To Mills

I lightly wash my clothes before I left the water.

I gently remove the dirt on my clothes with my hands.

Dirt sometimes create suspicions from the others.

On the other hand, cleanliness wins the trust of others.

Such an image makes a lot of difference.

I want to remove the dirt that could be removed from my clothing before I enter the city.


I remember that woman that I had met earlier.

If I’m right, we are both aiming towards the same city called Mills.

That woman probably had some troubles herself.

We didn’t tell each other our names.

That’s because we don’t need those information at all.

We also weren’t going to travel together.

The woman must have thought the same.

It’s a situation where we would avoid stepping more than what’s necessary…

[Having troubles, huh… Well, I have some of my own as well.]

I quickly finished washing my clothes.

[Well then, I guess it’s time to go.]


Pigimaru wraps around back into my robe.

I put on my clothes that seems to have dried up a bit and left the body of water.

Walking through the forest, I’m aiming towards Mills.

I stopped on the way of my journey.

It’s because Pigimaru is trying to say something.


“What is it?”

That’s what I think it’s trying to say.

[It’s just that, I think I’m stuck on something… but what the thing I’m stuck on is… I don’t know.]

It’s just like something is caught in between my teeth. I know it’s there, but I can’t get it off.

I can’t help but feel troubled as I resume walking through the forest while.

While walking through the forest, I looked upwards at the overlapping branches and leaves of differing trees.

Is it starting to turn into night?

However, even if the sun were to go down, I still have the light of my leather bag.

I also got used to the darkness because of the days I were in the ruins.

The day I spent in here was much easier compared to when I’m in that ruins.

However, I would like to arrive at Mills today if it were possible.


After a while, I could finally see a well-developed road in my path.

It seems that the road ahead were paved from here.

I stop for a while as I saw a wooden signboard on my path.


So I continued further into this long curved path, I would reach Mills?

If I keep going at this pace, it’s likely that I would arrive today.

When I continued walking further, I started passing by some people.

Most of them looks-like traveler by the way they were dressed.

I also passed by a carriage that had a luggage carrier on the back.


A high wall comes into my sight.

It’s probably the bulwark that’s protecting the city.

I found a simple gate in which I could likely pass through.

There are two gatekeepers standing near the gate.

One man and one woman.

They’re both wielding spears in their hand.

They also had a sword sheathed in their waist.


I should keep their first impression towards me to be as good as possible, right?

I talk to Pigimaru who’s hiding beneath my clothes.

[Keep quiet for now, okay?]


Pigimaru replied back with a soft cry of acknowledgement.

[And, if you’re to be found out… Well, let’s just do it just as how we practiced, okay? Do you still remember what our signal is?]



I drew a short breath.

Changing the consciousness within me…

I tried to pass through the gate.


I was stopped by the woman.

[You’re an unfamiliar face.]

Does Mills scarcely have any outsiders who come in here?

Then, that means…

This place is on a scale where the gatekeeper could memorize who goes in and out of their gate huh…

[I can’t see any weapons on your body, but are you a mercenary?]

I softly laughed, showing an unreliable front towards them.

[Well… if there’s any work for me to do in here.]


The female gatekeeper laughed a bit as she nodded in agreement.

[So you’re of those guys from the mountains who heard that there are people who are recruiting for people to raid that ruins, huh?]

Recruitment for raiding the ruins.

An unknown topic of discussion suddenly popped out.

I don’t think they’re talking about raiding that really dangerous Disposal Ruins but…

I don’t want to questioned here for saying otherwise.

I have to choose my words carefully.

[Yes, I heard there was some kind of interesting job in here.]

If I say it this way, I would look like someone who heard of it but doesn’t really know the details.

I look up at the wall as if it were very unusual.

[However, I had nothing with this flourishing city so far so… I’m curious even with just these tall walls you have.]

[Fuunnn… you’re saying that this is a “flourishing city” just with this scale huh… You must be from the countryside?]

The female guard looked at me from head to toe.

[It looks like your clothes were a bit dirty.]

[It was a really long trip. Milles was far from home.]

[It’s not Milles. This is Mills. Good grief… this is the problem with hillbillies who didn’t even hear the right information at all.]

I laughed a bit, though it sounds forced.

[I’m sorry.]

[Really… I don’t remember all the names of the people of this city. Hillbillies would always be hillbillies, you could spot one even if you’re not trying. But you, it’s as if you’ve never even went out of your village at all. It’s as if you’re completely dyed in the color of hillbillies. Umumu… with the ways things are, I don’t really know which one of us were living in the remote lands at all.]

I think the gatekeepers have let down their guards a bit.

It may not be necessary, but I think I have to do some push.

[Please look at these.]

I showed towards them my trembling arms.

[I’m actually really nervous right now when I have just seen your gate.]

[Hahaha! Are you all right, young man!? Even the beautiful, slender woman who passed by earlier looks more like a warrior than you!]

A beautiful, slender woman.

Is that the woman I had met earlier in the forest?

The description is roughly described, but all the descriptions he had said applies to her.

The female gatekeeper put her hands on her waist.

The doubt on her face had completely disappeared.

[Well, I think if it’s just carrying the luggage of the mercenaries, you’d fit in just fine. Hey, this guy could pass through, right?]

The female gatekeeper confirmed it with man beside her.

[Yeah. In the first place, we were told by the marquis to accept the mercenaries who have gathered for the ruins. I don’t care if he’s going in. Oi you, get inside already.]

I eased my expression a bit and thanked him.

[Thank you very much. I’ll do my best.]

I’m finally passing through the gate.

A smile have been inadvertently lifted on my mouth.

…and I softly murmured out.

[It’s going well.]

They didn’t inspect my body nor my luggage.

They are surprisingly loose on their security.

Everything seems to decide on the gatekeeper’s whims to some extent.

I cross over the bridge that pass through what seems to be a moat.

I exit out of the gate and found myself in a large street.

It could be somewhat similar to the villages, but you really can’t call this place a village.

It could be somewhat similar to the towns, but you really can’t call this place a town.

The impression I have of this place looks halfway between a town and a village.

This place closely resembles the image the streets of a rural area within Western Europe.

The street is a stone-paved road that extends straight through somewhere my eyes can’t see.

The surface of the stone pavements were a bit sooty.

It’s like the road had been there for a lot of years.

There are some people going here and there.

You can’t really say that this place is overflowing with people, but this place certainly is lively.

Is this the main street in this place?

[Well then.]

First of all, let’s go look for an inn.


I had checked out three types of inns.

I’ve judged them based on the appearance of the people who went in and out of their establishment.

They all differ into high, middle and low-class.

I am now dressed like this.

For the time being, I think I should avoid going into those “high-class” inns…

I guess I’ll check out one of those “low-class” inns and ask how much their accommodation fees are.

I enter into the inn as I’m the mode where I give out the impression of an air mob.

[How much is one night in this inn?]

[800 Marks.] (T/N: Maka)

The unit “Mark” seems to be named after the god of commerce.

I’ve heard this information from the woman where I had bought my bread earlier.

Well, I actually wasn’t asking her.

She just told me about it.

After hearing the cost of one night, I thought for a bit.

With this cost of a night in this inn, I should have enough money for quite a while…

However, it seems that this inn only have shared rooms.

I have Pigimaru with me so I really want to avoid sharing a room with anyone…

I left that “low-class” inn and checked out a “middle-class” inn next.

The accommodation fee for this one is 2000 Marks per night.

It seems that there are scarcely any rooms at all, probably because of that recruitment for the ruins raid.

But fortunately, there are still some unoccupied private rooms left.

I think it’s because there are hardly any rooms left, it’s possible that this is already the base price for the room.

After this room were filled up, do I have no choice but check out those “high-class” inns?

Let’s see…

It should be fine if I stay here.


The innkeeper is staring at me.

They clearly don’t look favorable at all.

Ah, could it be—

[Umm, I’ve actually just came from a really long trip so my clothes had become dirtied by the things I’ve encountered on my journey… If it’s possible, can you sell me something for me to wear while I wash my clothes?]

I take out a silver coin from my pouch.

I placed it down on the counter and presented it towards the innkeeper.

[This is just… a little something for the troubles. Ah… I plan to enter the room after I’ve changed my clothes, so you don’t have to worry about me getting the bedding dirty.]

The innkeeper’s mood completely changed after hearing my words.

[Y— Yes yes! Certainly! Well then, should I show you around the inn!? Regarding about your change of clothing, we’re already preparing for a replacement for them right away!]

The innkeeper roughly checked the measurements of my body.

The innkeeper then smiled and nodded.

[Please wait for a few minutes!]

The unpleasant atmosphere they had at first had completely disappeared.

It’s completely fine now.

[Umm, excuse me.]


[If’ it’s possible, umm… I’d like to take my luggage into my room first…]

[Yes! Of course, it’s all right! Ah, now that I think about it, this sir’s name would be—?]


Name, huh.

I think it would be bad if I give my real name here…

Fortunately, there’s no sign of anyone needing something similar to an ID card in here.

If that’s the case, using a false name could also be possible.

It’s bad if I take my time on answering.

It would be really suspicious.

I hurried thought up a false name and replied.

[I’m Hati Skoll.]

I have arranged those names from that wolves that had appeared from Norse Mythology.

Well, they were fairly famous names back there, but I expect that it wouldn’t be the same in this place.

The people who could sniff out the meaning of those names were not in this place either.

[Hati-sama, is it? Certainly!]

The innkeeper writes my name in some kind of book that looks like the register of this place.

[This is the key for the room! While you’re placing your luggage in there, I will prepare the washroom and your change of clothes~]

Based on how he responded, it seems that the way he deals with customers changes depending on who he’s dealing with.

I think I’m being treated as a good customer.

Well, enough about that.

It’s also difficult for me to say that I’m troubled since he had a strong impression about him giving others strange generosity.

But, I think this should be many times better than him being suspicious of me.


I went up the stairs and entered the room where I would be staying.

This should be about 8 tatami mats wide?

There’s a bed beside the window.

The other furniture were kept on the minimum and the room is quite simple.

However, the room is clean.

They must have been thoroughly cleaning this place.

I place down my leather bag and lock the door.

Confirming that there are no signs of people around, I call out towards my partner.



Pigimaru descends down to the floor and turned back to his round, jiggly shape.

[Can you hide somewhere in this room for a while? I don’t think you can’t hide anywhere when I’m changing clothes.]


Pigimaru turned into the green of affirmation.

[Good boy. Also, when something unexpected happens—]


Pigimaru did it before I even finished saying it.

He turned into his spherical form.

But, the size have turned a bit smaller.

Kotsu, kotsu~

The surface of his body became really hard.

Yes— it’s as if he turned into a crystal ball.

[It’s perfect.]


If he were to be exposed to the public, I’ll just say that I’m involved in a “business that uses a crystal ball”.

If they still persist and ask what this business is, I’ll say that I’m a fortune teller or a magic user in the middle of training.

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