The six paths of reincarnation…

I’m back here again. Back then, Xiao Chen saw his past in the Three Life Mirror.

The Azure Emperor appeared here and took the human path of reincarnation, going to Earth.

Earth was where the Immortals had taken refuge. It was where the Sky Dome Immortal Lord had lived alone until the end, personally burying the various Immortals as they died, and finally met the Azure Emperor, Xiao Teng.

As for the remaining scene, the Sky Dome Immortal Lord had blocked it, preventing Xiao Chen from seeing it.

Xiao Chen did not know what the two had said when they met or what had happened.

He stepped forward, arriving before the six paths of reincarnation—Hell, Hungry Ghost, Animal, Human, Asura, God. All these paths were already shattered.

However, Xiao Chen recalled getting the impression that the human path of reincarnation was not completely shattered.

He waited here, staring at the human path of reincarnation without looking away, waiting to see if it would mend.

However, despite him waiting for a long time, the broken human path of reincarnation did not show any signs of mending.

Xiao Chen felt somewhat doubtful. Could it be that it is already completely broken?

“Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Just at this moment, the Ghost Empress, Xi Xun, and Qing Cheng appeared behind Xiao Chen.

“Master saw that you had not returned after a long time, so she got worried and came over,” Qing Cheng whispered.

The Ghost Empress smiled and did not deny that. However, in reality, it was Qing Cheng who had pleaded with her several times until the Ghost Empress finally relented.

When one reached the Ghost Empress’s level of cultivation, one would be able to appreciate the horror of Xiao Chen’s strength. Nothing in the Kunlun Realm could pose a threat to him.

However, the Ghost Empress could not persuade Qing Cheng of that, so they came over.

Xiao Chen turned his head back and smiled. “It’s fine. I’ve already dealt with the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva.”

“It’s good that you’ve dealt with him already. Why are you looking at the six paths of reincarnation?” Qing Cheng asked, blinking in confusion.

“Nothing much. I was just curious. Let’s go.”

Right now, Xiao Chen was not strong enough. It was not yet time to unravel the secrets of the Sky Dome Immortal Lord. There was no telling what dangers lay hidden.

Sky Dome Immortal Lord, what were you trying to do?

Entertaining some suspicions, Xiao Chen left the Yellow Springs Road together with Qing Cheng and the Ghost Empress, Xi Xun.

The instant Xiao Chen turned around, the broken human path of reincarnation suddenly mended, forming a complete path.

Did Xiao Chen see it?

Naturally, he did. He kept his Spiritual Sense out in the surrounding five thousand kilometers. He could clearly see the movement of every blade of grass, every gust of wind.

However, he did not turn around. When the group was about to leave, the human path of reincarnation shattered once again.

It was not time yet. The Azure Emperor only dared to gamble on this right before his death.

Xiao Chen’s battle with Chu Chaoyun had yet to happen. If he left, what would the Kunlun Realm do?


Seven days later, Xiao Chen was calmly carving the Azure Dragon Divine Wood on one of the Dragon’s Gate’s back mountains on Heavenly Star Island when Mo Chen came over and interrupted him with a piece of news.

“Big Brother Xiao, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign and the other Primes sent word saying there is something urgent that needs you to make a trip to Kunlun Mountain,” Mo Chen said, as she looked Xiao Chen, who was currently focused on carving the Azure Dragon Divine Wood.

The Azure Dragon Divine Wood was one kilometer tall. Xiao Chen hovered in the air with a carving knife in hand. His movements were slow but steady and smooth.

He was like a calm river slowly pushing the sand and silt at the bottom of the river.

Under the calm exterior was surging, gushing energy flowing in the depths, hidden.

When Xiao Chen heard what she said, his expression remained calm. What’s to come has finally come. He already guessed what this was about.

Xiao Chen put down the carving knife and landed firmly. Then, he looked at Mo Chen and said, “Mo Chen, take a look, how’s my carving?”

Mo Chen looked at the Azure Dragon Divine Wood and saw that the rough figure of the Azure Dragon was already carved.

Although it was just a simple outline, it looked very imposing and tyrannical already.

The most important thing was the spirit it contained. Just looking at the outline would immediately bring to mind a nimble, lively Azure Dragon.

“Very exquisite. Unexpectedly, Big Brother Xiao’s knife work is so charming. Although I only have a shallow understanding of carving, I can tell that Big Brother Xiao’s carving skills are extraordinary,” Mo Chen said with certainty.

Carving was like calligraphy, which spoke with the strength and sharpness of the strokes and the spirit behind it.

The strokes had to be heavy like a mountain, the outline sharp, the words displaying a tyrannical aura. Carving followed the same principle except that the carver’s brush was the knife in his hand.

As for the spirit behind it, that was something of a higher level, which Mo Chen did not really understand.

Xiao Chen said, “This is the Azure Dragon Totem. When the totem is finished, I probably will have to leave.”

When Mo Chen heard that, her heart felt like it had emptied. However, she realized that Xiao Chen would have to leave sooner or later.

Since ancient times, the powerful outstanding talents capable of leaving the Kunlun Realm would do so to pursue a higher peak of the Martial Dao.

Mo Chen smiled and said, “I guessed it. I have been recording your name in books every day, now.”

At first, Xiao Chen was surprised. Then, he understood. Everyone who walked out of the Kunlun Realm would have all traces of them in the Kunlun Realm erased by the Heavenly Dao.

Speaking of which, he recalled that when the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva was taken away, Qing Cheng and the Ghost Empress had not forgotten about him.

“Do you still remember the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva?” he asked.

Mo Chen quickly answered, “Of course I do. We discussed him before.”

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “If you remember the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, then you probably won’t forget me.”

He thought of a possibility. The Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva was a person of the Immortal Epoch in the first place. Hence, the Heavenly Dao of this abandoned land had not erased all memories of him.

Then, as the reincarnation of the Sky Dome Immortal Lord, the last Immortal, the Heavenly Dao probably would not erase memories of him.


Naturally, Xiao Chen could not tell Mo Chen the reason. He smiled and said, “I’ll tell you in the future. I’ll definitely return to the Kunlun Realm. I have to go to Kunlun Mountain first.”


Before night fell, Xiao Chen arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign, Ying Zongtian, the Ghost Empress, the Heaven Punishing Corpse God, and the Spirit Fox King were all there.

These people showed bitter and worried expressions on their faces.

“Xiao Chen, there’s a problem. The lower realms that our factions control have been wrested from us. The experts we sent out could not return. Not even Sovereign Martial Emperors managed to return alive.”

An impetuous person, the Heaven Punishing Corpse God quickly spoke even before Xiao Chen found his footing.

Indeed, it was as expected; those Immortal residences from the Immortal Epoch were in the control of these factions.

All along, these lower realms had been seen as exclusive properties that they did not permit others to encroach on.

Now, a mysterious faction snatched all these away. Furthermore, they did not even know where the other faction came from. Naturally, they could not help worrying.

Their factions had all suffered heavy losses from the Demonic Calamity. No one could withstand another epic battle.

“We suspect that someone incredible appeared in the Demonic World. Now that the Demonic God is dead, this person immediately occupied the Demonic God’s position, then launched this attack.” The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign voiced his guesses as he looked at Xiao Chen.

Ying Zongtian added, “Furthermore, this person hid himself well, playing the long game. While we were at war with the Demonic World, he hid his strength and bided his time.”

“However, when you think about it, his strength should not be too horrifying. Otherwise, he would have immediately attacked the Kunlun Realm after the Demonic Calamity,” the Spirit Fox King calmly analyzed.

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign said, “We are not afraid of him. The main thing is that we cannot figure him out, and we would like to ask you to help us check it out.”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, “There’s no need. I know who it is. The situation is actually worse than you think. If you let him have what he wants, the Kunlun Realm will end up worse than the territory that the Demonic World occupies.”


The Primes showed shocked expressions, not daring to believe him.

In reality, Xiao Chen’s words were not false at all. Chu Chaoyun’s target was to merge the three thousand lower realms and swallow up the Kunlun Realm, taking away the entire Kunlun Realm’s Luck.

After that, this abandoned land would turn into a wasteland, all for the sake of his future alone.

At that time, the entire Kunlun Realm would probably crumble. All living things would find it hard to escape death.

“Xiao Chen, you know him?” Ying Zongtian asked.

“I know him. He came from the Sky Dome Realm, like me. However, back then, I went to the Kunlun Realm, while he went to the Demonic World,” Xiao Chen answered with a calm expression, but he found it hard to suppress the ripples appearing in his heart.

The inevitable battle destined by fate had finally come.

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