Zhao Xuming immediately returned to his office and began drafting a plan after returning from Boss Pei’s office.

This plan had been delayed for a long time. The main reason was that Zhao Xuming had been struggling. He could not completely finalize the general direction, and he had no way to talk about some details.

Now that Boss Pei had decided, it was very simple to perfect these details.

The entire plan was suggested by Zhao Xuming. Boss Pei only made some minor changes to the plan, so he wrote it very quickly.

Zhao Xuming quickly sorted out the plan while digging deeper into Boss Pei’s deep meaning behind the changes.

“Boss Pei did not make any major changes to the content of the plan, which means that my understanding is correct. Boss Pei agrees with this.”

“However, there were some flaws in my plan that Boss Pei pointed out.”

“I have to analyze it.”

Zhao Xuming started from the original goal of his plan. He combined it with the adjustment plan given by Boss Pei and analyzed it comprehensively.

First of all, the purpose of this plan was definitely to give up some short-term benefits in exchange for longer-term benefits.

More accurately put, he would sell a portion of the broadcast rights in the short term in exchange for the popularity of GOG’s competition.

It would be even better if Bunny Tail Live-Stream could also get some popularity.

That was what Zhao Xuming had been thinking.

How could it become more popular in the long term?

Obviously, the more live-stream platforms there were, the more people could see the competition.

A small portion of the audience was used to watching competitions on a certain platform. They might not be used to it once the platform was changed. What’s more, some viewers might have simply forgotten the official start date of the competition or might not have paid much attention before. However, they would naturally click on it when they saw it on their commonly used platform.

Thus, in order to maximize the popularity of GOG’s international invitational tournament, it would be best if all live-stream platforms had live-streams on their homepages.

If they really sold the exclusive broadcasting rights and only one platform could broadcast it, it would definitely make a lot of money in the short term. However, the popularity would be slightly affected.

Of course, it did not matter whether it was right or wrong. After all, it was necessary for many viewers to watch this world competition. It was just a change of platform. It was not a big deal. Even if they sold the exclusive broadcast, it might not reduce their popularity.

The question of how to decide on popularity and money was a more complicated question. Every company had a different answer, and these answers might not be wrong, but a question of choice.

However, for Boss Pei, who had always looked at the long term problems, the future popularity was obviously prioritizing short-term profits.

That was why Zhao Xuming suggested this plan.

The central idea of this plan was to lower the threshold as much as possible so that small platforms could also obtain the broadcasting rights of the competition at a relatively affordable price. On the premise that the minimum value was guaranteed, small platforms would spend less and large platforms would spend more. The price was within everyone’s acceptable range.

What’s more, letting various platforms use their publicity resources to reduce the price would also use short-term profits to exchange for long-term popularity.

Many people felt that the live-stream platform had already spent a lot of money on the broadcasting rights of the competition. They would definitely spend the best publicity resources, right?

That might not be the case.

That was because live-streaming platforms had more complicated considerations for recommendation spots. They would be affected by many factors.

The competition might be very popular, but it brought popularity to the platform. It might not be a real income. The price-quality ratio might not be high for the recommendation spots.

If the same resources were given to a live-streamer that the platform wanted to support and could drive the audience to spend money, perhaps keeping such a live-streamer would bring more value to the platform.

What’s more, there was a marginal reduction effect in recommending this thing. For example, there were three big recommendations on the home page. The first big recommendation might be very effective for GOG’s competition, but if there was a second or third one, the effect might plummet.

If these resources were given to other competitions or some big broadcasters, the overall effect might be better.

Thus, after live-streaming platforms bought the competition broadcasting rights, they might not necessarily maximize the recommendation resources. Instead, they would make adjustments based on the platform’s actual situation.

Some platforms would even purposely lower the recommendation resources.

That was because they felt that the players in the competition were just needed. They were just like the group of people in the shopping mall who bought home appliances. Since they had entered, they would definitely go even if they were on the top floor.

It was the same for gamers who were watching the competition. They had already arrived on this platform. They could casually place an entrance at the corner of the front page. As long as everyone could find where GOG’s international invitational tournament was, they would be able to enter.

Thus, the best recommendation spot for GOG’s international invitational tournament was redundant. They could just give a rolling banner. The other recommendation spots could be used to give other streamers an opportunity to rope in other websites and support their own people.

It would have been better if GOG had dominated alone. However, there was still IOI after all. What’s more, the two games were playing the international competition at the same time.

There would definitely be some competition on live-stream platforms, causing GOG to be unable to maximize the recommendation resources.

The current plan could legitimately put the recommendation spot in the contract. After all, on the surface, Tengda had already compromised on the problem of money.

It would be a little unreasonable to ask for recommendation spots from these platforms if it was a one-off sale with a price.

Zhao Xuming sorted out the entire plan and was very satisfied.

I must be awesome to have thought of this plan in such a short time!

Of course, he did not forget that it was all because of Boss Pei’s hint.

In the beginning, Zhao Xuming’s thoughts were not flexible at all. The three proposals he proposed were all conservative and standard.

After Boss Pei gave him some inspiration, Zhao Xuming’s thoughts were opened. That was why he thought of such a special plan.

Now, Zhao Xuming finally understood why the people in charge of Tengda were so ferocious.

That was because he would be able to obtain Boss Pei’s guidance for every plan he made. That was all personal guidance!

Over time, such an improvement was no joking matter.

Of course, there was still something that Zhao Xuming did not understand about the entire plan for the time being. That was the change that Boss Pei had pointed out: The request was to change the rules of the fees, from the actual number of people watching the competition on the platform to the popularity of the platform’s live-stream.

There would definitely be a loophole in such changes: Some platforms might deliberately reduce the popularity so that they could spend less money.

“Perhaps Boss Pei finally decided that these live-stream platforms would rather spend more money to increase the popularity?”

“Yes, that’s possible.”

“After all, these large live-stream platforms care about face the most. The more popular they are, the better the profits. That’s why their platforms seem to be prospering.”

“Whoever takes the initiative to reduce the popularity would basically lose face equivalent to actual loss. That’s because sending a relatively negative signal to the outside world would have many negative effects.”

“But is that all?”

“Those large platforms might want face, but it might not be the same for small platforms!”

Zhao Xuming felt that this might be one of the reasons, but it should not be the entire reason.

That was because this would have a certain restriction on large platforms, but it might not be the same for small platforms.

Small platforms were not very popular to begin with. So what if they gave up? In any case, they would get the broadcasting rights for GOG’s international invitational tournament for free.

“Boss Pei did not think about this? Or perhaps he did not care about the small platforms’ free time?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Boss Pei has never been soft on his competitors. He will not give them mercy just because they are small platforms.”

“I understand now!”

“The requirement this time is not only for big and reputable platforms but also for small platforms that don’t care so much about reputation!”

“This matter should not be specific to a small platform. Instead, it should be expanded to the overall situation!”

From the perspective of a small platform, it would just be a little more shameless, lower its popularity, freeload on GOG’s broadcast rights, and give Tengda less money. No matter how one looked at it, this was an unavoidable situation.

However, if he raised the perspective and looked at the overall situation, the situation would be different!

That was because the broadcasting rights this time were too broad. Almost every platform had a share. Naturally, there would be a competitive relationship between the platforms.

Changing the popularity statistics of small platforms would not only lose face, but more importantly, it would cause a chain reaction.

First of all, everyone would definitely use this opportunity to compare the situation of various platforms through the popularity of GOG’s international invitational tournament.

Previously, everyone’s popularity was fake and they were all wearing underpants.

However, if he took the initiative to reduce the popularity now, it would be equivalent to taking off his own pants!

Your competition was not very popular, which meant that your entire website was not very popular and could not be ranked in the live-stream circle. This would directly affect the audience and streamers’ first impression of this platform.

Secondly, this popularity would cause viewers to question the popularity of other live-streams.

If the platform lowered the popularity of GOG’s invitational tournament and increased the popularity of other live-streams, the data falsification would be too obvious.

Everyone did not believe in the popularity of other live-streams to begin with. Now, they did not believe it either. They even suspected that the entire platform was already dead. The popularity was all fake.

In other words, this was not just a matter of face. It would also have a huge impact on the other live-streams of the platform and the rankings of the other platforms!

Large platforms suppressing their own popularity was equivalent to turning from heat to cool; small platforms suppressing their own popularity was equivalent to having a cooling effect!

Zhao Xuming continued digging along this line of thought and suddenly realized that Boss Pei had thrown a difficult situation to these platforms.

The information highlighted by this dilemma was also valuable!

“Apart from that, there should be another purpose. That is to test the waters!”

“Boss Pei should be using this opportunity to test the style of these live-stream platforms.”

“In the future, when Bunny Tail Live-Stream becomes popular, it can target the style of these live-stream platforms and launch targeted attacks.”

If live-stream platforms chose to bite off more than they could chew, they would rather spend more money to build popularity. That meant that this platform attached great importance to popularity.

On the other hand, if live-stream platforms deliberately lowered the popularity in order to freeload on the broadcasting rights, it would mean that this platform was relatively short-sighted or that the economic situation was indeed very worrying.

These were very precious data!

Under normal circumstances, the live-stream platform would not make such a difficult decision. In fact, before such a thing really happened, the platform itself did not know how to make a decision.

Tengda naturally could not obtain this information.

However, when faced with such a decision about money, the choice that live-stream platforms made was definitely the most realistic.

These could be used as a reference for tactics when he really became hostile with a certain platform.

This was equivalent to giving all live-stream platforms an image profile.

It was just like when Boss Pei was competing with IOI previously. Why did he grab onto IOI’s soft spot and not let go? Why did he keep holding various promotional events and fighting price wars?

That was because he was certain that Dayak Corporation behind IOI was money-minded and had different internal opinions. Their perseverance and determination to burn money were far inferior to Tengda.

The plan this time could be said to be a foundation for all live-stream platforms.

He could confirm the temper of these live-stream platforms based on their actions in this event. He could divide their threat to Bunny Tail live-stream into three, six, nine levels to prepare for the future.

Zhao Xuming did not know what tricks Boss Pei had up his sleeve to deal with these live-stream platforms. However, he shuddered at the thought of this.

An image inexplicably surfaced in front of his eyes.

In the jungle, a lion and a tiger were licking their wounds while looking at each other, ready to attack each other.

Beside them were the corpses of cheetahs, jackals, and various other animals.

Further away, small animals were shivering. They were either injured or naturally small-sized. They had no power to participate in this cruel competition.

However, there was a harmless-looking rabbit among the shivering animals. Behind it was an old Hunter hidden in the bushes, his muzzle reflecting cold light.

“Boss Pei’s move is a little ruthless.”

“Perhaps this is the strength of Boss Pei?”

“If you want to make such a decision, you must first make up your mind to give up on many immediate benefits.”

“Ordinary people can’t do it because they are blinded by the immediate benefits and are controlled by inertial thinking.”

“Yet, Boss Pei is completely unaffected. His mind is clear, and his decision-making is decisive. I’ve never seen anything like that.

The more Zhao Xuming thought about it, the more he felt that Boss Pei was too scary.

It looked like he did not care about anything, but he actually knew everything in his heart. He had even thought of a countermeasure.

Here came the problem. Was Boss Pei prepared for this plan or had he decided on it at the last minute?

Either way, it was terrifying…

Zhao Xuming was a little lucky that he was now with Tengda.

If he continued to stay in Long Yu Corporation, he would probably have to take the blame after the IOI global finals!

Zhao Xuming could only sigh silently. “My old colleagues, don’t blame me for being ruthless. I had no choice…”

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