Goddess Vysis’ Proposal

The girl who had just appeared was — Sakura Asami.

Held in her right hand was her broken left wrist.

The next strike echoed out and reached the students of 2-C.



It’s a gigantic humanoid bone wielding a greatsword and a large shield.

There are two of those Skeleton Knights.

Goosebumps appeared on my skin.

The “air” around those two is different compared to the other monsters I’ve faced before.

Compared to any monsters I’ve fought in the past, these two are really—


I glanced at the flail in my hand.

(Can I even defeat it with this weapon? No— I have to defeat it! I must earn some time to let everyone escape—)

[Don’t you dare fight it, Ayaka!]

Oyamada shouted out.

[This b*stard is still in our hunting ground, right!? Don’t you f*cking dare go along with the flow and break into our territory, you f*cking S-Rank pauper!]

One of the members from Kirihara’s group became surprised at what he said.

[What the-!? Oyamada!? We were told to run away when this guy appears!]

[It’s fine, isn’t it?]


[It would be different if we’re talking about someone like Zakurogi. Someone like him ought to run away. However, I’m different from him. I am already someone whose status that Zakurogi can’t hope to reach.]

I am still trying to sprint forward.

I chose to ignore Oyamada’s words.

(Even if he said that, I have to help them…!)

Around that time,

[I- I’ll leave her to you, Sogou-san!]

Kobato entrusted the girl with the injured leg towards me.

[Could you please take care of M- Mamiya-san for a while?]

[Eh? Y- Yeah…]

Kobato quickly sprints towards Asami who had lost her wrist.

Even though everyone has been running away on their own…

No— Even she’s become so pale.

Her shoulders and her voice were trembling.

However, she didn’t abandon the others.

[Sakura-san! I’ll bind your arm first, okay!? This would probably stop your arm from bleeding out…!]

[Uuuwwweeeehhh… I don’t want to be here anymore…]

[T- The Goddess-sama should still have some way to cure you!]

[Noooooo…. I want to go home…]

Asami’s lips were getting whiter.

Kobato quickly unfastens the belt on her waist.


Kobato tightly tied it around Asami’s arm.

[It hurts!!!]

Asami cried out.

The girl that Kobato had just entrusted towards me— Mamiya Seiko.

Her face is twitching a bit.

[Have Kashima always been that brave? I mean, she perseveres too hard it looks a bit disgusting…]

I unintentionally glared at her when she said that.

[W- What’s your problem?]

[Kashima-san is a splendid woman.]

Kirihara stepped forwards along with Oyamada beside him.

[Let’s do one attack after another, Shougo]

[I know even if you don’t tell me! Kuuhhhhh! Waahhhh! Grrnntt! I’m going to kill you, Tsunotsuki~!]


Oyamada’s great sword was being parried away.



The Skeleton Knight repelled Oyamada’s great sword with its shield.

At that time, when Oyamada was already inside the Skeleton Knight’s shield— he took out something that was hidden under his sleeve.

[<Bullet>! Eat this!] (T/N: Red Fist/Bullet)

Oyamada”s unique skill.

It’s an ability to emit an enormous amount of red bullet-like energy from his fist.

The sword of the Skeleton Knight has been raised over his head.

Faster than that sword that’s about to crash towards him—


That red bullet crashed into the Skeleton Knight’s body.

[Gaahh, ggiiieeeehh!?]

The Skeleton Knight staggered after that strike.

[Take this, b*stard! <Bullet>, <Bullet>! More, more, MORE! <Bullet>, <Bullet>, <Bullet>!]

He’s rapidly firing his unique skill one after another.

[Gishiii!? Giieehhh? IIieeh!? Shiigguuueeehh!? Kisshhiiieeehhh!?]

The Skeleton Knight can’t endure the rapid barrage of Oyamada’s strikes and has finally fallen to its knees.

A few seconds later— the Bone monster shattered.

The broken bone fragments have scattered around in the ground.

Oyamada tightly clenches both of his fists.

He raised them both of them up and screamed at the heavens.

[F*ck yeahhhh! Levelup!!!]

Near that place, it seems that Kirihara has also extinguished the Skeleton Knight already with his <Golden Dragon Buster>.

[This Skeleton Knight isn’t a weak enemy at all. It certainly is a fact that he was a really strong enemy… However, I’m already stronger than it. This Kirihara Takuto has always been human… but with the way I am now, I can’t help but be surprised.]

Kirihara’s group became excited.

[As expected of Kirihara!]

[That’s absolutely cool~!]

[He’s an S-Rank Hero, that’s absolutely not just for show at all!]

[Now, with this—]

Kirihara screams out.

[I’ve reached Level 24.]


[I’m sorry~ Thank you for the wait~!]

The Goddess Vysis have finally came inside the room.

This floor that we’re on right now is one level lower than where my room is.

I am now sitting on a chair in this floor.

I heard that this is the second private room of the goddess.

The back of the room is filled with desks and tall shelves.

There were stacks of papers and letters that were piled up on those desks.

The goddess sits on a chair in front of me.

[I’m sorry for calling you, Sogou-san.]

[No. Then, what did you call me for?]

After returning from the Magic Aptitude Ruins, I was called into this room by the goddess.


Seeing that she’s laughing a bit, I can’t help but raise my guard a bit.

The goddess placed a small bag on the table.

[I forgot to give this to Ayaka-san before. It’s because I have been busy. I’m sorry about that. You’re an S-Rank Hero after all, so I think you’re going to be in need of money.]

This seems to be the “pocket money” that Oyamada has said before.

Did she really just forget to give this to me?

I’m quite thankful for this, but I can’t help but look at her with suspicion.

[Also, I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to accompany you when you went to the Magic Aptitude Ruins.]

The goddess looked at the stacks of papers in the back.

[Thanks to the sudden advance of the Demon Emperor’s army and the fall of the Night Wall, my work has been increasing. It’s hard for me to just look through the reports that were coming in from every place. I have to stay too late just to check all the information we’ve been getting, even those that we’ve obtained from poor areas.]

[Can’t you just ask other people to sort out these information?]

[Fufufu, that’s already the amount after I had asked them for some help. Now then…]

The goddess switched the topic.

[It seems that you’ve met quite a disaster when the the Skeleton Knight suddenly arrived.]

[Umm, so how’s Sakura-san?]

[Yeah, you’re asking if she’s cured or not, right? The chopped off arm have been attached back after I’ve casted <Heal> towards her.] (T/N: Goddess’ Breath / Heal)

[Is that so..?]

(That’s great…)

[Thank you, Goddess-sama.]

[However, I shouldn’t be using too much of God’s power towards just anyone, right? Especially <Heal>, I’ve became quite tired after just using it once. However, Sakura-san is B-Rank after all~]

So, it’s possible that she won’t heal them if they’re C-Rank or below.

She must be implying something like that.

The goddess smiled.

[By the way, Sogou-san. It seems that you’ve become isolated from everyone… Are you going to be alright? I’m really worried about you…]

[I’m doing quite well doing everything alone so far.]

[Umm, how should I say this… I want to ask if you’re already aware of it but… Are you already aware of it, Sogou-san?]

I exhaled a bit.

[That story about me getting confused about my situation again?]

[Ah, no no! It seems that you’re calmer now than you were before, that’s why I could properly communicate with you now. Ah, did Kirihara-san and his peers say something? Hmm, Well~ It seems that everyone of 2-C have just heard of some old news.]

The goddess looked quite troubled as she thinks about something.

[There must have been someone who spread out this old news and influenced everyone in 2-C…]

[Umm, we’re talking about the story about my self-awareness, right…?]

[Ah, were we going to talk about that? Hmm… Well then, let me ask you a question first. Aren’t you going to join the Kirihara-san’s group? I want the S-Rank Heroes to work together as much as possible but…]

I immediately looked away.

The current Kirihara Takuto is very strange.

Is it wrong for me to describe him as insane?

[I don’t think Kirihara-kun and I could get along for the meantime. I feel that it’s difficult for us to fight together.]

The goddess smiles.

[That’s the reason.]

(“That’s the reason”?)

I don’t understand the meaning of those words.

[In short, well… As far as I could see, it’s Sogou-san’s selfishness that’s disturbing everyone in 2-C.]

[S- Selfishness?]

[Ah, arara? Am I mistaken? Please listen to it, everyone’s emotions. Now, could you compare that to your own personal emotion? Isn’t the difference way too great but… arara? Am I mistaken?]


[Nfufu? If you can’t even say anything in response, then isn’t that selfishness just as I thought? Hmm… But, I’m really troubled about that. The Takao sisters’ selfish actions have been standing out… I thought that the elder sister, Hijiri would approach you when they heard about Sogou-san’s story… But I didn’t think that you’d turn into one of the selfish child yourself…]

[Y- You’re mistaken! It’s just that, I—]

[No no, that’s fine already.]

Tears began falling from the corner of the goddess’ eyes.

[This must be because of my ineptitude for leadership… sniff… It’s all because of me…]

I quickly stood up from my seat.


[Excuse me. Even if you think it’s selfish, I still won’t join Kirihara-kun’s group.]

[Are you turning your back against saving this world?]

[I’m going to do my role as a S-Rank Hero in my own way.]

[Even so, is it really no good?]

[I’m sorry.]

[I understand.]

The goddess smiled and clapped her hands.


[Well then, I will entrust all the students that have failed to pass my trial to Sogou-san.]


What is she suddenly saying?

That’s a sudden jump in the story.

[Isn’t it difficult for you to stay in that current state where you’re isolated from everyone? Well, these children should only be below C-Rank… but that’s fine, isn’t it? If it’s the S-Rank you that’s training them, they’re strength should greatly increase, right? It’s just that—]

The goddess suddenly looked depressed.

[I pray that there will be no deaths in them…]

[W- What are you suddenly saying? Most of all, shouldn’t that already be settled since I’m fighting on their behalf?]

The goddess looked down as she looks quite regretful.

[Actually… Just the other day, I’ve acquired a decree from the King.]

[From the King-sama, is it?]

Can’t the goddess oppose the King’s decree?

I feel something out of place.

[The king decreed to “discard the Heroes who weren’t going to fight”… Ah, I properly tried to persuade him, but it’s like the King didn’t hear what I said… I’m sorry, I can’t help them even with authority…]


[It’s just that, I was still a bit worried about how to handle their future treatment. However, if Sogou-san would take care of them, I would feel relieved!]



[If I were to refuse, are you going to dispose them?]

[I have to do that. I’m sorry.]

[I understand.]

[Yes! Well then, I’ll leave them to you! Well, you selfishly refused to join Kirihara-san’s group, so it should be obvious that you’d take care of them.]

The details will be explained later, or so the goddess added.

I lightly bowed as I prepared to leave.

[Excuse me…]

The goddess called out just as I was about to leave the room.

[Ah, this is just a story on the off-chance that it would happen but— when they were suddenly at a loss about what they should do, Sogou-san might have to face the cruel reality. But, it’s going to be alright. People who has faced reality gets stronger. I believe in the potential that each humans have. People grow up and they may also change… At the time that Sogou-san stops being a selfish child and grows into a reliable adult, I would firmly recommend you to Kirihara-san’s group. I absolutely promise you.]

[…Thank you for your consideration.]

[Yes! I’m also expecting it!]

[Excuse me then.]

I closed the door behind me.

<Goddess Vysis POV>

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