༺ The Lord Is With Us (41) ༻

At the end of the cave, a deep, wide pit appeared before them.

Unknown creatures were squirming around within the pit, and judging by their limbs, they seemed to be bipedal. However, it was difficult to discern what they really were as they just seemed to be lumps of flesh stitched together.

Just from observing their movements, we could tell that there were easily dozens of the strange creatures. It was impossible to tell exactly how many there were as there were also many that were unmoving.

However, the most conspicuous part was the grotesque tree at the center of those lumps.

The tree, seemingly composed of flesh, writhed as the thick veins enveloping it pulsed with an ominous crimson glow.

With each pulse, the cocoons hanging from the tree’s branches like fruit, emitted an eerie light, revealing the twisted silhouettes encased within its thin membranes.

“…What the hell is that?”

“That’s a ‘Flesh Nest’.”

It was Yuren who responded to my question. The eyes of the entire party turned towards him in unison.

He wore an extremely fascinated expression on his face, and after thoughtfully stroking his chin, he began to elaborate.

“According to the legends, there was a war between mankind and Delphirem. As you all know, that was the ‘War of Gods and Demons’. This abomination is mentioned in rare chronicles from that era. It’s a dreadful creature said to have sprouted from the severed thumb of Delphirem.”

The War of Gods and Demons?

He caught me off guard with his reference, mentioning a tale from a legend that wasn’t even verified to be true.

Yet, the moment I heard his words, my heart pounded heavily.

The unsettling feeling that had been nagging at me grew stronger, making it hard to breathe.

Fortunately, none of them noticed my discomfort as everyone’s attention was fixed on Yuren’s story.

“Those creatures moving around it are ‘Flesh Seeds’. They protect the flesh nest, and some of them even grow into other flesh nests.”

“…They guard that disgusting tree?”

“Yep, they might look weak, but according to the records, they are quite strong. Even armies blessed by the Heavenly God were reluctant to confront them.”

I looked at Yuren, wondering how those sluggish-looking creatures could possibly guard the tree.

However, Yuren merely shrugged in response.

“That’s the extent of my knowledge. We’ve discovered enough, so how about we head back now?”

I fell silent.

Yuren was right in his decision. The most logical action was to return and report to the Empire or the Holy Nation.

Although we hadn’t encountered any demonic humans, we had come across a mythological monster.

It was so unbelievable that it could prove troublesome. It was to the point that if we didn’t have any evidence, no one might believe us.

However, with the presence of the Saintess, Senior Delphine, and Senior Elsie, who all held sufficient authority to sway governments, there was no need to risk gathering evidence.

Although it might become quite complicated to dispatch the military, it was almost a certainty that at some point in the future, they would arrive here.

Compared to confronting a creature from the mythological era, the likes of which we could not even begin to fathom, entrusting the task to the military was the better option.. As such, there was no need for any further hesitation.

And yet, why were my lips still trembling?

My eyes kept gravitating down towards the pit where the flesh seeds were moving lethargically. At first glance, they didn’t seem a bit threatening.

But that was what made it all the more terrifying.

It was impossible to tell what they would be like when they moved in earnest. The sensation in my chest grew even more intense.

I gasped again, drawing a sharp breath.

The group grew tense, preparing to retreat, and their eyes turned to me.

They seemed to find it strange that I hadn’t given the order to retreat yet. I was equally puzzled, so it was only natural for them to feel the same.

Relying solely on a hunch might have been acceptable if I were alone, but now that I was leading a team, decisions couldn’t be made solely on intuition, as they had the potential to further worsen our situation.

Finally, I leaned in cautiously and whispered, fearful that the monsters below might somehow notice.

“…We’re withdrawing as discreetly as possible. Senior Delphine and I will cover the rear, with Yuren leading the way.”

In response to my instructions, the team quickly reorganized themselves.

Yuren took the vanguard, followed by the Saintess, Senior Elsie, Celine, and finally Seria. Senior Delphine and I positioned ourselves at the rear, prepared for any potential ambushes.

It was impossible to predict whether the demonic monkeys might attack us from the front, or how the monsters below would react.

Even I couldn’t fathom why I chose to focus the majority of our strength at the rear.

It might have been a decision made after unconsciously increasing the danger level posed by the creatures, but given their lack of reaction, it seemed like it might have been a foolish judgment.

But as always, things didn’t go as simply as we hoped.

The moment Yuren stepped towards the exit of the cave, my mouth opened urgently.


Yuren instinctively stopped in his tracks as he looked towards me bewilderedly.

I broke out in a cold sweat as my eyes flickered towards the bottom of the pit.

The flesh seeds that had been previously writhing around had stopped moving. Instead, they were now looking in our direction.

“Those pieces of shits… Don’t they seem to be staring at us?”


Upon hearing my words, Yuren uttered a curse under his breath, shedding his usual grace for a roughness he seemed to have carried over from his orphanage days.

Celine’s face turned pale, and Seria threw a question at us with a resolute glint in her eyes.

“Do you see any signs that they might attack?”

“Not yet… Yuren, try coming back slowly.”

Yuren cautiously retracted the foot he was about to step forward with.

The moment he stepped back, the flesh seeds resumed their wriggling around the pit.

I relayed the situation to my comrades, their expressions still filled with tension.

“They’re moving around again.”

Senior Elsie held her forehead with her hand. As the person most proficient in magic among us, she appeared to have had some ideas upon hearing my update about the creature’s movements.

“…It appears they’re designed to trigger if we try to escape.”

“Then what should we do?”

Senior Delphine, normally composed, sounded unusually anxious. Even she couldn’t retain her calm when facing a mythological monster.

Senior Elsie sighed deeply, a trace of fear flickering in her sapphire-blue eyes. Yet, her voice was filled with irritation.

“What do you mean, ‘What should we do’? We should run like our lives depend on it. I thought it was odd that such a secret place didn’t have any measures to keep it hidden, but it looks like they were trying to do us in after lowering our guards. Those damn demonic humans.”

Her anger towards the likely orchestrators of this situation was evident. Then, her gaze shifted slightly to me, mixed with a hint of fear.

The way she desperately looked for me at the first sign of trouble was almost as if she was a puppy.

In response, I reassured her with a wry smile.

“Don’t worry, Senior. I’m capable of running while carrying someone like you in my arms.”

“…..E-Eh?! C-Carry?!”

Apparently taken aback by what I said, her body twitched as if she might jump on the spot.

I quickly gestured for her to calm down, aware that any abrupt, sizable movement might alert the flesh seeds.

“It’s not like I can carry you on my back the whole time. You could get hurt if we’re attacked from behind. Of course, if you really don’t want to…”

“N-no! T-that’s good! Carry me! I mean, please!”

Senior Elsie replied in a rush, seemingly afraid that I might change my mind.

I didn’t know why nor was it my concern, but she displayed the same sense of relief that she had when I patted her head.

My responsibility was to guarantee our group’s safety, and due to my ability to think quickly, it made sense for me to shoulder more of the burden.

Right when I was about to nod, a sullen voice flowed into my ears.

“…What about me?”

I shifted my gaze to the source of the voice.

It was the Saintess. For some reason, she was looking at me with a troubled expression and teary eyes..

“Who will carry me?”

Confused by her words, I responded casually.

“Yuren can carry you in his arms.”

The Saintess and Yuren briefly locked their eyes together. Yuren spread his arms playfully, but the Saintess immediately clasped her hands together and knelt down as if in prayer.

“Ah, Lord! Your most beloved maiden is facing a trial that begets a misunderstanding of an inappropriate relationship with a close companion. What should this little lamb do…”

“Then, I’ll carry you.”

The Saintess’ melodramatic prayer came to an abrupt halt. Then, she sneakily opened her eyes, and looked at the one who had made the proposal with her narrowly open pink eyes.

It was Celine. Observing the spectacle with disapproval, she met the Saintess’s gaze and a faint grin tugged at her lips.

“I’ll carry you. We’re both girls, so there’s no room for misunderstanding either.”

“But, Sister Celine, your stren-“

“Actually, I’m pretty confident about my mana capacity. Even physically, I’m probably stronger than Ian-oppa.”

Speechless, the Saintess slowly turned her gaze at me. I nodded, confirming that it was true.

Ultimately, the Saintess could only resign herself to the situation.

I shook my head in disbelief at their antics in such a crucial situation and proceeded to give the team instructions.

“Then, I’ll carry Senior Elsie, and Celine will carry the Saintess. Everyone, prepare to retreat.”

As I approached Senior Elsie, she looked at me with a lively expression that seemed to be a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

It was then that Senior Delphine stepped forward.

“…I’ll carry her.”

I came to a sudden stop as Senior Delphine entered my line of sight.

She had been watching Senior Elsie with a sour expression which slowly morphed into a relaxed smile.

“I’ll carry Rinella. You’re the squad leader, aren’t you? You should be managing the rear and giving orders without any distractions.”

“…Are you sure?”

I asked tentatively, aware of their adversarial history, but all I received in response were her smiling, crescent eyes.

“Of course, leave it to me.”

I hesitated for a moment, but Senior Delphine’s suggestion was more logical.

In the end, I stopped approaching Senior Elsie, and the mood instantly became a tangled mess of joy and sorrow.

A crack appeared in Senior Elsie’s expectant expression, and upon seeing that, Senior Delphine’s smile grew even bigger. Even the Saintess rejoiced and tried to speak up.

“T-Then, I’ll…”

“I said, I will carry you.”

But she was promptly shot down and fell flat in the face of Celine’s stern objection.

I bowed my head in resignation.

Wasn’t everyone feeling nervous? We hadn’t even begun our retreat, and yet, the situation was already chaotic.

Once again, I glanced down at the bottom of the pit.

The wriggling masses below kept tugging at my thoughts, as if they were pricking my nerves with needles.

My heart was pounding violently.

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