They stood up and prepared to leave after chatting.

Meng Chang suddenly thought of something and quickly said, "Wait, there's something else."

"I suddenly remember that the protagonist of the promotional video has not been decided."

Tian Mo was a little surprised and did not understand why Meng Chang was talking to him about this. "The protagonist of the promotional video? Invite a celebrity or something? I definitely won't be able to help."

Meng Chang shook his head. "At first, I did plan to hire a celebrity. However, after talking to you, I suddenly realized that it's not appropriate."

"It's more troublesome to explain in detail, but celebrities don't meet my requirements in many ways."

"I need someone with a good image now, but I can't reach the level of celebrities. It would be best if he had a more down-to-earth image among ordinary people. However, he looks more positive, bright, and positive. Both male and female would be suitable."

"It would be even better if I have experience in similar industries and can grasp some emotional details during the filming process and try my best to show a sense of authenticity."

Using celebrities to film this promotional video would definitely not meet Meng Chang's requirements.

That was because Meng Chang wanted controversy and authenticity. He also wanted to leave enough room for a twist in the future.

Celebrities were too popular in the beginning and it was difficult to turn the tables in the later stages.

That was because using celebrities would naturally leave an impression that this was a very serious commercial promotional video. It would be very difficult to explain the meaning of this promotional video from multiple angles in the future.

What Meng Chang needed was a sense of reality and down-to-earthness. That way, the film would be closer to reality. In the future, he could interpret it from many angles. The Pei Family's publicity method would only be perfect.

What's more, he could not have a good image or acting skills.

If the image was good and the acting was good, it would easily move the audience.

The outcome that Meng Chang wanted to achieve was to make the audience feel moved. That way, people would question him and he would be able to see the problem behind the touching.

Thus, the promotional video had to be 70% real and 30% fake. The acting skills could not be too outstanding or the balance would be broken and the direction would deviate.

However, these were not easy to explain to Tian Mo. Even if he did, Tian Mo probably would not understand.

The Pei family's publicity method was a very special and profound knowledge after all. It was not something that could be summarized in a few words.

Meng Chang had only learned a little after so long, let alone Tian Mo.

Fortunately, Tian Mo did not have the habit of asking questions. Instead, he followed Meng Chang's instructions and thought seriously.

"In that case… I do have a candidate that fits your requirements."

"Do you remember when I was at the intermediary shop, I had two orders, one of which was given to me by my colleague?"

"Previously, a sister took care of me over there. She might not be particularly beautiful, but she was also bright, cheerful, and cute."

"I just contacted her recently. She's not working in that intermediary shop anymore. I'm thinking of poaching her to the sales department."

Tian Mo took out a photo for Meng Chang to see as he spoke.

Meng Chang scanned the photo and nodded immediately. "Alright! I'll go back and prepare and arrange for the filming to start immediately!"

Tian Mo sent his contact number to Meng Chang. "She's Ding Xiyao. I'll let her know. You can contact her directly later. The sales department has not officially arranged a job for her."

In fact, Tian Mo had always remembered Ding Xiyao. The reason why he only wanted to contact her now was mainly because he did not have a good opportunity previously.

In the beginning, he had done a little too well as the person-in-charge of the sales department. He felt that he could be fired at any time. His work every day was filled with unrealistic feelings. Thus, it was not easy to drag others down with him.

His good friends did very bad work, so Tian Mo did not have any burden at all when he went to get them. However, Ding Xiyao did quite well in the real estate industry and was relatively popular. Tian Mo could not poach her rashly.

Subsequently, Tian Mo had a lot of work on hand. He had been busy with work at the experience shop and did not have time to do anything.

It was only when his work had stabilized slightly recently and Boss Pei had especially emphasized that the sales department's situation was special that he could expand the team from his friends and relatives. There was no need to go through the normal recruitment process that Tian Mo began to carefully screen the people around him and recruit those who felt that they met Boss Pei's requirements.

He was afraid that the people he hired would not meet Boss Pei's requirements, so he had to choose carefully. He had only decided to pull Ding Xiyao into the sales department some time ago.

In the end, he found out that Ding Xiyao had also tired of working in that shop and was prepared to change her job.

Their requirements matched. Ding Xiyao immediately entered Tengda happily.

Meng Chang was quite happy. Wasn't he just in time?

They needed such a person to film the promotional video!

"Alright, let her know. I'll go back and arrange for the filming. The content is very simple. There are not many lines. There are only a few simple scenes. I'll act as myself!"

Meng Chang entered a high-speed working state after returning to the advertising and marketing department.

First, he quickly wrote a simple script. Then, he found a few suitable venues for outdoor scenes.

The scenes that Meng Chang chose were relatively representative. There was a small, specialized intermediary shop and a scene in a rented apartment.

Other than that, he had to find a few more representative extras.

The problem with the rental apartment was very easy to solve. They could just use the model room of Sloth Apartments to film it. It was also easy to deal with the group actors. They had worked with many actors before. It would not be a problem to let internal employees guest star in it.

The only thing he needed to set up was the intermediary store.

That was easy. He could just set up an indoor setting based on the appearance of the shop in the Real Estate Model. It was nothing more than a front desk, two high chairs, a computer, a coffee table, a sofa, and so on. They were all very common things.

He did not want a perfect replay. As long as it was similar.

Meng Chang first arranged for Yu Yao to choose people and arrange the setting. Then, he ran the entire script of the promotional video from beginning to end in front of his computer. He ensured that every scene's plot met his requirements and carefully buried many foreshadowing.

He worked all the way until the afternoon. The script was almost done.

That was because Meng Chang had a clearer idea when he was talking to Tian Mo. He was only writing this idea out now, so it was very efficient.

He checked the script from beginning to end and was quite satisfied with it.

Of course, it was hard to say if the product would be able to perfectly express the content in the script. He had to watch it as he filmed.

Perhaps they had to make some adjustments to the contents of the promotional video at the scene.

Meng Chang called Yu Yao and found out that the setting for Sloth Apartments had been arranged.

The other scenes were still being arranged. The set of the shop was still being set up. They could film a portion first. When the scenes at Sloth Apartments were done, they would film the other parts and finalize them.

Meng Chang felt full of motivation. He said to Yu Yao over the phone, "Alright, continue with the setting and filming. I'll contact the actors. We'll officially start filming tomorrow morning!"

November 8th, Thursday…

Ding Xiyao followed the address sent by Meng Chang and arrived at the Sloth Apartments model room where the filming was being held.

The entire model room had been redecorated and decorated in the way that Meng Chang requested. The cameras, lights, and other equipment were all in position. Many staff were busy entering and exiting. They looked very efficient.

Ding Xiyao was a little flustered.

Ding Xiyao could not believe it when she heard Tian Mo explain the entire situation over the phone.

It was one thing to be a salesperson, but to be the protagonist of a promotional video?

That was too strange!

Ding Xiyao knew her own conditions very well. She could only be considered an ordinary person. She could not be compared to celebrities.

Many people look beautiful in real life but would not be able to make it in shots.

That was because of what many said: Not photogenic.

Many people who were obviously very skinny and had very small faces would also be widened when they were on camera. They would become more ugly.

She could actually film a promotional video with his conditions?

That made Ding Xiyao feel unreal.

However, Tian Mo promised that this matter was definitely reliable. Ding Xiyao received a call from the person-in-charge of the advertising and marketing department, Meng Chang, before coming over suspiciously.

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