Kingdom’s Bloodline

ARC: Curse of the Royal Tribulation

Chapter 87: I Know the Way

Eternal Star City, Western District

With a bustling street humming with activity as its backdrop, a modest yet costly carriage glided along the stone road, turning effortlessly at the next intersection.

“Here we are on Linhe Street,” Kommodore’s voice drifted in from the coachman’s seat, carrying through the small window in the front of the carriage. “Just down the next road is Red Street Market. See, it’s right there.”

Thales, however, remained entirely unperturbed.

“Your Highness…”

Little Rascal, Imperial Conference, Secret Intelligence Department, Anker, Gu...

The jolting carriage carried on through the bustling streets of the Eternal Star City, yet the melancholic Prince within seemed incapable of taking in the sights around him. Lost in thought, he pondered in silence, his mind too preoccupied to appreciate the vibrant streetscape outside the window.

Whether it was the Renaissance Palace or the Secret Department, whether he faced the King or the Black Prophet, that day’s themes all seemed to centre on oppression and discontent.

But what weighed most heavily on Thales’ mind were the words spoken by Anker Byrael just before he lost consciousness.

“Hold on to your sword.”

Thales reflexively clenched his fist, only to realise he was unarmed with nothing in his hands.[1]

He lowered his head and stared intently at his left hand, but all he could see was the scar on his palm.

“Your Highness?”

Thales was startled out of his thoughts by a sudden weight on his shoulder. In the carriage with him, Glover gave him a nod before releasing his grip.

“Your Highness, are you sure that you really want to go to the Red Street Market?” From his perch on the coachman’s seat, Kommodore peered through the window, his expression troubled. “If Captain Mallos were to find out...”

Glover’s face remained stoic, but his eyes conveyed the same apprehension.

Thales took a deep breath and adjusted his collar, smoothing out his freshly changed clothes.

These people,

Despite holding the titles of Royal Guards or Star Lake Guards and he being the Second Prince and Duke of Star Lake, the second most noble person in the Kingdom...

Kommodore, Glover, and even D.D., who currently had the closest relationship with him, all still had doubts about him, didn’t they?

As for Mallos...

“You make a good point, so...” Thales thought for a moment before turning his head and shouting out of the open carriage window. “Do you have any objections, Mallos?”

Glover and the Kommodore were both startled.

“Mallos? Your opinion?” Thales repeated knocking on the carriage wall again, as if waiting for a response.[2]

“It seems like...” The Prince turned back and looked at the rigid Glover and helpless Kommodore, shaking his head with regret. “He has no objections.”

Glover’s eyebrow twitched a few times, but he said nothing. Kommodore could only muster an awkward smile and turned around to grasp the reins.

As their carriage glided onto the main avenue of Red Street Market, it seamlessly blended in with the flow of other carriages and passers-by. The bustling world outside immediately sprang to life with a cacophony of sounds—greetings, peddling of goods, calls for customers, curses, and more—filling the air and adding to the vibrant atmosphere. That drew Thales’ attention back to the moment.

At first glance, Red Street Market looked no different from other prosperous areas in the Western District: expansive avenues, well-maintained homes, a maze of narrow streets, and busy crowds.[3]

However, what made it unique were the numerous entertainment establishments it had to offer: pubs, inns, gambling dens, theatres, street vendors, and shops selling ‘exquisite wares’. And, of course, a diverse range of ‘clubs’ that were woven into the street’s very fabric.[4]

As Thales gazed out of the carriage window, the familiar yet altered street scene captivated him. In his days as a beggar, he had snuck into Red Street Market countless times to “do business,” but only during the vibrant and relatively secure evenings. After all, beggars were just as territorial as cats, dogs, gangs, and even nations, particularly when it came to making a living under the influence of various factions. Nonetheless, Thales had always managed to blend in with the crowd during those times, enduring being pushed around and bullied or merely ignored with disdain.

For the first time, Thales toured the pleasure grounds of the Eternal Star City as an ordinary citizen, even as a noble guest, riding in a carriage.

With skilled hands, Kommodore expertly navigated the carriage through the streets, paying no heed to the small brothels and pimps on the fringes, and led them straight to their destination. As an accomplished coachman experienced in protecting important figures, he deftly handled the reins and whip.

As they made their way, they passed by countless men: some greeted their clients warmly and escorted them, while others appeared lost and bewildered. Some impatiently called out for their friends, while others were hesitant and shy. Some dressed plainly and acted covertly, while others dressed stylishly and behaved elegantly. Some hurriedly went about their business, while others strolled leisurely and chatted merrily.[5]

Women were also a common sight on the street: smiling madams with painted-on smiles, busy laundry women, grubby female workers, harried maids, impoverished girls dressed as boys running errands, noblewomen with furrowed brows rushing to catch their husbands, and even young ladies of nobility who snuck out in carriages, peeking outside with flushed cheeks behind their handkerchiefs and fans...[6]

Thales’ carriage blended into the bustling street, steadily making its way through the throngs of people. Before long, they arrived at a lavish neighbourhood with glimmering signs and ornately decorated houses.

“Hey girls, we’ve got some guests! Check out that carriage; it’s top-notch!” A chorus of beguiling voices filled Thales’ ears. The Sin of Hell’s River surged within him.

“Hurry up and put on your makeup! Cinch your corsets tight!” the voices continued.

“Oh my god, what’s that smell? Go wash it off!”

“Dammit, who took my sexy lingerie? That was a custom order, hand-knitted by a tailor from the Zavrc Family!”

“Be more assertive; delicate beauty isn’t in anymore. Everyone likes it rough...”

In the blink of an eye, the three occupants of the carriage became like bees stumbling upon a flower bed, bewitched by the most captivating sights in all of Red Street Market—a bevy of beauties. Thales couldn’t help but feel his mouth go dry.

“This must be the carriage of some other young master who snuck out of his house…”

One of the women said with a chuckle, “It’s still so early, not even nightfall yet... Looks like he’s in a hurry...”

They were everywhere, scattered throughout the buildings lining the main road, nestled in the shadows of porches and balconies, tucked away in alleyways and behind windows, occupying every unnoticed yet palpable nook and cranny. Most of them were in the bloom of youth, exuding a springtime allure, trilling and twittering like birds, and embodying grace in every form imaginable.

“At this hour, whoever’s coming must not want to be seen by others. Ha! I bet it’s someone who’s into sword swallowing.”

“Should we call Donnie?”

“Forget it. He was with three men last night, and he’s sore in the front and back. He can barely walk. Let him get some rest.”

“Well, what if I wrap myself up and dress like a man?”

“Pfft. Dressing like a man is easy, but do you have the goods down there?”

“How do you know I don’t? Maybe I’ll show you, and it’ll be bigger than his!”

“Then... let me check it out first? Heh...”

“Ow! You actually did it—let go! See if I don’t tickle your little bitch ass to death—"

“Hahaha—fake sword. We, ah, will never become men!”

“Hmph, so what? I’m happy the way I am, and besides, men don’t have it bigger up here...”

“Is that so? Let me take a look. Maybe it’s bigger from my rubbing?”

“Eh, you came back—ah, I’ve managed to tighten the corset straps!”

Thales blushed to the roots of his hair at what he heard and tried his best to keep a straight face.

Some of the women carried themselves with a regal air, their postures graceful and dignified. Others radiated a seductive and sensual charm that enthralled everyone who caught a glimpse of them. Some had the ability to enchant those around them with just a single expressive glance. Others, however, struck anyone who saw them as delicate and defenceless, making them sympathetic. And then there were those whose movements were graceful and enticing, like a mesmerising dance.

They would either reveal their true form, causing the guests to gasp and exclaim in surprise, while others would laugh and cover their faces in retreat, leaving some feeling both eager and disappointed. Then there were ones who would provocatively beckon with a wave of their fingers, sending the men into a fervent frenzy.

“Is it perhaps your admirer? The one who left behind their family crest and promised to come back and marry you?”

“You’re so annoying...”

“Hmph, just another unfaithful man who cares only about satisfying his desires...”

“Or perhaps a foolish romantic who’s been swept off their feet by love?”

The women were like mischievous and enchanting fairies from a storybook, peeking out playfully from the forest, appearing and disappearing with a mysterious and unpredictable presence. They were both warm and cold, affectionate and aloof, sometimes pure and angelic, and other times coquettish. Their alluring presence tantalised onlookers, leaving them with an itch that they couldn’t scratch.

Encouraging people to drop everything and follow them to the ends of the earth, just to catch a fleeting glimpse of their true selves. To enter their inner sanctum, to bask in their essence...[7]

The sudden sound of a hand slapping against flesh echoed through the air, startling Thales from his wide-eyed wonder. Glover’s hand had shot out and landed a swift blow to the back of Kommodore’s head, jolting him back to reality.

“Sorry, ahem,” Kommodore muttered as he rubbed his sore head, “I’ve been here before—for official business, of course—a few times. The afternoon was just the beginning. It’s going to get even livelier at night...

“Second-class Protector, Kommodore,” Glover said coldly, moving to the front window and blocking the view of a pretty young lady on the second floor who had just given Thales a flirtatious wink. “His Highness has other matters to attend to.”

“Of course, of course...” Kommodore apologised sheepishly, turning his head to look at the ‘locals’ who had gathered around as soon as the carriage slowed down. “No, we don’t need an escort; we don’t need your expert recommendation either; and we certainly don’t need — hey! Don’t tug on my reins! Fine, take this money and leave us alone!”

The guard shooed away the overly friendly ‘escorts’ in frustration.

It was clear that Kommodore was not lying about one thing—he was not good at handling these kinds of situations.

The carriage carried on down the road, turning a few corners and passing a group of young nobles who were vigorously discussing the merits and flaws of various young women and beauties.[8]

‘Look at them, so full of confidence, recklessness, and ease,’ Thales mentally said to himself.

So unlike himself—young in years, yet burdened and shackled, cloaked in a deep sense of melancholy.

As they left the bustling district behind, Kommodore finally brought the carriage to a halt by the side of the road, pointing towards the other end of the street.

“See over there? That’s the ‘One Night Stand.’ It’s in a great location—close to the main road, right in the heart of the Red Street Market.”

Thales poked his head out of the carriage and looked towards the grand and opulent building in the distance. It was packed with people, visible even from the far end of the street.

Outside, the brokers eagerly flattered and courted potential clients, radiating boundless enthusiasm, while the madams on the steps waved their handkerchiefs with alluring smiles.

The beautiful women standing by the windows and balconies were a sight to behold. Their captivating beauty and charm were like a blossoming garden in full bloom, drawing the gaze of all who passed by.

‘So that’s the club Felicia runs... ‘One Night Stand’?’ Thales pondered, trying to reconcile his vague familiarity with the building.

Glover looked at the exterior of ‘One Night Stand’ with a furrowed brow. “It looks somewhat new,” he observed. “It doesn’t quite fit in with the surrounding area.”

Kommodore shooed away another broker attempting to solicit business and perked up at Glover’s comment. “That’s because it was rebuilt on the ruins of an old chess room.”

The former police officer became animated as he spoke. “Six years ago, on a particular night, two gangs fought for control over Red Street Market. It was a brutal scene – those bastards even used Eternal oil. The explosion was loud enough to alert the capital city’s Chief Garrison.”

Thales’ heart skipped a beat as he listened to the Protector’s words. He gazed at the newly constructed club, his eyes scanning every detail, and confirmed that it was indeed the same place from his memories.

‘No,’ he thought to himself, ‘the reconstruction of this building six years ago wasn’t really caused by the explosion from the Eternal oil.’

He leaned against the side of the carriage and silently affirmed to himself, ‘Not at all.’

Kommodore noticed a peculiar expression on the Prince’s face and hesitated before speaking up. “Before we get off the carriage, may I ask what our purpose is here, Your Highness?”

“Surely we’re not here to... find women?” Glover looked around warily but had his ears instinctively turned towards Thales, indicating his curiosity.

“Of course not,” Thales replied with a mysterious smile. “I simply need to confirm some things—things that shouldn’t be spread around, even to Mallos.”

The Prince looked intently at Glover in the carriage and Kommodore in the coachman’s seat. “Do you both understand?”

Perhaps due to their status or the forceful look in Thales’ eyes, the two exchanged a glance and ultimately nodded in agreement.

“Well, sir, you’re in charge here, and we have no right to argue... But if word gets out that we came to the Red Street Market...”

“Jean, believe me,” Thales interrupted Kommodore with a helpless sigh. “You’re not the first to express this concern. I’ve already been lectured about it for an entire day.”

Kommodore hesitated, unable to decide whether he should answer or not, but eventually chose to keep the rhetorical question “So, sir, you are yet to learn your lesson?” to himself.

He jumped down from the coachman’s seat and opened the carriage doors for Thales, fully devoting himself to the very important task of ‘accompanying the Prince who had run away from home in search of pleasure.’[9]

“No,” Glover intervened just in time, placing his hand on Thales’ arm as he was about to step out of the carriage. “We can’t go straight there; it’s too obvious. Whether it’s His Highness’s age or our mannerisms would give us away.”

Zombie looked around cautiously at the crowds of people on the street. “We might be recognised...”

Kommodore arched his eyebrows and wiped the “I am a Defence Division Officer” expression from his face.

“Oh, they’ve already caught on.”

Thales looked perplexed, while Glover turned to face the other guard.

The former police officer gestured down the street with a knowing air.

“I wasn’t referring to His Highness’s identity... but this is Red Street Market. Everyone who frequents this place, be they beggars or brothel porters, carriage coachmen, or pastry shop assistants, has been eking out a living here for quite some time. They have shrewd and discerning eyes, and they recognised this as a wealthy family’s carriage long ago.”

Glover’s face grew solemn as he fell into deep thought. However, Kommodore quickly changed his tone to a carefree one.

“But there’s no need to worry too much. Many nobles and officials’ offspring come here to revel, and it gets even livelier at night... In fact, I wager Protector Doyle is more than familiar with this place than we are.”

Thales exhaled a breath, ‘If only Doyle hadn’t been whipped...’

Kommodore made every effort to allay theirs concerns, but Glover remained on high alert and didn’t let his guard down for a moment. It seemed that after entering the Red Street Market, he had transformed into a suspicious beast.

Observing their expressions, Thales arched his eyebrows and nodded. “Alright, but let’s keep a low profile.”

The Prince leaned out of the carriage and gestured towards ‘One Night Stand’ at the diagonal corner of the street. “When we go in, can we avoid crossing the main road or using the front entrance? For instance,” Thales gazed at the lively and bustling street filled with customers and proposed, “shall we use the back door?”[10]

Kommodore scratched his chin thoughtfully and said, “In theory, we could detour to the Lower City District, enter the Red Street Market from a different direction, and use the back door to avoid the crowds. But I strongly advise against it.”

Lower City District

Thales furrowed his brows, while Glover looked sceptical.

“While the Western and Lower Districts’ security falls under the Western Police Station’s jurisdiction, I must be blunt, their authority only extends to the Red Street Market. Of the five main police stations in Eternal Star City, the Western Police Station has always been the worst, infested with scoundrels and corrupt officials. Every year, they uncover a few police officers and patrollers involved in bribery and corruption,” explained Kommodore.

Kommodore’s expression twisted with disgust and contempt as he spoke, “Especially the Lower City—I don’t doubt our ability to protect Your Highness, but that place is a breeding ground for trouble.”

In that moment, Glover’s eyes snapped up, a glint of intense focus in his gaze as he peered out of the carriage.

“Stay alert!” he cautioned.

Zombie was tense; every muscle in its body coiled tight as if it were preparing for a deadly confrontation. This sudden change in demeanour startled both Thales and Kommodore.[11]

“What’s going on?”

Following Glover’s unwavering gaze, the two of them looked towards the club on the opposite corner of the street.

‘One Night Stand’

It was only then that Thales realised that there were many more people around ‘One Night Stand’ than before.

Most of them were dressed simply, with cold, calculating glares, scrutinising their surroundings as they paced back and forth.

“Something’s off,” Thales’ eyebrows slowly drew together.

Kommodore also picked up on the unsettling situation. Standing outside, he slammed the carriage door shut without thinking, leaving only the window open.

“These people, they’re not guests...” Glover trailed off, his expression turning grim as he succinctly revealed the truth,

“They’re hired muscle.”

“Specialists in violence from the underworld.”

Kommodore barely had time to be amazed at his colleague’s sharp eyes before he heard the Prince speak with the same seriousness,

“It’s the Black Street Brotherhood.”

“They’re the ones behind these thugs,” he added.

A thug intercepted a customer trying to enter the club and roughly searched him while interrogating him at length, despite the customer’s protests.

‘Something is clearly going on.’ Without uttering a word, Thales watched the familiar crowd outside the brothel warily.

The carriage fell into complete silence for a while.

Kommodore cleared his throat tentatively. “Um, maybe he’s here to oversee the business? Honestly, it’s not uncommon...”

“Not just that,” Thales interjected firmly.

Glover and the Kommodore turned to him.

Thales shifted his gaze towards the surroundings of the brothel, settling on a street shoemaker who looked up in alertness from time to time. He grew more serious,

“It’s not just the thugs. Look around: the helpers and apprentices from various shops; the runners and beggars on the street; even the roadside vendors and peddlers...They all behave strangely...”

At Thales’ urging, Glover and Kommodore began to focus on their duties and observed the situation at the intersection carefully, their expressions slowly changing.

“Are they... intimidated by the gang?” Kommodore asked uncertainly as he returned to the coachman’s seat.

“No,” Thales shook his head, more and more convinced of his guesses. “They also work for the Brotherhood.

Kommodore turned around, his expression one of confusion. “What?” he asked.

Thales dredged up memories of his time on the streets and ventured a guess. “These people are actually the Brotherhood’s eyes and hands, willing to relay messages and run errands for them, driven by their own benefit or out of habit.”

“Clearly, they’ve been instructed and reminded to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity around them.”[12]

Kommodore’s tone grew serious. “So, the Brotherhood deliberately trains people to act this way?”

“No,” Thales shook his head. “It’s simply who they are.”

“The Black Street Brotherhood didn’t emerge from nowhere. They originated from a group of desperate people with no other options. From day one, they’ve been deeply embedded in the communities of the underprivileged.”[13]

Under the quizzical gaze of Kommodore and Glover, Thales spoke in a hushed tone, “In the most dire places, when life is a struggle and there seems to be no way out, where misery and destitution reign, the Brotherhood can be one of the few pathways available to you.”

“There’s no need to put on airs or hide your actions; everyone leads their own lives, but when the time comes, you’ll naturally and seamlessly pass information to those with the black armband, facilitating their cause.”

Reflecting on the past, Thales became slightly lost in thought.

Glover and Kommodore exchanged astonished glances, impressed by the Prince’s insight.

“Jean, did you say that ‘One Night Stand’ was rebuilt after the clash of the gangs?” Thales asked carefully.

“Yes, six years ago, the Brotherhood and Blood Bottle Gang thugs fought each other and brought chaos to Red Street Market, depriving the bigwigs of their brothels,” Kommodore suppressed his doubts and watched the increasing number of thugs warily.

“I heard that the Western Police Station intervened and forced them to stop fighting,” he added.

Six years ago

Red Street Market

The Brotherhood and the Blood Bottle Gang

Stop fighting

Thales’ brow furrowed with increasing concern.

“Your Highness, what shall we do? Are we still going?”

Thales held up a finger and gestured for them to be quiet,

“Well, let’s see…”

In their perplexity, the young man took a deep breath and summoned the Sin of Hell’s River, instantly transporting himself to a hellish sensory experience. He honed in on his ears and hearing.

Soon, a cacophony of random and chaotic sounds—footsteps, random claps, gnashing, moans, giggles, curses—emanated from the street corner, assaulting Thales’ senses.

However, having grown through the experience while travelling through the desert, Thales expertly adjusted the intensity of the Sin of Hell’s River, like pacifying an untamed beast. He did not let his hypersensitive senses impede him while simultaneously filtering out any unnecessary noise.

Only the most crucial conversations were allowed to permeate his awareness.

“Was it the Blood Bottle Gang?”

A voice from a Brotherhood thug came, carrying both unwilling anger and eager excitement.[14]

“I don’t know, but if Layork finds out...”

“I really want to see the look on his face...”

“I heard that all the ‘Sleepless’ have been transferred here...”

Thales gently turned his head, looking for other focal points.

He soon found what he was looking for.

“Who dares to kidnap on our turf...”

“Are they cops?”

“Perhaps, but I heard that the cop bigwigs of the Western District made an agreement with us…”

“Boss Morris is back…”

“I heard that he was so furious that he personally took his men to look for ‘Fantasy Blade Edge’ and ‘Red Viper’ to get them...”

“No, the Blood Bottle Gang won’t admit it; this is getting ugly...”

“Damn, are we going to fight again? It hasn’t been long since the truce...”

Thales slowly grasped the key information.

“It could also be outsiders who don’t know the rules, you know, like the river rats and such...”

“After the Prince returned, many outsiders came to the city, from top to bottom...”

“Fuck the Prince, if he had stayed in the north, it would have been fine. All the trouble came back with him...”

Thales’ mood became increasingly heavy.

Just then, another voice entered his senses,

“They found her!”

“Felicia, she’s still alive!”

Thales blinked.

“She came back on her own; it was a false alarm.”

“My little brother said her face didn’t look good, and as soon as she came back, she kept asking to see Lord Lance...”

“Whoever did this, he does not have warm feelings for us whatsoever.”



Thales opened his eyes and spoke up. “I think I’ve figured out what’s going on,” he said. “They’ve been provoked.”

As he faced the puzzled looks of his two subordinates, Thales gazed at the ‘One Night Stand’ signboard and let out a sigh. He knew that the situation had taken a turn for the worse.

“Your Highness, then what we...” Kommodore asked, trying to gauge the situation.

Thales looked over at the group of tough-looking men who had surrounded the establishment. He shook his head in disappointment.

‘No, obviously, the Kingdom’s Secret Intelligence had not considered the need to be discreet when they abducted Felicia from here at all.

The Brotherhood is like a hornet’s nest stirred up right now.

Today, it is certainly out of the question to get closer to the brothel.

At least, not without drawing attention to ourselves.’

In his disappointment, Thales leaned against the carriage and eavesdropped on the nearby conversations,

“I’m Reidmore. Order from Boss Morris: We Sleepless unit will take over the security of Red Street Market in the coming days,” said one voice.

“Cut the number of guests in half and increase security,”

“Keep an eye out for anyone sniffing around—hey, how long has that carriage been parked at the corner of the street? Go check it out.”

Thales had hoped to hear more, but he was jolted back to reality when he realised that they were talking about them.

“This is not good.”

As he saw several thugs approaching with suspicion, Glover turned to his coachman, Kommodore, and spoke urgently,

“Protector Kommodore, I think they’ve spotted us. Get ready to make a run for it.”

Kommodore was taken aback, but he remained calm as he saw the Brotherhood’s thugs closing in. He reached into his pocket and produced a police officer’s badge, saying confidently,

“Don’t worry, I have my old badge. As long as we—”

“No,” Glover interrupted, his tone firm and serious.

“That’s the Brotherhood, not the Blood Bottle Gang. They don’t care... and we can’t risk revealing our identities.”

Kommodore furrowed his brow.

The thugs were closing in, and many eyes were fixed on Kommodore, who sat in the coachman’s seat, cloaked and trying to conceal his identity.[15]

“Glover is right; we can’t linger here. Let’s leave immediately,” urged Thales.

He made the final call, “Let’s try another time.”

Just then, from the far end of the street, the approaching thugs, led by the man named Reidmore, shouted out to them and their carriage, “Hey there, want to have some fun?”

Kommodore and Thales exchanged uneasy glances.

“You know, today’s the discount for one-night stands...” Reidmore quipped and gestured, while the other thugs silently spread out and encircled them.

“This is definitely not good...” Thales muttered under his breath.

In the next second, Glover acted decisively and rammed open the opposite carriage door. He swiftly clambered out and made his way to the coachman’s seat, shoving Kommodore aside.

“Let me take over,” he said.

Kommodore hesitated, “But...”

Without warning, Glover grabbed the reins and bellowed, “Hold tight!”

A thunderous neigh, and the horses sprang forward, causing the carriage to jolt into motion with a sharp jerk.

Clattering along..

Thales couldn’t react fast enough and stumbled, crashing into the rear side of the carriage. He quickly reached out to steady himself.


The chase of the thugs and Reidmore’s frantic shouts echoed from outside the carriage,


“Damn it, I knew something was wrong!”

Glover, the coachman, had an icy expression as he urged the horses to go faster, the carriage picking up speed and leaving the street corner behind in a blur.

“Vanguard Glover… Aw, my nose… Slow down, after all, His Highness is in the carriage!” From the coachman’s seat came the painful cry of the Kommodore, who must have hit his nose during the frantic start.

The carriage wheels clattered over the stone road, bouncing up and down, causing Thales to shake inside the carriage as if his soul were about to leave his body.

The rhythmic clack of the horses' hooves and the clatter of the carriage wheels grew louder and more frenzied.

The street view outside the window rapidly receded, projecting the shocked expressions of passers-by like a magic lantern.[16]

It was mid-afternoon, and there were few people on Red Street Market. However, their carriage was careening through without any regard, causing pedestrians to scream and scatter in fear. They even knocked over a vendor’s cart along the way, provoking a chorus of curses.[17]

Reidmore and his gang were in hot pursuit, their voices echoing through the streets. “Stop it! Stop that carriage! The Brotherhood will reward you handsomely!”

The sound of a whip cracking through the air accompanied Glover’s voice as it bellowed out, “Get out of the way!”

The horses reared up as he lashed them, clearing a path through the pedestrians,

“What’s the point of getting a reward when your ass is run over?!”

Clattering and bouncing, the carriage sped up even faster, recklessly ploughing through the streets without regard for the safety of others.

“No, no, no! Look out!” cried Kommodore, panic in his voice.

The carriage had no way to avoid colliding with a laundry pole, causing several pieces of clothing to fly through the window.

Unfortunate Thales struggled to stay balanced but failed to dodge in time and was hit in the face by a female corset.

‘Oh, for fuck’s sake!’

The Prince, furious and embarrassed, quickly removed the corset from his face.

‘Sunset Goddess! This is by far the fastest and shittiest carriage ride I’ve ever had,’

The carriage thundered on while the relentless pursuers kept hot on its tail, leaving the streets of the Red Street Market in utter chaos and disarray.

“Cut them off by taking a shortcut! Those motherless dogs!” bellowed Reidmore in fury, and a group of pursuers immediately broke off and disappeared into an alleyway...

“Damn it, they’re local thugs and know the area like the back of their hands...” gasped Kommodore, finally regaining his balance in the front seat. “Have you figured out where we’re headed? Shall we just go back the way we came?”

Glover’s expression remained composed and unaffected as he concentrated on urging the horses to gallop faster and faster.

Then, with a sickening crunch, Zombie’s muscles showed through the tension on his arms, and he sharply pulled the reins towards himself...

That caused the horses to cry out in agony and the hooves to suddenly stop. The carriage screeched to a halt and turned to the side, with one of its wheels sent flying into the air, leaving the carriage suspended in mid-air.

In that moment, time seemed to slow down, and Thales’ eyes widened in astonishment.

As the carriage turned, his body was lifted off the ground and thrown into the air inside the compartment.

The view outside the window shifted upward, revealing a girl on a first-story balcony hanging out her underwear. She, too, looked surprised and shared a fleeting glance with Thales before disappearing from sight.[18]

“Holy—!” Kommodore’s anguished cry was drowned out by the rushing wind outside.

In this precarious position, with one wheel off the ground, the carriage careened sideways into a narrow alleyway, carried by its powerful momentum.

Misfortune didn’t just befall Kommodore.

A loud bang resounded as Thales spun one hundred eighty degrees in mid-air, crashing solidly into the rear compartment.

“Giddy-up!” Glover bellowed once again in fury.

With a deafening roar, the hovering wheels returned to the ground and, shaking, picked up speed again.

‘Damn it,’ the carriage steadied itself once more. The Prince struggled painfully to his feet from the seat, bursting into inward curses.

‘Can’t this damn thing just be a regular carriage ride to the club?

But no, he had to speed up and take the corners like a maniac.

If you didn’t know any better, you’d think we were after a criminal—no, a whole school of them!’[19]

Before Thales could even regain his bearings, the Prince’s anxiety grew as he watched the walls on either side of the carriage looming closer and closer.

The carriage clattered and shook violently; the Prince summoned the Sin of Hell’s River and firmly gripped the partition. He pressed his face against the small window behind the coachman’s seat and shouted desperately, “Where the hell are we—?”

But Thales’ words were silenced by a tight lump in his throat.

Looking hopelessly over Glover's shoulder, he saw that ahead of the carriage there was only a short line of the alley, which became, as it went on, narrower and darker, with no visible escape.

It was a one-way road to death.[20]

“There! Keep up!”

Even though they couldn’t be seen, the shouts of the pursuers grew more urgent and closer by the moment.

As Thales looked ahead at the alleyway, as narrow as a grain of rice, his heart sank.

They wouldn’t be able to make it through.

The horses whinnied in helplessness while the walls on either side drew nearer.

Thales swallowed hard.

‘Shall I have Glover pull over the carriage instead?’

The Brotherhood was a tough group to handle.

However, if he were to reveal his identity, they might not have the nerve to take any action.

The news that ‘the Duke of Star Lake is causing chaos on Red Street Market with underwear flying everywhere in the carriage’ was likely to spread throughout the Kingdom...

Recalling the King’s expression and the Black Prophet’s grin, Thales felt a throbbing headache coming on.

However, reality always exceeded his expectations.

“Hold on tight!”

Not only Glover had any intention of slowing down. On the contrary, he became even more ferocious and rough, relentlessly whipping the horses and urging them to go faster despite the dim and narrow path ahead.

Seeing that the carriage was about to crash and cause disaster, Thales was taken aback and was about to speak up to stop him.

“No, Zombie, it’s too narrow; we can’t make it!”

Instead, Kommodore’s panicked voice rang out again, and he even blurted out the other’s nickname.

“Trust me!”

But Glover pressed down on his colleague and shouted furiously,

“I know the size of this place!”

“We can!

Without a moment’s hesitation, the carriage surged forward into the narrow alleyway, its momentum unbroken. The awning overhead cast a shadow, plunging everything into darkness.

“Trust me!” Glover’s voice wavered.

Simultaneously, both windows on either side darkened, and then...

A terrifying swish, the sound of friction, filled their ears.

Thales struggled to stay seated in the middle, closing his eyes as he braced his legs against the carriage. He vowed to himself that if he made it out alive, he would give the order never to let Glover touch the reins of a carriage again in his remaining years.

But then came the rattling, the clunking, the jarring...

After a disturbing up-and-down motion, the Prince was surprised to discover that the carriage gradually became more stable. Suddenly, light flooded in through the windows—sunshine.

The horses huffed and puffed as they painfully dragged the carriage out of the alleyway and onto the main road. They let out pitiful whinnies towards their cruel master, but received only another merciless whipping in response.

“All right, we’re safe now.” Glover’s voice steadied, though Kommodore still panted heavily beside him.

As the street outside came into clearer view, Thales let out a breath and tried to calm his nerves. The carriage began to slow down, and the sound of pursuing footsteps grew closer, only to suddenly stop.

“Damn it,” Reidmore’s voice cursed, but it was quickly carried away by the wind. The sound of pursuit faded away, becoming fainter and farther.

Kommodore held onto the carriage and looked back in confusion, “Why... did they stop chasing us?”

“This is Blood Bottle Gang’s territory,” Glover replied calmly, gripping the reins tightly without turning around. “As you said, the Brotherhood has an agreement with them to split up Red Street Market. Nobody dares to cross that boundary easily.”

The carriage resumed its normal speed and travelled smoothly for a while, and passers-by no longer looked at them suspiciously. A few minutes later, they finally confirmed that they had escaped the pursuit. After one last cautious glance behind him, Glover reassuredly handed the reins back to Kommodore. With different emotions, the three of them let out a sigh of relief.

“But, Vanguard Glover,” Kommodore regained his thinking ability and was the first to raise the question. “I remember hearing from D.D. that you always refuse when he invites you to come and play in the Red Street Market...”

The former police officer drove carefully and looked at Glover with confusion. “But how do you know this place so well?”

‘Not only that, navigating through the alleys as if it were second nature...’[21]

‘As if...’ Kommodore kept this thought to himself. ‘ if you had returned home?’

Thales didn’t say a word, but he leaned in beside the small window and looked over to Glover. Glover’s face betrayed no emotion, yet the teenager’s hellish senses detected Zombie’s arm slowly tightening.

“Because...” Glover’s words trailed off as he stared expressionlessly at the street.

After a few seconds, Zombie closed his eyes and exhaled a sigh, as if relinquishing something.

“Because I grew up here,” Glover said.

Thales and Kommodore both froze, their eyes widening in disbelief.

“Right here.”

As Glover opened his eyes, his tone was downcast and his expression was listless, “At the Red Street Market.”

At that moment, Glover gazed silently at the wide road on Red Street Market, his eyes full of subtle meaning that was difficult to discern.

The sound of horses’ hooves and rolling wheels persisted outside.

It took Thales and Kommodore several seconds to come to terms with the news.

“I... I was never told,” Kommodore coughed uncomfortably.

“Because nobody knew—when I joined the Guards, part of my file was sealed,” Glover’s voice was rough and weighed down, as if he were a struggling student grappling with a subject he was least proficient in.

“Only Lord Mallos knows about this in the Mindis Hall,” he added.

Inside the carriage, Thales silently observed his figure.

Amidst the cacophony of human chatter and the monotonous clop of horse-drawn carriages, Kommodore nodded hesitantly as he stumbled upon a colleague’s secret.

“Oh, is that so? I see... I see...” he trailed off.

Glover spoke slowly, his voice carrying a heavy weight of emotion. “A long, long time ago, I lived here, on the streets of the Red Street Market. I was once part of the Blood Bottle Gang...”

His presence exuded a stench of decay and darkness, and his voice was hoarse as he added, “as a beggar.”

Thales trembled all over.

A beggar

‘Glover... a beggar?’

The Prince sat in silence, lost in thought.

“A beggar?” Kommodore echoed, his eyes darting back and forth between the surrounding streets and the darkly cloaked Glover. “But Vanguard officer, aren’t you from the Seven Jadestar Attendants, from the ‘Wind Riders’ Glover family...?”

Thales cleared his throat loudly, cutting off Kommodore’s words.

The two men outside the carriage looked around at the same time.

“We may have attracted some unwanted attention,” Thales tried his best to look at Glover as nothing more than his guard and maintain a normal tone. He spoke earnestly, “We need to lie low for a while.”

There was silence between them for a while.

“Of course,” Kommodore understood and averted his gaze, no longer staring strangely at his colleague.[22]

Zombie glanced at Thales, but only slightly nodded and looked ahead.

“I’ll lead,” Caleb Glover, a noble-born first-class officer of the Vanguard Division, sneered softly, his tone conveying a sense of ridicule meant only for him to understand, “I know the way.”

[1] ‘unarmed’; 手无寸铁, lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenceless.

[2] ‘as if’; 装模作样, to put on an act (idiom); behave in an affected way.

[3] ‘maze’; 四通八达, roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides. ‘bustling crowds’; 摩肩接踵, lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other’s footsteps.

[4] ‘set it apart (from others)’; 望尘莫及, lit. to see only the other rider’s dust and have no hope of catching up (idiom).

[5] ‘warmly escorted…’; 迎来送往, lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests.

[6] ‘grubby’; 灰头土脸, head and face filthy with grime (idiom).

[7] ‘To enter their inner sanctum’; 登堂入室, from the main room, enter the inner chamber (idiom); to go to the next level.

[8] ‘discussing the merits and flaws of various young women ‘; 评头论足, lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman’s appearance.

[9] ‘fully devoting’; 专心致志, with single-hearted devotion (idiom). ‘who had run away from home in search of pleasure’; 离家出走, 寻欢作乐; run away from home, pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation

[10] ‘use the back door’; 走后门, lit. to enter by the back door but fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels.

[11] ‘preparing for a deadly confrontation’; 如临大敌, lit. as if meeting a great enemy (idiom).

[12] ‘any suspicious activity …’; 风吹草动, lit. grass stirring in the wind (idiom); fig. the slightest whiff of trouble.

[13] ‘desperate’; 走投无路, to be at an impasse (idiom), in a tight spot, come to a dead end.

[14] ‘eager excitement’; 跃跃欲试, to be eager to give sth a try (idiom), itch to have a go.

[15] ‘trying to conceal his identity’; 藏头露尾, to hide the head and show the tail (idiom); to give a partial account.

[16] ‘magic lantern’, the term used was 走马灯, running-horse lantern (a lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵节). A magic lantern, also known as a revolving lantern, is an early type of image projector that was developed in the 17th century.

[17] ‘careening through’; 横冲直撞, lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping.

[18] ‘first-story balcony’, second-story balcony in US.

[19] ‘after a criminal, a whole school of them’; the term used here is 逮虾虎, ‘to catch small fry along with big fish’ or to catch smaller, less significant targets along with the intended larger target.

[20] ‘dead end’; 死路一条.

[21] ‘navigating through the alleys as if it were second nature’; 轻车熟路, lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom), fig. to do sth routinely and with ease, a walk in the park.

[22] ‘understood’; 心领神会, to understand tacitly (idiom), readily take a hint.

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