Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

313 Bear-san, Enters the Pyramid.

[Now then, let’s go to the pyramid quickly.] Yuna

After somehow calming down Karina, I propose to enter the pyramid.

After taking a short break, Uragan’s group complained a little and went to dismantle the worms.

Jade-san’s group are going into the pyramid with me. For this reason, he is resting under the shade of a large boulder, trying to recover even a little fatigue.

[Karina, are you okay now?] Yuna

[Yes, I’m okay. I’m sorry I cried suddenly.] Karina

[But now you already know that I’m strong. That’s why Karina should feel relieved. I’ll protect you whatever happens.] Yuna

[Yes.] Karina

But I wasn’t expecting her to be crying after I fought the big worm.

In fact, even Fina have never seen me fighting against a big monster before. What if Fina and Noa saw me fighting big monsters?

For Noa, It would be like [Yuna-san is amazing].

Would Fina even be worried?

Anyways, if I ever fight monsters in front of Fina, I’ll have to be careful.

No matter how much of a cheat gear I’m wearing, I am no matched against a crying child.

[But Yuna-san, was it really nothing? You were hit by a big worm.] Karina

Certainly, I got hit and<korokorokorokorokorokoro> rolling around.

[It’s okay because this prevented it. And it’s magically enhanced, so that’s fine.] Yuna

[Prevented it you say, it blew you off quite far…..] Karina

[Yeah, I’ve been rolling around quite a lot, so my eyes were spinning.] Yuna

I tried recreating what happened a little.

Then Karina laughs.

[Fu fu, your eyes were spinning.] Karina

I didn’t mean to make you laugh though. Its kinda interesting.

[I really am worried when Yuna-san flew and rolled quite a distance. Yet Yuna-san didn’t receive any injuries.] Karina

[That’s true. What kind of body do you have?] Mel

Mel-san, who had been resting, came to me and touched my body.

Don’t touch me that much.

Somehow, I escaped from Mel-san’s hands, because I was so disgusted.

It is useless to look so regretfully. I readied my defense.

[It was a Bear’s Blessing? Are you sure? I can’t believe there was such a thing. But when you look at Yuna-chan, it appears like its really true.] Mel

No, its more like a curse than a blessing.

But thanks to the blessing of that curse, I’m enjoying the other world.

[Blessings of the Bear? Can I become stronger if I have the Blessings of the Bear or can I call on Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear?] Karina

[Of course not. If you do, you have to look like this.] Yuna

I referred to my style.

Karina gazes silently at my Bear appearance.

[… I think it’s cute.] Karina

I wondered about that…. For a moment.

[But if you can call the Bears, its not really troublesome.] Mel

Mel-san wearing a Bear Costume?

Does she like it?

It would suit Senia-san better, because she is shorter than Mel-san.

[Yuna-chan, did you say something?] Senia

[Its just your imagination. Rather than that, were leaving soon.] Yuna

I turned my eyes and hopped on Swaying Bear.

Mel-san wants to say something, but we were about to set off.

Karina is riding Hugging Bear, Mel-san and Senia-san rides on the Ragaroot. They tried to ride on the bears, but they were kindly declined.

It is not necessary this time.

The worms were almost exterminated, so we haven’t even been attacked while we approach the pyramid. We were avoiding the worm’s corpses as we move.

Um, it’s uncomfortable to pass by something like a big larvae. Uragan have to deal with these quickly .

We said hello to Uragan, who is serious about dismantling a worm.

[It was supposed to be an escort to the pyramid, but you don’t need it anymore do you?] Uragan

[Yeah, we almost killed the worms around here. It plays a big role.] Yuna

Since the worms have been killed, we can safely go to the pyramid. That’s why Uragan’s party were doing a job well done.

Karina looks down at Uragan, she bowed and thanked him.

[Thank you very much.] Karina

[I just agreed to it because I heard that the Bear could dig up the worms.] Uragan

Uragan looks at me and laughs with his nose.

[Also, don’t thank me. This is work. I’ll get the money from your father.] Uragan

Uragan said, [Go away, you’re in my way.] Maybe he’s just embarrassed.

(TN: Tsundere = It’s kinda creepy when done by a middle-age-man.)

And even if it’s work, if you do it properly, that’s another reward.

Moving on, we went to the pyramid, ignoring Uragan’s words.

We left Uragan’s party.

We are now approaching the entrance of the pyramid. A big entryway welcomes us.

[A labyrinth exploration] this kinda reminds me of the game I was playing. Because it was a game, there was an automatic mapping and I was able to move around easily.

There were traps such as…

A monster house.

A burning flame room.

And a classic pitfall. How nostalgic.

Jade-san calls me as I look at the entrance.

Looking at Jade-san, there is a hut beside the entrance that seems to have been made with earth magic.

[This is?] Yuna

[It’s a place to leave the Ragaroot. Father and adventurers sometimes come here, so it looks like they made it. I heard that if a small worm attacks, it’ll be okay because you can escape easily. But I wonder if it gets attacked by a big worm that Yuna-san defeated.] Karina

Well, that big worm is kinda special. Indeed, it would be a big problem if there were several worms of that size.

Jade-san and his group took their Ragaroots into the hut, prepares the water tub and food in front of the Ragaroots. I don’t know how long we will spend in the pyramid. They’ll need food.

As I was watching everyone, Toya came with a rope.

What for?

[There’s a space there. I’ll tie it up.] Toya

With that said, he tried to hang the rope around Swaying Bear. But Swaying Bear dodged lightly behind.

Toya, with a rope, loses balance and falls to the ground. Then, Swaying Bear steps on Toya’s back.

[Fu gyu.] Toya

A strange voice leaks from Toya’s mouth.

[Toya, stop playing around!] Mel

[I just wanted to tie a rope to the bear.] Toya

[You know you don’t need to tie Yuna-chan’s Bear.] Mel

Mel-san stomps on Toya’s ass who’s also being stepped on by Swaying Bear.

[I’m going into the pyramid, it’s a bit tricky trying to light this place up. That’s why we should step on it.] Jade


[That’s why I can’t forgive the prank on hanging a rope around Swaying Bear-chan.] Mel

Mel-san puts emphasis on her foot stepping on Toya. When Swaying Bear saw it, he imitates it and put more strength on his foot.

[It’s heavy. Heavy! Painful! It’s my bad. I’ll never do that again, so let me go!] Toya

Toya flutters.

When Mel-san saw it, she retracts her foot, Swaying Bear also steps off.

[Dammit, it was so heavy. Did you gain wei…] Toya

Mel-san steps on Toya as he tries to get up.

[Fu gyu.] Toya

A voice resounded as if a frog was crushed. I have never heard the sound of a frog being crushed before though.

[Well then, should I tie Toya to the same place where the Ragaroot’s food is?] Mel

When Mel-san said that, Senia-san, who was listening, raised her hand. Another troublesome person came.

When it’s about to get out of hand, Jade-san steps in.

The rescued Toya fled to Jade-san’s back.

Hey, he’s the man.

But it really is an interesting party.

After that, we entered the pyramid. The inside is wider than expected.

Even if everyone is in a row, there is plenty of room. The ceiling is high and there is no feeling of oppression.

At the front is Jade-san and Toya, behind them is Karina riding on Hugging Bear. Mel-san and Senia-san are walking on both sides. The rear part will be protected by me and Swaying Bear.

For now, let’s check the Bear Detection Magic. There is no monster reaction nearby. But I don’t know what’s ahead of us, so we’ll have to be careful.

A little carelessness and we’ll be blown off just like the attack from the big worm. I’m also worried about Karina.

[It’s bright inside.] Yuna

[Father said that this pyramid had a mechanism when lights comes in. But it seems to be dark at night, I don’t know because I only came here during the day.] Karina

Hohou, such mechanism.

In games and comics, there may be torches that nobody knows who prepared them or they may be bright without any.

Who’s preparing the torches though?

There’s a memory that got stuck in my mind, that it was bright even without having any.

Well, the light that illuminates this pyramid, whatever the mechanism is, makes you want to put in a Tsukkomi.

Either way, bright is a good thing.

We walked silently with <Tokotoko>. It is unexpectedly beautiful. It’s a bit unscrupulous, but I’m excited about this kind of place.

[It looks like there are no monsters here.] Jade

[That’s right. There were a lot outside, so I thought it would be the same inside.] Senia

Isn’t it a good thing?

[So then, we should take Karina-chan deeper.] Mel

[But why are you taking Karina there?] Toya

[Toya, weren’t you listening? Whatever she is looking for reacts to her magic and so she can find it.] Mel

[What is the magic tool?] Toya

[Yes, that’s umm… It’s a very important thing.] Karina

[Well, if you know the direction, it will be easy to find.] Jade

Jade-san’s group only knows that its a magic tool. I feel bad lying to them, but it can’t be helped.

Well, it’s not a lie though. There is no doubt that it is a magic tool.

We follow a long passageway. The aisle seems to be gradually descending.

After a short walk, we arrived to a large circular place, like an arena.

[This is?] Yuna

[This is divided into a passage to the underground and stairs to the labyrinth of the pyramid. Can you see the top of that staircase?] Karina

There is a staircase going up next to the passage going underground. Above it is not a grandstand, but there is a hole at the position that should be called an entrance or a hole that allows one person to pass.

However, the problem is that the entrance is not just one or two.

There are countless entrances surrounding the circle on the second floor.

There may be more than 100.

In addition, there are countless entrances on the third floor.

[The entrance to the labyrinth.] Yuna

[Don’t tell me, all of it?] Jade

[Yes.] Karina

Well, it’s an entrance to an impossible game, it will make anyone salty. What’s more, the labyrinth changes everyday.

With no mapping.

If I saw this in the game, I’ll definitely label this as a shitty game.

No game is as boring as murigē. (Impossibly hard game)

This means, we definitely need to find the crystal plate map.

Author’s Note:

Finally, we entered the pyramid.

There were countless labyrinth entrances. It was an impossible game.

I will go to the basement obediently.

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