Kingdom’s Bloodline

A few seconds later, Glover let out a strained cough, and only then did Thales release Wya, giving his eyes a good rub.

“Your Highness,” Wya said wistfully, holding Thales by the shoulder. “It’s been half a year, and you... you’ve gotten taller again.”

Thales grinned. “I was just about to say the same to you, but...”

He patted Wya’s shoulder, his voice filled with relief. “It’s great to have you back.”

Thales moved away from Wya, his emotions in a tangle, and opened his arms as he walked towards the next person.

“Now, as for you...”

When Ralf saw this, he hastily stepped back, his gestures frantic.


A hint of fear showed in his eyes.


«I won’t.»

Thales, who knew Ralf s personality all too well, gave a knowing smile and dropped his outstretched arms.

“Alright, we’ll skip you then.”

“Ah, not bad; this one knows his place,” D.D. mumbled from the sidelines.

But Thales didn't waste any time and turned around, greeting each of the others with a hug.

“Genard, how’s life treating you? And you, Willow, are still sticking with those twin spears?”

“Your Highness.”

Genard, the seasoned soldier, remained steady.

“Just a change of duty station.”

“Your Highness!” The once-green recruit, Willow, looked around with excitement.

“So Mister wasn’t pulling my leg. We really made it to the capital—it’s way better than Dragon Clouds City!”

Thales exchanged pleasantries with his old and cherished comrades one by one. Only after that did

Kohen spot an opening and step forward.

“Real Wya! Welcome back, of buddy!” The police officer pulled Wya into a tight hug, almost lifting him off the ground.

“Buddy? What’s with that title?” Wya looked puzzled, clearly not as thrilled as he was with Thales.

“Hold on, why ‘real’?”

But Kohen paid no mind and hoisted him off the ground, spinning him around three and a half times.

“I’ve missed you so much!”

Amid Wya’s complaints and curses, Kohen warmly embraced everyone.

Until he laid eyes on Ralf.

“Hmm...” The Phantom Wind Follower had a cold, distant expression, but under Wya’s warning glare, he let out a low, animalistic growl at Kohen before turning away.

“Okay,” the police officer scratched his head awkwardly, shrugged at Ralfs retreating figure, and said under his breath,

“Yeah, I'm good... I’m really glad to see you too... Let’s grab a drink sometime, alright?” “Hey,” Doyle frowned and poked Kohen, pointing at Ralf.

“He's plainly ignoring you, huh?”

Kohen turned his head, his expression changing from a sheepish smile to a clenched-jaw one. “I can tell!”

Glover cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of Thales and Wya.

“Your Highness?”

Doyle, on the other hand, elegantly straightened his clothes, eyeing the newcomers with curiosity, then casting a hopeful glance at the Prince.

Thales refocused.

“Everyone, I’d love to make proper introductions, but it’s just not the right time.”

He gave Glover’s shoulder a friendly pat and lightly thumped Wya’s chest.

“We’ll get to know each other better as we go along.”

Doyle’s hopeful expression dimmed, and he seemed somewhat crestfallen.

Thales took a deep breath and received his mount from Kommodore.

“Are you ready?”

Jennie neighed with enthusiasm.

Thales chuckled, politely refused Kommodore’s offer to assist him in mounting, and recalled Nicholas’ horse-riding lessons. With the ease of a seasoned rider brought forth by Sin of Hell’s River, he planted his foot in the stirrup and swung onto the saddle.

“Let’s get going.”

And so, this diverse group, filled with excitement, anticipation, curiosity, and uncertainty, followed Jennie’s lead and embarked on Renaissance Avenue, hastening forward.

As a protector, Doyle took stiff steps and was about to catch up to Thales’ right side, but another figure had already taken a step ahead of him.

“Thank you, but I am His Highness’ attendant.” Wya walked beside Thales’ horse, extending his

hand to politely but firmly decline, “It’s my duty to be by his side.”

Doyle’s eyes widened.

“You are the Prince’s attendant?”

D.D. joined them on Wya’s other side, muttering under his breath, “What’s your name?”


Doyle squinted, “Wya what?”

“Wya... Caso,” the attendant replied coldly.

“Hmph, Caso, I thought it was someone else,” D.D. snorted first, but then his expression suddenly changed, “Wait, Caso?”

Doyle instantly became friendly, “Oh, Wya, man! I’ve been hearing so much about you. How’s your father, Count Caso, doing late—”

Wya wasn’t great at handling such enthusiasm and could only muster an awkward smile.

Ralf on the other side couldn’t help but sneer.

Wya’s gaze grew cold. He turned to Doyle and said,

“This here is Midira Ralf. In fact, he’s been with His Highness longer than 1 have...”

Ralfs smile wavered.

D.D. then turned towards Ralf, his eyes lighting up,

“Hey there, you’re Ralf?”

Ralf remained silent.

“Wow, what a name! Your parents must’ve been really creative!”Ralf didn’t respond.

“Hey, that mask of yours is seriously cool! Where did you get it?” Ralf continued to keep his silence.

1 translate this sentence with the assumption that D.D. is talking about Ralf's given name because most of the names here don't hold a meaning and the characters are used to transliterate a Western name.

“I get it; you’re not much of a talker. That’s okay, I’m all about people who keep their words short and sweet...”

Ralf kept his silence.

“Because I know that people like you, the quiet ones, always come out with pearls of wisdom when it counts...”

Ralf remained mute.

“By the way, I’m just a regular guy, Danny Doyle. I am one of the protectors of His Highness’ personal guards...” Ralf stayed quiet.

“Whenever you’re up for it, we should go to Red Street Market together, alright? No need to be shy; I practically own the place! Even the Blood Bottle Gang cuts me some slack!” Ralf continued to stay silent.

“You don't gotta say a word, my friend; I get it; 1 totally do...”

Ralf still said nothing.

Behind them, Kohen couldn't contain his laughter any longer and was almost falling over with


“Hahaha, don't you know?” He exclaimed, “He’s dumb, can’t say a word!”

D.D., who got interrupted, turned around in anger and said, “What’s it to you if he’s dumb? Can't a dumb person talk? This is preju—uh...”

Doyle’s words faltered, and he turned back pitifully to face the sullen-looking Ralf, trying to make amends with a hint of guilt.

“Um, hehe, hehe,” he stammered, “M-my bad, bro."

Kohen stood by, taking pleasure in Doyle’s misfortune, and mouthed, "Idiot”.

But Doyle quickly thought of a way to salvage the situation.

“It’s cool; no need to say a word, I get it, I totally get it!”

D.D. gave Ralf a thumbs-up and his shoulder a hearty pat, completely ignoring Ralf s increasingly icy glare.

“A real tough guy!”

“For the sake of His Highness, risking our lives is a piece of cake; being mute is no biggie!”

dumb; ® E is translated to dumb person; mute. 'Dumb' used to be commonly used to mean mute or unable to speak in the past, but now it's more commonly used informally to mean someone who is not very intelligent.

“Hahaha—” Kohen burst into laughter once more.

“What’s got you laughing now?” D.D. scowled at him.

The police officer nodded knowingly and with a grin, poking fun at D.D.

“You see, the reason he can’t talk is ‘cause I messed up his throat in a street fight..

Ralf suddenly whipped around, his eyes shooting daggers!

Kohen shuddered and froze in his tracks.

Realising his mistake, he shot an apologetic look at Ralf and nervously chuckled, “Uh, sorry, my bad.”

But Doyle curled up the corners of his lips and nudged the police officer smugly. “I think he heard that.”

Kohen turned back in embarrassment, clearly annoyed,

“Yeah, you don’t tell!”

Ralf let out an exasperated grunt and walked away from the group.

‘Oh, great.

Yet another self-absorbed moron by the Prince’s side.’

He thought to himself, then glanced at Wya,

‘What, doesn’t one make the count?

Thales rode on his horse and turned to Wya, who was closest to him.

“How did you all manage to make it back?”

Wya shook his head and replied, “It’s a long story.”

“Viscount Nemain had it right,” Wya continued. “Without Your Highness around, we were of little importance in Dragon Clouds City. The Archduchess ordered our release. Sure, the Star Killer wasn’t thrilled at first, but they are about to go to war...”

“Putray.” Thales thought of his old friend and asked, “How’s he doing?”

“Viscount Nemain left halfway,” Wya said with a hint of nostalgia, “saying he had other important matters to attend to.”

Thales chuckled and shook his head.

“As mysterious as ever,” he remarked.

Wya perked up and said, “To cut a long story short, it was much easier once we left Dragon Clouds City...”

But Thales had a thought and recalled something he had heard at the royal banquet.

“Wait a minute, according to Bowl Cut Junior, weren’t you guys stuck at the border between the two countries?”

The Prince looked puzzled.

“How did you return so quickly?”

Wya shook his head.

“No, Your Highness, we actually got back to Constellation two weeks ago, with a few days’ stop along the way,”

He seemed a little puzzled himself.

“Bowl Cut Junior? Bowl Cut... Oh! You mean the son of the Archduke of Reformation Tower?

Wasn’t he sent by you, sir?” Thales was dumbfounded.

“No, I didn’t... Hold on, let’s go over this again.”

Thales took a deep breath and remembered the man from the royal banquet who had come asking for help and just wanting to spend five minutes with him—Levi Trentida.

‘That Bowl Cut guy.’

“So, on your way back, you really did meet Levi Trentida, son of the Archduke of Reformation Tower, right?”

Wya thought back carefully.

“Yes, we ran into him a few weeks ago. He even covered our food and lodging expenses, ensuring we were well fed before continuing our journey. He claimed to be under your orders from Archduchess Saroma, who had entrusted him to check on us during our travels.”

The attendant asked, “Isn’t that right?”

Thales smoothed down Jennie’s mane and furrowed his brow.

“No, it’s not.”

“Actually, Levi only met me for the first time last night... He told me that you guys were stuck at the border between the two countries because of Black Sand’s people, and he was working on mediating the situation and came to check on your well-being and assure me on your behalf that you were safe.”

Thales slowly began to piece things together.

“Isn’t that so?”

Wya shook his head vigorously.

“No, it’s not.”

Thales and Wya both went silent for a moment.

“So, you all didn’t actually send him to deliver a message for me.”

“So, he wasn’t acting on Your Highness’ or the Archduchess' behalf.” They both finally understood the situation and let out a sigh.

“Levi Trentida.”

“Way to butter up a Prince with honeyed words. Just like his father,” Thales muttered, remembering Levi’s cunning and flattering smile, feeling a bit annoyed.

“He’s quite a trickster.”

Wya looked somewhat concerned.

“I’m sorry, did you... lose something because of this?”

Thales stroked Jennie’s neck, downcast.

“Yes, a few lettuce leaves, a few minutes of chatting time, and the experience of T had a witty chat with Prince Thales.’”

Wya was utterly perplexed.

But the Prince soon felt relieved.

“It’s only fair because I wasn’t really keen on helping him from the start.”

Thales remembered how Levi had played both sides, sowing this confusion, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Your Highness, are you alright?”

After the joyous reunion, Wya was as serious as ever, expressing his concern, “We heard you were granted the title of Duke, but something unexpected happened at the banquet...” Thales waved it off.

“Don’t worry,” the Prince reassured, “you already know how these things go. If it doesn’t get a bit eventful...”

He shrugged and thought to himself, ‘Then, am I even Thales?’

This is about that conversation about the Kingdom's Wrath that Thales had with Morris in chapter 594.

Wya slowly lowered his head.

“Your Highness,” the attendant said, his tone filled with regret, “I’m really sorry.”

“I couldn’t be by your side, protecting you.”

Thales watched him with a slight grin playing on his lips.

“No, actually, you've been a great help to me.”

The Prince leaned closer and gently thumped Wya’s shoulder with a wink in his left eye.

“Especially with your name.”

Wya raised his head, his expression one of confusion.

Thales didn’t explain further, leaving the meaning of his words for Wya to figure out on his own. Then the Prince raised an eyebrow, as if he had come to a sudden realisation, “Oh, speaking of which, where’s Aida?”

Shaking his head, Wya said,

“No idea. The moment we set foot in Eternal Star City, she disappeared. Mister Genard told us not to worry, that we should be more concerned about ourselves.”

“To be honest, knowing Lady Aida, I’m amazed she managed to travel with us so smoothly...”

‘It really does sound like Aida.’

Thales let out a sigh.

“That’s because without all of you, she’d probably get lost.”

Wya took a moment to think, and then it all made sense.

“Don't worry,” Thales said, nodding in the direction of Glover and the others. “Even without her, we can still get things done.”

“I’ve noticed,” Wya said, turning his gaze towards the ever-watchful Glover, a touch of loneliness in his eyes. “Especially this man, I can tell he’s quite skilled.”

“That’s true,” Thales turned to look at the rest of his guards, Doyle, Kommodore, and the others.

He sighed “I have my own royal guards now.”

‘Even though we have our share of problems, even though the leader’s penchant for going against me, even though he’s in a tough spot now...’

“But without my attendant by my side, something always feels amiss.”

Thales patted Wya’s shoulder, rekindling his fighting spirit.

Wya responded with confidence, “Of course, they’re just guards, and I’m an attendant. We’re different.”

“Ah,” Thales gripped the reins again, his gaze focused on the approaching Renaissance Palace. “You’re absolutely right.”

Moving forward silently, Glover suddenly felt something unusual. He turned his head and saw the young man, who had just hugged the Prince, staring at him intently.

The strong-looking young man extended a friendly hand. “Tm Wya, the Prince’s attendant.” Glover, cautious, kept his eyes on the outstretched hand. After a couple of seconds, he tentatively extended his own hand and shook Wya’s.

“I’m Caleb Glover,” he introduced himself, “from the Royal Guards, First-class Vanguard of the Star Lake Guards.”

Wya smiled appreciatively. “I wish to thank you.”

Glover’s face showed his confusion.

Wya went on, “With the Prince’s back, it might seem like everything is settled and grand, but those of us who’ve been by His Highness’ side for years know there are countless hidden undercurrents and serious dangers beneath the surface.” He glanced at Thales, who was lost in thought on his horse. “He needs more allies.”

But then he looked at D.D. and sighed, “Although, from what I can tell today, the people around him... well, you seem to be the more reliable one.”

Glover’s expression cleared a bit.

‘It seemed there were still some sensible people around His Highness.'

Then he paused for a moment and asked, “Wait, did you say your name is Wya?”

Wya replied firmly, “Yes, that’s right.”

Glover’s face twisted into an odd expression, “Just Wya? No... other name?”

“I go by Wya Caso, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Glover suddenly seemed to have had an epiphany. “Oh, so you’re the real Wya.”

In Wya’s eyes, there was confusion, “I’m sorry?”

“It’s nothing; it’s just that...” Glover glanced at Thales in the distance and said, “His Highness often... talks about you.”

Wya couldn’t help but glance at Thales, and a peculiar feeling welled up inside him.

“We were supposed to be right by His Highness’s side, ensuring his safety. But not just did we fail in our duty, we ended up in trouble, becoming a burden.”

“Yet, His Highness found it in his heart to not only refrain from blaming us but also genuinely care about our well-being.”

Wya sighed. “How can we ever repay such kindness?”

But as he said that, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Glover’s expression had turned even more


“You... actually already have.”

Wya was puzzled, “Why?”

“Because your name is Wya,” Zombie replied curtly.

Wya was left baffled once again.

“That’s odd," the attendant scratched his head, “His Highness seemed to have said something similar, as if my name had some meaning. Does it?”

Glover cleared his throat. “No big deal, but it’s probably best if you avoid Red Street Market.”

Wya asked, “Why?”

“Because your name is Wya.”

Wya’s confusion only deepened.

Until D.D.’s voice chimed in,

“Oh, dear Wya, don’t mind him. When it comes to matters of the Royal Guards, especially the Kingdom’s Defence Division- ouchY^

Wya turned around in surprise, only to find a teary-eyed Doyle approaching.

“You... Danny, what... what happened to you?”

“It’s nothing,” Doyle said, holding his lower back, on the brink of tears. “It’s just... my back hurts.” “Your back?” Wya was startled.

D.D. took a deep breath, taking on the guise of a delicate flower, “You see, there was a banquet last night, and, well, it’s a work-related injury, an occupational hazard...” banquet, work-related injury, back hurts?

Wya’s expression became more and more puzzled.

However, Doyle looked at Glover, whose face had already turned quite grim, with a forlorn expression.

'Kingdom's Defence Division'; iS^HS, guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense.

“Hey, Glover, your... your back, it’s hurting too, right?”

Zombie turned his head indifferently. “No, 1 can handle it.”

“You know, you don’t have to play tough,” D.D. weakly sighed. “It’s all Captain Mallos’ fault; he was too rough with both of us... Oh, my back, I feel like I’m gonna split in half...”

“If only we hadn’t gone so hard last night...”

Glover’s steps stuttered for a moment.

Wya’s face twisted with curiosity as he asked, “What... did you do last night?”

Doyle lifted his head, a bittersweet yet strangely gratified smile crossing his lips,

“Don’t sweat it; it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing... between Glover and me.”

He looked at Zombie with sparkling eyes.

“Right, Glover?”

spur-of-the-moment thing

Wya’s gaze only grew stranger.

Glover, clearly taken aback, intended to explain, but he simply snorted with anger and marched forward.

Leaving Doyle behind, who waved his hand with a playful grin, “Come on, it was just a prank!” “Don’t be so touchy!”

Glover clenched his teeth, shot a glance at D.D., and then gave a sideways look at Kohen, who was cracking up with Willow on the other side.

‘Yep,’ just as Lilian put it:

Tn this fucking world, assholes are all one big. messed-up family.’

Behind Thales, the others were also trying to get to know each other, bonding with their new teammates. For instance, Kommodore and Genard were exchanging compliments.

Kommodore gave Genard a friendly slap on the shoulder and said, “Man, just by the way you carry yourself, it’s obvious you’ve been in the military before!”

Genard grinned with a thumbs up, replying, “And judging by your habits, it’s pretty clear you’ve done some professional bodyguarding!”

Kommodore shook his head modestly and said, “Aw, come on, you're giving me too much credit.

1 used to work in the inner city’s police station, that’s all...”

  • 'one big, messed-up family'; ;fiM^4!t, related in some way; have ties of kinship or friendship.

Genard politely chimed in, “Nah, don’t downplay it. I’ve done stints in both the Starlight Brigade and the city defence team...”

“Woah, the famous Starlight Brigade! So, you’re a seasoned soldier, a war hero!” Kommodore’s eyes lit up.

“Ah, those officers in the inner city—they're the ones looking after the important people and keeping an eye on things inside. Even the city defence teams from different districts have to follow their lead,” Genard remarked, genuinely impressed.

“All that talk is just from outsiders, folks just trying to get by... By the way, how did you end up with His Highness in the Northland?” Kommodore asked, his curiosity evident.

“Hero, huh? Not something I’d write home about... And what about you? How’d you go from being an officer to joining the Royal Guards?” Genard asked politely.

Kommodore humbly waved it off, saying, “Well, it’s kind of lucky, really. Six years ago, we busted a bunch of corruption cases in the Eastern District City defence force, and I got recommended...” Genard sighed and shook his head, “Funny how things work. Six years ago, when I was in the East District City defence force, I got falsely accused of corruption and bribery and ended up in a real me—”

Right there, Genard and Kommodore’s smiles suddenly vanished.

They both turned their heads at the same time, locking bewildered gazes for a moment.

After a few moments, they mechanically and awkwardly turned back, and their conversation came to a complete standstill.

So it went, this newly gathered group of people chattering away, some looking a bit weathered from the road, others looking pristine, some adapting to the situation, others not quite fitting in. They walked together, forming a circle around Thales, who rode at the centre, capturing the attention of many.

At first glance, they resembled a bunch of wanderers or mercenaries.

Thales swayed as he rode on his horse, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu;It was just like six years ago, that hastily assembled mission, strangers to one another, set off in a hurry, heading north through the snow towards an unknown future.

And now...

Thales stared deeply down the Renaissance Avenue, towards the Renaissance Palace at its end, drifting away.

“Your Highness,” Wya sighed, “Perhaps you don’t know what it means for us to come back to the Constellation, to Eternal Star City, and to see you again.” Thales turned back,


“It’s like,” Wya looked at the familiar streets and sky, his tone growing lighter and more upbeat, “as if the journey has finally reached its end and all the hardships are finally behind us.”

“And now we can finally take a breather.”

Thales stayed quiet for a while before speaking up, with a touch of awkwardness in his voice.

“Um, about that, Wya...”

“But maybe now isn’t exactly the time for us to relax.”

isn't... the time... to relax

Wya’s expression faltered slightly.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry?”

Thales took a deep breath, his gaze sincere as he looked at Wya. the attendant who had followed him for six years.

“Wya, do you trust me?”

“As you—” Wya started to nod but stopped midway.

“No, Your Highness, I’ve learned my lesson. I have a bad feeling; the last time you asked me something like this...”

Wya recalled Thales’ ‘heroic deeds’ in the Northland; there was first fear, then doubt.

“You had us after... Chapman Lampard.”

This name caught the attention of their fellow travellers. Most turned to look at the Prince.

Thales' smile froze for a moment.

“Just say it plainly, Your Highness, you...”

Wya hesitated, his gaze meeting the Prince’s with a half-smile.

Wya used the informal 'you' here.

“What’s on your mind now?”

Thales sighed with a wry smile on his face.

“Yeah, I... I’m sorry. You’ve all been through so much just to get back to Eternal Star City...”

“I should have never dragged you all into this...”

However, as Wya looked at the Prince, his cautious expression suddenly eased, and he chuckled while lowering his head.

“Well, Your Highness, you’re right,” Wya said, raising his head again with his own set of sighs and a wry smile.

“Because, after all, you're you. If things don’t get a bit eventful...”

He didn’t finish his sentence, but his expression turned serious, and he thumped his chest with a fist.

“Whatever you decide...”

“This life, this body, are yours to command.”

“To serve you, even to the death, is a commitment I won’t shy away from.”

Thales was a bit taken aback by this heartfelt declaration and tugged at the comer of his mouth. ‘Well... it’s not quite that dire.’

“Besides,” Wya relaxed his fist, as if setting down a heavy weight,

“We’ve been through thick and thin, following you through the trials in Dragon Clouds City.”

Wya’s smile brightened,

“There’s nothing left in this world that can truly intimidate us.”

In that moment, Thales lapsed into silence, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.

The young prince raised his head and asked, Really?

Wya looked at Ralf and gestured with his chin.

The Phantom Wind Follower’s gaze turned stern, and he made a forward motion with his hand.

Thales responded with a knowing smile and turned his gaze towards the others.

“Wherever you go, sir, we go,” Genard bowed deeply, and Willow nervously followed suit.

“The Royal Guards are, of course, at your service,” Kommodore declared with unwavering loyalty.

Thales nodded in acknowledgement.

D.D. looked left and right, clearing his throat.

“You’re the Prince; it’s only natural we follow your lead.”

Doyle’s emotions, initially intense, gradually settled,

“But you, sir, also saved my family.”

He patted the horse’s flank with deep emotion, “Not every prince is willing to sacrifice their ‘pawn’.”

Jennie turned around and let out a fierce growl, immediately startling Doyle, who had been getting a bit too friendly.

“You’ve heard my story, Your Highness,” amidst the group’s laughter, Glover fell silent for a moment before speaking in a measured tone,

“Now it’s my turn to listen to yours.”

Thales looked deeply at him,

“Thank you.”

“Um, well, I, you see,” Kohen noticed everyone’s attention on him and grew increasingly nervous.

After some hesitation, he blurted out a rather confusing phrase,

“Don Quixote? Charge?”

Everyone, except for Glover, was left utterly baffled, sizing him up as if they were looking at an idiot.

Thales couldn’t help but burst into hearty laughter.

‘But yes.’

The young prince took a deep breath and straightened up.

Don Quixote

“Very well,” the Second Prince said, his tone serious,

“Listen up, everyone: we’re heading to the Renaissance Palace.”

Wya tightened his grip on his single-edged sword and replied steadily,

“Of course, what do you need us to do, sir?”

Thales didn’t respond immediately.

His gaze remained level, following the path ahead along Renaissance Avenue until it reached the imposing, dark pyramid.

That was the Renaissance Palace.

It was the snare.

And it was his windmill.

In that moment, Thales lifted the corners of his mouth into a faint smile and softly said, “Treason.”

In an instant, the once lively and chattering group, and even Kohen, fell silent.

Meanwhile, the busy street outside continued its bustling activity, filled with the vibrant essence of everyday city life.

The stark difference between the hushed stillness of this small group and the lively city outside made it feel as if a century had passed.

“T-treason... treason...”

Wya’s hoarse voice came out with great difficulty, but he couldn’t quite manage to form a sentence.

Amid the pervasive silence that seemed to have muzzled everyone, Thales, perched atop his horse, turned his head and raised it.

“What do you all think?” he asked.

The setting sun cast a golden hue, contrasting with the grand Renaissance Palace behind him and highlighting the young duke’s clear smile and unwavering demeanour.

“What does it really feel like to be a king?” he mused.

No one in the group offered an answer.

Only the black mare, Jennie, who did not know much about the world, responded with an enthusiastic neigh, her brisk, eager steps mirroring her owner’s stokes.

Spirits high and filled with excitement as they embarked on an unknown journey.

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