Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Bear-san, Equips Bearmonite

Mumroot-san stood in front of the carpet with a magic circle drawn on it.

[Well then, Missy. Could you place the spirit stones in the middle of the circle and touch the circle on the far right to let the magic flow.] Mumroot

The magic circle has a circle in the center and complicated patterns are drawn after that.

I look at the two bearmonites in my hands.

[……Missy?] Mumroot

[Just to confirm, the contractor doesn’t have to be with me, does it?] Yuna

[Those are bear spirit stones, aren’t they? Who else would be fit for it, Missy?] Mumroot

If you think about it, I’m the only person in the world who can make a contract with a bearmonite (if there are others, I’d like to see them).

I don’t think there’s another person who has magical powers with bear attributes.

I summoned the normal size Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear. It’s a big room, but when I summon normal-sized Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, it feels smaller.

[Do you think those contracts will work for these kids?] Yuna

The Bearmonite strengthens those who have it. Thanks to my bear gear, I have high defense and attack power.

Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear are also stronger than other bears. They can’t be defeated by other monsters. But when I think about the time I fought a wyvern in Targui, I feel uneasy. I’m still afraid when I think of the time when we were attacked by a wyvern. Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear tried to protect me. If something were to happen to them, I would not be able to bear it.

In addition, I often ask Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to guard Fina and the others. It is better for Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to be stronger than I am.

Even in games, it is important to strengthen the summoned beast.

[Even so, I have never seen an animal doing the contract, but since Missy’s bears have magical power and their attribute is bear, then maybe…] Mumroot

They have magical power and their attribute is definitely Bear.

[Then please contract the bearmonite spirit stones with these kids instead…….] Yuna

[If that’s what you want, that’s fine with me.] Mumroot

I put a bearmonite in the middle of the magic circle.

[Then you’ll go first, Swaying Bear. Let the magic flow there.] Yuna


Swaying Bear started walking and put his paw in the place according to Mumroot-san’s instructions. Then, when Swaying Bear poured magical power into the magic circle, the magic circle shined and gathered at the bearmonite, which was at the center of the magical power. It’s as if Swaying Bear’s magical power has entered the Bearmonite. The light of the magic circle disappears.

[Is that it?] Yuna

Mumroot-san said it’s done, so I picked up the bearmonite and placed another one to replace it.

[Then, next is Hugging Bear.] Yuna


Hugging Bear moves in front of the magic circle so as to replace Swaying Bear.

Then, just like Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear placed his white paw on the magic circle and let his magic flow. The magic circle glows and the contract between Hugging Bear and the Bearmonite ended.

I have two bearmonites in my hand. One of them has changed its color. Hugging Bear’s bearmonite is white. Is it because he’s a polar bear?

[Am I to understand that if they wear this, they will receive a blessing?] Yuna

[Yes.] Mumroot

I took out a large dark blue cloth from the bear box, put a bearmonite inside the cloth, and tied it around Swaying Bear’s neck like a ribbon.

Then just like Swaying Bear, I took out a red cloth, put in the white bearmonite, and tied it around Hugging Bear’s neck.

[They’re both cute] Yuna


[Does it make you stronger?] Yuna


Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear tilted their heads.

Did they not get stronger?

Well, you can’t tell just by equipping it. I don’t feel like I’m getting stronger just by wearing my bear suit. Whenever I use magic, while fighting, or running, I can see the strength of my bear suit. But if I just wear it without doing anything, I wouldn’t know how strong it is.

[Thank you, Mumroot-san.] Yuna

I thank Mumroot-san and send Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear back to the bear puppets.

When I left Mumroot-san’s house, a tired-looking Ruimin was just coming over.

[Oh, Yuna-san. You were back.] Ruimin

[Yeah, just a while ago. You look tired though, Ruimin.] Yuna

[I was tired of going door to door delivering all the things I’ve bought.] Ruimin

Do you use magic circles to get rid of tiredness in such cases?

I’m wondering how effective that magic circle is.

[But everyone was happy, so that made me happy.] Ruimin

Ruimin smiled at me in a way that blew away my fatigue. If I were a man, I would have fallen in love with her. But alas, I am a woman.

But pots and pans are appreciated everywhere, aren’t they? While the ones I’ve used for years are easy to use and I love them, I’m also happy with new ones.

I was happy when I bought a new computer.

That reminds me, what happened to my computer back in my former world?

Well, I only have games on my computer. When God asked me what was important to me, could I have brought my computer into this world if I had said <computer>?

Well, thanks to what I said about money, I have been able to enjoy the other world without any difficulty. I’m grateful for that. Besides, even if I had a computer, I couldn’t use it since the power supply would be a problem.

[So Yuna-san. How was Rikka-san? I’m kinda curious.] Ruimin

[For the time being, she decided to work at Ghazal-san’s shop in the royal capital.] Yuna

[Then, did they end up dating!? What about marriage?] Ruimin

[Hmm, I’m not sure about that yet. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.] Yuna

[I see.] Ruimin

Ruimin looked a little disappointed, but while Ghazal-san’s initial expression was troubled, in the end, he seemed happy.

I feel like it’s only a matter of time.

[But I’m glad that Rikka-san didn’t get rejected.] Ruimin

I agree with you on that. I’m glad I didn’t have to take the rejected Rikka-san to Rojina-san’s place. If that had happened, I would have blindfolded her and thrown her into the bear gate.

[And did you leave Fina-chan?] Ruimin

Ruimin looks behind me, but Fina’s not behind me, no matter how big my body is. By the way, having a large volume does not mean that I’m fat.

[I couldn’t keep her separated from her family forever, so I sent Fina home first.] Yuna

[I wonder if I should have gone to the capital with her. If I had, I would have been able to see my sister for the first time in a long time. And I wanted to go to Yuna-san and Fina-chan’s town as well.] Ruimin

[I’m going home for today. I’ll see you later in Crimonia.] Yuna

[It’s a promise. Please take me with you next time.] Ruimin

I left the village after parting with Ruimin, who goes to return the item bag to Mumroot-san.

On the way back, I was able to leave the village without being surrounded by children.

After leaving the elf village, I returned to Crimonia using the bear gate in the Bear House near the sacred tree in the depths of the forest.

After arriving in Crimonia, I summoned Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear in their cub form, then dove into bed.

Apparently, when they’re in their cub form, the things their equipping also became smaller. Incidentally, when I removed it, it became bigger.

After a few days of relaxing, It’s time to dismantle the Big Boars in order to keep my promise to Tirumina-san. Of course, it was Fina and Shuri who did the dismantling. I’m just observing.

[So, why are you here, Gentz-san?] Yuna

I asked Fina to dismantle it, but somehow Gentz-san is also here.

[I heard you were going to dismantle the Big Boars. Since it’s rare, I decided to help. Besides, it’s Fina’s first time to dismantle those, so she might not understand some things.] Gentz

By the way, when I asked Fina if she needed help, she said that she had dismantled a wild boar before, so she was okay with it.

[Don’t worry, it’s my day off at work.] Gentz

I don’t know what to be relieved about. But Gentz-san looks very proud.

Well, there are three Big Boars, so that’s fine. Besides, it’s helpful that the dismantling can be completed early. The dismantling work will be completed by noon and a yakiniku party would be held at the orphanage. Therefore, it is great for Gentz-san to help.

[Then, please.] Yuna

I brought out three big boars from the bear box.

[They’re huge.] Gentz-san

[So big.] Shuri

[Yuna-oneesan, you killed such big beasts.] Fina

Gentz-san, Shuri, and Fina are surprised at the size of the Big boars.

[I guess we’ll be finished by noon then. Let’s get on with it. Fina, Shuri. Both of you, watch what your father ・・・・ is doing.] Yuna

Maybe he just wanted to be with his daughters because he was off work. Besides, he had been away from Fina for quite a while. Tirumina-san and Shuri had been talking on their bearphones, but only Gentz-san hadn’t, so maybe he was lonely.

Or does he want to show off to his daughters, like what a typical father would do?

Fina and Shuri are saying <yes> and <okay>, though. I wonder if in a few years they will say things like, <Dad, you stink> or <Dad, stay away from me>.

[What’s wrong, Yuna-oneesan?] Fina

I was staring at Fina, so she asked me.

[It’s nothing. I just thought Fina would be better off the way you are.] Yuna

[…………?] Fina

Fina tilts her head slightly.

Thanks to Gentz-san, we were able to finish the dismantling work in the morning. Then we took the dismantled meat to the orphanage.

At the orphanage, Anzu and Morin-san, whose stores were closed, had prepared a meal for us. The cooking was done by the members of the respective stores.

The bread that Morin-san baked for us was delicious with the meat, and the meat dishes that Anzu seasoned were also delicious.

I’m glad we had the yakiniku party because the kids enjoyed the food.

Oh, I guess I should have called Ruimin, huh?

Author’s Note:

By the way, the “bear” in this title does not refer to Yuna, but Kumayuru and Kumakyuu (Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear).

I tried to match the ribbon to the illustration (cover).

If I were to equip Kumayuru and Kumakyuu, I had been thinking of making them neck ribbons for a while.

Since there is an illustration (on the cover), I could have put it in the neck ribbon as usual, but please don’t go into that.

※My next post will probably be on the third night. I may not be able to reply to your comments this time due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.

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