Limitless Sword God

Meeting Zhou Gan, his first line was unpleasant.

"Senior, you are in trouble!"

Chu Yu pursed his lips, "Why don't you say that I am in big trouble?".

"Yes, yes! You are in big trouble"

"Go on," Chu Yu sat down casually.

Zhou Gan sat in front of him and told him with a serious face, "The old guy came to look for me just now.".

"What did he say?"

"You're not surprised?" Zhou Gan looked at Chu Yu, "I am a spy planted beside you! I am an agent! Aren't you angry?".

"I am surprised and angry, what then? Do I kill you with one blow?"

"…" Zhou Gan was dark with worry, then he sprawled himself on the couch, he propped up his leg and retrieved a bottle of wine from the cabinet. He took out a delicate wine glass and poured himself one.

The glass was dwindling by his mouth as he set it aside again.

"You don't believe what that old man said?"

"You think he is just lying to you? He does seem like a massive conman."

Chu Yu was silent, he looked at Zhou Gan and grabbed the glass in his hands and downed its contents.

"Damn! That's my personal wine glass!" Zhou Gan was full of resent.

"Come on, no one used the glass before," Chu Yu replied lightly.

"Great practitioners are different from us normal people, after all, astute instincts and sharp observations," Zhou Gan chattered off insincerely as he pulled out another glass and filled it.

"I don't understand the old guy," he let out a gentle sigh, "He still can't let go even though he lived for so long.".

With that, he looked at Chu Yu, "I am honestly quite envious of you, the Great Emperor of the mortal realm! Adored by all of humanity across two eras.".

"Haha," Chu Yu gave a light chuckle.

"Really! I am envious of you!" Zhou Gan continued, "You were really made from the purest shred of consciousness of the old guy. He programmed your reincarnation cycle.".

"Oh?" Chu Yu raised his brows and looked at Zhou Gan.


He poured another glass of wine and held it in his hand, "Just that the Great Emperor in the past came from a different source of energy from you. Your personalities are also starkly different. Temperament and attitudes are hard to tamper with.".

"Where did that emperor go?"

"Killed by the old man," Zhou Gan breathed a heavy sigh, "I just found out too.".

"Up till today, I still have no clue what game he is playing. I only know that all three realms are dimensions in his set of games. The great emperor in the previous era failed him; the old man has great expectations of you, Chu Yu."

"What expectations?" Chu Yu shook his head lightly.

"There're things that he can't fathom. Something about you…" Zhou Gan hesitated slightly, "Something the past Emperor never had.".

"Why are you here then."

"The old man told me to. He wanted me to talk to you, ask for your cooperation and fulfill his plans."

"I don't know what exactly he has in store for you though," Zhou Gan shrugged his shoulders.

"What happens to me if I don't cooperate?"

"How would I know?" he whispered, "Anyways, my great senior vanished along with his two wives. My guess is that the old man killed them off after they messed with his plans…".

"I understand now," Chu Yu breathed a heavy sigh as he grabbed the bottle of wine and poured more for himself.

Then he stood up abruptly and announced, "Bring me to him!".

Zhou Gan replied, "I don't know where he is.".

Chu Yu didn't say anything.

"You think I have the ability to find someone like him? I am just a messenger relaying information to you."

"If I don't cooperate, my fate would be the same as the old emperor, vanquished from the face of the earth," Chu Yu nodded his head slowly.

"I expect so. It shouldn't come off as a threat, you are molded from a part of his soul, in other words, you are him, and he is you."

"No, I am definitely not him, and he is not me."

"Whatever you say, as long as it brings you comfort. But… there's no way you could resist him," Zhou Gan looked at him matter-of-factly, "He could be even listening to our conversation right now. There's no way we could protect our minds against his infiltration.".

"I know, I didn't even bother trying."

Then, Chu Yu directed his next question to the empty air, "Tell me, how exactly do you want me to cooperate?".

The room was silent, there was no telepathic message.

Soon after, a magical scroll appeared before Chu Yu.

It was emitting a weak glow, it didn't seem aggressive in nature.

Chu Yu went forward and accepted the scroll in his hands.

The order was clouded with a thick layer of encryption, the contents were blurred out and protected.

Chu Yu activated his divine sense as he imprinted the contents of the scroll into his mind.

"Go to the Bastion of Stars."

A short and simple command.

There weren't any further instructions.

Chu Yu nodded his head, "Alright, I'll be there soon!".

Zhou Gan took a second look at Chu Yu before shaking his head, "Well, I fulfilled my mission, if there isn't anything else, I am going back to earth! My fair maiden has been waiting for me for a long time!".

Zhou Gan left promptly soon after.

Chu Yu didn't bother to send him off as he stayed in his room.

Then, he brought out his Immortal Crane Furnace.

The furnace should also be called the heavenly Cauldron.

Enveloped by a heavy blanket of domineering aura, it was glowing softly in the room.

Chu Yu smiled in desperation, "Crane Saint… ha-ha, the Immortal Crane Furnace. Interesting… the entire mortal realm had calmed down and yet you are still completely out of sight. You didn't detect any abnormalities carrying this incredible object around. What a big heart.".

He slung the furnace over his shoulder and stalked out of the room.

The minute he was out of the doorway he leaped into the air.

He was out of the solar system in the blink of an eye!

At his state of cultivation, he could transverse vast distances across galaxies easily.

Under permissible perimeters, he could teleport anywhere he wanted.

High energy teleportation!

It was such incredible speed!

No one in the mortal realm could catch up to him.

But there was a shred of mental spirit that was following him closely.

It was even faster than him!

Chu Yu didn't notice anything different at all, he wouldn't pay much attention even if he did notice.

It was expected.

Chu Yu was jumping through wormhole after wormhole.

The mental spirit was following behind him dutifully.

After a couple of days.

Chu Yu had arrived at a foreign galaxy.

There were no records of this place in the old chartered maps of the solar system.

It was a massive galaxy!

Breathtaking was what one would describe it as.

The entire galaxy looked like the great big trench in the universe.

Breath-taking views.

There were clouds of stardust drifting in the still air, many smaller galaxies were hidden in them!

Like the Milky Way galaxy!


Some of the clouds contained galaxies that were still maturing. It takes eons of years for a galaxy to form.

Other clouds contained dying systems from the ancient times.

All of time itself was recorded in the floating dust, history was all around Chu Yu.

But there weren't any signs of life.

Chu Yu was alone.

The place was better known to be the graveyard of stars.

Chu Yu only managed to find it after countless attempts at foreplay.

This was where many of the black holes in the universe led to. The great dumping ground.

But it could also be described as the cradle of life!

Where new stars and planets were born.

It was a peculiar and unique place.

We've only scratched the surface of what this place is about. There's much more to it than it meets that eye.

Few people know that there was a hidden path around here.

Chu Yu floated above the empty space as he looked downward.

There was death and there was rebirth.

What a great metaphorical representative of the great circle of life.

It was a spectacle to behold.

The shred of spirit following behind Chu Yu had also stopped here. It was curious about Chu Yu's intentions here.

What was he doing?

Chu Yu was setting up magical formations.

Right above this massive collision of particles.

He was using a bunch of precious metals and resources as he hurled them in all directions.

And then he reinforced his set up by harnessing the great energy in the Heavenly Cauldron.

No one knew what he was doing.

Only he knew.

The Killing Day Heart Technique also made a rare reappearance!

He was activating it separate from the Three world Dao technique!

A burst of energy spurted out from the core of his vertical eye.

Suddenly, the spirit following him lost all connections to Chu Yu's mind and body!

Something was wrong.

Following that, a shadow emerged from where Earth is located.

The figured was cloaked in a domineering and fierce-some presence, there was no hiding it.

The entire solar system could feel it.

Zhou Gan emerged and flew up into the sky after the alarm. He looked into the distance in horror, examining the air of Dao above him.

"My God… what is going on? Is he choosing the same path as the previous Emperor?"

"Ay, he is courting for his own death. What for? Why torment himself?"

"Zhou brother!"

A gentle feminine voice rang from below.

It was a sweet and soothing voice.

Zhou Gan gave a light chuckle, "It's ok baby! I'm still here!".

He returned to the voice hastily.

At the foreign galaxy.

Chu Yu was still busy at work. Setting up all sort of formations.

His shadow was moving extremely quickly at lightning speed!

His mental will was determined and ferocious!

The spirit couldn't see.

But it could feel that strong aura in the area.

Don't be mistaken, it's sense of energy was far more accurate and precise than the sense of sight.

But under the current circumstance, Chu Yu had managed to blunt its senses.

It was as good as a common blind man now.

Maybe… even worse!

The normal blind man could rely on their sense of hearing or at the very least, their sense of hearing.

But this spirit was completely cut off.

What the hell was Chu Yu up to?

The spirit was getting agitated.

The owner of the spirit was traveling at top speed.

Its physical body was trying to reach Chu Yu as fast as possible.

Chu Yu, you little bastard, I can reach you in a matter of hours!

Just you wait for me!

Chu Yu was still meticulously setting up formations.

The moment he completed, he activated all of them at once.

A bright ray shone from the center of the formation onto the valley of the galaxy.

This place had been quiet and still, for ages, the great picture of the life and death of stars had been undisturbed as it carried on dutifully.

With the injection of the light, the entire galaxy was stirring!

It was becoming a boiling mess!

The clouds were shifting rapidly.

The still atmosphere had been upheaved.

Completely blown apart!


Every single cloud of dust was blown up!

Then, multiple black holes begin to appear in the territory.

The black holes were like hungry beasts, hungry for fuel and sustenance.

Soon, the holes morphed into a giant central wormhole.

It was mammoth-like!

Usually, a wormhole like this will open into another dimension to dump the energy it had collected.

It was nature's way of balancing the powers out.

To calm a black hole.

But Chu Yu was preventing the natural compensation.

It had dragged up the energy from its slumber and awoken its potential.

It was greedy and ready to swallow everything in its way.

In less than ten minutes, half of this ancient galaxy had been gulped up!

It was a mystical sight to behold.

A black hole defying so many laws of nature as it pocketed all of the energy available to it.

It was roaring and restless.

Chu Yu was still activating the Killing Days Heart technique as he held the Furnace in his hands.

With a stoic face, he threw the furnace into the great hole.

At the same time, a figure appeared swiftly in front of him.

He yelled a single world.


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