I watched the scenery passing by as we traversed in the forest.

There is no one else on the road.


[Yeah, it looks like it’s fine.]

We finally arrived at a forest trail.

There are two people sitting on each horse.

There’s also the weight of our luggage.

We can’t proceed through the road fast.

With the sounds of hooves stomping on the ground, we proceed through the forest trail.

Eve and Liz were ahead of us.

They seem to be chatting, though they were glancing here sometimes.

I decided to talk with Seras.

[About how much would we need to arrive in Demon Zone from here?]

[At this speed, I think we would arrive about a day and a half.]

[And if we try to detour around the castle?]

[If we were to detour around the Anti-Demon Battlefield located at the south of the Demon Zone, then we would be delayed for about half a day.]

The regions directly next to the Demon Zone.

Each country had a castles and forts placed on them.

However, we currently have to avoid them.

[Do we still have to watch out for other things in relation with the Demon Zone?]

I’ve already learnt some basic knowledge back in Monroy.

[It’s not verified information, but there’s still one thing we need to watch out for.]

[What is it?]

[It’s a unique monster called the Human-Faced.]

[Human-Faced? Is it some species of monsters?]

[They were mainly called as such because they’re monsters bearing a human face… but there were hardly any sightings making it harder to gather information about them. However, it is said that there are many Human-Faced living in the Demon Zone.]

[There’s hardly any information about seeing them, but it seems the existence of these monsters were acknowledged.]

[Yes. There is apparently a reason for the lack of sightings.]

Seras’ voice turns into a serious tone.

[It’s probably because almost all of those who witnessed them were killed.]

[So that’s how it is.]

Dead people don’t talk.

If they were dead, no one would be able to acquire any information about their sightings or any of the sh*t they’ve done.

[The details were quite obscure, but they were known as a ferocious monster. However, they wouldn’t come out towards more conspicuous places even though they carried the strength of a ferocious monster.]



Immediately, one thought quickly came into my mind.

The Soul Eater.

The monster waiting at the top layer of the Disposal Ruins.

Only that monster felt quite different compared to the other monsters.

So that’s how it is.

These Human-Faced must be his kin of the same race, huh.

Golden Demon Zone.

If monsters of that level were really inhabiting that area, then I can understand why that place is called a danger zone…

[Speaking of which, isn’t it said that Eve has stepped into the Demon Zone?]

Seras inquired.

[It seems so.]

[Is that the reason why you want her to be our comrade?]

[Well, yeah…]

That certainly was one of the reasons why I invited her.

[By the way Seras, how’s your talk with Liz? Did you get along well?]

[Yes… That girl is a very good girl.]

High Elf and Dark Elf.

I had an image that they would suddenly be in conflict with each other.

I was a bit worried about that but…

I’m quite relieved that there was no problem.

Seras looked towards the people riding in the front.

[However, is it really okay for that girl if we just proceed as is?]

[Yeah, we will bring that girl into the Demon Zone. Eve is willing to take her with us too, and that girl doesn’t want to be separated with Eve. Unless the person herself refuse to enter the Demon Zone, we would be entering the Demon Zone just as we planned.]

[Would it be alright though?]

[I also intend to protect her with all that I can. Besides, Eve and that girl would be taking us to the Witch of Taboos.]

As if she’s trying to stifle a laugh, Seras just smiles.

[As I thought, you’re really kind.]

[You and Eve both overestimate me too much.]

[Is that really how it is?]

[Yeah. There’s a more realistic reason why I’ve helped them out and made them our comrades.]

Making sure that I’m holding firmly unto Seras’ waist, I continued.

[There are several reasons why I wanted to make Eve one of our comrades. One of them is that, just as I had said before, Eve is a great warrior. Second would be, just as you had just said, Eve had experience entering the Demon Zone. And the third reason would be— if I were to think about the Witch of Taboos, we should have Eve accompany us when meeting her.]

[What you mean is…?]

[There’s one decisive difference between us and Eve.]

The Witch of Taboos lives while trying to hide from others.

That’s why, it wouldn’t be easy trying to meet her.


[Didn’t Eve mention that she’s indebted to her?]

[Ah, I see.]

Seras seems to have noticed what I mean.

[That’s right. It would be easier for us to make a connection with the witch if we went with Eve who already somehow knows her.]

It’s quite simple if you were to think about it.

People with connection with them.

And people who don’t have a connection with them.

Naturally, it will be easier for people to come into contact if you were to go through someone who you both had a connection with.

I guess you could call this something like those so-called “introduction of acquaintances”.

[However, with the way Eve spoke about her, it would be quite questionable if she could be considered her acquaintance…]

Eve’s way of speaking has a unique sense of distance.

At least, it feels like she’s not talking about a friend or a comrade.

I really want to ask her about her relationship with the witch.

Also, the contents of the favour she’s indebted to.

[And, there’s also Liz…]

Seras looked back at me.

[What about Liz?]


I heard about that story in the first day at the tavern in Monroy.

“Is it that aforementioned Witch who was said to be living in the Great Ruins? If I remember it correctly, she should be a Dark Elf, right?”

[Didn’t they say that the witch is a Dark Elf? And now—]

Seras looked at the horse Liz is riding on.

[Liz is also a Dark Elf…]

[We’re “visitors who rescued a young of the same race as you who had been experiencing cruelty”. If Eve and Liz were to explain that they were true, the witch wouldn’t doubt them. If we do it well, it may become a source of positive reaction from the Witch of Taboos.]

That’s why, I will make sure that Liz survives.

I will bring her towards the witch.

[I see, you’ve really anticipated about it that far ahead huh… As expected of Touka-dono.]

[It would always be better if you have one more negotiation card in your hand. That’s why in the end, it would all just be a matter of self-interests.]

I watch over Liz.

She was happily chatting with Eve.

[However, though I said that—]

I remember back when I first met Liz at the White Coin.


Me, who was abused by my real parents.

Liz, who was abused by her proprietress.

At that time, those two images suddenly overlapped in my mind.

My past self who can no longer be saved.

And Lizbeth that could still be saved.

Just as Seras said, that girl is a good girl.

[Rather than seeing that girl trembling as she sobs… It would be ten times better if she were to happily laugh at the enjoyable things in the world. Well, that’s what I think…]


Her voice softened, Seras agreed.

[I think so too.]

The first one who reacted was Eve.

The next one is Pigimaru.

I’m the third one who noticed it.

[This sound—]

I turn my head to our rear.

I could see some kind of light.

Multiple lights.


With a meek expression on her face, Seras called out.


Considering the time we had left from the royal capital, I think that they responded too fast but…

[We’re being chased.]

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