Limitless Sword God

At this moment, the two higher beings of the Ancestral realm from Qu Clan and 1 from Dong Clan had completely overpowered Lu Clan.

Even though the higher being of the Ancestral realm from Lu Clan was still alive, he suffered grave injuries.

Should this situation continue, death would only be a matter of time.

The Lu ancestor was fuming!

His hatred toward Qu ancestor reached its boiling point in an instant.

Even though they shared a common desire to conquer this entire territory, Qu Clan was the first to betray them!

Chu Yu hesitated a little.

This current situation benefited him the most.

Qu Clan's betrayal was a direct hit in the jaw for Lu; so brutal it drove the Lu ancestor crazy!

If Lu Clan was really hiding a Flying Immortal cultivator, then it was going to get much more interesting.

Should the Lu ancestor survive this immediate danger, Qu Clan and Dong Clan were going to have a really bad time, though not to the extent of being exterminated.

When the time comes, this land would be rife with conflicts and wars.

Therefore, logically speaking, Chu Yu should not take part in this any further.

He had extracted enough benefits for himself from the 3 Clans.

If it was not for Shang Clan, he really should leave and stay far away from this area.

But that would spell disaster for the Shang Clan.

Dong, Lu, and Qu clan would definitely fight each other ferociously. However, all of them would share a common hatred for Chu Yu the instigator.

When they were unable to locate Chu Yu, Shang Clan would definitely become the scapegoat!

At this moment, Lu ancestor spoke to him once again.

"I know what you are thinking, don't worry, I still have a reputation to protect. I can guarantee you, in my powers' name, I won't touch Shang Clan in the future!"

"As a matter of fact, Lu Clan has never done anything to Shang Clan. Even though I might have some strife with the Shang ancestor, but only Lu Clan has treated Shang Clan decently on this land!"

The roaring cry of Lu Clan's higher being of the Ancestral realm can be heard once again over the distance, his voice filled with hopelessness.

His body shattered in pieces once again!

But this time, he was unable to piece himself back together.

The 2 ancestral beings from Qu Clan, and 1 ancestral being from Dong Clan each performed their killing blows, while wielding their strongest attacking magical instruments.

After a terrifying quake that shook the sky and earth, the ancestral being from Lu Clan was obliterated!

Right before he died, he sacrificed his last powers and life energy to seriously injure one of Qu Clan's ancestral being.

The ancestral being from Qu Clan spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, becoming much weaker in an instant.

The other 2 ancestral beings, however, did not hesitate. They waste no time in charging toward Lu Clan's ancestor.

Chu Yu immediately reacted!

Although this is just one of his clones, Chu Yu, with the assistance of the Spell of the Three Worlds, was just as formidable as the ancestral beings!

However, the clone did not have a vast storage of energy; he was not capable of lasting for a long time in battle, but definitely long enough for most opponents.

This was an extremely powerful clone!

A sword slashed at the ancestral beings with the raise of his hand!

Sword qi loomed over the battlefield!

The sky looked like it had been ripped open by that one slash, leaving a deep, gashing cut that was unable to close.

The slash took out the ancestral being injured by the ancestral being from Qu Clan, decapitating him in the process!

Chu Yu's first move is too stunning and ferocious!

Following the decapitation of the injured ancestral being, Chu Yu continued to attack with his sword hundreds of thousands of times, every slash carrying a terrifying murderous intent, coldly grinding away the vitality of Qu Clan's ancestral being.

"Nice kill!", exclaimed an excited and invigorated Lu ancestor

In that instance, he was feeling overwhelmed and grateful toward Chu Yu.

"Outsider! I'll kill you!", the ancestral being from Qu Clan roared.

He did not expect this outsider dare to help Lu ancestor.

"Why? Why would he help a weak and losing man who is about to be crushed? Was there something that happened which I'm not aware of?"

At this point, even if he turned to attack Dong Clan, Lu ancestor would never forgive his betrayal. There was only one path for him to take, and he had to commit all the way.

"Kill him! Increase your speed!" Qu ancestor spoke directly to Dong ancestor.

Dong ancestor naturally understood the gravity of the situation, there is no turning back now!

"Kill!" he roared, wielding an enormous weapon.

Bright flashes of light rays filled the sky once again.

Space itself was caving in, threatening to break any moment.

The mountain range below exploded without rest!

Chu Yu was too fast, his fighting prowess too aggressive.

After finishing the injured ancestral being from Qu Clan, he flew straight toward the 2 ancestral being from Qu and Dong clan, who were both below flying immortal stage.

They were shocked and shaking with anger.

Under the leadership of Dong and Qu ancestors, they were confident of ambushing Lu ancestor, but would not dare to face a Flying Immortal stage cultivator one on one.

The 2 ancestral beings immediately retreated toward their ancestors, feeling overwhelmingly terrified and afraid.

However, Chu Yu was many times faster than they ever were.

With just a shake, he appeared before the 2 retreating ancestral beings, blocking their paths of escape.

A faint smile came to Chu Yu's lips. "Where are y'all rushing to?", Chu Yu asked wryly.

The 2 ancestral beings looked at one another, clenched their teeth, and charged toward Chu Yu.

Spell symbols were pouring out from bodies, threatening to fill up the entire sky.

The symbols danced across the sky, emitting a potent murderous intent.

They are desperate!

Still, Chu Yu replied with 2 slashes.

Two streaks of sword qi ripped a hole in the sky, cutting through the spell symbols like butter, and landed on the 2 ancestral beings.

Their bodies were both cut open diagonally at the same time.

The ancestral being from Qu Clan devolved to reveal his true form, a large snake, cut in half with blood flowing out forming 2 large rivers!

The one from Dong Clan was revealed to be a bluebird. Only the bottom half of its body remained, with the potent blood of ancestral being spilling out like a fountain!

They let out a desperate final howl.

The power of a Flying Immortal Stage cultivator cannot be underestimated!

In this galaxy, only the legends from the Wild Era were able to control suppress.

While the 2 ancestral beings were howling, Lu ancestor could not help but laugh, "Brother, you are my saviour! From this day on, you are my friend!"

He then turned toward Qu and Dong ancestors. "Old Qu, from this day on, I break all ties with you. Don't blame me for not showing mercy! Old Dong, listen to me carefully, the men you sent to my place should also be dead by now! Ha Ha Ha! I'm going to slaughter both your Clans till their blood flows like a river!"

He then pulled out an ancient charm!

It was a charm made by a legend!

Swoosh! Lu ancestor vanished into thin air.

He ran away!

Lu ancestor was very aware that Chu Yu had help him sufficiently and reached his limits. He could not continue to help him fight the 2 clans.

He felt very satisfied with the situation!

He was crystal clear of the capabilities and strategies of Dong ancestor after years of trading blows.

If Dong ancestor wants to retaliate, he would send his remaining forces to Lu Clan.

Lu Clan still had 2 ancestral level beings, with the addition of their trump card – the Flying Immortal stage cultivator, they are more than capable to go against the 5 ancestral level beings of Dong Clan.

Victory is within his grasp!

At that point, Dong Clan would only have one Elder remaining, rendering them defenceless!

As for Qu Clan, they were only left with 2 ancestral beings, presumably hiding in their family's secret space, not daring to leave!

So for Qu Clan, they were now 80% useless!

Lu Clan still had 2 Flying Immortal stage cultivators left, and would naturally be the ruler of this territory!

Qu and Dong ancestors realized this point also, and they instantly appeared distraught.

Someone from Lu Clan must have obtained the Bundle of Luck.


Two Flying Immortal Stage Elders who lived countless years, were stripped of their glory in this instant.

Darn outsider!

They want to murder Chu Yu with their bare hands!

But they were not confident of their abilities to kill him anymore, and Chu Yu has now disappeared.

The moment Lu ancestor vanished, Chu Yu took the opportunity to escape.

"Argh!" Qu ancestor roared towards the sky from the deepest part of his heart. "I hate this!"

He then rushed towards the direction of Lu Clan.

He wanted to see Lu Clan's true abilities with his own eyes, and also if the deeply burrowed Bundle of Luck has been obtained by Lu Clan.

Dong ancestor followed Qu ancestor and flew toward Lu Clan at supersonic speed.

Resentment and stubbornness of ancestral beings continued to linger in the air, along with the trauma of a fresh battlefield.

The mountain ranges, rivers and lakes had all been squashed and turned to mush!

Chu Yu was now far away from the place, but coincidentally, also travelling toward Lu Clan, though taking a longer route.

A fierce battle was also taking place at the border of Lu Clan's territories.

The mountain ranges, rivers and lakes had also been squashed and turned to mush!

Five ancestral beings from Dong Clan descended upon Lu Clan, with unmatched aggression and an imposing manner.

However, awaiting them was an unbelievably young Flying Immortal Stage cultivator!

One smack from the Flying Immortal Stage cultivator sent them into a trance, and one ancestral being drop dead in that instance!

Countless Lu Clan members were stunned at such a sight.

They could not have dreamed that there was a Flying Immortal Stage cultivator in the family, especially the 2 ancestral beings from Lu Clan, who were over the moon.

Following the death of one of Dong Clan's ancestral being, a wave of belligerence and overwhelming fighting spirit washed over Lu Clan.

The battle also went as predicted.

Lu Clan's trump card was revealed after all these years spectacularly!

With the power of a single man, he effectively subdued 5 ancestral beings from Dong Clan.

By the time Lu ancestor returned, followed by Qu and Dong ancestors, the battle was already over.

The entire sky was painted red with the blood of the Dong Clan's 5 ancestral beings!

Dong and Qu ancestors could not believe their eyes.

Staring at the young, god-like Flying Immortal Stage cultivator sparkling in the light, they gave up hope completely.

Especially Qu ancestor, who felt a deep sense of regret. He let out an agonizing cry and spat out a huge mouthful of blood.

Dong ancestor's body swayed a few times and became thousands of years older in an instant.

He did not spit any blood, but his vitality and energy was immediately drained.

Lu ancestor looked into the horizon and let out a long suppressed laughter, "Ha ha ha ha, Lu Clan is now the king of this piece of land!"

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