Limitless Sword God

"That place is also… a single realm! It holds many of the most powerful spirits in our world! Hey, most of them are the big shots left over from that great holy war. Most of them are back in the mortal realm after reincarnation."

The second-generation senior laughed cheekily, "How could these bunch of power houses be okay with being stuck here in the mortal realm? Of course, they would want to return to the immortal realm. Only the immortal realm offers enough resources for them to upgrade to the optimal state.".

"But over at the immortal realm, there's still the Rabbit and the Dog assuming guard, along with the twelve original ancestors. They would never let them return there so easily! That's why there's an impasse now."

"If you're talking about that War of the Gods, there were so many spirits implicated as well!"

"All of the hate and vengeance goes back a long way. The relationships are so convoluted there's nowhere to start to make sense of them all! Even a great power like the great Ancestor refused to make clear of things. Revenge shall never end, a disease that plagues us all."

"It's not easy to let go of hatred though."

"Hence the situation we face today."

The second-generation senior looked at Chu Yu, "So, ancestor uncle… you are tasked with the mission to bring us back to the immortal realm!".

"When we return to the immortal realm, we shall reclaim our Daoist field and settle our people down. We will return to help guard the East with you again!"

Chu Yu winced, "You flatter me so, how am I supposed to have the capabilities to bring you back to the immortal realm?".

"If the teacher says you can, you can."

Perhaps if one looks at the clan on the surface, one might think that they were all slightly abnormal.

The truth was that the sword scholar was the center of the attention in the entire clan!

Everyone looked up to him.

Chu Yu was troubled, he announced, "You all overestimate me, I still have yet to take care of my own business…".

"Uncle, are you referring to trouble the Mouse has caused you?" before Chu Yu could reply, the second-generation senior had already continued, "Don't worry about him, The mouse will never cause you any trouble again.".

"Why?" Chu Yu didn't find his assurance convincing.

"First of all, the figures from the great flood are all a prideful bunch. They were the original twelve ancestors, the true great Gods. They are able to pass through the heavens, if he couldn't take you down the first time, it's unlikely that he will try again."

"Secondly, there's Teacher!"

"Teacher is of the same status as him, and he is even more powerful than The mouse. Even if The mouse is still resentful, he would let you go on the account of Teacher!"

Chu Yu nodded his head and forced himself to accept his reasoning, "Do we have to pass by the Bastion of Stars to enter the Immortal Realm?".

The second-generation senior nodded his head, "All the other passageways are either collapsed or destroyed, that is the only way left.".

"The guards over there shouldn't be the Rabbit or the Dog right?" Chu Yu asked hopefully.

"Of course, their real physical forms won't be standing guard there, they only need to leave a Daoist version of themselves to guard the gates," the second- generation senior told him frankly.

Chu Yu looked troubled, The rabbit and the dog were spirits of the Great God level, their Dao forms alone would be invincible.

The two of them combined, who could pass through?

He recalled the conversation he had with Yi, how his physical body was crushed into pieces shortly after entering the immortal realm.

Stripped to his bare divine spirit and forced to seek refuge in the mortal realm.

Then, he spent the remaining of his time guarding the Earth.

Chu Yu had always held strongly to the opinion that Yi's physical body was still around, but now, his faith was shaken.

No, Yi must still be around!

There's no way he would have died so easily.

The second-generation senior continued, "There's a problem now, perhaps over at the immortal realm they are facing the same problem.".


"There's a huge congregation of outstanding spirits over there at the Bastion of Stars. All the relationships and agreements are in a mess ever since the great godly battle, now, it's hard to tell friend from foe. So, if we wish to return to the immortal realm, it would be pertinent to sort out the difference there first."

"We are so powerful, why should we be afraid of them?" the young leader quipped in from the side.

Even though he was knowledgeable, there was still a stark difference between him and the senior, a live fossil.

"Powerful?" the second-generation senior shook his head, "No, we're not.".

"Absolutely not!" he emphasized again.

"The spirits at the Bastion of Stars are all unpredictable strong. Even the teacher had warned us about it before. He told us that the Bastion of Stars was the most chaotic and messy place in this universe. No one knows if a Boss level spirit would appear. I wouldn't be surprised if it did appear!"

"Come on, if they were Boss level, why wouldn't they have entered the immortal realm already?" the youth was not convinced.

"It could be a younger boss spirit! They would be mercilessly hunted and killed by The rabbit and the dog if they dare enter the immortal realm! Anyways, there are plenty of resources to go around in the Bastion of Stars too."

He looked at Chu Yu, "I have a bold postulation that the Monkey and the Pig are hidden in the Bastion of Stars!".

"They were Boss level spirits in the barren era, now… they might have grown even stronger!"

"They are also arch enemies with the two guardians of the immortal realm. Back then, they were forced into retreat after succumbing to critical injuries. It is highly likely that they would return once they have recuperated."

"Hence, my suspicions are that they are currently hiding in the Bastion of Stars. Even teacher had the same suspicions, but his searches had been futile."

"The Bastion of Stars has always been a mysterious place…"

He looked at Chu Yu seriously, "If they are really there, the day they invade the immortal realm would be a great opportunity for us all!".

"What if they aren't there?" Chu Yu was muttering to himself, "Then we have to create an opportunity for ourselves.".

"That's right."

Chu Yu was duped by the sword scholar.

He ran away.

Leaving him with the entire clan to manage.

He now carried with him the duty to bring the clan back to the immortal realm…

It was mission impossible!

What about his own family? His friends and relatives?

Should he bring them along on his great adventure?

Or leave them behind in the mortal realm?

According to the second-generation senior, The mouse wouldn't be a threat to his loved ones.

If so, leaving them in the mortal realm would be a safe bet.

But he had vowed to never part with Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian again.

He was left with no choice this time.

If Feng Jian hadn't saved him, the Old man would have brainwashed him into a killing machine.

Even though Feng Jian wasn't a trustworthy man, but he was Chu Yu's benefactor after all.

He didn't have any other intentions, he was the first owner of the Three Realms technique!

He didn't even pay much attention to the great treasures.

Chu Yu had to repay his kindness.

After organising his thoughts, Chu Yu announced to the crowd, "Fine! I'll accept this task!".

Everyone was beaming.

"But I have to make something clear."

The people were looking at him with intensity.

"I definitely don't have that kind of ability now. I can't just charge through the Bastion of Stars and bring you all to the immortal realm. I have a bunch of loved ones here in the mortal realm. I must return to them first and then… come back for you all. Maybe I'll even bring my family along."

"That's great! The Eastern heavens might not compare to the Immortal and Nether realms, but it is still much better than the mortal realm. If your family could settle here, it would most definitely be beneficial for them!" the second-generation senior exclaimed.

"But that means that they're leaving their hometowns…" Chu Yu whispered.

The room was quiet once more.

They wished to return home, what about other people? No one wished to leave their own homes.

The second-generation senior looked at Chu Yu, "Actually, we are putting you in a spot. But teacher… ay, he was left with no choice. The three realms are destined to return to equilibrium again. The mortal realm will hold equal opportunities to upgrade one's standing! The mortal realm is not scarce of resources, most of the energy remains sealed to this day.".

"Hmm, I'll consider leaving them here to learn and practice in the mortal realm," he nodded his head stoically, "I'll return soon!".

"Master… take care!" the senior greeted him with a respectful bow.

They wished to return to the immortal realm badly, to be finally accountable to their great clan.

But Chu Yu also had to be held accountable to his people!

He was the pillar of his own family!

They could understand his difficulties.

It was hard to choose between his responsibilities.

Even if Chu Yu left and never returned, they were ready to accept that.

They were going to charge into the Bastion of Stars anyways.

Feng Jian had stopped them every time.

He told them that one day, another practitioner of the Three Realms technique would lead them there.

They believed him.

And that man had come!

They were okay with waiting a bit longer.

Or even for the long haul.

For Chu Yu to take care of his own people, sort out his own problems.

Everyone knew that the mortal realm was a limit to their cultivation.

Even if the mortal realm could return to the state before the Great Flood, it would that ages to recover.

Creatures of the saint realm wouldn't last to see the day the mortal realm regained its former glory.

Chu Yu parted ways with the crowd. He was eager to return home, there was no time to waste.

Little Lu wanted to accompany Chu Yu to the mortal realm, he was intrigued by his description of the place. Especially his description of the delicacies there.

But he was stopped by his own teacher.

Don't be ridiculous!

Why would you tag along?

You are an outstanding descendent, are you going to train yourself to become a master chef?

You are not allowed to go!

Little Lu had to part ways with Chu Yu as well, but he pleaded with him to bring back some recipe books and readings.

Chu Yu agreed happily and waved them goodbye.

Then, he set off on his way home with the map of the stars.

The Floating City.

Zhou Gan was patiently explaining to Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian.

"He is not dead!"

"Really he is not dead!"

"He was rescued by someone!"

"His savior was extremely powerful and unpredictable."

"Come on, how would I know where he is?"

"Oh my god… I still have girls waiting for me, I promise that he will return!"

"You are saying that my teacher attacked him? Haha… what can I say as a junior? Anyways, my big brother will return, he is surely alive!"

"Anyways, my teacher told me to assure you guys that this will never happen again."

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were sitting there sobbing, their eyes red and swollen.

Fatty had exhausted all his abilities to foresee what had happened. All he managed was a blurry connection with the Old man.

He had fainted shortly after.

The two women had pulled Zhou Gan over for interrogation.

They found him drunk and wasted in a smoky den.

Zhou Gan had cooperated with them.

He knew that Chu Yu was taken away by someone and that he wasn't in any danger!

"Please my missies, please stop crying… let me go…"

"Hmm," a voice rang loud and clear.

The two women were stunned and pure joy was flowing from their eyes.

Zhou Gan breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he collapsed on the couch, then he jumped back up, "Damn, you are back so fast?".

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