Mai Kitsune Waifu

“I said before; it is not that I do not wish to help, but I am unable to help, however much I would like to.”

Liu Yi shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t even know their whereabouts. Even if I wish to help, I unable to find them.”

“Sect Head Liu, you possess great powers!”

Those people from the sects implore, “You have so many skills! And your cultivation is so powerful. You can find our elders!”

“That’s right, that’s right. Don’t decline already! How about this, a few days ago, we offended you. Let us apologize to you! I hope that you won’t discard us and pardon us this once! From today onwards, all of us are still good friends!”

Chen Keqing says in her heart, good friends! You, what do you all count as, you are all going whichever way the wind blows!!!

Thus she says directly, “We will not care!”

There is no meaning in speaking properly with this group! Let’s hurry and chase them away. Massacre Shrine still has a lot of matters that are still not completed!

“Senior sister, there is no need to be so heartless.”

Liu Yi waves it off, giving the crowd who are already in despair, once again have hope in their eyes.

“Although some of these daoist friends present had indeed betrayed us before, if Massacre Shrine wants to become a major sect which passes on eternity foundation, we should not have a wee bit of bearing. All of us cultivators are of the same family. In the future, we must stand together and confront the Qin Imperial palace. That is why when others are in danger, Massacre Shrine should help out.”

“Sect Head Liu Indeed is righteous!”

“You are a magnanimous person!”

When these cultivators heard this, all of them were delighted as they started praising.

Chen Keqing sighs as she says in her heart, junior brother is too softhearted. It looks like even if he cultivated a devil path, his nature still will not change.

“How about this. I shall send people as well as everyone present together to make inquiries regarding the location of those missing elders. The moment clues are discovered, I will set forth to rescue them. What does everyone think?”

“Good, good. Let’s do it like this then!”

“Thank you very much, Sect Head Liu!”

These cultivators become delighted while some really admire Liu Yi’s attitude.

Indeed. This is the bearing of a major sect. No wonder Liu Yi’s sect can become number one. This is indeed related to his character.

“There is no need to thank me. After all, we still have not found out where they are. Wait till we have saved them, then it will be not too late to thank.”

“Yes, yes, yes. What Sect Head Liu says is right.”

The people below start agreeing.

“There is no need for everyone to continue asking me. Right now, the most important thing should be immediately going to find them, right?”

Although Liu Yi agrees to save them, it does not mean that he is not emotional.

These people who go whichever way the wind blows are too loathful.

Hearing Liu Yi putting it in this manner, these people hurriedly leave and start seeking the location of their elders.

Liu Yi cups his jaw and asks, “Senior sister. Why do these people want to capture the experts from the sects?”

“This…I am unable to guess…”

Chen Keqing shakes her head before giving a ‘help me’ gaze at Ai Ling, who is sitting by the side with her eyes closed.

“Miss Ai is smart. Have you thought of an answer?”


Originally thinking that Ai Ling would be able to give a somewhat useful answer but unexpectedly, Ai Ling shakes her head and said, “This group of people conduct themselves weirdly, making me unable to grasp their pattern. I am also unable to guess their thoughts.”

She thinks deeply for a while before continuing, “But I am very concerned about a point. And that is what they said earlier. These experts were enslaved by them, and it appears that they are using some kind of black pill to control them…this is what that worries me most.”

“What Ai Ling said is not wrong.”

Liu Yi nods his head, “These black pills are horrifying. If I had eaten one, wouldn’t I become their servant?”

“Saying that, it makes me a bit afraid.”

Chen Keqing shivers, “What if they make me eat this kind of pill then make me do some wicked things….junior brother, at that time, you must save me! If you are unable to save me, you must kill me!”

“Don’t worry, senior sister. When you meet them, all you need to do is to keep your mouth tightly shut.”

Liu Yi blinks as he looks at Chen Keqing, instantly making her face turn slightly red from anger.

“Hmph, you are smart! If you have the ability, then go and find the place where they are hiding at!”

Unexpectedly, Liu Yi actually gave an astonishing answer, “Actually, I know approximately where their hiding place is.”

This causes Chen Keqing and Ai Ling to both be shocked. The place where this group of people had hidden is mysterious. They come and go without leaving any trace; how did Liu Yi know of their location?

Seeing the two girls shocked look, Liu Yi smiles as he explains, “After killing two enemies, Little Jade had consumed their system. Although it is still unable to upgrade Little Jade’s system, she obtained some scattered information. In particular, I can sense the existence of their signal. Although it is weak, if I seek it carefully, I can find it.”

Ai Ling and Chen Keqing question him, “Then why did you not say it earlier?”

“How can I tell such important news to those unreliable people?”

Liu Yi says, “In their eyes, there is only their own interest. If I let them know, wouldn’t it cause a large group of them to rally together to force me to go and find them? At that time, with a great number of people involved, news will leak out. Wouldn’t that be beating the grass to scare the snake? I might as well not inform them and go on my own to find them. The more people there are, the more troublesome it will be instead.”

“You have so much consideration.”

Ai Ling has a whole new level of respect towards Liu Yi. She thought that although Liu Yi is very powerful, his brains would be simpler.

“After being together with you, even if I do not have considerations, I would be tempered until I have considerations.”

With that, Liu Yi stands up, “Let’s not delay it anymore. I’ll go over and take a look now. You stay here and look after the place.”

With that, he prepares to leave.

“It will be fine with them watching the place. I will accompany you.”

Ai Ling follows behind Liu Yi. She has a feeling that if she does not go with Liu Yi, then her memories will r never be restored.

This kind of feeling is very mysterious. Ai Ling did not suspect her own feelings; thus, she followed Liu Yi. This causes Liu Yi to give her a strange look. Why has she taken so much initiative recently? I go do my things, and she wishes to follow me?

Noticing Liu Yi’s gaze towards her, her face instantly turns red as she snorts, “Hmph, there is no meaning if I stay here. Can’t I go out and take a stroll along with you? Don’t you think wrongly! It is not because I cannot bear to part with you and follow after you!”

“So that is the case. You made me delighted for nothing.”

Liu Yi sighs before turning around and leaves.

Ai Ling hurriedly follows behind as she mutters in her heart, why is Liu Yi so strange today? Could it be that he had taken the wrong medicine?

What she does not know is that Liu Yi’s current mood is heavy. Because Liu Yi had realized the identity of these enemies through that scattered information.

If the information that Little Jade had obtained is not wrong, they should be people who called themselves super hunters. They were born during the terrible end of the world. That is why these people, through some peculiar method, attempted to prevent the birth of doomsday.

But why did they want to take action against me? Could it be that I am related to the doomsday?

This is what makes Liu Yi’s mood the heaviest. No matter what, he will definitely find these superhunters to question them.

After the two of them flew into the sky on their flying swords, Ai Ling finally breaks the impasse and asks, “You really know where they are?”

“Mm. I already know their rough location.”

Liu Yi points to the east. “As long as we continue flying in this direction, we will find their tracks.”


At the same time, in a private research laboratory room in the USA.

A high tech laboratory that develops medicine for the rich is actually now occupied by the superhunters by force.

The staff of the laboratory were all kidnaped and locked up to prevent them from being a hindrance.

Black Cavalry crosses her arms as she looks at the large pile of bottles in front of her.

“Dragon-mouth Scorpion. How is the infant plan progressing?”

“Still need a bit more samples.”

Dragon-mouth Scorpion is wearing a white gown and mask as he fiddles with those reagents giving off a professional appearance.

“Those people who were sent back previously were too weak. If we wish to control the Black Devil King of this era, we still need an even stronger sample.”

“Even stronger samples…”

Black Cavalry frowns as she ponders for a candidate.

“That’s right, hehehe…furthermore, right now, there is the best person to choose!”

Dragon-mouth Scorpion laughs evilly as desire flickers in his eyes.

“If it is him…it will be okay…”

Black Cavalry seems to think of something and questions, “Oh? Who is the person that you are talking about?”

Dragon-mouth Scorpion licks his lips and says, “Hehehe…this person is Liu Yi.”

“Liu Yi? He has already achieved God Race Undying Body? Are you still able to capture him?”

“Capturing him is your business.” Drago-mouth Scorpion says, “The infant that I am researching is the crucial point to save the world. You all are the physical laborer while I, Dragon-mouth Scorpion, am the mental laborer.”

Black Cavalry knit her brows and instructed her daughter, “Got it. Lian’er, prepare to take action.”

“I’m starting to dislike you more and more.”

Liu Yuelian, who is standing by the side, glares at Dragon-mouth Scorpion in disastification, “To order me to go and capture that scary fellow!”

“If you learn how to use your strength, you might have the chance of controlling him.”

Dragon-mouth Scorpion immediately says, “Your time skill can control everything. If you become adept at using it, you might have some odds of defeating Black Devil King!”

“What a joke, how can I defeat the Black Devil King.”

Liu Yuelian rolls her eyes, “If it was that simple, we would not have sacrificed so many people and went through so much effort to come back to the past!”

Black Cavalry says, “Lian’er, don’t talk so much. Your still not going?!”

“Fine…I’m going…”

Liu Yuelian is very afraid of her mother and can only pout as she prepares to leave.

But at this moment, an alarm starts ringing in the room.

They look at each other; an enemy has come!

Chapter 975 [I go with you]

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Chapter 973 [Title below]

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Ghost Monk jumps into the air and blasts down a burst of giant palm seals.

Liu Yi crosses his arms as he stands there unmoving.

The giant palm seal hits his body and only causes his clothing to move slightly while his body is fine.

The giant palm seal that made Liu Yi wretched has become like a breeze now. It did not leave an injury on Liu Yi.

This is the God Race Undying Body that Liu Yi mastered. It can completely disregard the attacks from other people. Back then, Ai Ling’s God Race Undying Body was also incomparably powerful and could completely disregard Liu Yi’s attack. Right now, Liu Yi is also the same. Relying on this powerful flesh body, he negates Ghost Monk as well as Nine-tailed Turtle’s attack.

Superhunter’s actual strength is similar to Liu Yi’s strength before he entered seclusion. If it was not for them possessing that destructive power that cannot be resisted, they would not have bullied him so badly.

But right now, Liu Yi not only found the method to resolve their destructive power, but his strength had also improved as well. This makes him have the upper hand during the fight.

Ghost Monk had hit out countless palm prints but realizes helplessly that his attacks are ineffective. He takes a deep breath before summoning out his natal pet!

Bodhisattva, who possesses thousands of arms, once again appears in front of the crowd. It causes a lot of Massacre Shrine’s disciples to feel horror subconsciously. After all, the previous time, this thing had displayed its prowess in front of Massacre Shrine and injured a number of disciples.

It can be said that this thing’s degree of terror had exceeded an atomic bomb.

But looking at Liu Yi’s figure, these disciples calm down. With Liu Yi around, they believe in their sect head that there will not be any danger!

As long as Sect Head is around, there is nothing to fear! Sect Head is their god in their eyes!

“To be honest, this Ghost Bodhisattva of yours is ugly.”

Liu Yi mocks, “It insults the words sacred statue!”

“This is a Bodhisattva that gives its life to enter the devil!”

Ghost Monk says sternly, “His existence is to purge all of the evil in this world! You are the source of evil! That is why you must disappear!”

With that, all of the hands of the Ghost Bodhisattva let out blacklight and gathers together!

An enormous palm print immediately falls from the sky smashing at Liu Yi’s head.

The momentum of this palm print is very tumultuous like it is going to flatten the entire Massacre Shrine!

While Liu Yi stands there without any fear on his face, instead, he is indifferent.

“If you feel that this is Buddhist qi, then let me show you what real Buddhist qi is.”

With that, Liu Yi places his hands together and starts chanting Buddhist scriptures.

An enormous arhat real body stands up behind him and raises its arms.

That enormous palm print was raised up by the arhat like arhat raising the sky.

“What a pure Buddhist qi…”

Even Ghost Monk is startled seeing this astonishing Buddhist qi of Liu Yi.

In the legend, Liu Yi is proficient in several schools of sutras. Demon, Devil, Buddha, Immortal, and more! I originally thought that he was only being exaggerated, but today, after experiencing it for myself, the legends are not fake!

“Arhat snoozing!”

Liu Yi controls that arhat. Holding the giant palm print, it suddenly twists it’s waist and collapses towards Ghost Monk. It is like it is going to smash Ghost Monk into meat paste.

Ghost Monk turns pale with fright as he does not have any method to deal with this kind of attack! Ghost Monk could only use Shadow Step and blinks away from his original spot and appears far away, almost leaving Massacre Shrine.

Liu Yi lets out a shout, “Where are you going!”

After this, he stretches out his hand and pulls back in the direction of Ghost Monk.

Ghost Monk still had not reacted when he was pulled over by Liu Yi’s Moon Dream Sutra from several hundred meters away like he had lost control over himself!

“Ahhh!!! Stop for this monk!”

Ghost Monk keeps tumbling in the air as he attempts to control his body.

But Liu Yi’s Moon Dream Sutra is too powerful. That golden black sun on his forehead had already turned into a crescent moon.

Ghost Monk’s cultivation was a lot weaker than Liu Yi. After Liu Yi had exited seclusion, it had exceeded his by even more!

He is unable to control his body and can only allow Liu Yi to pull him over. Ghost Monk’s heart is filled with horror as he subconsciously summons out his recently revived Natal Pet and plans to use it to protect himself!

Ghost Bodhisattva shrieks as it flies over. Its thousand hands hit out giant palm prints at the same time like a battery bombardment!

While Liu Yi stands there calmly, ignoring those palm prints, allowing them to hit him. His palm that is aiming at Ghost Monk in the sky suddenly turns into a fist and pulls downwards!

Ghost Monk still has not understood when he feels a wrenching pain in his chest.

In his gaze, a scalding heart flies out from his body towards Liu Yi.

“Since you are a monster, why do you still need this human heart?”

With that, Liu Yi crushed that heart.

Ghost Monk vomited blood from his mouth. Although he is a cultivator, his flesh body is still very important to him. Without a heart, Ghost Monk’s flesh body is equivalent to being ruined! He shrieked as his soul left the flesh body and flew out. It then enters Ghost Bodhisattva’s skeleton!

Liu Yi praises him, “Possessing your Natel Pet? This is an interesting technique.”

Ghost Monk is very angry. Now that he is fused together with Ghost Bodhisattva, his voice becomes very hoarse, “You destroyed this monk’s flesh body!!! This monk wants your life!”

Ghost Monk’s body charges over as over a thousand palms grab at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi talks a step forward suddenly and places his palm on Ghost Bodhisattva’s sternum.

He did not use Glorious Sun Palm as he uses an ordinary palm move.

Ghost Bodhisattva’s rib instantly cracked into several pieces, and then it was slapped away by Liu Yi, flying several meters away.

A lot of bone fragments fall from the sky. Even several arms behind Ghost Bodhisattva were broken.

Ghost Bodhisattva screams in anger. Looks like Ghost Monk is really angered.

When he lands on the ground, it starts to expand!

The bones start to grow and extend crazily, and very quickly, it turns into an enormous monster!

With this, every time he tosses out a giant palm print, it is like an aoe attack! Massacre Shrine’s disciples are bound to suffer a calamity!

“Die already!”

Ghost Monk is about to go crazy. He controls all of the palms and prepares to release a giant palm print that covers everything!

“Don’t think of it.”

The crescent moon between Liu Yi’s brow turns back into a golden black sun. At the same time, an enormous devil flies out from behind his back!

This devil’s figure fled into the sky before looking down from the sky. It then crushed Ghost Monk’s skull with its mouth!

This causes Ghost Monk’s body to sway for a while as his attack also stops.

“Demons and ghosts, henceforth, you are not allowed to approach my Massacre Shrine!”

As Liu Yi speaks, he once again uses Moon Dream Sutra and aims at the side before raising his hand.

The several hundred-meter tall Massacre God Pagoda immediately rumbles as it rises up. It was raised into the sky by Liu Yi before falling from the sky and pressed down on Ghost Monk’s body!

No matter how big Ghost Monk’s body is, it is only several tens of meters. This Massacre God Pagoda nails down his Ghost Bodhisattva’s body, firmly pressuring him down below!

With a rumble as Massacre God Pagoda reaches the ground, the earth also trembles.

“Sect Head…is really powerful…”

All of Massacre Shrine’s disciples exclaim in admiration as they look on in admiration of Liu Yi’s strength.

Those people who oppress them bitterly were beaten up like one two three! They are weak!

Sect Head is awesome! Who could compare to him, only experts can!

The most startled one is Sky Swordmaster. Liu Yi’s improvement speed had broken away from her era’s! Originally history should not have developed like this. Is this us changing history? But Liu Yi did not die; what if Black Devil King was revived?

Recall the horrifying fellow who destroyed the world; Sky Swordmaster cannot help but tremble.

Looks like I need to input the Infant? But this thing has just been bred. What if there are issues with it?

“Lord Black Cavalry…Nine-tailed Turtle, as well as Ghost Monk, have died in battle…”

Sky Swordmaster can only report the news up to Black Cavalry. Black Cavalry becomes silent for a while.

“Since that is the case, prepare to input the Infant.”

“Are we really going to do this?”

“Are you disobeying my orders?”

“I do not dare to…then I shall immediately execute the Infant program…”

Sky Swordmaster hangs up the call before looking at Liu Yi.

“Let’s meet again next time.”

With that, she prepares to leave.

Looking at the woman wearing a mask, Liu Yi stretched out his hand.

“You think you can leave!”

Sky Swordmaster knows that Liu Yi possesses the scary Moon Dream Sutra. She did not hesitate and released an ability.

Densely packed sword light instantly falls from the sky. The radius is very big and envelops the entire Massacre Shrine!

This sword light possesses the destructive power of a superhunter. If ordinary disciples were touched by it, they would die very miserably.

Liu Yi does not dare to think of anything else. He tosses out Monarch Shield before blowing immortal qi onto Monarch Shield.

This Monarch Shield instantly starts expanding, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into an incomparably enormous shield. It is like a sky lid, directly sheltering above the entire Massacre Shrine.

The sword rain falls heavily and speedily, crashing onto Monarch Shield, creating lots of sparks.

But Monarch Shield’s defense is very strong. This sword rain can only cause a few sparks but is unable to do any actual harm.

The sword rain is densely packed. It continues for over a minute before stopping.

When Liu Yi put away his Monarch Shield, Sky Swordmaster had escaped. As for that woman who sneaks attacked him, her strength was indeed higher than the rest of them. Furthermore, Liu Yi does not know why, but he feels like this woman is very familiar…perhaps he had seen her before.

“No matter where you escape to, I will find you!”

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