Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

In the morning, the Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear alarm clocks wake me up. If I didn’t get woken up by Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear earlier than that, it means that no one came.

When I got up, I thanked Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, and went to the hot spring since there was still time before breakfast.

Then I ate the breakfast that Konoha had brought me, and when I went to the door, I saw Konoha and Shinobu.

[Are you going out?] Konoha

[I’ll try to get back by evening. But if not, then I don’t need dinner.] Yuna

I’ve paid for three days, so I’m good until tomorrow.

[Understood.] Konoha

[So, what were you two talking about?] Yuna

[Just a small talk, like how cute a girl dressed as a bear is. That kind of talk.] Shinobu

In other words, they were talking about me.

[Let’s go, then.] Yuna

Shinobu and I left the inn.

[So, how do you plan to get to the village, Shinobu? Do you have a carriage ready or something?] Yuna

[I won’t tell you until we get out of town.] Shinobu

Shinobu said with a face like a child coming up with a prank.

What is she hiding?

[Even so, Yuna’s appearance is cute, but it looks hard to move in. Are you really going to subjugate Kamaitachi in that appearance?] Shinobu

[If you’re worried about me, you can leave me behind.] Yuna

[Don’t say that. Come with me.] Shinobu

She hugged me familiarly, so I pushed her away.

[Well then, the next time you ask about my outfit, I’ll leave.] Yuna

[I, I understand. I won’t ask about it anymore.] Shinobu

We come to the outskirts of the city.

[Thank you for your help.] Yuna

I thanked her for the time being.

[No, no, I’m glad I could help.] Shinobu

When we left the city, I was seen as suspicious by the gatekeeper and tried to arrest me. But Shinobu talked to him, so we were able to get out of the city safely.

In other places, even if I was seen as suspicious, nobody tried to arrest me. I wonder if it was because of the bear costume?

[So, now that we’re out of the city, what now?] Yuna

[Well then…….] Shinobu

Shinobu put her fingers together and made a gesture as if she were making a seal, magic power gathered in her hands and a horse appeared in front of her.

[……Summoning?] Yuna

[He’s Hayatemaru. My partner.] Shinobu

Then, Shinobu pats the horse’s neck.

This is the first time I’ve seen a summoning other than Sanya-san’s summoning bird.

I just want to say one thing to Shinobu.

[Not a frog, a snake, or a slug?] Yuna

[What are you talking about? What are you going to do by summoning such things? You can’t ride on those.] Shinobu

Well, that’s true, but the most famous ninja summons are frogs, snakes, and slugs.

When talking about what they’re riding, the big frogs, big snakes, big slugs comes first to mind. Just thinking about it makes me sick.

Considering that, I’m happy to have Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

[Now then, let’s get on shall we?] Shinobu

Shinobu looked at my outfit and then at the horse.

[Why don’t you change your clothes? Looking at it again, I don’t think we can ride together in that outfit.] Shinobu

[I’m not changing. And I’m good.] Yuna

Since this is troublesome, I extended my right arm and summoned Swaying Bear.

[Bear! A bear has appeared! Is it a summon?] Shinobu

[It’s also a summon.] Yuna

Shinobu was a little surprised, but not blown by it.

[It’s more like a cute bear than a strong one.] Shinobu

<Ku~u ~ n>

Swaying Bear’s face tightened at Shinobu’s words.

Apparently, Swaying Bear is trying to look tough.

But on the other hand, is it my imagination, or does he look even cuter?

[What’s its name?] Shinobu

[It’s Swaying Bear.] Yuna

[Swaying Bear? That’s a cute name. Can I touch it?] Shinobu

Before I could give my permission, Shinobu already started touching Swaying Bear.

[U wa~a, what’s with the softness? It’s so fluffy. Can I ride it? I want to ride it.] Shinobu

[Hayatemaru is looking sad, are you sure about it?] Yuna

I looked at the horse and saw Hayatemaru lowering its head sadly.

[Uwa ā a, Hayatemaru, I’m sorry. Hayatemaru is the best.] Shinobu

When Shinobu saw how Hayatemaru was doing, she moved away from Swaying Bear and apologized to Hayatemaru.

It’s the same everywhere. If its master rides another horse, or rather, bear, It’ll sulk.

[It’s a shame I can’t ride on Swaying Bear, but let’s go.] Shinobu

Shinobu jumped on Hayatemaru, and I got on Swaying Bear.

Then we head to the village where the Kamaitachi appeared.

Shinobu’s Hayatemaru and my Swaying Bear ran side by side.

[So, Kamaitachi is a monster that uses wind magic, right?] Yuna

[Yes, that’s right. Depending on how powerful it is, it can take your arm off with it, so be careful. However, if you use iron armor, you won’t be able to keep up with Kamaitachi’s movements.] Shinobu

Apparently, it can’t cut iron or other hard materials. But if you use heavy metals to defend against them, you can’t keep up with the fast-moving Kamaitachi, so they can’t be defeated by such a method. On the other hand, if a magician wants to defeat them with magic, he needs to be extremely good at it.

The closer you get, the higher your hit rate, but at the same time, you’re more likely to be hit by a kamaitachi.

Magician’s equipment is geared for easy movement but also has low defense. So, the Magicians need to be accurate with magic attacks even at a distance.

With that in mind, it may be tough for beginners.

[So, how do you plan to defeat it, Yuna? You said you have a way to defeat it.] Shinobu

[I’ll just fight it normally.] Yuna

All I have to do is use detection skills to see where they are, and then, unleash a barrage of magic.

I can avoid or prevent the wind magic of Kamaitachi. If I have my bear equipment, I can do it easily.

[And you, Shinobu? How would you defeat it?] Yuna

[It’s the same as Yuna. I’ll just fight normally.] Shinobu

She answers with a smile. I really don’t understand this girl.

We arrived in the village without taking a rest.

[Swaying Bear is fast, isn’t he?] Shinobu

[Hayatemaru was also fast.] Yuna

An hour or so after leaving the city, we arrived at the village.

At the entrance to the village stood the man who had come to the adventurer’s guild yesterday.

[That’s Itsuki-san, isn’t it? It looks like he’s been waiting for us.] Yuna

We went to the man.

[What’s that? What’s with the bear?] Itsuki

The man was surprised to see me riding on Swaying Bear.

[That bear is her bear, so it’s safe.] Shinobu

Before I could say anything, Shinobu explained it to him.

[Oh, is that so?] Itsuki

[If you don’t attack it, it won’t do anything.] Yuna

[Is that true?] Itsuki

The man stares at Swaying Bear. And Swaying Bear stays still.

The man looked at me and Swaying Bear alternately and seemed to be convinced of something.

[I got it. Anyway, thanks for coming.] Itsuki

The man invites us into the village. Shinobu and I dismounted our mounts and went into the village.

Many of the houses in the village are made of wood. Some of the houses have tiled roofs. The clothing in the village looks like something you might have seen in an old Japanese movie. Everyone was surprised to see Swaying Bear, but the man assured the villagers that it was okay.

The other villagers looked at us from a distance but don’t approach us. Could it be that they are afraid of Swaying Bear?

[So what’s the situation?] Shinobu

[When I came back yesterday, three more cows had been killed. The least we can do is to make sure that none of the villagers are hurt. Are you sure you and your friend here are capable of defeating the monsters? We don’t want to cause any more damage.] Itsuki

The man confirms it again.

Even if he asks for a new adventurer now, the more days it takes, the greater the damage they will receive.

Moreover, if we can’t defeat them, the damage will be tremendous.

[We can take them down, but the issue is their numbers. Don’t you know how many there are?] Shinobu

[I’m sorry. Whenever the monsters show up, they strike and hide quickly.] Itsuki

It is indeed reckless for someone who is not strong enough to fight those monsters. He will be helplessly hunted down like a cow.

The man lead us to a place that looked like a farm. A vast pasture spread out before us. There were cows eating grass.

[Well, then, Yuna. What should we do now? Do you want me to keep an eye on things?] Shinobu

[What’s your plan, Shinobu?] Yuna

[Me? If they show up, I’ll take them down.] Shinobu

She’s probably a musclehead, isn’t she?

[Do you know where they’re coming from?] Yuna

[They probably came from that forest, I think.] Itsuki

The man pointed to the forest beyond the pasture.

[Then that cow over there is in danger.] Shinobu

There is a cow near the forest.

The man seemed to find it difficult to respond to my words.

[That cow is a sacrifice. So that other cows and us can escape.] Itsuki

If they’re all gathered in one place, all cows and other animals will be killed.

That’s why they have them spread out.

Out of the ten, they’re sacrificing one to protect the nine. It’s a disgusting way of thinking, but they probably have no choice.

[So if we go into that forest, we’ll find the monsters?] Yuna

Then we should take them down before they attack us.

[Are you going to fight in the forest, by any chance?] Shinobu

[That’s like going to your death.] Itsuki

Shinobu and the man were surprised by my words.

They say that in the forest, where there are many blind spots, it’s dangerous because the blades of wind can fly at you from anywhere.

Indeed, that is scary.

But it’s not in my nature to wait for the monsters to come.

And I have detection skills.

[Don’t worry. If there’s a monster nearby, he’ll tell me. I’ll kill it quickly and come back.] Yun

I pat the head of Swaying Bear next to me.

[I can’t wait to get back to the inn and soak in the hot spring. You can stay here, Shinobu. Swaying Bear and I will go into the forest and kill the monsters.] Yuna

[I’m coming with you.] Shinobu

[You don’t have to.] Yuna

[I’m Yuna’s assistant, so I can at least help.] Shinobu

I don’t want to show too much of my abilities. But I’m also curious about how Shinobu fights.

At that moment, Swaying Bear reacted and looked towards the forest.

I understood immediately by the reaction of the Swaying Bear. When I use my detection skills, I get a reaction from kamaitachi. And it’s not just one. They are moving at a very fast pace.

[Kamaitachi, incoming!] Yuna

[Really!?] Itsuki

[Where are they?] Shinobu

[Swaying Bear, stay here and protect Itsuki-san.] Yuna

I gave instructions to Swaying Bear, and I started running towards the monsters.

The cow I’m heading to is rampaging and trying to run away from something. Then the cow collapses.

I was too late.

Author’s Note:

Shinobu summoned a horse.

It wasn’t a frog.

※I have an announcement to make.

This time, it has been decided to make Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear comicalized.

I can’t tell you the details yet, but I’ve put a link to the publisher’s announcement in the activity report. Please look forward to it.

Translator’s Note:

RIP Cow, you’re good shawarma.


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