark of Elder Magic can enhance anything beyond your wildest imagination."

Small sparks materialized before Sylvester's palm. However, this time, they were not light but rather flames. The air grew dense and difficult to breathe due to the fiery presence, yet the two Grand Wizards remained unaffected.


A colossal storm of raging fire burst forth from Sylvester's palm, striking the rocky island. The flames were so immense that they devoured everything in their path, including the ships anchored nearby, reducing them to smoldering heaps accompanied by agonized human wails.


Explosives detonated on the island, further exposing the caverns. The fire infiltrated the crevices, consuming everything hidden and causing the stones to liquefy. As a magical flame, its temperature and destructive power surpassed that of ordinary fires—Elder Magic provided the finishing touch.

For fifteen minutes, Sylvester unleashed an unbroken barrage of fire upon the island. No smoke billowed forth, nor did cries for help emerge. Anything within the island succumbed to the blaze, with flesh melting upon the rocks.

"I think this will suffice." Sylvester stopped at last. "Let's continue to Warsong."

Sylvester departed, leaving Aurora several paces behind, bewildered. She was astounded by Sylvester's magical destruction. True, she possessed the capability to emulate his actions, but generating such an extensive blaze for several minutes would deplete a significant portion of her solarium reserves.

Yet she saw Sylvester moving away with ease.

'A Grand Wizard level two is this strong—what will become of him when he attains the rank of Supreme Wizard?' Aurora pondered, feeling both relieved and concerned. After all, extreme power was something that also corrupts minds, and makes one overconfident.

She quickly began following him silently. 'But he's too wise to fall like that.'

Ultimately, her faith in him remained unshakable, forged through years of genuine friendship.

The Warsong Kingdom was unsuspecting of the abrupt visit by someone as powerful as Sylvester. The Kingdom may also possess three Grand Wizards at best, but even then, it was no secret how much chaos two Grand Wizards from the Holy Land could wreak.

As Sylvester and Aurora crossed the excessively militarized boundary, with its dirt soaked in blood on both sides, they were greeted by lush greenery. Truly, Warsong was more blessed than Masan.

Giant forests of trees and dozens of castles appeared on their way. Their architecture was far different from any Sylvester had seen before, at least in his current world. The buildings had a pagoda structure, and the tiled roofs with pointy edges were particularly beautiful.

The people as well, although they had different skin tones, held a similar appearance with narrow eyes.

'They seem like—Asians.'

Soon enough, they followed the main road and arrived above a giant lake with tall rocky cliff-like peaks. They held a few castles too, but from the Solarium in the air itself, Sylvester could feel at least one Grand Wizard was living there.

"That's one massive castle," Aurora exclaimed.

Sylvester agreed, overlooking the Thunder God City, the capital of Warsong Kingdom. It was made up of multiple castles, with one giant one being in the center, acting as the base for the King.

"The word of my return must have reached her by now. From my experience and information, the Queen Mother will not kneel easily," he guessed. "But we don't need to be subtle with our approach. I am here to make them surrender and scare—not sightsee."

Abruptly, Sylvester began to descend, creating his Light Tiles as a staircase. Over the city walls and the buildings, they directly appeared in the large courtyard where a lot of Imperial soldiers were training in formation—swinging long lances and shouting.


Sylvester was not subtle, and being a fair-skinned man with golden hair easily caught everyone's attention. The soldiers turned their swords toward Sylvester and immediately surrounded him.

But they dared not attack, for the garb on Sylvester showed that he was a high Clergyman, and the rank plate on his chest showed a diamond color—revealing he was a Grand Wizard.

Sylvester raised his palms to emit light and created a halo behind his head before speaking in a booming voice without straining his throat or appearing to be shouting.

"Bring forth your queen and prepare to hear my sermon—Sylvester Maximilian, Bard of Solis, is here—Time has come for you to decide to prosper or face despair!"

[A/N: See the complete map of Sol Continent here.]

[A/N: The will be the last in this volume. And the name of the next volume will surely excite you.]

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