
“Are all of you really sure that you want to do this?” Argrave asked, looking between the dead heroes of old.

“I can speak for myself alone, but I know that my time is running out,” Felipe I confirmed with a stoic nod of his head. “Garm could allot us only so much time. It’s bound to run out eventually. At least in this manner, we live on, in a way. Better to give yourself up in service of something greater than to die ingloriously protecting temporary interests. Of course, it’d be best not to die at all… but it’s my fault for doing it the first time, so I can’t complain.”

“We were never really alive to begin with,” Bhaltair reminded them all. “We are all but tools for an epoch beyond our own, of Argrave’s taming.”

As the Archchief of the Burnt Desert nodded in quiet agreement, an elven general chided, “A fitting attitude for a necromancer. But it’s not wrong. This is an excellent capstone to glorious service.” The elven warrior gave a salute. “It’s been an honor serving under you, commander. I never thought I could give honor to a human, besides the honor of dying at my hand. You’ve proven me wrong. Many of you have.”

“Mmhmm. And considering so much rests in your hands, Argrave, some of the more calculating among us think to indebt you to them so you’ll never dare violate that document we drafted together.” Emperor Balzat crossed his arms, scrutinizing some who didn’t meet his gaze. “As for myself, I hope only that you’ll take care of my granddaughter.”

Constant agreement came—a steady deluge of approval, one by one, without exception. These strong-willed men and women had long ago come to terms with what had been done to them, and what would happen to them once their time was up. Argrave questioned if he could so bravely accept an inevitable fate.

“Then it’s settled,” Argrave concluded. “Let’s take the offer to the scary woman. Be ready to pack your bags at a moment’s notice in case she’s unreceptive.”

“The empty shell can already replicate what Traugott could do,” Ghislain said. “He’s rather good at learning. We’ll be ready.”

“I only hope that’s not an ill omen,” Anneliese said with a sigh, then turned her amber eyes to Argrave. “I’m ready.”

Argrave clapped, already looking forward to being free of this place once and for all. “Let’s dance.”

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